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#1 19-Nov-2014 15:50:27

From: northamerica
Registered: 20-Apr-2011
Posts: 1,541

understanding the function of the cbcontrol in the fps/basic plugit


i have a few questions about sending a conrol parameter to the fps plugit cbcontrol action.

let's say i have a string in the format

vx vy vz
ax ay az

1.if the parameters sent by another plugits event are sent every frame, i assume cbcontrol is called every frame, correct?

2. and i set vz to "1" in the link box or via the ....does that make the camera move one world unit every time the cbcontrol function is called?

3. and i set ax to "1"....does that make the camera rotate up along the local x axis by one degree every time the cbcontrol function is called? or one radian? or something else?

4. about the control tuple, [[F F F] [F F F] F I I]...the first (position) and second (angle) tuples i understand.  about the final three values, F I I
does each of the final values get place in it's own line, like this?
code for a control action that includes all parameters in string format

(ftoa F)::(ftoa F)::(ftoa F)::"\n"::(ftoa F)::(ftoa F)::(ftoa F)::"\n"::(ftoa F)::"\n"::(itoa I)::"\n"::(itoa I)::nil

or code as it appears in the plugit link dialog:
number = float or interger, i assume os3d does automatic --type casting

number number number
number number number

if that is the correct format, i'll play around with things and see what the camera does ,I don't quite understand those final three values, F I I, but no need to reply on this, I will see how things function for myself, and report back to share with those who would like to know and for myself once some time goes by and i forget this.


Last edited by hebdemnobad (19-Nov-2014 17:56:39)


#2 19-Nov-2014 16:10:21

From: northamerica
Registered: 20-Apr-2011
Posts: 1,541

Re: understanding the function of the cbcontrol in the fps/basic plugit

I've done some experimenting using a button to send

number number number
number number number

to the fps plugit and i see how that works,  although i don't quite know what the units in those two lines equate to.

but i still don't understand how the final three figures influence camera for those first to tuples [F F F] [F F F] once I know that they mean in terms of world units and radians/degrees, all that is between what i'm thinking of and reality is a bit of algebra (which i remember from school fortunately.)


#3 19-Nov-2014 17:29:24

From: northamerica
Registered: 20-Apr-2011
Posts: 1,541

Re: understanding the function of the cbcontrol in the fps/basic plugit

using the button plugit along with the walkthrough plugit and changing the numbers in the link box, it appears that the parameters [F F F][F F F] represent a percentage of the default walkthrough plugit speed, either via movement or rotation, so 1 or 1.0 is 100% speed as set in the walkthrough plugit, and 0.5 is 50% of the speed as set in the walkthrough plugit, or 5.0 is 500% of the speed as set in the walkthrough plugit.

is that correct?

i tried doing experiments with the fps plugit, but when i play a scene and change link parameters, the fps plugit won't let my cursor move until i shut down that a known issue?


#4 19-Nov-2014 18:17:08

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,161

Re: understanding the function of the cbcontrol in the fps/basic plugit

yes that's it wink

1 is the maximum speed of the navigation plugit.
you don't need to call it every frame just when you want to change the control.
to top it you must resend 0 0 0...

additional parameters are for head tracking modes
rotation X Z can be in degree or in speed ratio depending of the additional pamareters (for oculus for exemple)

each control link from a plugit to another is additional to other control inputs
so you can use several plugit linked to control
Joypad + oculus + wiimote... no matter


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