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Anyone know a tutorial to make Augmented reality with tangible methods?
a marker can become a button showing a 3D model. that's how? is there a tutorial
ha yes sure there is
check the http://youtube.com/openspace3d channel
you also have a step by step tutorial in the ebook
This rich https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtaJdekRqJk
How do you do? Sorry still beginner, want to learn.
Last edited by huda (5-May-2015 03:29:45)
I am still confused how to order one of the marker so the display output?
can you be more precise ?
you just have to add a marker plugit and link the found or lost event to something else to trigger the action.
how one of the marker so the 3D interface objects, and the other being the marker button?
still confused
you add several marker plugIT with different marker ID
some with an object attached some without to use them only as trigger.
There is no tutorial, how still confused still beginners.
Thank you
the only video tutorial available about this is this one : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D63n1uozWrU
try to see the steps.
There is a also a tutorial in the book.
If the video catches issued is movement. But I find that the steps showing 3D models replace-replace if pressing the other marker.
How to make a button appear on Augmented reality
I've check the examples/arpiano, is almost the same but I mean coming out is not a movement or dance but rather turns 3D object.
Yes, only objects of the alternating 3D models, if you tap a key marker, plugit and how to tutorial
Sorry I really don't understand your english
Could you try to explain longer and better the purpose of your question ?
Did you tried all the videos tutorials to understand how OS3D works ?
plugit apa yang ditambah pada marker menjadi tombol input. kaya pada AR_piano, tetapi yang tampil model 3D berubah-rubah
sorry not yet I have translated.
plugit what plus on a marker into the input button. rich in AR_piano, but that appeared 3D model change-Fox
lol sorry the translation still means nothing
you can try to pm other indonesian users maybe or ask a friend that speak english should help
Do you means that you want to push on a button and it appears an object ; and iIf you push on another button, the object desappers and another different object appears instead of the first object ?
Try using the Hide Plugit to show and hide your differents objects you want to display and map them with your buttons.