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#1 Re: Pub - Café » 2015 » 5-Jan-2015 13:43:49

Hello everybody,

Wishing a happy new year to all Scolians !!!


#2 Re: Programing » code problem with listing contents of the cache partition » 17-Dec-2014 23:02:44

Well, I don't know if the 'public' limitation is excessive or not. I guess this was implemented mainly to protect the copyright of graphic data like textures and M3d files. On the other side, when you start using files' or directories' functions, you certainly are comfortable with Scol disk architecture, and so, you are able to find these files by yourself ... so ... protection or not can be discussed here ...

#5 Re: Openspace3D » plugit for all thumbs navigation » 14-Nov-2014 20:51:55

No shorter way as you are using the proper math formula ...


#6 Re: Pub - Café » Visual Studio Community » 12-Nov-2014 20:22:24

We'll have to wait a little bit before downloading it ...

#7 Re: Programing » can scol step through fields of a struct? » 11-Nov-2014 20:41:55

Not automatically...

And manually, it really depends on what you want to do, and how you organized your data in your app.

#9 Re: Programing » assuring the all objects are destroyed on shudown by testing value » 11-Nov-2014 19:04:15

There are two things you should do:
- When your app starts, you should call a function which initializes all your objects to nil. (simply declaring the object does'nt always set the variable to nil)
- When you quit the app, you then can test if an object is set to nil or not. Accuracy is then 100%.

#10 Re: Scol » scol processes persist after shutdown of scol machine » 11-Nov-2014 18:51:22

This is strange ...

If you quit the Voyager, do all the other scol.exe processes disappear ? (Normally, they should)

Is it the first time you encounter this problem ?
- If you're sure that it is the first time, then the problem certainly lies in some code you added/modified recently. Try to check this.
- If you're not sure, then it'll be a bit more complicated to identify the source of the problem.
You can try to remove (comment) parts (one block by one block) of your code and see if the problem disappears or not. When the problem disappears, then the problem is in the last block of instructions that you commented.

I hope this helps.

#11 Re: Scol » scol processes persist after shutdown of scol machine » 11-Nov-2014 16:56:09

Do you perform a _closemachine after freeing all your resources ? If not, give it a try.

#12 Re: Programing » can scol step through fields of a struct? » 11-Nov-2014 02:07:07


If uou're trying to explore a structure field by field, then the answer is: this is not possible.


#14 Re: Scol » Porting Scol on phones / tablets : ideas / todo » 5-Nov-2014 15:47:58

The idea for _loadlibrary() is a tempting one ...

#15 Re: Scol » Porting Scol on phones / tablets : ideas / todo » 5-Nov-2014 11:10:19


1) I don't think that we necessarily have to keep the Voyager approach (The Scol Voyager + new processes for applications) for tablets' Scol implementation.
This is a heavy load for a tablet as we need to launch two VM for a single (originally wanted)  task.
Furthermore, if Arkeon is right, we may technicaly be unable to keep the current approach.
So standalone applications certainly are a solution.

2) "- make the kernel.dll free of os specific code and put that code into the executable file (myloop in usmwin.exe and additional dll entries in the kernel dll)
     - from the following idea make an executable per OS and send inputs / app window to the kernel"
I'm not sure that it will be a simple task to separate OS dependant and independant functionalities, but it's a good idea.

3) "The less work to start should be windows 8 metro app (not sure at all)."
I agree with that. It seems logical.
Then comes Android ...
And then iOS if we can find a developer for that ...

I have to read some Android documentation before I make a new point on all this.


#16 Re: Programing » dynamically setting flags on a window or any other scol object? » 3-Oct-2014 20:39:18

It is not recommended to use integers instead of the "named" flags. This would 1) make your code less comprehensible (even for you) and 2) let you vulnerable to changes in the VM code.


#17 Re: Ideas and advice » MMORPG » 2-Oct-2014 23:12:33

Bien joué, j'ai oublié la VF ... donc la voilà ...

Bonjour à tous,

Je travaille actuellement sur un projet "indépendant" de MMORPG d'Heroic Fantasy. Si j'ai une bonne expérience en tant que développeur, mes compétences en arts graphiques sont quasi-nulles (et en plus, je suis daltonien, c'est dire). En conséquence de quoi, je me mets à la recherche d'un (ou deux par exemple) infographistes pour travailler avec moi sur ce projet.

Les tâches qui seraient de votre responsabilité incluent: l'interface graphique, scènes et objets 2D, objets 3D, éléments 3D de décors, créatures et avatars 3D avec animations ...
Si cela vous intéresse de participer à l'aventure, n'hésitez pas à me contacter (soit ici, soit via la liste des membres). Si vous avez une sorte de "press-book" qui montre vos talents artistiques, ce serail tip-top.

L'équipe n'est pas forcément limitée à 2-3 personnes, et donc des développeurs et graphistes en plus pourraient être les bienvenus.

Par rapport à mon premier post en anglais sur ce forum (il y a 1 mois jour pour jour), certaines décisions quant aux orientations à suivre ont été prises. Je travaille dans un premier temps sur une maquette du jeu, un prototype en quelque sorte, celui-ci permettant de tester un certain nombre d'éléments du game design du projet. Le prototype est basé sur la Lib 2D OS (les contrôles de base du système) et la Lib 3D ZooGL (pas le moteur Ogre donc). Le prototype ne sera pas multi-joueurs, et donc la question de l'outil d'intégration ne se pose plus, la maquette utilisant des scripts Scol au lieu de s'appuyer sur un site Scol.   

Voilà, n'hésitez donc pas à revenir vers moi si l'aventure vous tente ou si vous avez des questions, des idées, ... que sais-je encore ...

Bob Le Gob

#18 Re: Ideas and advice » MMORPG » 3-Sep-2014 00:04:08

No, graphic desugners do not have to know the Scol language.
Neither should they have to know how to integrate a Scol site.

However, if you are a 3D graphic designer, it would be great if you're able to model objects for the legacy 3D Engine as well as for the Ogre 3D Engine...


#19 Ideas and advice » MMORPG » 2-Sep-2014 18:55:47

Bob Le Gob
Replies: 3

Hello everybody,

I'm currently working on an indie Heroic Fantasy MMORPG. Although I do have a good experience as a developer, I do not have any graphic skills. So, I'm looking for one (or two) graphic designer(s) to  work with me on this project.

Tasks that would be of your responsibility include GUI, 2D scenes, 2D objects, 3D objects, 3D scenery elements, 3D avatars/creatures with animations, ...
If you're interested participating in, do not hesitate to get in touch with me. If you have some kind of "press-book" showing your work, this would be great.

The team is not necessarily limited to 2-3 persons, so developers or more graphic designers may be welcome.

At the moment I'm writting this, important points are still under question, like the 3D Engine that will be used (Legacy Engine or Ogre) or the integration tool (SCS2 or a modified version of OpenSpace3D).

Bob Le Gob

#20 Re: Scol » Windows XP support » 20-Aug-2014 10:24:30

I agree. Windows XP should no more be supported.

#21 Pub - Café » Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm » 20-May-2013 23:54:11

Bob Le Gob
Replies: 2

Hardly woke up this morning after a long winter sleep ... Not sure winter is over in fact ...

However, seems to be time to get back in the Scol business ...

Wishing a nice spring to everybody !!!


#22 Re: Scol » fread as a vm function, what's the point? » 30-May-2012 19:12:49

Moreover, fread is the only classic file handling function which is re-defined in this way. So I do not think, at first glance, that handling fread in such a way is useful. I'll make a few tests to check this.

#23 Re: Pub - Café » 2010 » 5-Jan-2010 19:45:30

Déjà 2010 !!!! OScour ...

#24 Re: Pub - Café » Avatar - the last James Cameron Product » 30-Dec-2009 21:28:47

Ah bin même pour un daltonien qui a vu le film en 2D, j'avoue que j'ai été impressionné par la qualité des images et des couleurs ...


#25 Re: Pub - Café » Poker en 3D » 6-Oct-2009 14:04:45

Il y a un dimension financière réelle (au niveau jeu) ?

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