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#1 Re: Openspace3D » Openspace3D 1.93 » 12-Feb-2025 21:23:35


thanks for this new version, OpenSpace is so powerful, versatile and easy to learn that is fun to play with it !

#2 Re: Programing » Character orientation » 7-Apr-2019 22:12:52


I see....perhaps  with Object Position I can retrieve the position of the Dummy linked  to the marker and calculate the angle between the original marker and destination marker, and then rotate the dummy that has de biped as child and use “Move to “ to move the dummy gradually. I will try it, thanks Arkeon!

#3 Re: Programing » Character orientation » 7-Apr-2019 18:33:01


Hi Arkeon,
I will try it, but don’t know if it could be useful: I need the biped (that’s child of a dummy)  when a second marker is found, rotates in the direction pointing at the new marker and starts to walk; I’ve got biped starts to walk in a straight line connecting the two markers, but doesn’t rotate in the correct direction; I can’t use keyframes because the marker’s position changes dynamically
Thanks in advance.

#4 Programing » Character orientation » 6-Apr-2019 19:54:33

Replies: 4

Is there any way to orient a character (that ‘s walking for exemple to a specific point) with the correct orientation. I use “move to” but with automatic rotate not work correctly

#5 Re: Openspace3D » OpenSpace3D 1.70 » 11-Nov-2018 17:12:52


Wov, thanks for the fast answer, and it’s working! I’ve discovered the reason I thought it was not working (only showing “$1” or “$2”: I am doing the test inside house, and it seems there isn’t GPS signal; walking outside and waiting for a few seconds the display shows the location
Lot of thanks Arkeon!

#6 Re: Openspace3D » OpenSpace3D 1.70 » 11-Nov-2018 11:33:06


Sorry, I’ve tried all ways to show GPS information but doesn’t work for me, perhaps the programming   isn’t correct; I attach my test for your evaluation, or perhaps you can post and example? Thanks

Sample GPS test

#7 Re: Openspace3D » OpenSpace3D 1.70 » 7-Nov-2018 20:31:51


Great! There're some nice enhancements in this version.

I've tried GPS pluIt but didn't work in my Samsung there any Android specifications phone has to have?
Perhaps my code isn't correct, I've connected all outputs to different labels, ,it's like:

scene.GPS location inst Location -> Scene.Label GPS outs.SetText

And in mobile it displays the comment of the label, or  nothing (I've passed parameters too with $1, $ 2..and nothing happens)
The same with the other outputs

But, anyways, thanks for the new version, I want to try Virtual and Augmented Reality improvements

Good job done!

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