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#1 4-Aug-2015 16:50:23

From: Russia
Registered: 16-Feb-2013
Posts: 271

Some files ... still not found verify your Ogre res path.No here all


// smokefxmat genrated by blender2ogre 0.6.0

material smokefxmat
receive_shadows on

pass smokefxmat
ambient 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 1.0
diffuse 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 1.0
specular 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 12.5
emissive 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

alpha_to_coverage off
cull_hardware none
depth_check on
depth_write off
scene_blend alpha_blend
scene_blend_op add
transparent_sorting force

texture AndroidGame/smoke000.png
tex_address_mode wrap
scale 1.0 1.0
colour_op modulate

texture AndroidGame/
tex_address_mode wrap
scale 1.0 1.0
colour_op alpha_blend
// bricks88000 genrated by blender2ogre 0.6.0

material bricks88000
receive_shadows on

pass bricks88000
ambient 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 1.0
diffuse 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 1.0
specular 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 12.5
emissive 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

alpha_to_coverage off
colour_write on
cull_hardware clockwise
depth_check on
depth_func less_equal
depth_write on
light_clip_planes off
light_scissor off
lighting on
normalise_normals off
polygon_mode solid
scene_blend one zero
scene_blend_op add
shading gouraud
transparent_sorting force

texture AndroidGame/bricks02.jpg
tex_address_mode wrap
scale 1.0 1.0
colour_op modulate
// roof88000 genrated by blender2ogre 0.6.0

material roof88000
receive_shadows on

pass roof88000
ambient 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 1.0
diffuse 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 1.0
specular 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 12.5
emissive 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

alpha_to_coverage off
colour_write on
cull_hardware clockwise
depth_check on
depth_func less_equal
depth_write on
light_clip_planes off
light_scissor off
lighting on
normalise_normals off
polygon_mode solid
scene_blend one zero
scene_blend_op add
shading gouraud
transparent_sorting force

texture AndroidGame/roof00.jpg
tex_address_mode wrap
scale 1.0 1.0
colour_op modulate
// rustedmetalmat genrated by blender2ogre 0.6.0

material rustedmetalmat
receive_shadows on

pass rustedmetalmat
ambient 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 1.0
diffuse 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 1.0
specular 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 12.5
emissive 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

alpha_to_coverage off
colour_write on
cull_hardware clockwise
depth_check on
depth_func less_equal
depth_write on
light_clip_planes off
light_scissor off
lighting on
normalise_normals off
polygon_mode solid
scene_blend one zero
scene_blend_op add
shading gouraud
transparent_sorting force

texture AndroidGame/metalPainted00.jpg
tex_address_mode wrap
scale 1.0 1.0
colour_op modulate
// concrete489 genrated by blender2ogre 0.6.0

material concrete489
receive_shadows on

pass concrete489
ambient 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 1.0
diffuse 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 1.0
specular 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 12.5
emissive 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

alpha_to_coverage off
colour_write on
cull_hardware clockwise
depth_check on
depth_func less_equal
depth_write on
light_clip_planes off
light_scissor off
lighting on
normalise_normals off
polygon_mode solid
scene_blend one zero
scene_blend_op add
shading gouraud
transparent_sorting force

texture AndroidGame/concrete09.jpg
tex_address_mode wrap
scale 1.0 1.0
colour_op modulate
// blackcolor0xmat genrated by blender2ogre 0.6.0

material blackcolor0xmat
receive_shadows on

pass blackcolor0xmat
ambient 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
diffuse 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
specular 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 12.5
emissive 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

alpha_to_coverage off
colour_write on
cull_hardware clockwise
depth_check on
depth_func less_equal
depth_write on
light_clip_planes off
light_scissor off
lighting on
normalise_normals off
polygon_mode solid
scene_blend one zero
scene_blend_op add
shading gouraud
transparent_sorting force

// wall88000 genrated by blender2ogre 0.6.0

material wall88000
receive_shadows on

pass wall88000
ambient 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 1.0
diffuse 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 1.0
specular 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 12.5
emissive 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

alpha_to_coverage off
colour_write on
cull_hardware clockwise
depth_check on
depth_func less_equal
depth_write on
light_clip_planes off
light_scissor off
lighting on
normalise_normals off
polygon_mode solid
scene_blend one zero
scene_blend_op add
shading gouraud
transparent_sorting force

texture AndroidGame/buildings07.jpg
tex_address_mode wrap
scale 1.0 1.0
colour_op modulate
// Material.001 genrated by blender2ogre 0.6.0

material Material.001
receive_shadows on

pass Material.001
ambient 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 1.0
diffuse 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 1.0
specular 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 12.5
emissive 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

alpha_to_coverage off
colour_write on
cull_hardware clockwise
depth_check on
depth_func less_equal
depth_write on
light_clip_planes off
light_scissor off
lighting on
normalise_normals off
polygon_mode solid
scene_blend one zero
scene_blend_op add
shading gouraud
transparent_sorting force

texture AndroidGame/doors00.jpg
tex_address_mode wrap
scale 1.0 1.0
colour_op modulate

material file my project here

P.S. can have a way to re-load except mesh file? (its not help me)

Last edited by el_motoblock (4-Aug-2015 17:24:45)


#2 4-Aug-2015 17:53:59

From: Russia
Registered: 16-Feb-2013
Posts: 271

Re: Some files ... still not found verify your Ogre res path.No here all

Sorry that bother. had to change the name of the material in a blender (material.001), re-export, re-fix the material


#3 31-Aug-2015 17:30:16

From: Russia
Registered: 16-Feb-2013
Posts: 271

Re: Some files ... still not found verify your Ogre res path.No here all

so for reference: the texture is not lost, and the material is highlighted.
light is not correctly configured, specular color used on this material (in contrast to the the others)


#4 1-Sep-2015 12:50:43

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,172

Re: Some files ... still not found verify your Ogre res path.No here all

also avoid using DDS texture format for android this is not managed by all devices


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