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Pages: 1
Hi, I have been publish my os3d project to web.
By the way, I'm using wordpress and linking the os3d project address at the word like this http://www.mydomain.com/public_html/myp … index.html.
But in fact, when I'm click on the link, there's no result found. It means that I can't access my project via web.
So, what's wrong?
I also have been see at the showcase menu that there's an example when open the project via web, and it works!
But not for me..
Why it can happen?
of course!
I do it via openspace3d editor, and I have do this until upload progress finished.
But, when I make a link to this project and I'm running it on the web, but there is a page that show that the result was not found.
Can you check the files on the server ?
- files are not presents (the upload progress has finished but the files were not copied because the rights are incorrect, or others causes)
- files are present but they are not in the correct directory
By example, http://www.mydomain.com/public_html/myp … index.html files must be in myproject / web subdirectory
Pages: 1