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I need to create a book for literacy of blind children. I intend to use the PlugIt AR marker to open the instance of the scenes (files. XOS) automatically (each letter is crafted in a file. Xos). As I've walked by Arkeon, I use something like:
marker p1.found -> instantiate p1.load
marker p2.found -> instantate p1.unload all
marker p2.found -> instantate p2.load
My doubt is the opening scene will loop, generating an error by overloading?
I will do tests and post the results here. If anyone has suggestions on this work, I will thank very much.
to be sure you load only one instance per marker found, you can add a switch plugIT to disable the link once it loaded.
marker p1.found -> switch p1.input
switch p1.left -> switch.switch right
switch p1.left -> instantiate p1.load
marker p2.found -> instantate p1.unload all
marker p2.found -> switch p1.switch left //reset
marker p2.found -> switch p2.input