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#1 11-Oct-2013 09:36:30

Registered: 11-Oct-2013
Posts: 8

moving object with AR marker

Hi all I am a newer in 3D OpenSpace and need a help. First of all want to apologize for a bad english. I am make a project for education a kids for safety in road. Have some streets with buildings, traffic lights, zebra crossing. Have a girl and I track her with AR marker.  I want when cam find AR marker to show girl, and when move the marker the cam follow the marker and girl walking in the streets. I appreciate any help, thank in advance.


#2 11-Oct-2013 09:43:28

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,172

Re: moving object with AR marker

Hello and welcome !

hmm so what is the question ?


#3 11-Oct-2013 11:05:36

Registered: 11-Oct-2013
Posts: 8

Re: moving object with AR marker

The question is: is it possible to move object across the streets with AR marker? I tried to connect the camera to follow the object (girl) but I did not receive with AR marker. Want to be like plugIT navigation Walkthrough, but with AR marker, not by keybord, is that possible?


#4 11-Oct-2013 11:08:19

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,172

Re: moving object with AR marker

I have some difficulties to understand ^^

you want to track a person with a marker in a street, and then what do you want to be shown on your application ?


#5 11-Oct-2013 11:16:18

Registered: 11-Oct-2013
Posts: 8

Re: moving object with AR marker

No no person, I want to track object to AR marker, and when move marker seen like the object walk across the streets. Can I send you my project to see what I mean?


#6 11-Oct-2013 11:31:00

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,172

Re: moving object with AR marker

yes you can send it by pm or mail
(arkeon dot work at gmail dot com)


#7 11-Oct-2013 13:28:21

Registered: 11-Oct-2013
Posts: 8

Re: moving object with AR marker

I send you my project. Thank you very much in advance for you attention and help arkeon.


#8 11-Oct-2013 17:34:12

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,172

Re: moving object with AR marker

first some comments about graphics :
- do not user spaces or special chars in materials names or textures names
- for a scene with the same object duplicated several time, use instantiated meshes (only on mesh loaded but duplicated in the scene)

if you use 3dsMax and easy ogre exporter, just duplicate object and select instantiate.

I still don't understand what you are trying to do with AR marker ^^

if you want to move the "momiche" dummy using a marker you must first understand how markers and AR works.
If the webcam picture is shown, the virtual camera (3D view) become like this were at your real webcam position.
So the backound scene won't work.
A marker position, is the 3D position from your webcam.

So if you want to move the girl around using the marker, you will need to get the marker translation and apply it to the relative position of the girl.

Actually there is no simple way to make this ^^
I'll add the possibility to gret a marker translation and rotation for the incoming release
First you you don't need the webcam picture behind the scene, uncheck "show on start" in the AR capture plugIT


#9 12-Oct-2013 03:33:23

Registered: 11-Oct-2013
Posts: 8

Re: moving object with AR marker

Thank you arkeon. Yes you are understand what I am want to do with AR marker. I'm a little disappointed that it is not easy to do, and probably will not be able to do with my skills. However, can you give me guidance on how to do it, if possible?


#10 12-Oct-2013 18:27:17

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,172

Re: moving object with AR marker

the simple way :
- add a marker with a correct scale linked to the street object
- add a marker linked to the girl with the same scale
- add a fixed camera

so you will use the main marker to position the street, and then when you will mode the girl's marker the gils will follow it correctly

I've tried translations without success, since we don't know in which direction the girl sould move


#11 13-Oct-2013 06:50:38

Registered: 11-Oct-2013
Posts: 8

Re: moving object with AR marker

Thank you arkeon I will try this.


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