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Pages: 1
highly commend this application .. cool!
admin I have created a 3d house ...
and I would like to add augmented reality
how to add AR when the door opened?
I would like to add a video AR...thanx
you know the example in demos in folder 3dscene???
I made a 3d house like that...
Now I want to add the AR in 3dscene...
when the door opened, I want to show that I created AR..
you know what i means???
Ok I'll try to extrapolate and guess what you mean ^^
If you want to show your house on a marker try this tutorial : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D63n1uozWrU
oh no...that's not what I mean
i have a house 3d and
i have AR video
now I want to incorporate..:D
incorporate them in a way when the door is opened, then the AR video to appear ...
whether it can all be done in OS3D?
Sorry I really don't understand ^^
please give me a complete example.
what do you mean by AR video ? appear where ?
In your 3d scene what are you doing, moving ? how do you open the door ?
please make a comprehensive question, take the time to explain your idea correctly
so in the example demos
there is an event where when we approach the TV and click on it,
then comes the video .........
and I want to make a video that appeared when I opened the door, and the video is also there ar as ar_piano where Sinbad was changed to the existing video and buttons to bring up the tone of do-re-mi converted into a key to start and stop the video.
So you want to visualize a video on a marker ? But at the same time be in first person view in your house ? and so the web cam picture in background ?
what don't you understand in the samples ?
Pages: 1