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#1 12-Nov-2012 08:26:00

From: Indonesia
Registered: 30-Mar-2012
Posts: 227

create physic

can you give me short step to create physic?
I have tried but I'm failed.
I just want if the ball (sphere) fall and touch the floor (plane),
the animation can look like real. Just like that!

OK, thanks for your helP..


#2 12-Nov-2012 08:53:00

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,172

Re: create physic


Right click on the sphere > set physic :
- choose "ellipsoid" as body type
- set a mass
- uncheck freezed

Right click on the plan >set physic :
- choose "collision tree" or "box" as body type

Right click on scene node >set physic setting :
- check enable

play the application.

Use physic material plugIT to set the elasticity, bounce of the body material


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