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#1 3-Dec-2014 16:30:33

Registered: 3-Dec-2014
Posts: 56

object position

I hope that you are fine, i just wanna ask you how can i know the position of the object in space that i can manipulate with the hand using the kinect? (like i click the play bouton using my hand) i wish that you understand my question and you can answer it. thank you so much.


#2 3-Dec-2014 17:33:34

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,161

Re: object position

Hi !

you have several events on the kinect user plugIT.

one is the left / right hand that return the hand position in world as link parameter.

you can also use tricks.
add a dummies and make them follow the kinect hands with the follow plugIT if you use a 3D character or with Object position plugIt by changing the dummy position with the kinect hands events.

then use a distance plugit between the "play button object" and the dummy to detect when you "touch" it.
You can also use physics collision like in the Kinect game demo


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