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Juste pour compléter la réponse de Iri, le noyau scol compile déjà en natif sous linux, même si j'ai du pour cela désactiver un paquet de fonctionnalités importantes (genre le réseau). Donc ça m'étonnerais que ça fonctionne.
La première étape serait de réécrire l’exécutable qui charge la dll du noyau (scol.exe, projet usmwin) en multiplateforme (au lieu de reprendre l'ancien exe linux qui de mon point de vue est pourri), en plus ça permettrait de n'avoir qu'une seule base de code pour le lanceur, donc moins dur à maintenir. J'avais commencé à en écrire un, mais suis incapable de me rappeler ce que j'en ai fait . Par contre, j'avais rajouté tout ce qu'il fallait dans le kernel pour permettre de charger la dll du noyau (genre des defines pour les appels natifs des fonctions de chargement dll sous win/linux/?mac?).
Ensuite, le gros gros point qui demande beaucoup de refacto est la gestion des messages windows. En effet, et je ne comprend d'ailleur pas pourquoi ça a été fait ainsi, la vm utilise des messages windows en interne pour s'envoyer du travail (voir le code relatif à l'appel des 'fonctions reflexives' (des callback scol en fait), dans myLoop.cpp).
Enfin, la troisième étape est comme l'a indiqué Iri de finir la version de la lib2d GTK.
Ensuite, ce sera "peace of cake" comme le disais mon oncle Duke.
<edit>J'ai oublié de dire que l'on a convertit presque tout les projets en cmake il n'y a pas longtemps, donc on peut générer les makefile avec. Le SDK linux dont parle Iri devrait être ammené à disparaitre, il faut mieux utiliser des includes vers les fichiers du kernel comme on a fait dans les projets convertis en cmake).</edit>
<edit2>D'ailleurs Iri, il faudrait que l'on voit pour les plugins dont tu t'occupes si on peut les passer en cmake un de ces quatre</edit2>
Cool, content que tu ais trouvé une solution
Zarb le screen de depends, les librairies kernel32...msvcr90 affichent n'importe quoi! Il semblerais qu'elle ne soit pas dans le PATH. Ras du coté des infos systèmes en revanche.
Alors là, même si avec ma modif ça marche pas, je pige pas.
La fonction ScolLoadPlugin est déclarée exactement de la même manière que dans les autres dll, à savoir:
extern "C" __declspec (dllexport) int ScolLoadPlugin(mmachine m, cbmachine w)
Donc c'est bizarre que juste pour celle-ci, ça ne fonctionne pas. Iri, je ne sais plus si on l'avait déjà fait, mais que donne Dependency Walker (http://www.dependencywalker.com/) sur la dll security, sous wine?
Normalement, il devrait afficher les deux fonctions exportées (ScolLoadPlugin, ScolUnloadPlugin) en clair, cad avec un "C" dans la colonne "E" (et pas de caractères bizarre genre "@^$!" dans le nom).
Il y a-t-il des module non chargés dans la liste du dessous (dependences de security.dll non trouvées)?
Alors j'ai peut être trouvé, mais vu que je fais mes test sous win7, je suis pas sûr (en tout cas ça corrige un petit problème au chargement de la dll, mais pas sûr que ce soit ça ton problème)...
Si tu pouvais récupérer la dll sécurity maj (http://redmine.scolring.org/projects/sc … curity.dll), et la tester en remplaçant celle existante (normalement dans c:\program files (X86)\Scol Voyager\plugins), puis me dire si ça change quelque chose, ce serait super.
L'origine a en fait été trouvée, mais je vois pas encore comment corriger...
SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) will be available in next version, so I post here a couple of screenshots to let you see how it can enhance your scene (SO3Engine sources are up to date in the source code repository). Those renders are using a basic car model exported from Sketchup.
The reference screenshot (without SSAO):
The first implemented technique, based on Crytek paper:
Another fast SSAO technique, Crease Shading:
And a more 'exact' method (but more expensive in FPS cost), named HemisphericMC:
Another thing that you must check when creating materials that uses textures with blender is that you use the "UV coordinate" mapping (in "textures" panel, "mapping" subpanel"), not the default "generated" one, otherwise it will not work. That's how Ogre works with blender, it's a bit of supplementary work because you will need to "unwrap" your model in the uv editor.
Very good quality, your models rocks
Good job and thanks for sharing
You said that you use "Ogre Meshes Exporter", which is the script for blender version up to 2.49. If you use Blender 2.5+ (or 2.6+), then you mustn't use this exporter! Use Blender2Ogre instead:
Then, to use OgreXMLConverter automatically, you'll need to extract Ogre's tools to a directory and:
* If you use "Ogre Meshes Exporter" for blender 2.49, then clic on the "preference" button in the configure panel of the exporter
And enter the path to the directory where you extracted ogre's tools.
* If you use Blender2Ogre, then configure the OgreXMLConverter path in the "OGRETOOLS_XML_CONVERTER" field:
You can also convert .mesh.xml file to .mesh files by dragging the xml file on the OgreXMLConverter icon (but it's a pain to do it recursively). Notice that a .mesh can be converted to a .mesh.xml by dragging the .mesh file on OgreXMLConverter (can be useful sometimes for some mesh debugging purpose).
It may usefulness to you, but i re-post the links of 2 blender export tutorial videos we made some time ago:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY2sauVo4CA (for blender up to version 2.49)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhoFkwiDwO8 (for blender up to version 2.5+/2.6+)
You can find those converter tools here:
http://www.openspace3d.com/wp-content/u … sTools.zip
Does your problem is purely related to the mesh that does not appears on the ATI pc (you may need a special technique on your material to handle radeon rendering, it happens sometimes with those graphic cards), I mean, did you try to render a test scene on the ati computer without the ar stuff?
Because the new cmake system generates a "sdk" directory, containing all scol headers, library files and corresponding dlls. It will be soon be possible to develop some plugins using this sdk without downloading the whole trunk.
Il faut vraiment que je prenne 5 minutes pour regarder ça...
I'm not sure to understand what's your request is about... Do you want "zooengine.dll" file? In that case I think it's up to date in "scol_sdk" directory (last update is dated 2012/06/27).
The old 3d engine, zooengine, had been updated to be able to compile on recent compilers (it was compilable only on a VC6 compiler, and with an D3D8 sdk which is not provided by micro$oft anymore).
It does not use d3d8 anymore, the sound system is now d3d9 compatible. I made corrections on particles too.
So, for people whose have old apps which use this engine, if you could test the version on the svn to tell me if nothing was broken, it shall be great .
Next step: cmake conversion.
Very useful link, thanks CyberFred.
On precision: if you want to use it, then download the "nightly builds", not the alpha version which is really outdated.
But, the problem with those nightly builds is that it may work or not from one day to another... Fortunately, the developers are really responsive, and if you have a problem, you can use theirs forum. Myself I had a request about MakeHuman, and they coded my proposal within days .
But the export from makehuman to blender (and from blender to ogre3d) is not as easy as it sounds .
As I said, everything is complicated when it comes to legal issues
It seem nice, but the problem is that the licence is GPL: in two words, you can't use it in a commercial application.
As OpenSpace3d have an LGPL licence (notice the "L" as in "Lesser", less restrictive), we do not restrain our user to a non-commercial use... Scol have another licence, a bsd like licence, which does not restrain commercial usage neither.
BUT i'm not saying that it's not legit to do a scol plugin (and the corresponding openspace3d plugit) with this library, just that we cannot distribute it under the same conditions as OpenSpace3d: so we will keep the actual solution, as we have the right to distribute it in the core package. An additional plugin is doable, but the LGPL licence mention must be explicit, and the impossibility to use it for commercial usage too.
Everything is complicated when it comes to legal issues
Extra motivation tonight, one more converted, and a relatively big one, lib2d ('graphics'). This one have no Ms Windows dependencies at all, it will be easy to convert it for linux (but that's not for now, sorry ).
The redmine's svn links are up to date too.
Let me know if you need some help, one of the aspect of this conversion is to get rid of the "scol sdk" include files (not the scol_sdk directory, i'm talking about the scol sdk setup with 3 ugly includes files in it), and using the file from the vm. This way we are sure that the structures/defines shared along the plugins and the vm are consistent (the "scol sdk" includes is actually made from peace of code extracted from multiple vm include files, that's not "clean").
For information, I took the time to convert some plugins to cmake system, so do not expect to find them in "trunk/plugins" directory anymore, they were moved to "trunk/scol/plugins":
- Emotiv's Epoc
- Data Glove 5DT
- Joypad
- Nonin's WristOx2 medical pulse/oxymeter
- Template (the tuto plugin)
Of course, the cmake scripts detects automatically dependencies that are needed and where they are (tested on win32 & win64, but has i saw MsWindows related code in all the listed library, they won't compile "as this" on linux).
They are not the most useful plugins, but that's a start (30 plugins left )!
Thanks Bob, I already renamed it anyway .
Ok, thanks for the infos
I'm digging in the vm, and i found something quite strange in "scolCbMachine.h":
struct CBmachine
int (*fread)(char* buf, size_t i, size_t j, FILE *f);
This function ptr is is latterly initialized as
int SCinitCBm(cbmachine w)
The assignated "fread" being the standard c function declared in "stdio.h"... What's the point about that? Why declaring a standard C function as part of the VM, when it's always possible to call it directly?
At first I suspected a multithreading hack (to be sure that this function is called in scol thread), but it's non-sense too!
And as the std fread signature is not exactly the same as the one declared in size_t (originally, it's "size_t fread ( void * ptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE * stream );"), it do not work for every buffers types, and can makes problems on systems where size_t is too big for int...
So, is there any reason to keep this horror? I will not remove it, just rename the (*fread) function ptr as it makes some conflicts in some cases with stdio definition...
But if anyone knows why this was done, i would like to know the reason