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Pages: 1
The new OpenSpace3D 1.93 is finally available
This release was a long run but I hope for the best!
It comes with a new logo and website https://www.openspace3d.com
It include:
- new normal map and Roughness/Metalness texture editor in the material editor
- Chat GPT plugit, compatible with OpenAI style API and now stream results.
- Path finding plugITs including navigation mesh, simple pathfinding and crowd plugITs
- The video plugIT can now display control bar in the video content.
- UI plugITs now can have a fade in / fade out animation
- Draw plugIT allow to fill an area and manage better the mouse In/Out in the content
- Text to speech available on several platforms (Windows, Android, Linux...)
- Speech recognition with natural retranscription.
- Linux and Raspberry now use SDL and run under the graphic interface. With dialogs and files dialogs.
- New export for raspberry pi 4/5 and arm64, removed export for raspberry pi zero
- Meta Quest / Pico export is now named Android XR export since they both use the official native OpenXR loader.
- Pico 4 S is supported with the controllers
- OpenXR hands tracking / interaction have been improved using XR_HAND_INTERACTION_EXTENSION
- Android use API 34
Happy end of year!
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