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Can anyone help me?
I could not enter the scene a particle emitter. I get the following message: "In the particle Template System Resources Found in Scene"
Last edited by Alexandre_Brazil (11-Apr-2012 14:57:06)
you can edit particles with a ogre particle editor
try this one : http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/Ogre+Par … ture=Tools
then you have to add particle and material ressource to openspace.
if the material is not added before the particle file it is possible that os3d can't found the materials.
then try to save your project and re-open the xos file.
http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/Particle+Accelerator is very good too.
The problem with those 2 tools is that sometimes you will have to modify the script manually to be sure the particle is at the good scale (those tools use a huge scale for an unknow reason).
Initially I want to thank for the tips, because I managed to insert the particle emitter in the scene.
I need help now to reduce its size in the scene. I tried to edit the file (. Particle), but had no success.
I send the attached file to see if I can indicate which parameter (tag) I change to reduce the size of the object in the scene.
Once again thank you for this valuable contribution.
The most important parameter to change are "particle_width" and "particle_height": they are in world unit, so in your script, and as a world unit is one meter in OpenSpace3D, 14x26 meters! Try to divide them by 10 (1.4 and 2.6) or anything else smaller if you need, as far as you keep the ratio width/height.
You will certainly have to divide by the same amount all the "velocity_" tags too, as they are in unit per second (for example velocity = .6, etc...).
The width/height/depth of the emitter too (and maybe the affector value too).
As every Ogre's scripts, you can find useful information in the Ogre Manual
Last edited by Nodrev (12-Apr-2012 15:24:49)
I changed the tags and it worked. Thank you.
In authoring mode the particles appear perfectly (click play), but in execution mode (by clicking the Start Player - F12) the parttículas not appear.
Last edited by Alexandre_Brazil (14-Apr-2012 03:26:20)
I'm waiting for your answer. I want to use this feature on a new project, after finishing what I am developing in the area of children's literacy.
I very much appreciate your valuable help.
I tried with the particle from neurosky demo and it seems to works fine in player mode.
Do you use a plugIT to start the particle or do you set the enable state directly on the particle in the tree ?
Dear Arkeon,
I apologize for the error. Redid the scene here and everything worked normally do not know what may have occurred.
Did not show any error messages (log file). I believe it was some parameter wrong PulgIT.
Pages: 1