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#1 Re: Openspace3D » screencapture in os3d » 21-Mar-2014 03:25:50

i'll try..
thanks again arkeon....very helpful smile

#2 Re: Openspace3D » screencapture in os3d » 20-Mar-2014 07:12:34

oke thankyou smile it's work..
you very kind person ..thanks arkeon, u are the best wink

but why the image that is displayed does not change according to the results of the screenshoot?
A screenshot results unchanged.
Is something wrong in setting picture plugIT?

is that posible to browse picture after screenshoot ?is there any plugIT i can use to browse screenshoot after klik "OK" on dialog plugIT?
soo. after press S to screenshot i want show dialogbox too.. and when press ok on dialog box aplication will be browse for screenshoot automatically.

#3 Re: Openspace3D » screencapture in os3d » 19-Mar-2014 09:21:49

I tried, but there are several problems
can u help me to see the .xos file
this is the link … nshoot.xos
is something wrong?

#4 Re: Openspace3D » screencapture in os3d » 9-Mar-2014 02:17:41

hello admin..please help..
How do I display an image after the screenshoot automatically?is that possiblein os3d?
Is there any plugIT i can use?

#5 Re: Openspace3D » eksport light and use opasity on max » 15-Nov-2013 09:28:59

So, I made the texture with the alpha channel(I wanna get transparency), but when I'm importing the model with this texture to the editor, there, where should be transparency is a black colour instead of it.
Is there some solution?

#6 Openspace3D » eksport light and use opasity on max » 15-Nov-2013 03:13:12

Replies: 2

please help,
Can I use opasity at max for the material and then exported to the orge (.scene) using easy orge eskporter?

and Can I use the light on max and export to the scene using easy orge eksporter?

#7 Re: Openspace3D » the step to import video into OpenSpace 3D » 14-Nov-2013 12:13:08

oh itu, maaf baru bls,
coba di bagian technique pass nya pilih yang bawahnya "default light" lalu play lagi..

dan cara manggin video dengan marker,
buat marker plug IT lalu klik kanan pada marker plug IT pilih faund lalu klik kanan di video plugIT pilih play , klik kanan lagi pada marker plugIT pilih found dan kik kanan pada video pilih show, lalu untuk pause dan stop cara yang sama namun di plugIT marker pilih lost dan di video plugIT pilih stop atau pause

#8 Re: Openspace3D » the step to import video into OpenSpace 3D » 10-Oct-2013 16:30:41

yap texture = material,
nah kalo udah di kasih texture di planenya terus nanti di os3dnya kan masukin kan tuh texturenya di apply on texture.
pastiin di
material name,material tecnique, techniquepass dan pass texturenya terisi secara otomatis.
coba play lagi videonya,
oh ya videnya mesti mp4 atau flv ya..

#9 Re: Openspace3D » the step to import video into OpenSpace 3D » 10-Oct-2013 06:18:46

hello muzaki. from indonesia?
so am i..
oke saya pakai bahasa indonesia biar lebih jelas ya
jadi bgini untuk bisa play video di texture atau mau gunain plane,pertama plane di max nya di kasih texture default apa aja terus cobain lagi dan pastiin texturenya juga tereksport ke scene

#11 Re: Openspace3D » How OS3D featuring Augmented Reality? » 8-Oct-2013 10:44:56

oh oke tq
u very kind person smile

and one's again.
on marker Plug IT there is no option to disable "tracking action", but there is have option for enable and disable " tracking on init"
is it the same?
i use OS3D version 1.1.0

#12 Re: Openspace3D » How OS3D featuring Augmented Reality? » 8-Oct-2013 10:32:42

the video file is mp4.

yes,it does,,
video can be displayed when not using texture.
but when using "play video on texture" on video PlugIT (i use plane without texture from 3d max in this case) video do not appear?

for disable tracking, i'll try,,
tq smile

#14 Re: Openspace3D » How OS3D featuring Augmented Reality? » 8-Oct-2013 10:11:01

my english is really not good ,,really sorry.. sad

yes, for texture ..
I've set the texture for the screen, and i use plane at 3D max but video still does not appear on texture??
and then i change plane with box at 3d max and the same does not work. sad

and for move objek,
how to disable the source marker when me want to move the object??as u say?

u have tutorial for move an objek?or sample palication .xos?

#15 Re: Openspace3D » the step to import video into OpenSpace 3D » 8-Oct-2013 09:52:43

i want make AR video too but i have problem,  i use video PlugIT and
the video can't show, i use plane from max for texture..

what the fungtion material on video PlugIT?
and for information i use openspace 3D version 1.1.0
please help.
sylvia or arkeon

#16 Re: Openspace3D » How OS3D featuring Augmented Reality? » 8-Oct-2013 09:20:31

hello admin, smile
i want make AR video on Television
i want show the video on tv.
and i have problem, when i use Video PlugIT and use play on texture and chose screen , why video not show on screen?
i use box on max for screen and plane for screen..
please help me

and  one question again,
i want move objek from marker A to marker B position, how to make it posible on Openspase 3D?

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