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Looks like you're not stopping with Android.....
Last edited by hebdemnobad (11-Sep-2015 16:02:46)
Hehe thanks ^^
I'm pulling my hair off, I definitively hate apple but I'm on the good way
is it any easier just porting to ios? or do you have to more or less develop for osx before you can get scol to reach ios?
Finally this is really worst ^^
IOS only allow full static app (no plugin system - not allowed to use load library) so I had to change all the scol plugins to allow static plugins mode.
Only 64 bits is now allowed (work to do on this in VM and all other plugins)
Xcode and OSX are an nightmare for developers who just don't need the apple base frameworks
When I read the Apple policies for authorized IOS store app I wonder if we will get any chance to be validated (there is a close where they just "choose if they put it or not".
However I still on it...
Go arkeon!!!!!