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this image sums up the problem i've encountered with making a comptext window appear as part of an os3d scene. the comptext window appears in front of an additional viewport. is there a way I should restructure the window/container hierarchy here. here is the image:
here is the code that creates the container and window hierarchy. even if I split my multiplayer plugit into two components, this problem will remain as I think I am not handling the viewport correctly:
//other code
let (V3DgetSessionView c3dXsession) -> viewstr in
let viewstr.V3D_win -> fatherwin in
// fatherwin the ObjWin used to create the 3d buffer
set parent_chat_window = _CRwindow _channel fatherwin 0 450 800 150 WN_NOBORDER|WN_CHILDINSIDE "A window";
set hacker_window_object_container= _CRcontainerFromObjWin _channel parent_chat_window 0 0 800 150 CO_CHILDINSIDE 0x000000 "hackerwindow";
set hacker_font = _CRfont _channel 12 0 0 "Lucida Console";
set ongoing_chat_textfield = _CRcompText _channel hacker_window_object_container nil [0 0] OBJ_ENABLE|OBJ_VISIBLE|CT_LEFT|CT_LABEL|CT_WORDWRAP|CT_LABEL|CT_SELECT OBJ_CONTAINER_KEYDOWN 800 100 strcat "hacker window chat text field" "\n" hacker_font [0x00FFFF 0 0 0xFFFF00] [0xFFFFFF 50] nil nil;
set chat_entry_textfield = _CRcompText _channel hacker_window_object_container nil [0 101] OBJ_ENABLE|OBJ_VISIBLE|CT_LEFT|CT_WORDWRAP|CT_EDITLINE 0 800 50 "hacker entry field" hacker_font [0x00FFFF 0 0 0xFFFF00] [0xFFFFFF 50] nil nil;
_PAINTcontainer hacker_window_object_container;
//callback for when user hits the enter key after entering chat string
_CBcompTextValidation chat_entry_textfield @localuser_enter_text nil CT_VALIDENTER;
_CBcontainerKeyDown hacker_window_object_container @containerkeydown nil;
//more code
it looks more like a window resizing problem.
the window container must be resized but not the container itself. so the background you see could be just a memory content from the not initialized part of the container bitmap.
I'm not sure if I'm clear ^^
there is only one viewport in OS3D until you create an another one intentionally.
Hmmm also the 3D buffer can don't like to have a child window inside it ^^
I'll try this code tomorow
Perhaps the buffer and chat window can be children of a root window/container?
tried and could not reproduce your strange behavior
I guess it's my laptop gpu then. After I split my plugit into two components, I guess I can create a chat window as a separate window from the 3d buffer.