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#1 Re: Openspace3D » using multi touch to animate an object » 18-Oct-2019 09:51:34

I'm successfully adjusted the animation but I still have some problems:

1 - Poor quality of AR Capture is still a big problem for me but I see that the problem is actually related to the image target i used but I have to use it since it is part of the curriculum is there a way that can improve the (ar capture)
2 - As shown in the next video I try to link between the 3d model of teeth with the 3d model of colored teeth but all attempts have failed to link because the two 3d models have a different pivot point how can i link two models or how can i change the pivot point of each 3d model

Flash required


#2 Re: Openspace3D » using multi touch to animate an object » 14-Oct-2019 15:37:57

arkeon wrote:

ho well I've made some huge changes in plugits recently, maybe you should wait for a beta.
I'll try to do it this week

thank you very much

#5 Re: Openspace3D » using multi touch to animate an object » 13-Oct-2019 22:15:12

thanks a lot

But how could i update the arcapture plugIT ??

#6 Openspace3D » using multi touch to animate an object » 12-Oct-2019 18:10:05

Replies: 10

I'm creating a new educational augmented reality App but I'm facing some issues

first one
i'm using multi touch to control animation weight to open and close mouth as shown in video but the problem when i try to close the mouth the 3D model destroys

how to control animation weight value to be always more than zero

Flash required

second one
how to increase the quality of AR image detection because it takes a while before shows the 3D model … 6CPf1/view?
usp=sharinglink of file

#7 Re: Educational Projects » FlowerAR » 28-May-2019 15:55:06

Alexandre_Brazil wrote:

Congratulations on the beautiful work. It will be very useful for student learning in the classroom.


#8 Re: Educational Projects » FlowerAR » 22-May-2019 22:49:53

nabil wrote:

hi all

is there any support for arabic.

with label plugit i get   ????    for   كنغر


you can write what you want in Photoshop and insert it in OS3D

#9 Re: Openspace3D » OpenSpace3D 1.70 » 15-Nov-2018 21:05:25

Chilinger wrote:

Hi Arkeon,
You could could implement more platforms in the next update, like webgl, ps4, psvita, xbox one, nitendo ds, steam vr, plastation vr, windowns reality mixed, daydream, android tv, smart tv, tvos, nitendo swith, apple arkit, google arcore, FreeBSD, openbsd, bsd e etc. … 870c936534

Also it would be nice add html5 as one of the outputs so that it can be added to the LMS

#11 Re: Openspace3D » Arcore like? » 20-Apr-2018 17:51:57

what about ARKit Framework it's already ported to unity as a plugin

#12 Re: Openspace3D » OpenSpace3D 1.40 » 21-Dec-2017 23:03:34

Has anyone tried to use  AR marker in the new version? Does it work as before?

#13 Re: Openspace3D » OpenSpace3D 1.40 » 21-Dec-2017 12:00:35

Nice Work

But how we can access the new UI library for 3D interfaces

#14 Re: Openspace3D » The problem which has no solution(password project) » 31-May-2017 17:36:55

hello arkeon thanks a lot
I'm using counter plugit to do somthing like (logical or) to increase var plugit when detect  any of numbers or letters

#16 Openspace3D » The problem which has no solution(password project) » 28-May-2017 11:55:10

Replies: 4

hello arkeon

In the past five months I have been trying to make this application work correctly but unfortunately all attempts failed
All I want is that when a number of numbers is recognized by the AR Markers, the value in the var plugit increased by 1
As well as letters, capital letters and special characters  so that the var plugit contains five possibilities only 0.1,2,3,4
But what happens is that the numbers multiply within the var plugit and I do not know why
In fact, I think I need to study how the var plugit works more closely
I also think I need to study the logic that program uses to deal with data flow
here is the project … sp=sharing
and AR markers … sp=sharing

#17 Re: Openspace3D » Multimarker tracking » 16-May-2017 07:37:36

arkeon wrote:

Hello did you tried to train the marker picture with higher resolution ?
I know I made a change for this but I don't remember if it's in the current release or only in dev one ^^

AR works Faster with lower resolution picture ?

#18 Re: Openspace3D » RealControl in OS3D » 14-May-2017 21:22:55

arkeon wrote:

did you check the sensors example ?

not yet i'll check it now

by the way what a great book (introduction to OpenSpace 3d)  very interesting

#19 Re: Openspace3D » RealControl in OS3D » 14-May-2017 20:12:02

arkeon wrote:

you can use physic raycast to detect a body and with physic tools plugit you catch the raycast event

any example will be very appreciated

#20 Re: Openspace3D » RealControl in OS3D » 13-May-2017 15:30:09

arkeon wrote:

you can use physic raycast to detect a body and with physic tools plugit you catch the raycast event

thanks alot i'll try this

#21 Re: Openspace3D » RealControl in OS3D » 13-May-2017 15:14:13

arkeon wrote:

yes in the arcamera plugit set the auto camera matrix to no and don't show the camera.Then use the phone camera to track markers and set objects on it.

and how to let this objects to interact with other 3d objects in this scene

#23 Openspace3D » RealControl in OS3D » 12-May-2017 16:27:31

Replies: 9


Is it possible to use AR Marker to trigger 3d objects in VR or MR mode like this video

Flash required

#24 Openspace3D » distance plugit » 12-May-2017 15:57:06

Replies: 1

how you entered (*) in this field in distance plugit

#25 Re: Openspace3D » Bluetooth Controller input, » 12-May-2017 11:36:15

thanks arkeon for your great effort

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