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Pages: 1
I am starting the process of modding the os3d player into something a bit different. So I created a new directory in C:\Program Files (x86)\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\tools named mediaoctopus3dplayer
I renamed os3dplayer.scol name to mediaoctopus3dplayer.scol
and I changed the file path in mediaoctopus3dplayer.scol to:
_load "tools/mediaoctopus3dplayer/os3dload.pkg"
I renamed os3dplayer.pkg to mediaoctopus3dplayer.pkg
In os3dload.pkg, I changed:
let "tools/os3dlib/tools.pkg"::
-> lfiles in
let "tools/os3dlib/tools.pkg"::
-> lfiles in
when I run mediaoctopus3dplayer.scol, os3dload, I run into problems with fun loadOS3D....
while (lfiles != nil) && (secureLoad hd lfiles) do
set lfiles = tl lfiles;
runs through the lfiles list, lfiles fail to == nil and the .pkg forks to
_DLGrflmessage (_DLGMessageBox _channel nil "Error" "This version of OpenSpace3D Player is not compatible with your Scol Voy@ger version, please perform an update or ask the webmaster to uptade his projects." 0) @cbVersionError nil;
...is there some type of configuration file that is preventing the slightly modified files to run? all i did was clone the player files, put them in a new subdirectory of tools, and renamed some of the paths. I don't know what is causing the problem (as I write this, I'm sure I will learn something basic in your replies.)
thx for your help
I created a messagebox outside of a function declaration. So if I make a mistake in modding the os3dplayer.pkg file, for some reason the vm cannot iterate through the lfiles list.
Yes you can look at the loader of the editor, it show the compilation error in a dialog box, it's easier to debug
Thx arkeon...
would using _showconsole work just as well?
I mean _testpak
Thx I'll do that in my nodded pkgs.
_testpak return nil if the loading is OK and a string message else. You can display this message in the console.
It is the same message when a classical compilation fails. Such as :
File : C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\test\2dos\db2.pkg
(!) Line #238:
db2_checkCount db ??allH
'allH' unknown
link error
Pages: 1