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I just tested the ebook exercice and it's working for me.
bu sure to add shaders files in your scene resources along with the material file.
Dear arkeon:
thank you for reply,and it`s true about what you descripe。
I make a mistake ,and now it`s working,thank you again!
I found that video plugit with greenscreen not working!both url and local video!
Hello, OpenSpace3D does not yet supports special characters on non-Windows devices.
Thank you for reply!
when I edit on computer it look like this
and whenI install to android tablet and run the app ,it look like this
can anyone give me help about this !
Thank You!
Great! that`a good news !download now!THANK YOU!
You don't need quotes "" in link parameter
click -> Call - param: 38 54
if you prefer
dear friend :
still not working , but thanks for all you did!
Maybe there`s something different!
such as language or font or ...
I will try again , thank you!
In the url parameter of the call url plugit, you set the url with get params
here: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfy … ?T=$1&H=$2$1 and $2 will be replaced by the parameters in call url link.
click -> Call "38 54"
dear arkeon
sorry ,still not work!
I paste the link of the file
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ … sp=sharing
can you check what`s wrong with the file!
I did some tests. You can use $1 $2... in url directly
https://script.google.com/macros/s/.... … ?T=$1&H=$2then in link parameter just set the values: 38 54
It's working this way
Dear arkeon
I have to say I`m a stupid student!
Beause I still can not make it work, after the clue you offer to me!
can you describe more !
thank you!
dear friend:
still need help,
this is the google sheet on my cloud space
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ … sp=sharing
and this is the pkos file
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ … sp=sharing
only objectclick2 is working
can you teach me what mistake I have made!
Maybe it could be possible.
Check if an api exists for this.
Openspace 3d have all curl functions so it could be possible to write a plugit for this.
maybe another api!
thank you!^__^
could it be possible to write data into google sheets with openspace3d!
if it is possible . could anybody be kind to show me how to do!thanks!:)
Thx lorcan71 and teacherone for response.
@lorcan71 greenscreen mode sounds interesting. could be worth a try!
@teacherone: i couldn't achieve it with your way, are you sure that it works? i mean what are your settings for the material/texture. i only see a black background if i have a video with transparent alpha channel
Thx, Chris
This video give me a lot of help before I test the greenscreen.Maybe it would give you some help.
Hey there,
i am wondering if someone of you discovered experience with video and alpha channel. Simply adding Video-Plug-IT and using some of the formats ( mkv, mp4, webm, flv, avi ).
I tried avi and webm but without success.
Are there any suggesstions? ( My need is a person speaking keyed from greenwall )
kind regards, Christopher
I save the xos ,and then restart openspace3d . And then load the xos ,It work. Maybe you can try this way.
dear arkeon:
one of my friend solvethe problem by put chartsets.jar to \androidDeployerTools\lib\
and everything turn right.
hope it will help!
Weird ^^
Please try by disabling antivirus / firewallyou can find the android tools from here C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\androidDeployerTools
or ./androidDeployerTools for portable version.
Maybe you can try to update some files from the version installed on your computer. maybe it don't like the OS with Chinese language. But it seems to work for computers in Russian so I'm not sure of the issue.
dear arkeon:
Thank you for the idea,it help me to find a way to solve this problem,
but I`m still to test it . thanks again!
dear arkeon:
I try with english characters ,but still show error
it shows
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitalizerError
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystem.<init>(Unknown Source)
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.<init>(Unknown Source)
at sun.nio.fs.DefaultFileSystemprovider.create(Unknown Source)
the error message
What are the settings you choose during the export ?
try the default architecture (all) and make a key for the app
dear arkeon:
I try to make key ,but it show the erro information , so I install java jdk and use command
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\keytool" "-genkey" "-v" "-keystore" "appkey.keystore" "-alias" "ARapp" "-keyalg" "RSA" "-keysize" "2024" "-validity" "1000"
to generate appkey.keystore
then I can export the project to apk file.
and use the command
copy "c:\OS3D_portable_x64\OpenSpace3D\easypart\appkey.keystore" "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\appkey.keystore"
copy "c:\OS3D_portable_x64\OpenSpace3D\test\export\android_all\1\bin\1.unsigned.apk" "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\1.unsigned.apk"
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\jarsigner.exe" "-verbose" "-sigalg" "SHA1withRSA" "-digestalg" "SHA1" "-keystore" "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\appkey.keystore" "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\1.unsigned.apk" "ARapp"
then use the command
"c:\OS3D_portable_x64\androidDeployerTools\zipalign.exe" "-v" "4" "c:\OS3D_portable_x64\androidDeployerTools\1.unsigned.apk" "c:\OS3D_portable_x64\androidDeployerTools\ARapp.apk"
and copy to my smartphone to install ,however it shows error.
it can work at openspace3d1.82 but 1.83 will export the apk file instead unsigned.apk
so I can`t install to my smartphone
this is the error picture
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y4tU0_ … sp=sharing
please help me solve the problem, thank you!
when I try to install apk to my android phone(sony xperia xz),it shows the error information "there was a problem parsing the package android" please help me solve this problem
just in case I forgot to rebuild something, can you try again by replacing this dll in the beta version ? http://redmine.scolring.org/projects/sc … /audio.dll
Hello arkeon: It works! Great !the sound came out! Thank You!
Hello arkeon: still no sound ,but thanks for all you do to the question!
can you copy and respond to the form questions ?
hope it will help!^__^
I`ll teach it to the teachers in Nantou county Taiwan about AR
I made some change in Scol VM, I'll try to make a portable Beta version so you could test
Thank you!arkeon!
Hello! arkeon
sorry to reply too late! After replace the audio.dll.
I`ve got a error message! I`ll paste it below!
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D-CQHU … sp=sharing
Be careful the audio.dll from X64 should not work for X86 export.We will make some tests again, but I still don't get it why it's not working on 1.82 on your computers, when it's working well on all ours ^^. I'll try to make some test dll and send them to you so we could check if it change something on your side.
Thank you! it`great to hear that! Thanks again!