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I can not find how to import a texture (image) with a blender and how to correctly insert OS3D. When you import a file is created: .scene, .png, .xml, .mesh. Should there still be any files? If you simply insert a .scene, then apply texture not right, not as a picture.
you can just use the picture plugIT or change Texture plugIT to change a texture on an object
I understand that. I do not know how to load the texture. In the plug plugIT to change a tehture cant select a texture, there is 0.
here's the solution:
As you already noticed, there's no way around UV coordinates for games. Thankfully, blender comes with some very good UV unwrapping tools.
The simplest way to get UV coordinates from a 3D model in blender is to use Smart UV Project. You can do that by pressing U while in edit-mode and then select "Smart UV Project" from the menu.
more... video- http://cgcookie.com/blender/2011/01/21/intro_uvmapping/
Last edited by slavavs (27-Feb-2012 11:28:32)
For my part, I prefer use the "Mark seam" on edges, and use the "Unwrap" command... It took a little more time but this way the uv is far cleaner.
Here a model I started this w-e, on which you can see the seams in red, and the generated uv map:
Smart UV Project is good for simple/cubic models, but I recommend you to start using the unwrap method, it's allways useful to know how to use it