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#1 25-Nov-2014 14:10:18

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

OpenSpace3D 1.8 and Svol 6.4


finally OpenSpace3D 1.8 is out!

OpenSpace3D 1.8.0 - 11/25/2014

- add physic mouse plugIT (to grab physic objects)
- add physic radar plugIT
- add Object track plugIt
- add Reload plugIT
- add Interval event plugIT
- add render water plugIT to dynamically set environment settings
- add render sky plugIT to dynamically set environment settings
- add multitouch plugIT
- update Leap Motion plugIT (manage VR mode, skinned hand with physics, grab action ...)
- update FPS navigation (now manage walk sound, physic materials, slide, climb...)
- update Walkthrough plugIT
- update Examine view plugIT to allow Oculus head tracking
- update Button plugIT to allow animated buttons
- update Myo plugIt (now manage several myo instances)
- update Fullscreen plugIT to allow full sized window
- update Viewport plugIT to allow external window on several screens
- update Distance plugIT to show a gizmo of the distance in editor
- update physic tools plugIt
- and more corrections on others
- add FPS demo
- add Solar system VR demo
- add Animated button example
- add selection of resources in plugITs by mouse click in 3D view
- add gizmo visualiation on some plugITs
- add export feature to local web page
- add LOD generation on mesh settings
- add curved links visualization option
- update physic settings
- remove group resource limitation in plugITs resources

Scol 6.4 :

Core / Scol:
- add PDF plugin to generate PDF files
- correction on Joypad hot plug
- better HDR parameters
- optimizations on shadows
- update physic engine to Newton 3
- update assimp SDK it now support blender lastest format
- update Myo SDK
- update Leap motion SDK
- update flash OCX for embeded Flash content


#2 25-Nov-2014 15:19:20

Bob Le Gob
Scol language & Scol applications developer
Registered: 9-Apr-2009
Posts: 26

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.8 and Svol 6.4

Youhou !!!! Great !!!!


#3 26-Nov-2014 15:55:24

Admin. / Scol language & Scol apps developer
From: France
Registered: 22-Feb-2009
Posts: 2,024

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.8 and Svol 6.4

I slightly rewrite the post smile


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