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anything else except the collision tree? or must be something?
Openspace3D uses Newton library for physics, so you can found information about which collision shape is the best for a given usage here:
Newton collision shapes
thanks arkeon i'll try it... and thanks nodrev for the link... i'll go to the scene right now
Scene collision is not supported by OpenSpace3D (look at the dropbox listing all the collisions type that are possible!), because a tree collision works better for most of the meshs, for the same functionalities. As a side node, height-field collision is not supported neither, at least at this time.
So, as far as I understand what you want to do, use a tree collision for the static part of your scene (the road, and other static objects?), and a convex collision (named "shape" in openspace3d) for the car (although a box collision may be sufficient).
Last edited by Nodrev (8-Nov-2011 17:07:18)
i mean i'm going to taht link... to see it... not using a scene....:D
and it was very nice link.. i understand what physic i should use...
last thing sir arkeon... i want if the ball contact with the wall(plain with colour white) it will stuck.... and didn't move at all....... by the way using the physic plugin and physic
i still don't understand the physic setting...
here is my xos file
thanks before...
if you want to control the ball with the keyboard :
first your ball must have a physic weight
try to move the ball using physic tools plugIt and shose your mesh (not dummy)
and setting the keyb.key down->physic tools.Set omega with a vector in link param, for example "10 0 0"
you can also try with Set velocity for example
no... the one that i need is how to make the ball didn't move to left side anymore if the ball has been contact with the wall( white plain) i already tried anything but it still move over the wall if i press the A button.... how to make it stop if the ball hit the wall??
just don't use object control or move to, but physic tools plugIT only.
move your object by physic forces, the object control or move to always try to reach the destination so it jump the wall
very thanks to arkeon finally my papper has finished and i have already graduated..... thanks for your help and for another admin scolring forum.........
you are all very kind and helpfull