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texture = material kan?
trus kalo udah diapain lagi?
yap texture = material,
nah kalo udah di kasih texture di planenya terus nanti di os3dnya kan masukin kan tuh texturenya di apply on texture.
pastiin di
material name,material tecnique, techniquepass dan pass texturenya terisi secara otomatis.
coba play lagi videonya,
oh ya videnya mesti mp4 atau flv ya..
nah, kan udah apply on texture, terus material name, material tecnique, technique pass udah terisi otomatis, tapi pass texturenya ga terisi. gimana tuh? video tetep ga tampil.
trus cara panggil videonya dengan marker gimana?
oh itu, maaf baru bls,
coba di bagian technique pass nya pilih yang bawahnya "default light" lalu play lagi..
dan cara manggin video dengan marker,
buat marker plug IT lalu klik kanan pada marker plug IT pilih faund lalu klik kanan di video plugIT pilih play , klik kanan lagi pada marker plugIT pilih found dan kik kanan pada video pilih show, lalu untuk pause dan stop cara yang sama namun di plugIT marker pilih lost dan di video plugIT pilih stop atau pause
what is wrong with my project? the video did not come out, just the sound and material that goes out.
Somebody help me please...
please can you explain what you are trying to do and what is going wrong ?
(you have OS3D 1.1.0) you should update to the last 1.6.1 version.
I wanna show a video in marker.,
but I've been able to solve it...
thanks for all...
hei arkeon,
can i make an exit button in os3d to close application? is there a script that I can use to make this?
hiii arkeon..
i want to show video on the marker, i try it and did not work,,
how should i make it??
sory bad my english..
first your cube is not placed correctly nor for the marker size
then you must use a cube or plane with a material texture applied.
and set this texture material on the video plugit
oke arkeron thx ^_^ , problem solved..
i will ask again..
how create multi video in one marker??
i make it with marker button (play, stop , and next video)
how can button next video is working and showing video in one marker??
you can use the next marker.lost event to a sequence plugit
for each .out you set the Change video action with the video url or file in the link parameter
you don't need a second video plugIT
use a sequence plugIT instead
using the link video.end -> sequence.input
sequence.out1 -> video.Change video with the video 1 path in parameter
sequence.out2 -> video.Change video with the video 2 path in parameter
Not at all
remove all video plugit except one
remove the sequence linked on play /stop .. don't need this here
video.end -> sequenceNext.input
sequenceNext.out1 -> video.Change video "the next video path" in link parameter
sequenceNext.out2 -> video.Change video "the next video path" in link parameter
play marker.lost -> video.play
stop marker.lost -> video.stop
next marker.lost -> sequenceNext.input