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My video rotates when I touch the screen, how can I fix it in place and without moving if we toutch the screen?
Thanks Once More
I combined the screenshots below with detailed explanation of the issue, as asked!
Last edited by Mike (28-May-2016 12:06:46)
First with a button we trigger a Video in the center of the screen, that works well but when we toutch/drag the screen over the image/video it moves spoiling the orientation and position is possible it to prevent the video dislocation?
I intend that the video be static in the center of the screen, as started with the button
Thanks a lot for the help
Last edited by Mike (28-May-2016 14:16:11)
hmm if I understand correctly you just want a video in 2D on the screen
so just use the video plugit without an object.
you can also disable the touch move navigation by adding a camera and use the set active camera plugIT