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I am working a scene that a object takes different actions depends the other one's status of display. Like a man who is crossing a road, when the light is green, he can walk,but when the light is red, he should wait for the green light. I am working with the "counter" plugit to simulate the logics. But are there any plugits more fit for the scene?
you can use the animation switcher plugIt
default anim : idle / wait
walk anim
add a distance plugit near the pedestrian crossing.
when the distance send In event you check if he can walk
distance.in -> switch red light state.input
switch red light state.left (it's green) -> do nothing
switch red light state.right(it's red) -> anim switcher.default
switch red light state.right(it's red) -> path / track.pause
red light state red -> switch red light state.switch right
red light state green -> switch red light state.switch left
this need more test for green light you can add an another switch to keep the state of the character in the distance
distance.in -> switch in dist.switch right
distance.out -> switch in dist.switch left
switch in dist.switch right -> anim switcher.walk
switch in dist.switch right -> path / track.play
red light state green -> switch in dist.input
You are so kind, thanks a lot.