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The new OpenSpace3D 1.93 Beta is available for tests
It include:
- new normal map and Roughness/Metalness texture editor in the material editor
- Chat GPT plugit, compatible with OpenAI style API
- Path finding plugITs including navigation mesh, simple pathfinding and crowd plugITs
- The video plugIT can now display control bar in the video content.
- UI plugITs now can have a fade in / fade out animation
- Draw plugIT allow to fill an area and manage better the mouse In/Out in the content
- Text to speech available on several platforms (Windows, Android, Linux...)
- Speech recognition with natural retranscription.
Hello it's samiux
Sorry for the delay but I was busy today.
I will test version 1.93 beta 1 this evening and report any bugs and anomalies to you if I find any.
Thank you so much for adding pathfinding and AI in this version.
Last edited by samiux (26-Mar-2024 22:03:02)
I tried OpenSpace3D Beta 1.93 and it works great.
I tried the Fill option of the Draw plugin. The Fill option fills the outlines of the drawings well in addition to the bugs of crooked lines when drawing on the edge of the drawings which has been adjusted.
I haven't tried ChatGPT because it asks me for an API key and I don't know how to configure it with the ChatGUI plugin.
I have no problem with the plugit Video's video player.
My demos are exported with different shaders but it's not too serious at worst I just have to set them in the Material Editor or using the plugit scheme.
Instances of the instantiate plugit do not pause when removed. However they pause the application when an instance is loaded or added.
I haven't tried pathfinding yet but I should give you my feedback shortly.
Hi Arkeon
I'm still having trouble with pathfinding. I'm going to create a forum to explain my problem with pathfinding. Otherwise, for now it's working really well.
I know you haven't had time to check the instantiate plugin yet.
Would it also be possible to apply the changes from the instantiate plugit to the instantiate user plugit?
Concerning the Apple Vision Pro, will you create an export to it when it is distributed more widely, especially in Europe? Augmented reality for VR headsets is starting to become popular.
for now I don't tink I'll be able to make anything for Apple vision pro. I would need a powerfull Mac with latest ARM CPU and an a Vision pro... So about 10000€ just to be able to work on this....
I know you haven't had time to check the instantiate plugin yet.
Would it also be possible to apply the changes from the instantiate plugit to the instantiate user plugit?
Ok I understand that you don't have enough budget to be able to get a Macbook Arm in addition to an Apple Vision Pro to be able to do an export in OpenSpace3D.
On the other hand, I thought about an export for the Xbox console (One/Series) because it offers a developers mode allowing developers to test their applications or games before publishing it on the Microsoft App Store. The only limitation of developer mode is that it is incompatible with applications or games larger than 6GB. To be able to have more than 6GB you will have to go through the Xbox developer portal mode.
When will beta 2 be released?
Have you checked and modified the instantiate and instantiate user plugin regarding loading objects?
And the plugit decals?
I'm working on several improvements, but not yet on instantiate or decal.
I have no specific date for beta 2 but it will come when I have a stable version o current developements.
What coming next is,
- subtitle plugit, that compute input text in a timed text
- log file plugit that allow to save input text into a log file
- some update on ChatGPT plugIT
- Quad buffer stereo working again.
- Some improvement on the VRPN plugIT
- improvements on speech recognition on android and windows
Ok, beta 2 will not be for everyone right away.
Since you are working on the custom interface plugit. Wouldn't it be possible to add 4 cursors to be able to move in the interfaces with the other controllers? This would for example be useful in selection interfaces where each player chooses an option or a choice of response.
I found another bug
When I use the DirectX API and when I press i the navmesh is not displayed and the scene changes shaders until it freezes. On the other hand, I don't have this problem when I use the OpenGL API.
Pathfinding was added but Feature #625 and Feature #626 were not removed and highlighted on the request list and roadmap. Sorry I know you're busy but it's just a comment I'm making.
in os3d v1.92 particle did not work anymore?
How to make it work?
arkeon plans to integrate a new particle editor for OpenSpace3D. However I don't know how to make particles work again in version 1.92.
I'm working on several improvements, but not yet on instantiate or decal.
I have no specific date for beta 2 but it will come when I have a stable version o current developements.What coming next is,
- subtitle plugit, that compute input text in a timed text
- log file plugit that allow to save input text into a log file
- some update on ChatGPT plugIT
- Quad buffer stereo working again.
- Some improvement on the VRPN plugIT
- improvements on speech recognition on android and windows
Is Openspace3d beta 2 have been released? I want to download
Hehe sorry not yet, I'll try to make a beta in the next month.
I worked on a multi platform text to speech based on piper but I still have some work on it, ans it's a pain to build on some platforms ^^
Thank you.
I'm using v1.92 portable. yeah, material did not work on particle.
I want to test the log file plugit. Can I put that file in v1.92?
Last edited by shahbiz8 (22-May-2024 06:11:24)
Another problem, the Redmine site of Scol and OpenSpace 3D displays a Redmine 500 error with the following message:
Internal error
An error occurred on the page you were trying to access.
If you continue to experience problems please contact your Redmine administrator for assistance.
If you are the Redmine administrator, check your log files for details about the error.
It's time to update the particle system because some have encountered shader problems.
As plugit has improved I would really like the vehicle physic plugin to be improved and add more functionality but that will be for a future version because there is still a lot of work to be done before 1.93.
I left the pathfinding plugin and some events would be missing. A Chase In event which triggers when the target object is in the enemy's chase range and the Chase Out event which triggers when the target object is outside the enemies' chase range.