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i created a simple os3d project. all it does is use addsourcecode plugit with this function in it:
fun helloworld()=
_fooS "Hello Android";
i added an onint plugit to trigger the "run" action on addsourcecode.
i tried exporting to my connected android device, but my the pc console reported that the device could not be found. os3d went ahead and create the .apk in the export directory of my project (good idea programmers) i then copied and pasted the .apk to my sd card on my phone
i ran the .apk but after the os3d loading screen all that the phone displays is a blank screen...
does the console work on android?
The console will not display on android device directly, it send the content in the log file when activated in the usm.ini or in the logcat android console when the device is plugged on the computer with android tools and the device is set in dev mode.
The console will not display on android device directly, it send the content in the log file when activated in the usm.ini or in the logcat android console when the device is plugged on the computer with android tools and the device is set in dev mode.
I see, thx. If scol launches multiple vms, do they all print to the same android console?
Can the _newmachine function be used on android to manage multiple vm's. Arkeon I think you know what I'm thinking of.....loading screens during os3d startup on android.
Or can scol communicate with the android os to use 'activities' (I think that's what I call 'pages' on android refer to (I'm familiarizing myself with the general Android api but have just begun....,analogous to windows on a desktop/laptop inteface.)
For now we started a test to display a plash scren in java called by scol but this doesnt work
No newmachine is disable on android
I see....so at this point the scol vm cannot communicate with the android os to access the android ui?