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#1 6-Nov-2018 21:21:56

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

OpenSpace3D 1.70

We finally get the 1.70 release out ^^

The update: 1.70 – 11/02/2018
– Add “Input mixer” plugIT to combine the output of several other plugITs
– Add “GPS location” plugIT to get GPS coordinates of the device or set the GPS position of an object
– Update “AR capture” plugIT with automatic size and mobile flash options (11137)
– Update “Openvr controller” plugIT to provide XY touch position on “Left/right controller touch pad” event and allow to grab an object with 2 controllers
– Update Dialog plugITs to automatically switch to VR mode when VR is enabled
– Update “FPS like controller” plugIT with “Rotate view” action
– Update “Measure” plugIT to add “Constant size on screen” options and to allow to cancel with a right click anywhere
– Update “object move to” plugIT to add “Set speed” action
– Update interface plugITs :
– Add parameter for max “Constant size on screen” distance on 3D interfaces
– Adjustments on text margins to have more compact interfaces
– Adjustments on 3D interfaces size in VR
– Correction on 3D interfaces maximum autoscale method
– Correction of visibility and blinking problems on “Label” and “Label List” plugIT
– Correction on “Dialog” plugIT automatic size calculation

– Add several templates to display a 360° image or video in 3D
– Add a basic AR template and another to learn a new AR marker on the fly
– Add two basic database template to save a score and make a leaderboard
– Add the “vr_controller” template that provides basic VR features with generic controllers
– Add the “mouse3d” template to make a cursor in the 3D world
– Add a SQLite exemple and three VR exemples
– Add the ability to switch between World and Local referentials for the Move/Rotate/Scale tools
– Update the Move/Rotate/Scale tools to allow more precise control for both on-screen and VR manipulation
– Change the Rotate tool for more intuitive controls
– Manage export and package for very big files (11139)
– Allow OpenSpace3D packages (.pkos) to be loaded outside of a Scol partition
– Allow to drag Scene node to move every object in the scene to another node
– Allow to reset all sub materials at once (11215)

Core / Scol:
– Add GPS data for Android (11155)
– Add flash / torchlight support for Android and iOS(11163)
– Improve Android camera permission management (11159)
– Improve support of very big files (11141)
– Manage camera orientation in iOS (11170)
– Optimizations on points cloud meshes (11188)
– Optimizations on video player (11177, 11181, 11233)
– Corrections on text size calculation and alignment
– Correction on imported Collada and 3DS materials (11190)
– Correction on potential crashes (11172)


#2 7-Nov-2018 20:31:51

Registered: 28-Oct-2018
Posts: 12

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.70

Great! There're some nice enhancements in this version.

I've tried GPS pluIt but didn't work in my Samsung there any Android specifications phone has to have?
Perhaps my code isn't correct, I've connected all outputs to different labels, ,it's like:

scene.GPS location inst Location -> Scene.Label GPS outs.SetText

And in mobile it displays the comment of the label, or  nothing (I've passed parameters too with $1, $ 2..and nothing happens)
The same with the other outputs

But, anyways, thanks for the new version, I want to try Virtual and Augmented Reality improvements

Good job done!

Last edited by jos (7-Nov-2018 21:13:15)


#3 7-Nov-2018 21:41:25

Registered: 15-Apr-2016
Posts: 170

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.70

Great job Thanks a lot


#4 8-Nov-2018 08:07:05

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.70

I have an S7 edge and the gps works. It can take some secondes to start sending data.


#5 11-Nov-2018 11:33:06

Registered: 28-Oct-2018
Posts: 12

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.70

Sorry, I’ve tried all ways to show GPS information but doesn’t work for me, perhaps the programming   isn’t correct; I attach my test for your evaluation, or perhaps you can post and example? Thanks

Sample GPS test


#6 11-Nov-2018 12:04:18

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.70


#7 11-Nov-2018 17:12:52

Registered: 28-Oct-2018
Posts: 12

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.70

Wov, thanks for the fast answer, and it’s working! I’ve discovered the reason I thought it was not working (only showing “$1” or “$2”: I am doing the test inside house, and it seems there isn’t GPS signal; walking outside and waiting for a few seconds the display shows the location
Lot of thanks Arkeon!


#8 13-Nov-2018 13:16:51
Registered: 6-Jul-2018
Posts: 12

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.70

Hi Arkeon, that's a big release! I would like to know witch generic vr controllers are able to work with this version. I am looking for a not expensive one, do you remember the flip controller sdk I bought last month? ok, something like that. lol!


#9 13-Nov-2018 14:13:03

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.70


for now only classic HTC vive / Oculus rift and Windows mixed reality are compatible (all on pc only)


#10 14-Nov-2018 15:45:57

Registered: 30-Nov-2017
Posts: 16

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.70

Hi Arkeon,
You could could implement more platforms in the next update, like webgl, ps4, psvita, xbox one, nitendo ds, steam vr, plastation vr, windowns reality mixed, daydream, android tv, smart tv, tvos, nitendo swith, apple arkit, google arcore, FreeBSD, openbsd, bsd e etc. … 870c936534


#11 14-Nov-2018 17:20:29

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.70

hehe yes it could be great but I don't have the team for this smile


#12 15-Nov-2018 21:05:25

Registered: 15-Apr-2016
Posts: 170

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.70

Chilinger wrote:

Hi Arkeon,
You could could implement more platforms in the next update, like webgl, ps4, psvita, xbox one, nitendo ds, steam vr, plastation vr, windowns reality mixed, daydream, android tv, smart tv, tvos, nitendo swith, apple arkit, google arcore, FreeBSD, openbsd, bsd e etc. … 870c936534

Also it would be nice add html5 as one of the outputs so that it can be added to the LMS


#13 18-Nov-2018 18:24:44

From: Russia
Registered: 16-Feb-2013
Posts: 271

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.70

is it ever possible port editor on linux?

Incidentally, the corrected import just super.

Last edited by el_motoblock (18-Nov-2018 18:33:45)


#14 19-Nov-2018 20:42:32

Registered: 30-Nov-2017
Posts: 16

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.70

arkeon wrote:

hehe yes it could be great but I don't have the team for this smile

Can I help you? I'm a C # programmer, and I know some things I could try to custom open the openspace in this case, the only thing I ask is that I try to improve game partitions, there are other open source platforms that could look and put things here like godot.


#15 19-Nov-2018 21:15:11

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.70

Hello !

any help is welcome smile OS3D use scol written in C /C++
you can check the sources on


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