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can the examine plugit zoom and rotate at the same time? i have 2 buttons controlling it, one for distance from pivote, the other for x and y rotation, but if i move the distance, i can't rotate the camera, and vice versa.
perhaps there is a key combinatino i don't know? any input welcome
yes examine view is a bit special
in control X Y Z move the target pointto zoom you have the input control dist
thx arkeon,
by move to you change the position, or change the rotation?
so to set the link from a button (your version, cbutton.pkg) to the exmamine plugit.control:
$1 $2 0
_ _ _
or is it:
_ _ _
$1 $2 0
thx, h
as others you control the translation and the rotation
x y z
rx ry rzso it's the second