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I want to make an interaction between marker and flash interface.
the case is like this:
when the marker touch the flash interface on the screen, then appear an object.
Last edited by dhika11march (30-May-2012 09:54:28)
I put a flash interface plugIT. I set this interface in the right-center of screen. I also set the size 30 x 30.
then, I put the ARmarker1 and there is a sphere object within this marker.
when the marker1 detected by camera, then the sphere object appear on screen.
If the sphere object touch or contact with flash interface, then I want it can caused the event occured. for example showing the image.
ok, I hope you understand what I mean.
ok !!! yes I think I understand better, your flash interface is on the screen as an overlay not on an another marker in 3D.
hmm so to detect the position of the marker against the position of the 2D interface you'll need to calculate the marker 2D position on the screen.
you can get the marker pixel position from the pixel position event of the marker. but this is the position on the webcam picture, so it depend of the webcam resolution.
maybe that you could check the position like this with an math get vector and if plugITs :
marker.pixel position->get vector.in
get vector.X->if1.superior or equal(400)
if1.true -> if2.inferior or equal(500)
yes the ifs are a little complicated ^^