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with the text input/output plugit I wrote (in another thread, but since this is a new question others might find useful, here it is), the editor allows for the creation of one of three fonts: arial, lucida console, and system.
the plugit has an action called "Print Incoming Message". when that action is triggered, the plugit executes cbprintmessage.
let's say I have the dialog box plugit in the scene, and when the user triggers the "Yes/No" event, I want the text input/output plugit to display lucida console font when the plugit executes the "Print Incoming Message" action.
how would I alter my client, editor, an xml files to allow this? I checked the dialogbox plugit, but still don't understand how it configures the link window and options
answer at your leisure, it's a holiday here inthe u.s.
.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<PLUGIN name="chatwindow" version="1.0" type="misc">
<HELP>Template plugIT help</HELP>
<SCRIPT path="./echatwindow.pkg" />
<PARAM name="width" type="value" />
<PARAM name="height" type="value" />
<PARAM name="window_name" type="value" />
<PARAM name="window_background_color_value" type="value" />
<PARAM name="font_color" type="value" />
<PARAM name="font_color" type="value" />
<PARAM name="font_type" type="value" />
<PARAM name="font_size" type="value" />
<CLIENT minstance="true">
<SCRIPT path="./cchatwindow.pkg" />
<ACTION name="Print Incoming Message">
<EVENT name="Send Outgoing Message">
editor file
// prototype of the cbCloseEdit function in case you don't use params
//proto cbCloseEdit = fun [] [[S S] r1];;
//proto cbCloseEdit = fun [u0] [[S S] r1];;
// Close callback called on apply / Ok button, this callback return the parameters to save in the XOS project
fun cbCloseEdit(editorinterface)=
let editorinterface-> [ctrlwinw ctrlwinh window_background_color_button font_color_button window_name_textline fontpicker font_size_control] in
//get width value set in editor
let ftoi getEdCtrlFloatValue ctrlwinw -> width in
let ftoi getEdCtrlFloatValue ctrlwinh -> height in
let ftoi getEdCtrlFloatValue font_size_control -> fontsize in
//change width value from integer to string and save in xos file
["width" itoa width]::
["height" itoa height]::
//["window_background_color_value" (itoh getEdCtrlColorButtonColor window_background_color_button)]::
["window_background_color_value" (itoh getEdCtrlColorButtonColor window_background_color_button)]::
["font_color" (itoh getEdCtrlColorButtonColor font_color_button)]::
["window_name" (getEdCtrlTextLineValue window_name_textline)]::
["font_type" (getSelectedEdCtrlSelect fontpicker)]::
["font_size" itoa fontsize]::
// Destroy callback called when the editor window is destroyed, this is useful to destroy added objects or resources
fun cbDestroyEdit()=
// Init function called when a user the plugIT Editor
fun dynamicedit(winstr, inst, viewstr) =
//get width value from .xos file
let atof (getPluginInstanceParam inst "width") -> width in
//if width not set, set it to 800
let if width == nil then 800.0 else width -> width in
//get window_ background_color
let htoi (getPluginInstanceParam inst "window_background_color_value") -> window_background_color in
let if window_background_color == nil then 0x000000 else window_background_color-> window_background_color in
//get window height
let atof (getPluginInstanceParam inst "height") -> height in
//if width not set, set it to 800
let if height == nil then 400.0 else height -> height in
let if height <. 150.0 then 150.0 else height -> height in
// size of the window
let [400 320] -> [iw ih] in
let 10 -> ypos in
//create window width label
let crEdCtrlLabel winstr 10 (set ypos = ypos + 25) + 2 120 20 "Window width" nil -> labelwinw in
//create window width float control
let crEdCtrlFloat winstr 130 ypos 100 20 width 0.0 12000.0 1.0 0 nil EDWIN_RESIZE_MW -> ctrlwinw in
//create window height label
let crEdCtrlLabel winstr 10 (set ypos = ypos + 35) + 2 120 20 "Window Height" nil -> labelwinh in
//create window height float control
let crEdCtrlFloat winstr 130 ypos 100 20 width 0.0 12000.0 1.0 0 nil EDWIN_RESIZE_MW -> ctrlwinh in
//create background color control labbel
let crEdCtrlLabel winstr 10 (set ypos = ypos + 55) + 2 160 20 "Window Background Color" nil -> window_background_color_label in
//create background color control
let crEdCtrlColorButton winstr 180 ypos 165 20 window_background_color 0 EDWIN_RESIZE_MW nil -> window_background_color_button in
//create font color conrol label
let crEdCtrlLabel winstr 10 (set ypos = ypos + 45) + 2 160 20 "Font Color" nil -> font_color_label in
//change hex string of font color into hex interger from .xos file
let htoi (getPluginInstanceParam inst "font_color") -> font_color in
//if ther is no font color, set it to white..see http://www.nthelp.com/colorcodes.htm
let if font_color == nil then 0xFFFFFF else font_color-> font_color in
//create font color control
let crEdCtrlColorButton winstr 180 ypos 165 20 font_color 0 EDWIN_RESIZE_MW nil -> font_color_button in
//create window name label
let crEdCtrlLabel winstr 10 (set ypos = ypos + 45) + 2 160 20 "Window Name Label" nil -> window_name_label in
//create window name text area (in scol it's a textline)
//get window name
let (getPluginInstanceParam inst "window_name") -> window_name in
//get font type
let (getPluginInstanceParam inst "font_type") -> font_type in
let atof (getPluginInstanceParam inst "font_size") -> fontsize in
let if fontsize == nil then 12.0 else fontsize -> fontsize in
let crEdCtrlTextLine winstr 180 ypos 200 20 window_name nil EDWIN_RESIZE_MW -> window_name_textline in
let crEdCtrlLabel winstr 10 (set ypos = ypos + 45) 160 20 "Type of Font" nil -> font_labeltype in
let crEdCtrlSelect winstr 180 ypos 200 120 EDWIN_RESIZE_MW -> fontpicker in
let crEdCtrlLabel winstr 10 (set ypos = ypos + 45) + 2 160 20 "Font Size" nil -> font_size_label in
//create font size control
let crEdCtrlFloat winstr 180 ypos 160 20 fontsize 0.0 100.0 1.0 0 nil EDWIN_RESIZE_MW -> font_size_control in
// resize the editor window
setEdWindowSize winstr iw ih;
fillEdCtrlSelect fontpicker "System"::"Arial"::"Lucida Console"::nil;
selectEdCtrlSelect fontpicker font_type;
[mkfun1 @cbCloseEdit [ctrlwinw ctrlwinh window_background_color_button font_color_button window_name_textline fontpicker font_size_control] @cbDestroyEdit];
client file
//struct definition
struct Chatwindow = [
CHATwindow_plugin_instance : PInstance,
CHATwindow_window_object_container : ObjContainer,
CHATwindow_parent_chat_window : ObjWin,
CHATwindow_chat_font : ObjFont,
CHATwindow_ongoing_chat_textfield : CompText,
CHATwindow_chat_entry_textfield : CompText
fun printmessage(constr, value)=
_ADDcompText constr.CHATwindow_ongoing_chat_textfield strcatn value:: "":: "\n"::nil constr.CHATwindow_chat_font [0x00FFFF 0 0 0xFFFF00] CT_END;
_PAINTcontainer constr.CHATwindow_window_object_container;
fun cbprintmessage(inst, from, action, param, reply, constr)=
printmessage constr param;
fun cbDestroy(inst, from, action, param, reply, constr)=
_DScompText constr.CHATwindow_ongoing_chat_textfield;
_DScompText constr.CHATwindow_chat_entry_textfield;
_DSfont constr.CHATwindow_chat_font;
_DScontainer constr.CHATwindow_window_object_container;
_DSwindow constr.CHATwindow_parent_chat_window;
fun deleteOb(inst, constr)=
cbDestroy inst nil nil nil nil constr;
//add text to ongoing_chat_textfield here
fun addtext(textobject, user_parameter,type,value)=
//update contents of chat interface
let ""-> empty_text_value in
_ADDcompText user_parameter.CHATwindow_ongoing_chat_textfield strcatn value:: "":: "\n"::nil user_parameter.CHATwindow_chat_font [0x00FFFF 0 0 0xFFFF00] CT_END;
_PAINTcontainer user_parameter.CHATwindow_window_object_container;
_SETcompText textobject "" user_parameter.CHATwindow_chat_font [0x00FFFF 0 0 0xFFFF00] CT_BEGIN;
_PAINTcontainer user_parameter.CHATwindow_window_object_container;
_DMSevent this (getPluginInstanceEvent user_parameter.CHATwindow_plugin_instance "Send Outgoing Message") value nil;
///create plugit function
fun newOb(inst)=
//get width value from .xos file
let atoi (getPluginInstanceParam inst "width") -> width in
let htoi (getPluginInstanceParam inst "window_background_color_value") -> window_background_color in
//get height value from .xos file
let atoi (getPluginInstanceParam inst "height") -> height in
let atoi (getPluginInstanceParam inst "font_size") -> fontsize in
//get window name from .xos file, if nil set to unnamed window
let getPluginInstanceParam inst "window_name" -> window_name_value in
let getPluginInstanceParam inst "font_type" -> font_type in
let if window_name_value == nil then "Unnamed Window" else window_name_value -> window_name_value in
let _CRwindow _channel DMSwin 0 0 width height WN_TOPMOST|WN_NOSCOL window_name_value -> thisparentchatwindow in
let _CRcontainerFromObjWin _channel thisparentchatwindow 0 0 width height CO_CHILDINSIDE window_background_color "hackerwindow" -> thiscontainer in
let _CRfont _channel fontsize 0 0 font_type-> thisfont in
let htoi (getPluginInstanceParam inst "font_color") -> font_color in
let if font_color == nil then 0xFFFFFF else font_color-> font_color in
let _CRcompText _channel thiscontainer nil [0 (height-50)] OBJ_ENABLE|OBJ_VISIBLE|CT_LEFT|CT_WORDWRAP|CT_EDITLINE 0 width 50 "text entry field" thisfont [font_color 0 0 font_color] [0xFFFFFF 50] nil nil -> thistextentryfield in
let _CRcompText _channel thiscontainer nil [0 0] OBJ_ENABLE|OBJ_VISIBLE|CT_LEFT|CT_LABEL|CT_WORDWRAP|CT_LABEL|CT_SELECT OBJ_CONTAINER_KEYDOWN width (set height= height-50) strcat "ongoing chat text here" "\n" thisfont [font_color 0 0 font_color] [0xFFFFFF 50] nil nil-> thisongoingchatfield in
let mkChatwindow [inst thiscontainer thisparentchatwindow thisfont thisongoingchatfield thistextentryfield]->constr in
_CBcompTextValidation constr.CHATwindow_chat_entry_textfield @addtext constr CT_VALIDENTER;
_PAINTcontainer constr.CHATwindow_window_object_container;
PluginRegisterAction inst "Print Incoming Message" mkfun6 @cbprintmessage constr;
//PluginRegisterAction inst "Destroy" mkfun6 @cbDestroy constr;
setPluginInstanceCbDel inst mkfun2 @deleteOb constr;
fun IniPlug(file)=
PlugRegister @newOb nil;
setPluginEditor @dynamicedit;
hmm didn't understood the question ^^
2 dialog box plugits linked to 1 text input/output plugiit.
dialog box 1 ok event makes the "Print Incoming Message" print a message to a comptext box in lucida console
dialog box 2 ok event makes the "Print Incoming Message" print a message to a comptext box in arial
what i'm wondering is how to enable a plugit action's attributes, to some extent, be determined by other plugits. right now, the plugit only prints in the font set by the editor, not set by a particular link.
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