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Yes it will be released soon. I update the plugITs documentations and make more tests. Then it will be ready.
thanks Yes it could be possible to save the audio buffer into a raw file for speech.
sinbad example is working. can you send me an example of your issue ?
New 1.93 Beta3 available for download!
Check the first post for more infos.
Hello, you will be able to get ray informations only on the one rendered last on the camera, so the nearest plane.
The main scol machine lost connection to the other client machine.
Hello, you can get the mouse cursor position in screen : _GETscreenPos
SDL2 replace QT on Linux and Raspberry PI export for now. Android export manage all using native API, no need of SDL.
I did some tests to make the Chat GPT plugIT compatible with Ollama over openAI API service with tiny AI models on raspberry PI 5. Also I try to optim voice recognition and Vocal TTS on RPI to be able to build autonomous AI agent on RPI. This allow to use streamed AI responses with TTS and subtitle.
No it's almost there, I still test / debug some optims, Have to retest / recheck all (maybe a new beta soon for that), build the legacy Mac export (looking for a reconditioned Mac studio M2 pro to be able to port to next generation), update the documentation, try to remember all the changes for this release ^^.
ok weird ^^ I don't know what can make this happen
what version of scol do you use ? and which x32 or x64
gpu is not used here, only cpu. maybe this is related to available memory
I tried with hexagone size 2 and 500 x 500 and it worked.
crowd plugIT is already complex, I could make it more complex by adding more animations and a character life gauge but this will also need a way to make damage value from hits and also a way to resurrect them.
oui j'ai refait plusieurs tests avec wine aussi, le plugin security ne veut pas se charger et j'ignore pourquoi... j'ai essayé plusieurs choses sans succès pour le moment.
_load "hexallinone/hexallinone1.pkg"
_load "hexallinone/hexallinone2.pkg"
package hexallinone2 should be able to access hexallinone1 functions and variables
you can also define the functions you need using "proto"
metal shaders should be supported using Ogre unifiedshaders.
Meanwhile I still don't have the hardware (Apple computer compatible with latest OS) to build OS3D for this. I can only try to maintain on Mac X86_64 computers and IOS supported by my xcode version
Ok super, c'est dingue quand même comment ils ont jamais été doués pour les pilotes ATI / AMD ...
if this is intergers just remove htoi
yes you can concert 3D coords into 2D coords with projection functions, but I miss some infos to understand the purpose of the code
Hello hexa numbers can be converted into integer using htoi https://www.openspace3d.com/scoldoc/htoi.html
let _fooS strcatn "derived r from getmyhexcoordinates is: ":: (itoa htoi r)::nil-> string in// this shows -derived r from getmyhexcoordinates is: -100 in log
let sqrt (3.0 *. (itof htoi r)) -> squaretimesr in
let _fooS strcatn "square root of 3 times r is: " :: (ftoa squaretimesr)::nil -> string in // this shows "square root of 3 times r is: 0.000000" in the log
you can check the gallery plugIT that do a part of this as exemple.
even if the plane is not infinite you can reset the camera position at some distance to make it look like infinite plane.
also it depends if you build a big texture with several bitmaps in it or several objects with several materials that repeats.
so you can try two approach, one is one big plane and a big texture where you draw the hexagons and insert the pictures.
or you use several hexagons mesh where you apply a material with a bitmap on it.
The second method look more flexible to me since it will be easier to get the hexagon click and the texture mipmap will be efficient. also the hexagons outside the camera won't be rendered.
So the plugIT should take a list or a folder of bitmaps, creates the hexagone and clone it at the good coordinates, creates the materials and apply the bitmap on each cell, manage the camera and camera position to reset the position at the opposite when the camera reach a side of the cells content.
well it's not really simple since the tires are defined on the vehicle creation of the physics engine. Once the vehicle is defined you can't remove a wheel.
The only thing you can do is to destroy and recreate all the vehicle.
https://redmine.openspace3d.com/project … 3phys.html
What is the purpose of your need ?
To use the OS3D libs file you need to load them in order in the .scol file
_load "tools/os3dlib/tools.pkg"
_load "tools/os3dlib/2dglib.pkg"
_load "yourcode.pkg"
Hello, you can gives the link to chatGPT maybe it will be enough
OS3D use it's own lib written in scol
load the file g2dlib.pkg, check the os3dplayer.scol for that
https://redmine.openspace3d.com/project … tools.html