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i figure before I mess with hexagons in 3d in os3d, I will make a hexagon grid painted into a bitmap. then i will use some of the math to position hexagon shaped meshes in 3d space.
struct XYVertex=[
posx: I,
posy: I
]mkXYVertex;;//this makes a vertex object with xy coordinates
struct QRSCoordinate=[
posq: I,
posr: I,
poss: I
]mkQRSCoordinate;;//this makes a vertex object with qrs coordinates. It is easier to create a grid
//of hexagons this way and you can use xyz vector functions with your hexagons
struct Hexagon=[
VQRScenter: QRSCoordinate,
Isize: I,
//table of edge points in xy coordinate system with XYVertex objects, since we always know that there are only 6 such points we can use a table
lxypoints: tab [XYVertex],
//table of edge points in qrs (xyz) coordinate system with QRSCoordinate objects,since we always know that there are only 6 such points we can use a table
lqrspoints: tab [QRSCoordinate],
//send vertex and hexagon to function from a mouse click, get whether in outside, 0, or inbounds, 1
//I probably won't need this when i make it in 3d and I may not work on this at all
funcwithinbounds: fun [[Hexagon XYVertex]] I,
//send hexagon to function with center and size, create vertex coordinates with some geometry math
//so as to load return into lpoints table
funmakevertices: fun [Hexagon] [tab [XYVertex] ],
//send hexagon to function with xy coordinates, get back hexagon
//with qrs (xyz) coordinates as they are easier to work with and to store center of hex
//in QRSCoordinate object
funconvert_xy_to_qrs: fun [Hexagon][I I I],
//reverse of funconvert_xy_to_qr so we can set hexagon center (and maybe edge points?) in xy space
funconvert_qrs_to_xy: fun [Hexagon][I I]
//this object will hold a bunch of hexagons in a grid in qrs coordinate system
//this will be very important to build a hexagon grid with hexagon .mesh object in os3d i think
struct Hexagongrid=[
hexagongrid: [Hexagon r1]
] mkHexagongrid;;
fun main()=
so far so good it runs, but I haven't actually done anything yet.
my first step will be to draw one humble hexagon into a bitmap using the information gained from a Hexagon object and the _DRAWpoly24 function.
then to paint a grid of hexagons into a bitmap (this is intimidating as you position the hexagons in qrs space and convert everything to xy space so you can put them in a bitmap that only understands xy not qrs.)
Last edited by hebdemnobad (26-Sep-2024 19:27:37)
ok. i think i can create an array of hex objects in qrs space that is an arbitrary height in rows of hexes and width in columns of hexes, the size of each hex, and whether the first column is lower than the second colum or the first column is higher than the second column, where the q r and s coordinates always add to zero.
the problem is turning the qrs (like xyz coordinates) coordinates into xy coordinates so they can be drawn or be used to arrange meshes in os3d. fortunately i have a retired math professor in the family and got him interested enough in the qrs conversion to xy conversion... (the code below has preloaded the consle.pkg from the tutorials to display everything.
_load "hextable/hexload.pkg"
proto hextablemain = fun [] I;;
proto consolemain = fun[] I;;
fun main()=
_load "os3dlib/tools.pkg";
_load "hextable/console.pkg";
_load "hextable/hextable.pkg";
_fooS "in hexload main function";
// nested table syntax typeof Globalgrid = tab [I tab [S tab F]];;
typeof Global_startvectable = tab QRSCoordinate;;
typeof Global_hextable = tab tab Hex;;//this is a table. each element in the table contains a table of hex objects. the table is total_columns long and total rows high see makehexgrid function below
proto mygetcoordinates = fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I];;
proto makestartvectable = fun [I I S] I;;
proto scalevector = fun [[I I I] I ] [I I I];;
//vertex object with qrs coordinates
struct QRSCoordinate=[
posq: I,
posr: I,
poss: I,
getcoordinates: fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I]
struct Hex= [
hexcenter: QRSCoordinate,
hexsize: I,
fungethexcenter: fun [Hex] [I I I],
funprinthex: fun [Hex] S
fun get_full_startvector_table_contents (startvectortable)=
fun mygetcoordinates(qrs)=
let qrs.posq-> q in
let qrs.posr-> r in
let qrs.poss-> s in
[q r s];;
fun getmyhexcoordinates (hex) =
let hex.hexcenter -> qrs_center in
mygetcoordinates qrs_center;; //this function takes hex and returns [q r s] for qrs object in its center
fun myprinthex (hex)=
let exec hex.fungethexcenter with [hex] -> [q r s] in
let strcatn "this hex q center is at: ":: (itoa q)::" it's r center is at: ":: (itoa r):: " and its s center is at: "::(itoa s)::nil -> string in
console_print lastcsl string;
fun makeQRS(q, r, s)=
let mkQRSCoordinate [q r s nil]-> qrs in
set qrs.getcoordinates=@mygetcoordinates;
fun makeHex(qrs, size)=
let mkHex [qrs size @getmyhexcoordinates @myprinthex] -> hex in
fun scalevector (directional_vector, scale_factor)=
let directional_vector -> [q r s] in
let q*scale_factor -> newq in
let r*scale_factor -> newr in
let s*scale_factor -> news in
[newq newr news];;
fun addvec_with_direction (inputvector, direction, distance)= //this function takes a vector and direction and returns a new vector object,the result depending on the the direction this package has already loaded the os3d tools.pkg so it can use functions from it
if ((strcmp direction "northeast") ==0) then
//console_print lastcsl"adding new vector to the northeast!";
let [1 (-1) 0] -> directional_vector in
let distance -> factor in
let scalevector directional_vector factor -> scaled_directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector scaled_directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
//console_print lastcsl strcatn "new q is: "::(itoa q)::" new r is: "::(itoa r):: " and new s is: ":: (itoa s)::nil;
else if ((strcmp direction "southeast") ==0) then
let [1 0 (-1)] -> directional_vector in
let distance -> factor in
let scalevector directional_vector factor -> scaled_directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector scaled_directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
//console_print lastcsl strcatn "new q is: "::(itoa q)::" new r is: "::(itoa r):: " and new s is: ":: (itoa s)::nil;
else if ((strcmp direction "north") ==0) then
//console_print lastcsl"adding new vector to the north!";
let [0 (-1) 1] -> directional_vector in
let distance -> factor in
let scalevector directional_vector factor -> scaled_directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector scaled_directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
//console_print lastcsl strcatn "new q is: "::(itoa q)::" new r is: "::(itoa r):: " and new s is: ":: (itoa s)::nil;
let q+r+s -> result in
if (result == 0) then console_print lastcsl"no error" else console_print lastcsl"error!!";
fun make_column (hexgrid, hexlist, currentcolumn_number, currentrow_number, inputqrs, total_rows, hexsize)=
console_print lastcsl strcatn "presently in column number: ":: (itoa currentcolumn_number)::nil;
if (currentrow_number<total_rows) then
console_print lastcsl strcatn "currently in row number: ":: (itoa currentrow_number):: " and we will take the inputqrs and make a hex here!":: "\n":: "then we will feed a new QRS object into the function"::nil;
let makeHex inputqrs hexsize-> hex in
let lcat hexlist hex::nil -> hexlist in
let exec inputqrs.getcoordinates with [inputqrs] -> inputvec in
let addvec_with_direction inputvec "north" hexsize -> newvec in
let newvec -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
myprinthex hex;
set currentrow_number=currentrow_number+1;
make_column hexgrid hexlist currentcolumn_number currentrow_number newqrs total_rows hexsize;
else //we are done with the column, turn the list into a table, and put it in the currentcolumn_number of the Global_hextable
console_print lastcsl strcatn "done with column number: " ::(itoa currentcolumn_number):: nil;
let sizelist hexlist -> size in
let listtotab hexlist -> hextable in
let sizetab hextable -> tablesize in
console_print lastcsl strcatn "there are : ":: (itoa size):: " items inthe hexlist"::nil;
console_print lastcsl strcatn "there are : ":: (itoa tablesize):: " items inthe hextable"::nil;
set Global_hextable.currentcolumn_number = hextable;
let sizetab Global_hextable.currentcolumn_number -> sizable2 in
console_print lastcsl strcatn "there are :" :: (itoa sizable2):: " elements in column number"::(itoa currentcolumn_number)::nil;
//todo test contents of table of tables of hexes and validate their coordintaes
fun fillvectortable (vector, hexsize, qrstable, startstate, rownumber)=
if (rownumber ==0) then
console_print lastcsl "we are at start vecdtor table item zero;Global_startvectable.0 has already been set, the only thing left it to determine whether to go southeast (evens up) or northeast (odds up)";
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then
//go southeast, and feed in vector of this item to form next item
//we want to make vector for first odd number to feed into function
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" hexsize-> newvector in
set rownumber = rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
) else
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" hexsize-> newvector in
set rownumber = rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
//go northeast and feed in vector of this item to form next item
//we want to make vector for first odd number to feed into function
else if (rownumber == (sizetab qrstable)) then
console_print lastcsl"we are at end of table; ";
get_full_startvector_table_contents Global_startvectable;
if ((mod rownumber 2)!= 0) then//odd number fork
console_print lastcsl"we have an odd number";
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then //if evens up then odd numbers make a new vector to the northeast
console_print lastcsl"go northeast because evens are up and odds are down";
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" hexsize-> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set Global_startvectable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize Global_startvectable startstate rownumber;
console_print lastcsl"go southeast because odds are above evens"; //if evens down then odd numbers make a new vector to the southeast
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" hexsize -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set Global_startvectable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize Global_startvectable startstate rownumber;
///even number fork
console_print lastcsl"we have an even number";
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then
console_print lastcsl"go southeast because evens are up and odds are down";//if evens up then even numbers make a new vector to the southheast
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" hexsize-> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set Global_startvectable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize Global_startvectable startstate rownumber;
console_print lastcsl"go northeast because odds are above evens"; //if odds up then even numbers make a new vector to the norththheast
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" hexsize-> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set Global_startvectable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize Global_startvectable startstate rownumber;
fun makestartvectable(size, hexsize, startstate)=
set Global_startvectable = mktab size nil;
let makeQRS 0 0 0 -> r in
let 0 -> rownumber in
let mygetcoordinates r -> startcoordiantes in//this will be [0 0 0]
set Global_startvectable.0 = r;
fillvectortable startcoordiantes hexsize Global_startvectable startstate rownumber;
fun makehexgrid (total_columns, total_rows, hexsize, startstate)=
makestartvectable total_columns hexsize startstate;
let mktab total_columns nil-> table in
let 0-> column_counter in
let 0-> column_number in
set Global_hextable= table;
while (column_counter < total_columns) do
let Global_startvectable.column_counter -> initialqrs in
//make_column arguments: hexgrid, hexlist, currentcolumn_number, currentrow_number, inputvec, total_row, hex size
make_column table nil column_counter 0 initialqrs total_rows hexsize;
set column_counter= column_counter +1;
fun hextablemain()=
//the number after the function call is the number of vectors in the vector table which will be the number of columns in the hex table
makehexgrid 3 3 1 "evens up";
//do some tests
myprinthex Global_hextable.0.0;
myprinthex Global_hextable.1.2;
myprinthex Global_hextable.2.2;
Last edited by hebdemnobad (6-Oct-2024 17:37:00)
i've gotten it all working (in text, next step to draw these things...i know for os3d you don't have to draw hexagons but will use meshes but I wanted to make sure that the hexagons all fit together before I build the plugit. the goal here is to make 2d maps for table top games to keep track of where the players (and monsters) are, without having to look through rulebooks all the time.
the code builds a rectangular array of hexagons in q r s (like xyz) space, and then when needed translates the qrs coordinates into xy coordinates to draw in 2d eventually. the code can create rectangular arrays of arbitrary size, with hexagons of arbitrary size with arbitrary starting qrs coordinates (although the coordinates have to make sense in qrs space; if they don't, all the subsequent calculations will be wrong.)
note: y is calculated with a -1 so it makes sense like a mathematical graph where y is 0 at the bottom left. since with drawing apps including scol you start drawing at the top left, remove the -1.
[edit on 10.17.2024---i removed the global variables and redid the same functionality with structs and local variables]
// nested table syntax typeof Globalgrid = tab [I tab [S tab F]];;
proto mygetcoordinates = fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I];;
proto makestartvectable = fun [I I S [I I I]] I;;
proto scalevector = fun [[I I I] I ] [I I I];;
proto hex_to_pixel = fun [Hex] [I I];;
proto initializevectortable = fun [tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate I] Vectortable;;
proto fillvectortable = fun [[I I I] I Vectortable S I] Vectortable;;
proto makehexgrid = fun [I I I S [I I I]] Hexgrid;;
//vertex object with qrs coordinates
struct QRSCoordinate=[
posq: I,
posr: I,
poss: I,
getcoordinates: fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I]
struct Hex= [
hexcenter: QRSCoordinate,
hexheight: I,
fungethexcenter: fun [Hex] [I I I],
funprinthex: fun [Hex] S,
funhextopixel: fun [Hex] [F F],
hex_xy: [F F]
struct Vectortable=[
vectortable: tab QRSCoordinate,
rows: I,
start: S,
startvec: QRSCoordinate
] mkVectortable;;
struct Hexgrid =[
hextable: tab tab Hex,// each element of the hexgrid table has a table of hexes (which is a column in the hex grid)
hexgridrows: I,
columns: I,
hexsize: I
//function below: fun [Vectortable] returns I utility to make sure vector table is correct, this is a table of qrs objects that forms row 0 of every column in a rectangular array of hexes
fun print_full_startvector_table_contents (startvectortable)=
_fooS "the Vectortable object is complete, reading out full contents of Vectortable.vectortable which is in the format of tab QRSCoordinate";
let sizetab startvectortable ->table_total in
let 0-> counter in
while (counter< table_total) do
let startvectortable.counter-> qrsobject in
let mygetcoordinates qrsobject -> [q r s] in
console_print lastcsl strcatn "present q r s coordinates in start vector table are: ":: (itoa q)::" "::(itoa r):: " ":: (itoa s)::nil;
set counter = counter+1;
console_print lastcsl strcatn "at end of table, finally! the table had a total of: ":: (itoa table_total)::" items in it"::nil;
//function below: fun [QRSCoordinate] returns [I I I]
fun mygetcoordinates(qrs)=
let qrs.posq-> q in
let qrs.posr-> r in
let qrs.poss-> s in
[q r s];;
//function below: fun [Hex] returns [I I I], function to get I I I qrs coordinates from a hex
fun getmyhexcoordinates (hex) =
let hex.hexcenter -> qrs_center in
mygetcoordinates qrs_center;; //this function takes hex and returns [q r s] for qrs object in its center
//function below: fun [Hex] returns S, utility to verify hex is at right place
fun myprinthex (hex)=
let exec hex.fungethexcenter with [hex] -> [q r s] in
let hex. hex_xy -> [x y] in
let strcatn "this hex q center is at: ":: (itoa q)::" it's r center is at: ":: (itoa r):: " and its s center is at: "::(itoa s)::"\n"::" the converted hex x coordinate is: ":: (ftoa x)::" and the converted hex y coordinate is:" :: (ftoa y)::nil -> string in
//todo fun below takes tab Hex and calls printhex for every hex in the column
fun printcolumn (column_number, total_columns, columnobject)=
let sizetab columnobject -> size in
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter< size) do
let columnobject.counter -> hex in
_fooS strcatn "this is hex in row number: " :: (itoa counter):: " and and the information for this hex is: " :: (myprinthex hex)::nil;
set counter = counter +1;
// fun [I F I] returns F we use this function so to prevent any division by 0 which scol doesn't like
fun resolve_q_to_x (lhexheight, finalfloatsize, q)=
if (q == 0) then
let itof q -> xfloat in
let finalfloatsize *. (3.0 /. 2.0) *. (itof q) -> xfloat in
let xfloat *. (itof lhexheight) -> xfloat in
fun myhextopixel (hex) = //proto fun [hex] [F F]
let getmyhexcoordinates hex -> [q r s] in
let hex.hexheight -> lhexheight in
let lhexheight -> height in
let (itof height) -> float_height in
let ((float_height *. 2.0) *. sqrt (3.0)) /. 3.0 -> float_final_size in
let resolve_q_to_x lhexheight float_final_size q -> xfloat in
let (sqrt (3.0) /. (2.0)) *. (itof q) -> addendum1 in
let sqrt (3.0) *. (itof r) -> addendum2 in
let float_final_size *. (sqrt 3.0) *. (itof q) /. (2.0) -> test_addenda1 in
let float_final_size *. (sqrt 3.0) *. (itof r) -> test_addenda2 in
let test_addenda1 +. test_addenda2 -> sum in
let sum *. (-.1.0)-> yfloat in // multiply by (1.0) or (-.1.0) depending on whther y axis goes up or down, it usually goes up as you go downt the screen but for initial debuggin i like y going up from bottom of screen like an xy graph
let xfloat -> x in
let yfloat -> y in
[x y];;
// fun [I I I] returns QRSCoordinate
fun makeQRS(q, r, s)=
let mkQRSCoordinate [q r s nil]-> qrs in
set qrs.getcoordinates=@mygetcoordinates;
// fun [QRSCoordinate I] returns Hex
fun makeHex(qrs, size)=
let mkHex [qrs size @getmyhexcoordinates @myprinthex @myhextopixel nil ] -> hex in
let exec hex.funhextopixel with [hex] -> [x y] in
set hex.hex_xy = [x y];
// fun [[I I I] I ] returns [I I I]
fun scalevector (directional_vector, scale_factor)=
let directional_vector -> [q r s] in
let q*scale_factor -> newq in
let r*scale_factor -> newr in
let s*scale_factor -> news in
[newq newr news];;
// fun [[I I I] S I] returns [I I I]
fun addvec_with_direction (inputvector, direction, distance)= //this function takes a vector and direction and returns a new vector object,the result depending on the the direction this package has already loaded the os3d tools.pkg so it can use functions from it
if ((strcmp direction "northeast") ==0) then
//console_print lastcsl"adding new vector to the northeast!";
let [1 (-1) 0] -> directional_vector in
let distance -> factor in
let scalevector directional_vector factor -> scaled_directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector scaled_directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
//console_print lastcsl strcatn "new q is: "::(itoa q)::" new r is: "::(itoa r):: " and new s is: ":: (itoa s)::nil;
else if ((strcmp direction "southeast") ==0) then
let [1 0 (-1)] -> directional_vector in
let distance -> factor in
let scalevector directional_vector factor -> scaled_directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector scaled_directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
//console_print lastcsl strcatn "new q is: "::(itoa q)::" new r is: "::(itoa r):: " and new s is: ":: (itoa s)::nil;
else if ((strcmp direction "north") ==0) then
//console_print lastcsl"adding new vector to the north!";
let [0 (-1) 1] -> directional_vector in
let distance -> factor in
let scalevector directional_vector factor -> scaled_directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector scaled_directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
//console_print lastcsl strcatn "new q is: "::(itoa q)::" new r is: "::(itoa r):: " and new s is: ":: (itoa s)::nil;
let q+r+s -> result in
if (result == 0) then console_print lastcsl"no error" else console_print lastcsl"error!!";
// fun [Hexgrid Hex r1 I I QRSCoordinate I I ] returns tab Hex
fun make_column ( hexgrid, hexlist, currentcolumn_number, currentrow_number, inputqrs, total_rows, hexsize)= //fun [ Hexgrid hex r1 I I QRSCoordinate, I I ] returns tab Hex
console_print lastcsl strcatn "presently in column number: ":: (itoa currentcolumn_number)::nil;
if (currentrow_number<total_rows) then
let exec inputqrs.getcoordinates with [inputqrs] -> inputvec in
let inputvec -> [inputq inputr inputs] in
let makeHex inputqrs hexsize-> hex in
let lcat hexlist hex::nil -> hexlist in
let exec inputqrs.getcoordinates with [inputqrs] -> inputvec in
let addvec_with_direction inputvec "north" hexsize -> newvec in
let newvec -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
myprinthex hex;
set currentrow_number=currentrow_number+1;
//we are not done with column so recursively call function and in that we this branch of if then else doesn't return anything
make_column hexgrid hexlist currentcolumn_number currentrow_number newqrs total_rows hexsize;
else //we are done with the column, turn the list into a table, and put it in the currentcolumn_number of the Global_hextable
let sizelist hexlist -> size in
let listtotab hexlist -> thisfunctionhextable in
let sizetab thisfunctionhextable -> tablesize in
let sizetab hexgrid.hextable.currentcolumn_number -> sizable2 in
// fun [[I I I] I Vectortable S I] returns Vectortable,m given a start qrs coordinate, [I I] generate a table of QRSCoordinate objects of arbitrary size and lenght, with either evens higher or odds higher
fun fillvectortable (vector, hexsize, qrstable , startstate, rownumber)= //fun [I I I] I Vectortable S I RETURN: Vectortable
_fooS "in fillvectortable funtion!";
if (rownumber ==0) then
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then
( //since evens are up we go southeast to element 1, which is odd
//go southeast, and feed in vector of this item to form next item
//we want to make vector for first odd number to feed into function
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" hexsize-> newvector in
set rownumber = rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
else //state is "odds up", we go northeast to element 1, which is odd
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" hexsize-> newvector in
set rownumber = rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
//go northeast and feed in vector of this item to form next item
//we want to make vector for first odd number to feed into function
else if (rownumber == (sizetab qrstable.vectortable)) then
//return finalized and filled up qrstable which is a Vectortable object
let _fooS strcat "total size of qrstable is" (itoa (sizetab qrstable.vectortable)) -> string in
print_full_startvector_table_contents qrstable.vectortable; //call function to read out values of the created Vectortable.vectortable, which is tab QRSCoordinate
else if (rownumber < (sizetab qrstable.vectortable)) then
if ((mod rownumber 2)!= 0) then//odd number fork
console_print lastcsl"we have an odd number";
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then //if evens up then odd numbers make a new vector to the northeast
console_print lastcsl"go northeast because evens are up and odds are down";
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" hexsize-> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
console_print lastcsl"go southeast because odds are above evens"; //if evens down then odd numbers make a new vector to the southeast
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" hexsize -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
///even number fork
console_print lastcsl"we have an even number";
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then
console_print lastcsl"go southeast because evens are up and odds are down";//if evens up then even numbers make a new vector to the southheast
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" hexsize-> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
console_print lastcsl"go northeast because odds are above evens"; //if odds up then even numbers make a new vector to the norththheast
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" hexsize-> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
// fun initializevectortable = fun [tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate I] Vectortable;;
fun initializevectortable (initialvectable, columns, startstate2, startqrs, hexsize)=
let mkVectortable [initialvectable columns startstate2 startqrs] -> vectable in
let mygetcoordinates startqrs -> startcoordiantes in
let 0 -> rownumber in
set vectable.vectortable.0 = startqrs; //set the initial qrs element of the Vectortable.vectortable table, which is made of qrs objects
let fillvectortable startcoordiantes hexsize vectable startstate2 rownumber -> vectable2 in
// fun [I I I S [I I I] returns i
fun makehexgrid (total_columns, total_rows, hexsize, startstate, startingvec)=
let mktab total_columns nil -> initialvectable in
let startingvec -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> starqrs in
let initializevectortable initialvectable total_columns startstate starqrs hexsize -> vectable2 in
let vectable2.rows -> rows in
let mktab total_columns nil-> hexgridtable in
let mkHexgrid [hexgridtable total_rows total_columns hexsize] -> hexgrid_object in
//set Global_hextable= hexgrid_object ;
let 0-> column_counter in
let 0-> column_number in
while (column_counter < total_columns) do //redo with strucs not global variables
let vectable2.vectortable.column_counter -> initialqrs in
//make_column arguments: Hexgrid, hexlist (set at nil until function begins to resurviely, currentcolumn_number, currentrow_number, inputvec, total_row, hex size
let make_column hexgrid_object nil column_counter 0 initialqrs total_rows hexsize -> this_column in //make_column returns tab Hex
// load completed column (which is a table of hexes) into first element of Hexgrid.hextable
set hexgrid_object.hextable.column_counter = this_column;
set column_counter= column_counter +1;
//return a completed Hexgrid object
fun hextablemain()=
//the number after the function call is the number of vectors in the vector table which will be the number of columns in the hex table
// fun makehexgrid: columns, rows, hexsize (vertical height for flat top), start state evens up or odds up, returns a Hexgrid object
let makehexgrid 5 3 1 "odds up" [0 0 0] -> hexgrid in
//testing code below, grab a hex and print its x y coordinates
let exec hexgrid.hextable.3.0.funhextopixel with [ hexgrid.hextable.3.0] -> [xpixel ypixel] in
_fooS strcatn "the xpixel of this hex is: " :: (ftoa xpixel):: " and the ypixel of this hex is: ":: (ftoa ypixel):: nil;
//testing code, grab a column and print info for each hex in column
exec @printcolumn with [3 hexgrid.columns hexgrid.hextable.0];
Last edited by hebdemnobad (19-Oct-2024 23:30:42)
on the drawing end, I'm able to get the voyager to draw a hexagon in xy space on a bitmap, a small step, but since I can do that, after cleaning things up I'll try to draw a whole grid of them using the weird qrs coordinates used above
typeof drawwindow = ObjWin;;
typeof drawbitmap = ObjBitmap;;
typeof shapetable = tab tab Shape;; // a table of elements, and each elementt contains a one dimensional table of shapes
proto test_point_table = fun [Mypolygon] I;;
struct Shape =[
shapesides: I, //number of sides for each chape
shaptepoints: tab [I I]
] mkShape;;
struct Point =[
x: F,
y: F,
fungetvalues: fun [Point] [F F] ///function to return x and y properties of Point
] mkPoint;;
struct Mypolygon =[
numsides: I,
center: [F F], //center of polygon
sidelength: F,
height: F,
points: tab Point, //table of point objects in polygon
funmakepoints: fun [Mypolygon] tab Point,
drawpointstable: tab [I I], //function to create table of points to put in points table
hextype : S,//for hexes, if "flat" then flat top, if "pointy" then pointy top
parentebitmap: Objbitmap,
hexheight: F //hexheight is vertical radius if flat and norizontal radius if pointy
] mkMypolygon;;
fun paint (win, bitmap)=
_PAINTwindow drawwindow;
_BLTbitmap drawwindow drawbitmap 0 0;
fun end (window, parameter)=
_DSbitmap drawbitmap;
_DSwindow drawwindow;
fun createinterface ()=
_fooS "in createinterface function";
set drawwindow = _CRwindow _channel nil 0 0 512 512 WN_NORMAL "image window";
set drawbitmap = _CRbitmap _channel 512 512;
_FILLbitmap drawbitmap 0xFFFFFF;
_BLTbitmap drawwindow drawbitmap 0 0;
_CBwinDestroy drawwindow @end nil;
_CBwinPaint drawwindow @paint drawwindow;
fun myfungetvalues(point)=
let point.x -> x in
let point.y -> y in
[x y];;
fun initpoint (x, y)=
let mkPoint [x y @myfungetvalues] -> point in
fun makeflattophexpoints (polygon)=
let ((polygon.hexheight *. 2.0) *. (sqrt 3.0)) /. 3.0 -> float_final_size in
let _fooS strcat "at first generation, float_final_size is" (ftoa float_final_size ) -> string in
let 0 -> counter in
let polygon.center -> [functionx functiony] in
while (counter < (sizetab polygon.points)) do
if (counter == 0) then
let 0.0 -> radians in
let functionx +. (float_final_size *. (cos radians)) -> xpoint in
let functiony +. (float_final_size *. (sin radians)) -> ypoint in
let initpoint xpoint ypoint -> point in
set polygon.points.counter = point;
set counter = counter+1;
let 60.0 *. (itof counter) -> angle_degrees in
let (PIf /. 180.0) *. angle_degrees -> radians in
let functionx +. (float_final_size *. (cos radians)) -> xpoint in
let functiony +. (float_final_size *. (sin radians)) -> ypoint in
let initpoint xpoint ypoint -> point in
set polygon.points.counter = point;
set counter = counter+1;
fun hexmakepoints (polygon)=
fun trianglemakepoints (polygon) = //this is only good for a triangle//return completed table of the three points in the triangle
fun test_point_table (polygon)=
let polygon.points -> pointtable in
let sizetab pointtable -> size in
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter < size) do
let polygon.points.counter -> point in
let exec point.fungetvalues with [point]-> [x y] in
let _fooS strcatn "this is point number: ":: (itoa counter)::"\n":: "this point x is":: (ftoa x)::" and this point y is: ":: (ftoa y):: nil -> string in
set counter = counter + 1;
fun test_polygon_drawpoints (polygon)=
let sizetab polygon.drawpointstable -> size in
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter < size) do
let polygon.drawpointstable.counter -> [x y] in
let _fooS strcatn "this is drawpoint number: ":: (itoa counter):: " its interger x is: ":: (itoa x):: " and its interger y is: ":: (itoa y):: nil -> string in
set counter = counter +1;
fun draw_polygon_points (polygon)=
_fooS "in draw_polygon_points function";
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter < (sizetab polygon.drawpointstable)) do
let polygon.points.counter -> point in
let exec point.fungetvalues with [point]-> [x y] in
let _fooS strcatn "drawpoint number: ":: (itoa counter):: " has an x of: ":: (ftoa x):: " and a y of: " :: (ftoa y):: nil -> string in
set polygon.drawpointstable.counter = [ (ftoi x) (ftoi y)];
set counter = counter +1;
//test_polygon_drawpoints polygon;
let sizetab polygon.drawpointstable -> size in
let _fooS strcat "size of drawpointstable is: " (itoa size) -> string in
//the shape is done, along with it's drawpoints now we can create interface
let _fooS "about to blit bitmap!" -> string in
set drawbitmap = _CRbitmap _channel 512 512;
_FILLbitmap drawbitmap 0xFFFFFF;
let _DRAWpoly24 drawbitmap (sizetab polygon.drawpointstable) polygon.drawpointstable DRAW_SOLID 1 0x000000 DRAW_INVISIBLE 0x99FFFF -> bmp in
_BLTbitmap drawwindow drawbitmap 0 0;
_PAINTwindow drawwindow;
paint drawwindow drawbitmap;
fun initpolygon (numsides, center, sidelength, hextype, hexheight ) =
let center -> [centerx centery] in
let mktab numsides nil -> pointstable in
let mktab numsides nil -> drawpointstable in //initialize empty points table to put in polygon.points property WARNING: YOU MUST CREAT EMPTY TABLE BEFORE YOU CAN START FILLING TABLE UP WITH ELEMENTS WITH VALUES!!!!
let mkMypolygon [numsides center sidelength nil pointstable nil drawpointstable hextype nil hexheight] -> polygon in
if (numsides == 3) then // MAKE A TRIANGLE
let ((sqrt 3.0)/. 2.0) *. sidelength -> fheight in //CALCULATE HEIGHT OF TRIANGLE FROM SIDE LENGTH only works for TRIANGLES
set polygon.height = fheight;
set polygon.funmakepoints = @trianglemakepoints;
trianglemakepoints polygon;
else if (numsides == 6) then //MAKE A HEXAGON
set polygon.funmakepoints = @hexmakepoints;
hexmakepoints polygon;
draw_polygon_points polygon;
fun main ()=
///for a triangle, height is height from centroid to apex, for hex height is vertical radius tto flat top if flat top or to top point if pointytop
let [256.0 256.0]-> center in
test_point_table (initpolygon 6 center nil "flattop" 120.0);
here is the scol code: (edit paths for your file structure)...go to
_load "hextopixelanddrawintobitmap/hexload.pkg"
this code loads the necessary packages: (hexload.pkg)
var iMinVoyagerVersion = 0xe5685457;;
proto getOs3dVersion = fun [] I;;
proto getVersionS = fun [] S;;
proto hextablemain = fun [] I;;
//Navigator window
typeof winAX = ObjWin;;
typeof APPBASEDIR = S;;
fun cbCloseTimer(trm, p)=
_deltimer trm;
fun getVoyagerVersionS()=
let strextr _getpack _checkpack "locked/etc/version.txt" -> lver in
let sizelist lver -> size in
let nil -> curver in
let 0 -> i in
while (i < size) && (curver == nil) do
let nth_list lver i -> elem in
if strcmpi "version" hd elem then nil else
set curver = hd tl elem;
set i = i + 1;
fun main()=
_load "hextopixelanddrawintobitmap/hextopixelanddrawintobitmap.pkg";
_load "hextopixelanddrawintobitmap/bitmap2.pkg";
this code does the math to make a grid of hexes in 3 coordinate space (as well as converting those into xy coodrindates, hextopixelanddrawintobitmap.pkg:
// nested table syntax typeof Globalgrid = tab [I tab [S tab F]];;
proto mygetcoordinates = fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I];;
proto makestartvectable = fun [I I S [I I I]] I;;
proto hex_to_pixel = fun [Hex] [I I];;
proto initializevectortable = fun [tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate I] Vectortable;;
proto fillvectortable = fun [[I I I] I Vectortable S I] Vectortable;;
proto mypolygonmain = fun[Hexgrid] I;;
proto makehexgrid = fun [I I I S [I I I]] Hexgrid;;
//vertex object with qrs coordinates
struct QRSCoordinate=[
posq: I,
posr: I,
poss: I,
getcoordinates: fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I]
struct Hex= [
hexcenter: QRSCoordinate,
hexheight: I,
fungethexcenter: fun [Hex] [I I I],
funprinthex: fun [Hex] S,
funhextopixel: fun [Hex] [F F],
hex_xy: [F F]
struct Vectortable=[
vectortable: tab QRSCoordinate,
rows: I,
start: S,
startvec: QRSCoordinate
] mkVectortable;;
struct Hexgrid =[
hextable: tab tab Hex,// each element of the hexgrid table has a table of hexes (which is a column in the hex grid)
hexgridrows: I,
columns: I,
hexsize: I
//function below: fun [Vectortable] returns I ; utility to make sure vector table is correct, this is a table of QRSCoordinate objects that forms row 0 of every column in a rectangular array of hexes
fun print_full_startvector_table_contents (startvectortable)=
_fooS "the Vectortable object is complete, reading out full contents of Vectortable.vectortable which is in the format of tab QRSCoordinate";
let sizetab startvectortable ->table_total in
let 0-> counter in
while (counter< table_total) do
let startvectortable.counter-> qrsobject in
let mygetcoordinates qrsobject -> [q r s] in
set counter = counter+1;
//function below: fun [QRSCoordinate] returns [I I I]
fun mygetcoordinates(qrs)=
let qrs.posq-> q in
let qrs.posr-> r in
let qrs.poss-> s in
[q r s];;
//function below: fun [Hex] returns [I I I], function to get I I I qrs coordinates from a hex
fun getmyhexcoordinates (hex) =
let hex.hexcenter -> qrs_center in
mygetcoordinates qrs_center;; //this function takes hex and returns [q r s] for qrs object in its center
//function below: fun [Hex] returns S, utility to verify hex is at right place
fun myprinthex (hex)=
let exec hex.fungethexcenter with [hex] -> [q r s] in
let hex. hex_xy -> [x y] in
let strcatn "this hex q center is at: ":: (itoa q)::" it's r center is at: ":: (itoa r):: " and its s center is at: "::(itoa s)::"\n"::" the converted hex x coordinate is: ":: (ftoa x)::" and the converted hex y coordinate is:" :: (ftoa y)::nil -> string in
//utility funntion below takes tab Hex and calls printhex for every hex in the column
fun printcolumn (column_number, total_columns, columnobject)=
let sizetab columnobject -> size in
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter< size) do
let columnobject.counter -> hex in
_fooS strcatn "this hex is in column number: ":: (itoa column_number):: " and this is hex in row number: " :: (itoa counter):: " and and the information for this hex is: " :: (myprinthex hex)::nil;
set counter = counter +1;
fun myhextopixel(hex)=
let getmyhexcoordinates hex -> [q r s] in
let hex.hexheight -> height in
let (itof height) -> float_height in
let ((float_height *. 2.0) *. sqrt (3.0)) /. 3.0 -> float_final_size in
let float_final_size *. (3.0 /. 2.0) *. (itof q) -> xfloataddend1 in
let 0.0 -> xfloataddend2 in
let xfloataddend1 +. xfloataddend2 -> xfloat in
let float_final_size *. (sqrt 3.0) *. (itof q) /. (2.0) -> test_addenda1 in
let float_final_size *. (sqrt 3.0) *. (itof r) -> test_addenda2 in
let test_addenda1 +. test_addenda2 -> sum in
let sum *. (-.1.0)-> sum in
let sum -> y in
let xfloat -> x in
[x y];;
// fun [I I I] returns QRSCoordinate
fun makeQRS(q, r, s)=
let mkQRSCoordinate [q r s nil]-> qrs in
set qrs.getcoordinates=@mygetcoordinates;
// fun [QRSCoordinate I] returns Hex
fun makeHex(qrs, size)=
let mkHex [qrs size @getmyhexcoordinates @myprinthex @myhextopixel nil ] -> hex in
//create xy coordinates of x and load into hexobject
let exec hex.funhextopixel with [hex] -> [x y] in
set hex.hex_xy = [x y];
// fun [[I I I] S I] returns [I I I]
fun addvec_with_direction (inputvector, direction)= //this function takes a vector and direction and returns a new vector object,the result depending on the the direction this package has already loaded the os3d tools.pkg so it can use functions from it
if ((strcmp direction "northeast") ==0) then
let [1 (-1) 0] -> directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
else if ((strcmp direction "southeast") ==0) then
let [1 0 (-1)] -> directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
else if ((strcmp direction "north") ==0) then
let [0 (-1) 1] -> directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
let q+r+s -> result in
if (result == 0) then //console_print lastcsl"no error" else //console_print lastcsl"error!!";
// fun [Hexgrid Hex r1 I I QRSCoordinate I I ] returns tab Hex. this function creates a rectangular grid of hexes with several settable parameters, but the grid will always be a rectangle
fun make_column ( hexgrid, hexlist, currentcolumn_number, currentrow_number, inputqrs, total_rows, hexsize)= //fun [ Hexgrid hex r1 I I QRSCoordinate, I I ] returns tab Hex
if (currentrow_number<total_rows) then //we are not finished with the colum, take inputvec, make a hex, add it to hexlist. when we are done with the hexlist and the column we will turn it from Hex r1 to tab Hex
let exec inputqrs.getcoordinates with [inputqrs] -> inputvec in
let inputvec -> [inputq inputr inputs] in
let makeHex inputqrs hexsize-> hex in
let lcat hexlist hex::nil -> hexlist in
let exec inputqrs.getcoordinates with [inputqrs] -> inputvec in
let addvec_with_direction inputvec "north" -> newvec in
let newvec -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
myprinthex hex;
set currentrow_number=currentrow_number+1;
//we are not done with column so recursively call function and in that we this branch of if then else doesn't return anything
make_column hexgrid hexlist currentcolumn_number currentrow_number newqrs total_rows hexsize;
else //we are done with the column, turn the list into a table, and put it in the currentcolumn_number of the Global_hextable
let sizelist hexlist -> size in
let listtotab hexlist -> thisfunctionhextable in
let sizetab thisfunctionhextable -> tablesize in
let sizetab hexgrid.hextable.currentcolumn_number -> sizable2 in
// fun [[I I I] I Vectortable S I] returns Vectortable,m given a start qrs coordinate, [I I] generate a table of QRSCoordinate objects of arbitrary size and lenght, with either evens higher or odds higher
fun fillvectortable (vector, hexsize, qrstable , startstate, rownumber)= //fun [I I I] I Vectortable S I RETURN: Vectortable
if (rownumber ==0) then
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then
( //since evens are up we go southeast to element 1, which is odd
//go southeast, and feed in vector of this item to form next item
//we want to make vector for first odd number to feed into function
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" -> newvector in
set rownumber = rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
else //state is "odds up", we go northeast to element 1, which is odd
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" -> newvector in
set rownumber = rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
//go northeast and feed in vector of this item to form next item
//we want to make vector for first odd number to feed into function
else if (rownumber == (sizetab qrstable.vectortable)) then
//return finalized and filled up qrstable which is a Vectortable object
//print_full_startvector_table_contents qrstable.vectortable; //call function to read out values of the created Vectortable.vectortable, which is tab QRSCoordinate
else if (rownumber < (sizetab qrstable.vectortable)) then
if ((mod rownumber 2)!= 0) then//odd number fork
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then //if evens up then odd numbers make a new vector to the northeast
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
///even number fork
//console_print lastcsl"we have an even number";
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then
//console_print lastcsl"go southeast because evens are up and odds are down";//if evens up then even numbers make a new vector to the southheast
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
// fun initializevectortable = fun [tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate I] Vectortable;;
fun initializevectortable (initialvectable, columns, startstate2, startqrs, hexsize)=
let mkVectortable [initialvectable columns startstate2 startqrs] -> vectable in
let mygetcoordinates startqrs -> startcoordiantes in
let 0 -> rownumber in
set vectable.vectortable.0 = startqrs; //set the initial qrs element of the Vectortable.vectortable table, which is made of qrs objects
let fillvectortable startcoordiantes hexsize vectable startstate2 rownumber -> vectable2 in
// fun [I I I S [I I I] returns i
fun makehexgrid (total_columns, total_rows, hexsize, startstate, startingvec)=
let mktab total_columns nil -> initialvectable in
let startingvec -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> starqrs in
let initializevectortable initialvectable total_columns startstate starqrs hexsize -> vectable2 in
let vectable2.rows -> rows in
let mktab total_columns nil-> hexgridtable in
let mkHexgrid [hexgridtable total_rows total_columns hexsize] -> hexgrid_object in
//set Global_hextable= hexgrid_object ;
let 0-> column_counter in
let 0-> column_number in
while (column_counter < total_columns) do //redo with strucs not global variables
let vectable2.vectortable.column_counter -> initialqrs in
//make_column arguments: Hexgrid, hexlist (set at nil until function begins to resurviely, currentcolumn_number, currentrow_number, inputvec, total_row, hex size
let make_column hexgrid_object nil column_counter 0 initialqrs total_rows hexsize -> this_column in //make_column returns tab Hex
// load completed column (which is a table of hexes) into first element of Hexgrid.hextable
set hexgrid_object.hextable.column_counter = this_column;
set column_counter= column_counter +1;
//return a completed Hexgrid object
fun hextablemain()=
//the number after the function call is the number of vectors in the vector table which will be the number of columns in the hex table
// fun makehexgrid: columns, rows, hexsize (vertical height for flat top), start state evens up or odds up, returns a Hexgrid object
// RIGHT BELOW IS THE FUNCTIONTHAT MAKES A GRID OF HEXES... THe PARAMETERS ARE COLUMNS (I) ROWS (I) HEXSIZE (I) QRS origin [I I I] AND "evens up" or "odds up" to determine whether odd columns are a half hex higher or even columns are a half hex higher
let makehexgrid 12 12 100 "odds up" [0 0 0] -> hexgrid in
//testing code below, grab a hex and print its x y coordinates
//let exec hexgrid.hextable.3.0.funhextopixel with [ hexgrid.hextable.3.0] -> [xpixel ypixel] in
//testing code, grab a column and print info for each hex in column
//exec @printcolumn with [0 hexgrid.columns hexgrid.hextable.0];
mypolygonmain hexgrid; //send hexgrid to subequently loaded pagkage to draw hexes
and this code creates a window and draws the polygons into the bitmap, bitmap.2.pkg
typeof drawwindow = ObjWin;;
typeof drawbitmap = ObjBitmap;;
proto test_point_table = fun [Mypolygon] Mypolygon;;
proto hextablemain = fun[] I;;
struct Point =[
x: F,
y: F,
fungetvalues: fun [Point] [F F] ///function to return x and y properties of Point
] mkPoint;;
struct Mypolygon =[
numsides: I,
center: [F F], //center of polygon
sidelength: F,
height: F,
points: tab Point, //table of point objects in polygon
funmakepoints: fun [Mypolygon] tab Point,
funmakedrawpointtable: fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I],
strucdrawpointstable: tab [I I], //function to create table of points to put in points table
hextype : S,//for hexes, if "flat" then flat top, if "pointy" then pointy top
structpolygonhexheight: F //hexheight is vertical radius if flat and norizontal radius if pointy
] mkMypolygon;;//this is each individual shape that will fit into the shapetable
struct Mypolygontable = [
Mypolygontable_rows: I,
Mypolygontable_columns: I,
polygontable: tab tab Mypolygon,
originpoint: [I I], //this will set the origin of the table at x 0 y height of the parent bitmap. "up" in y will be negative as y increases as you go to the bottom of the screen
totalsize: [F F],
funcalctotalsize: fun [Mypolygontable] [F F],
parentbitmap: ObjBitmap
] mkMypolygontable;;
//recreate hextopixel with loadallfiles. then combine hextopixel with thi file and have one interface!
//todo, take each element of the hextgrid, create a Mypolygon, and load the Mypolygon into a Mypolygontable
fun paint (win, bitmap)=
_PAINTwindow drawwindow;
_BLTbitmap drawwindow drawbitmap 0 0;
fun end (window, parameter)=
_DSbitmap drawbitmap;
_DSwindow drawwindow;
fun createinterface ()=
_fooS "in createinterface function";
set drawwindow = _CRwindow _channel nil 0 0 1024 1024 WN_NORMAL "image window";
_BLTbitmap drawwindow drawbitmap 0 0;
_CBwinDestroy drawwindow @end nil;
_CBwinPaint drawwindow @paint drawwindow;
fun myfungetvalues(point)=
let point.x -> x in
let point.y -> y in
[x y];;
fun initpoint (x, y)=
let mkPoint [x y @myfungetvalues] -> point in
fun makeflattophexpoints (polygon)=
let (polygon.structpolygonhexheight *. 2.0) /. (sqrt 3.0)-> float_final_size in
let 0 -> counter in
let polygon.center -> [functionx functiony] in
while (counter < (sizetab polygon.points)) do
if (counter == 0) then
let 0.0 -> radians in
let functionx +. (float_final_size *. (cos radians)) -> xpoint in
let functiony +. (float_final_size *. (sin radians)) -> ypoint in
let initpoint xpoint ypoint -> point in
set polygon.points.counter = point;
set counter = counter+1;
let 60.0 *. (itof counter) -> angle_degrees in
let (PIf /. 180.0) *. angle_degrees -> radians in
let functionx +. (float_final_size *. (cos radians)) -> xpoint in
let functiony +. (float_final_size *. (sin radians)) -> ypoint in
let initpoint xpoint ypoint -> point in
set polygon.points.counter = point;
set counter = counter+1;
fun hexmakepoints (polygon)=
if ((strcmp polygon.hextype "flattop")==0) then
makeflattophexpoints polygon;
else if ((strcmp polygon.hextype "pointytop")==0) then
_fooS "you are making a pointytop hexagon!!!";
_fooS "bad input data, not flattop or pointytop!";
fun trianglemakepoints (polygon) = //this is only good for a triangle
_fooS "you are making a triangle!!!";
let polygon.points -> pointtable in
let polygon.center -> [centerx centery] in
let polygon.height -> height in
let height *. (-. 1.0) -> height in // convert positive height to negative height as negative values point "up" on the screen
let polygon.sidelength -> sidelength in
//make first point at the top of the triangle, x will be the same as triangle.center's x coordinate, calculate y coordinate
let centery +. ((2.0 *. height)/. 3.0) -> y1 in //this is y coordinate of apex of equilateral triangle
let (initpoint centerx y1) -> point1 in //we use centerx for x coordinate at top of triangle
set polygon.points.0 = point1; //load first point of triangle into triangle.points table
//make second point
//we need sidelength for second point so get it
let centerx -. (sidelength /. 2.0) -> secondx in
let centery -. (height /. 3.0) -> secondy in
let (initpoint secondx secondy) -> point2 in
set polygon.points.1 = point2;//load second point of triangle into triangle.points table
//make make third point
//we need sidelength for third point so get it
let centerx +. (sidelength /. 2.0) -> thirdx in
let centery -. (height /. 3.0) -> thirdy in
let (initpoint thirdx thirdy) -> point3 in
set polygon.points.2 = point3; //load third point of triangle into triangle.points table
);;//return completed table of the three points in the triangle
fun test_point_table (polygon)=
let polygon.points -> pointtable in
let sizetab pointtable -> size in
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter < size) do
let polygon.points.counter -> point in
let exec point.fungetvalues with [point]-> [x y] in
set counter = counter + 1;
fun test_polygon_drawpoints (polygon)=
_fooS "in test_point_table function!";
let sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable -> size in
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter < size) do
let polygon.strucdrawpointstable.counter -> [x y] in
set counter = counter +1;
fun create_drawpoint_table (polygon)=
let 0 -> counter in
let mktab (sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable) nil -> ltable in
while (counter < (sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable)) do
let polygon.points.counter -> point in
let exec point.fungetvalues with [point]-> [x y] in
//let _fooS strcatn "drawpoint number: ":: (itoa counter):: " has an x of: ":: (ftoa x):: " and a y of: " :: (ftoa y):: nil -> string in
//set element.counter in ltable:
set ltable.counter = [ (ftoi x) (ftoi y)];
set counter = counter +1;
//return table of [I I]
fun initpolygon (hexgrid, numsides, center, sidelength, hextype, hexheight ) =
let center -> [centerx centery] in
let mktab numsides nil -> pointstable in
let mktab numsides nil -> drawpointstable in //initialize empty points table to put in polygon.points property WARNING: YOU MUST CREAT EMPTY TABLE BEFORE YOU CAN START FILLING TABLE UP WITH ELEMENTS WITH VALUES!!!!
let mkMypolygon [numsides center sidelength nil pointstable nil @create_drawpoint_table drawpointstable hextype hexheight] -> polygon in
if (numsides == 3) then // MAKE A TRIANGLE
let ((sqrt 3.0)/. 2.0) *. sidelength -> fheight in //CALCULATE HEIGHT OF TRIANGLE FROM SIDE LENGTH only works for TRIANGLES
set polygon.height = fheight;
set polygon.funmakepoints = @trianglemakepoints;
trianglemakepoints polygon;
else if (numsides == 6) then //MAKE A HEXAGON
set polygon.funmakepoints = @hexmakepoints;
hexmakepoints polygon;
create_drawpoint_table polygon;
//todo: write some code to test that drawpoint table has been created
let create_drawpoint_table polygon -> ltable in
set polygon.strucdrawpointstable = ltable;
//let polygon.strucdrawpointstable.2 -> [xx yy] in
//_fooS strcatn "x from polygon.strucdrawpointstable.2 is: "::(itoa xx)::" and y from polygon.strucdrawpointstable.2 is: ":: (itoa yy):: nil;
//return tab polygons; this only makes hexagons and polygons don't need height property and only makes polygons with six sides
fun hex_make_row_of_polygons (hexgrid, polygontable, columnnumber)=
//get column of hexes
let hexgrid.hextable.columnnumber -> lthishexcolumn in
let (itof hexgrid.hexsize) -> lthishexsize in
let polygontable.Mypolygontable_rows -> ltotal_rows in
let mktab ltotal_rows nil -> polygon_column in
let polygontable.parentbitmap -> lthisbitmap in
let _GETbitmapSize lthisbitmap -> [thisbitmapx thisbitmapy] in
let 0 -> row_counter in
while (row_counter < ltotal_rows) do
// get xy of current hex, then set frtoa x to bitmap - x, and y to bitmap y
let lthishexcolumn.row_counter -> this_hex in
//get center of hex
let this_hex.hex_xy -> [floatx floaty] in
//set center of y to be hiehgt of polygontable's bitmap - iy
let (itof thisbitmapy) -. floaty -> final_float_y in //this is final y coordinate of the polygon we are about to create
//create polygon, and draw it's table of points into bitmap!
let (itof hexgrid.hexsize) -> lthishexheight in
let initpolygon hexgrid 6 [floatx final_float_y ] nil "flattop" lthishexheight -> polygon in
set polygon_column.row_counter = polygon;
// drawa polygon into the bitmap
_DRAWpoly24 drawbitmap (sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable) polygon.strucdrawpointstable DRAW_SOLID 1 0x000000 DRAW_INVISIBLE 0x99FFFF;
set row_counter = row_counter +1;
//return completed column, with all rows filled, into
fun initpolygontable (hexgrid)= //this function will load [x y] tuples from hexes in hexgrid into polygons in polygongrid. when all the polygons are created in the polygongrid and their shapes darwn into bitmap, function will blit blitmap
//create bitmap to draw polygons into
set drawbitmap = _CRbitmap _channel 1024 1024;
_FILLbitmap drawbitmap 0xFFFFFF;
let hexgrid.hexgridrows -> ptable_rows in
let hexgrid.columns -> ptable_columns in
//get hexgrid origin, which is center of first hex in first row and column of hexgrid
let hexgrid.hextable.0.0.hex_xy ->[floatx floaty] in
let (ftoi floatx) -> ioriginx in
let (ftoi floaty) -> ioriginy in
let mktab ptable_rows nil -> ltableofpolygons in
let mkMypolygontable [ptable_rows ptable_columns ltableofpolygons [ioriginx ioriginy] nil nil drawbitmap] -> lpolygontable in
let 0 -> polygontablecounter_for_column_number in
while (polygontablecounter_for_column_number < ptable_columns) do
let hex_make_row_of_polygons hexgrid lpolygontable polygontablecounter_for_column_number -> this_pcolumn in
//inser this column, which is a table of polygons, into the ltableofpolygons
set lpolygontable.polygontable.polygontablecounter_for_column_number = this_pcolumn;
set polygontablecounter_for_column_number = polygontablecounter_for_column_number +1;
//when we are done building polygon table, blit the finalized bitmap!
fun mypolygonmain (hexgrid_object)=
_fooS "calling mypolygonmain!";
_fooS strcat "we are in bitmap2 package because we have a valid hexgrid object, it has this amount of rows in its hexgridrows property: "(itoa hexgrid_object.hexgridrows);
///for a triangle, height is height from centroid to apex, for hex height is vertical radius tto flat top if flat top or to top point if pointytop
let [256.0 256.0]-> center in
let (itof hexgrid_object.hexsize) -> mypolygonmain_hexheihgt in
initpolygontable hexgrid_object;
thanks, as i cannot get one package to read functions from another package reliably (beause I haven't figured out how) I put all the code in one package.
a couple of things...even though I think I put in if else statements to keep the code from calling _DRAWpoly24 when the center of that polygon is off the bounds of the bitmap, if you make the whole grid too large, scol will sometimes crash, or spend a long time giving messages such as these below:
pp : -362
debut GC : 83fe84/840000
---NbBitmaps = 1
GC end : 45cec
pp : -1863
debut GC : 83f8aa/840000
---NbBitmaps = 1
GC end : 5f09c
pp : -1676
debut GC : 83f95f/840000
---NbBitmaps = 1
GC end : 77b50
pp : -3125
debut GC : 83f3bb/840000
---NbBitmaps = 1
GC end : 8fa62
pp : -2045
debut GC : 83f7f0/840000
---NbBitmaps = 1
GC end : a7d10
.scol file:
_load "hexallinone/hexallinone.pkg"
.pkg.. there is no type checking so you have to enter intergers into the text fields, then press "Make Grid" (which clears everything so for now the Clear Grid doesn't do anything in addition to making a new grid.
typeof appinterface = Bitmapinterface;;
// nested table syntax typeof Globalgrid = tab [I tab [S tab F]];;
proto mygetcoordinates = fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I];;
proto makestartvectable = fun [I I S [I I I]] I;;
proto hex_to_pixel = fun [Hex] [I I];;
proto initializevectortable = fun [tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate I] Vectortable;;
proto fillvectortable = fun [[I I I] I Vectortable S I] Vectortable;;
proto mypolygonmain = fun[Hexgrid] I;;
proto test_point_table = fun [Mypolygon] Mypolygon;;
proto makehexgrid = fun [Bitmapinterface I I I S [I I I]] Hexgrid;;
proto createinterface = fun [] I;;
proto see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap = fun[Hexgrid [F F][I I] F ] Mypolygon;;
proto hex_make_row_of_polygons = fun [Bitmapinterface Hexgrid Mypolygontable I] tab Mypolygon;;
//vertex object with qrs coordinates
struct QRSCoordinate=[
posq: I,
posr: I,
poss: I,
getcoordinates: fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I]
struct Hex= [
hexcenter: QRSCoordinate,
hexheight: I,
fungethexcenter: fun [Hex] [I I I],
funprinthex: fun [Hex] S,
funhextopixel: fun [Hex] [F F],
hex_xy: [F F]
struct Vectortable=[
vectortable: tab QRSCoordinate,
rows: I,
start: S,
startvec: QRSCoordinate
] mkVectortable;;
struct Hexgrid =[
hextable: tab tab Hex,// each element of the hexgrid table has a table of hexes (which is a column in the hex grid)
hexgridrows: I,
columns: I,
hexsize: I
struct Point =[
x: F,
y: F,
fungetvalues: fun [Point] [F F] ///function to return x and y properties of Point
] mkPoint;;
struct Mypolygon =[
structtextobject: ObjText,
numsides: I,
center: [F F], //center of polygon
sidelength: F,
height: F,
points: tab Point, //table of point objects in polygon
funmakepoints: fun [Mypolygon] tab Point,
funmakedrawpointtable: fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I],
strucdrawpointstable: tab [I I], //function to create table of points to put in points table
hextype : S,//for hexes, if "flat" then flat top, if "pointy" then pointy top
structpolygonhexheight: F //hexheight is vertical radius if flat and norizontal radius if pointy
] mkMypolygon;;//this is each individual shape that will fit into the shapetable
struct Mypolygontable = [
Mypolygontable_rows: I,
Mypolygontable_columns: I,
polygontable: tab tab Mypolygon,
originpoint: [I I], //this will set the origin of the table at x 0 y height of the parent bitmap. "up" in y will be negative as y increases as you go to the bottom of the screen
totalsize: [F F],
funcalctotalsize: fun [Mypolygontable] [F F],
parentbitmap: ObjBitmap
] mkMypolygontable;;
struct Bitmapinterface =[
Bitmapinterface_mainwindow: ObjWin,
Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow: ObjWin,
Bitmapinterface_controlwindow: ObjWin,
Bitmapinterface_bitmap: ObjBitmap,
Bitmapinterface_hexgrid: Hexgrid,
Bitmapinterface_polygontable: Mypolygontable,
Bitmapinterface_currentrows: I,
Bitmapinterface_currentcolumns: I,
Bitmapinterface_currenthex_size: I,
Bitmapinterface_polygontables: [Mypolygontable r1]
] mkBitmapinterface;;
fun end (window, interface)=
_DSbitmap interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap;
_DSwindow interface.Bitmapinterface_mainwindow;
_DSwindow interface.Bitmapinterface_controlwindow;
_DSwindow interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow;
set interface = nil;
fun paint (win, interfacestruct)=
_BLTbitmap win appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0 0;
_PAINTwindow win;
//function below: fun [Vectortable] returns I ; utility to make sure vector table is correct, this is a table of QRSCoordinate objects that forms row 0 of every column in a rectangular array of hexes
fun print_full_startvector_table_contents (startvectortable)=
//_fooS "the Vectortable object is complete, reading out full contents of Vectortable.vectortable which is in the format of tab QRSCoordinate";
let sizetab startvectortable ->table_total in
let 0-> counter in
while (counter< table_total) do
let startvectortable.counter-> qrsobject in
let mygetcoordinates qrsobject -> [q r s] in
set counter = counter+1;
//function below: fun [QRSCoordinate] returns [I I I]
fun mygetcoordinates(qrs)=
let qrs.posq-> q in
let qrs.posr-> r in
let qrs.poss-> s in
[q r s];;
//function below: fun [Hex] returns [I I I], function to get I I I qrs coordinates from a hex
fun getmyhexcoordinates (hex) =
let hex.hexcenter -> qrs_center in
mygetcoordinates qrs_center;; //this function takes hex and returns [q r s] for qrs object in its center
//function below: fun [Hex] returns S, utility to verify hex is at right place
fun myprinthex (hex)=
let exec hex.fungethexcenter with [hex] -> [q r s] in
let hex. hex_xy -> [x y] in
let strcatn "this hex q center is at: ":: (itoa q)::" it's r center is at: ":: (itoa r):: " and its s center is at: "::(itoa s)::"\n"::" the converted hex x coordinate is: ":: (ftoa x)::" and the converted hex y coordinate is:" :: (ftoa y)::nil -> string in
//utility funntion below takes tab Hex and calls printhex for every hex in the column
fun printcolumn (column_number, total_columns, columnobject)=
let sizetab columnobject -> size in
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter< size) do
let columnobject.counter -> hex in
//_fooS strcatn "this hex is in column number: ":: (itoa column_number):: " and this is hex in row number: " :: (itoa counter):: " and and the information for this hex is: " :: (myprinthex hex)::nil;
set counter = counter +1;
//proto fun [Hex] [F F]
fun myhextopixel(hex)=
let getmyhexcoordinates hex -> [q r s] in
let hex.hexheight -> height in
let (itof height) -> float_height in
let ((float_height *. 2.0) *. sqrt (3.0)) /. 3.0 -> float_final_size in
let float_final_size *. (3.0 /. 2.0) *. (itof q) -> xfloataddend1 in
let 0.0 -> xfloataddend2 in
let xfloataddend1 +. xfloataddend2 -> xfloat in
let float_final_size *. (sqrt 3.0) *. (itof q) /. (2.0) -> test_addenda1 in
let float_final_size *. (sqrt 3.0) *. (itof r) -> test_addenda2 in
let test_addenda1 +. test_addenda2 -> sum in
let sum *. (-.1.0)-> sum in
let sum -> y in
let xfloat -> x in
[x y];;
// fun [I I I] returns QRSCoordinate
fun makeQRS(q, r, s)=
let mkQRSCoordinate [q r s nil]-> qrs in
set qrs.getcoordinates=@mygetcoordinates;
// fun [QRSCoordinate I] returns Hex
fun makeHex(qrs, size)=
let mkHex [qrs size @getmyhexcoordinates @myprinthex @myhextopixel nil ] -> hex in
//create xy coordinates of x and load into hexobject
let exec hex.funhextopixel with [hex] -> [x y] in
set hex.hex_xy = [x y];
// fun [[I I I] S I] returns [I I I]
fun addvec_with_direction (inputvector, direction)= //this function takes a vector and direction and returns a new vector object,the result depending on the the direction this package has already loaded the os3d tools.pkg so it can use functions from it
if ((strcmp direction "northeast") ==0) then
let [1 (-1) 0] -> directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
else if ((strcmp direction "southeast") ==0) then
let [1 0 (-1)] -> directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
else if ((strcmp direction "north") ==0) then
let [0 (-1) 1] -> directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
let q+r+s -> result in
if (result == 0) then //console_print lastcsl"no error" else //console_print lastcsl"error!!";
// fun [Hexgrid Hex r1 I I QRSCoordinate I I ] returns tab Hex. this function creates a rectangular grid of hexes with several settable parameters, but the grid will always be a rectangle
fun make_column ( hexgrid, hexlist, currentcolumn_number, currentrow_number, inputqrs, total_rows, hexsize)= //fun [ Hexgrid hex r1 I I QRSCoordinate, I I ] returns tab Hex
if (currentrow_number<total_rows) then //we are not finished with the colum, take inputvec, make a hex, add it to hexlist. when we are done with the hexlist and the column we will turn it from Hex r1 to tab Hex
let exec inputqrs.getcoordinates with [inputqrs] -> inputvec in
let inputvec -> [inputq inputr inputs] in
let makeHex inputqrs hexsize-> hex in
let lcat hexlist hex::nil -> hexlist in
let exec inputqrs.getcoordinates with [inputqrs] -> inputvec in
let addvec_with_direction inputvec "north" -> newvec in
let newvec -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
myprinthex hex;
set currentrow_number=currentrow_number+1;
//we are not done with column so recursively call function and in that we this branch of if then else doesn't return anything
make_column hexgrid hexlist currentcolumn_number currentrow_number newqrs total_rows hexsize;
else //we are done with the column, turn the list into a table, and put it in the currentcolumn_number of the Global_hextable
let sizelist hexlist -> size in
let listtotab hexlist -> thisfunctionhextable in
let sizetab thisfunctionhextable -> tablesize in
let sizetab hexgrid.hextable.currentcolumn_number -> sizable2 in
// fun [[I I I] I Vectortable S I] returns Vectortable,m given a start qrs coordinate, [I I] generate a table of QRSCoordinate objects of arbitrary size and lenght, with either evens higher or odds higher
fun fillvectortable (vector, hexsize, qrstable , startstate, rownumber)= //fun [I I I] I Vectortable S I RETURN: Vectortable
if (rownumber ==0) then
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then
( //since evens are up we go southeast to element 1, which is odd
//go southeast, and feed in vector of this item to form next item
//we want to make vector for first odd number to feed into function
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" -> newvector in
set rownumber = rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
else //state is "odds up", we go northeast to element 1, which is odd
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" -> newvector in
set rownumber = rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
//go northeast and feed in vector of this item to form next item
//we want to make vector for first odd number to feed into function
else if (rownumber == (sizetab qrstable.vectortable)) then
//return finalized and filled up qrstable which is a Vectortable object
//print_full_startvector_table_contents qrstable.vectortable; //call function to read out values of the created Vectortable.vectortable, which is tab QRSCoordinate
else if (rownumber < (sizetab qrstable.vectortable)) then
if ((mod rownumber 2)!= 0) then//odd number fork
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then //if evens up then odd numbers make a new vector to the northeast
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
///even number fork
//console_print lastcsl"we have an even number";
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then
//console_print lastcsl"go southeast because evens are up and odds are down";//if evens up then even numbers make a new vector to the southheast
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
// fun initializevectortable = fun [tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate I] Vectortable;;
fun initializevectortable (initialvectable, columns, startstate2, startqrs, hexsize)=
let mkVectortable [initialvectable columns startstate2 startqrs] -> vectable in
let mygetcoordinates startqrs -> startcoordiantes in
let 0 -> rownumber in
set vectable.vectortable.0 = startqrs; //set the initial qrs element of the Vectortable.vectortable table, which is made of qrs objects
let fillvectortable startcoordiantes hexsize vectable startstate2 rownumber -> vectable2 in
// fun [I I I S [I I I] returns i
fun makehexgrid (interface, total_columns, total_rows, hexsize, startstate, startingvec)=
let mktab total_columns nil -> initialvectable in
let startingvec -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> starqrs in
let initializevectortable initialvectable total_columns startstate starqrs hexsize -> vectable2 in
let vectable2.rows -> rows in
let mktab total_columns nil-> hexgridtable in
let mkHexgrid [hexgridtable total_rows total_columns hexsize] -> hexgrid_object in
//set Global_hextable= hexgrid_object ;
let 0-> column_counter in
let 0-> column_number in
while (column_counter < total_columns) do //redo with strucs not global variables
let vectable2.vectortable.column_counter -> initialqrs in
//make_column arguments: Hexgrid, hexlist (set at nil until function begins to resurviely, currentcolumn_number, currentrow_number, inputvec, total_row, hex size
let make_column hexgrid_object nil column_counter 0 initialqrs total_rows hexsize -> this_column in //make_column returns tab Hex
// load completed column (which is a table of hexes) into first element of Hexgrid.hextable
set hexgrid_object.hextable.column_counter = this_column;
set column_counter= column_counter +1;
//return a completed Hexgrid object
fun myfungetvalues(point)=
let point.x -> x in
let point.y -> y in
[x y];;
fun initpoint (x, y)=
let mkPoint [x y @myfungetvalues] -> point in
fun makeflattophexpoints (polygon)=
let (polygon.structpolygonhexheight *. 2.0) /. (sqrt 3.0)-> float_final_size in
let 0 -> counter in
let polygon.center -> [functionx functiony] in
while (counter < (sizetab polygon.points)) do
if (counter == 0) then
let 0.0 -> radians in
let functionx +. (float_final_size *. (cos radians)) -> xpoint in
let functiony +. (float_final_size *. (sin radians)) -> ypoint in
let initpoint xpoint ypoint -> point in
set polygon.points.counter = point;
set counter = counter+1;
let 60.0 *. (itof counter) -> angle_degrees in
let (PIf /. 180.0) *. angle_degrees -> radians in
let functionx +. (float_final_size *. (cos radians)) -> xpoint in
let functiony +. (float_final_size *. (sin radians)) -> ypoint in
let initpoint xpoint ypoint -> point in
set polygon.points.counter = point;
set counter = counter+1;
fun hexmakepoints (polygon)=
if ((strcmp polygon.hextype "flattop")==0) then
makeflattophexpoints polygon;
else if ((strcmp polygon.hextype "pointytop")==0) then
_fooS "you are making a pointytop hexagon!!!";
_fooS "bad input data, not flattop or pointytop!";
fun trianglemakepoints (polygon) = //this is only good for a triangle
_fooS "you are making a triangle!!!";
let polygon.points -> pointtable in
let polygon.center -> [centerx centery] in
let polygon.height -> height in
let height *. (-. 1.0) -> height in // convert positive height to negative height as negative values point "up" on the screen
let polygon.sidelength -> sidelength in
//make first point at the top of the triangle, x will be the same as triangle.center's x coordinate, calculate y coordinate
let centery +. ((2.0 *. height)/. 3.0) -> y1 in //this is y coordinate of apex of equilateral triangle
let (initpoint centerx y1) -> point1 in //we use centerx for x coordinate at top of triangle
set polygon.points.0 = point1; //load first point of triangle into triangle.points table
//make second point
//we need sidelength for second point so get it
let centerx -. (sidelength /. 2.0) -> secondx in
let centery -. (height /. 3.0) -> secondy in
let (initpoint secondx secondy) -> point2 in
set polygon.points.1 = point2;//load second point of triangle into triangle.points table
//make make third point
//we need sidelength for third point so get it
let centerx +. (sidelength /. 2.0) -> thirdx in
let centery -. (height /. 3.0) -> thirdy in
let (initpoint thirdx thirdy) -> point3 in
set polygon.points.2 = point3; //load third point of triangle into triangle.points table
);;//return completed table of the three points in the triangle
fun test_point_table (polygon)=
let polygon.points -> pointtable in
let sizetab pointtable -> size in
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter < size) do
let polygon.points.counter -> point in
let exec point.fungetvalues with [point]-> [x y] in
set counter = counter + 1;
fun test_polygon_drawpoints (polygon)=
_fooS "in test_point_table function!";
let sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable -> size in
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter < size) do
let polygon.strucdrawpointstable.counter -> [x y] in
_fooS strcatn "drawpoint x is: ":: (itoa x):: " and drawpoint y is: ":: (itoa y)::nil;
set counter = counter +1;
fun create_drawpoint_table (polygon)=
let 0 -> counter in
let mktab (sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable) nil -> ltable in
while (counter < (sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable)) do
let polygon.points.counter -> point in
let exec point.fungetvalues with [point]-> [x y] in
set ltable.counter = [ (ftoi x) (ftoi y)];
//_fooS strcatn "in fun create_drawpoint_table, x is: ":: (ftoa x)::" and y is: "::(ftoa y):: nil;
set counter = counter +1;
//return table of [I I]
fun initpolygon (hexgrid, numsides, center, sidelength, hextype, hexheight ) =
let center -> [centerx centery] in
let mktab numsides nil -> pointstable in
let mktab numsides nil -> drawpointstable in
//wip make empty textobject for now
let nil -> textobject in
//initialize empty points table to put in polygon.points property WARNING: YOU MUST CREAT EMPTY TABLE BEFORE YOU CAN START FILLING TABLE UP WITH ELEMENTS WITH VALUES!!!!
let mkMypolygon [textobject numsides center sidelength nil pointstable nil @create_drawpoint_table drawpointstable hextype hexheight] -> polygon in
if (numsides == 3) then // MAKE A TRIANGLE
//if triangle center is off bitmap dont' draw it!
let ((sqrt 3.0)/. 2.0) *. sidelength -> fheight in //CALCULATE HEIGHT OF TRIANGLE FROM SIDE LENGTH only works for TRIANGLES
set polygon.height = fheight;
set polygon.funmakepoints = @trianglemakepoints;
trianglemakepoints polygon;
else if (numsides == 6) then //MAKE A HEXAGON
set polygon.funmakepoints = @hexmakepoints;
hexmakepoints polygon;
create_drawpoint_table polygon;
//todo: write some code to test that drawpoint table has been created
let create_drawpoint_table polygon -> ltable in
set polygon.strucdrawpointstable = ltable;
//let polygon.strucdrawpointstable.2 -> [xx yy] in
//_fooS strcatn "x from polygon.strucdrawpointstable.2 is: "::(itoa xx)::" and y from polygon.strucdrawpointstable.2 is: ":: (itoa yy):: nil;
//proto fun [Hexgrid [F F] [I I] F returns Mypolygon
fun see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap(hexgrid, floatxy, thisbitmapxy, lthishexheight )=
let floatxy -> [floatx floaty] in
let thisbitmapxy -> [bitmapx bitmapy] in
if (( (ftoi floatx) > bitmapx) || ((ftoi floaty)> bitmapy)) then
_fooS strcatn "we will not make a polygon here because one or both x and y are off the bitmap. the x is: ":: (ftoa floatx)::" and the y is: ":: (ftoa floaty)::nil;
) else
let initpolygon hexgrid 6 floatxy nil "flattop" lthishexheight -> tpolygon in
//return tab polygons; this only makes hexagons and polygons don't need height property and only makes polygons with six sides
//proto fun Bitmapinterface Hexgrid Mypolygontable I returns tab Mypolygon
fun hex_make_row_of_polygons (interface, hexgrid, polygontable, columnnumber)=
//get column of hexes
let hexgrid.hextable.columnnumber -> lthishexcolumn in
let (itof hexgrid.hexsize) -> lthishexsize in
let polygontable.Mypolygontable_rows -> ltotal_rows in
let mktab ltotal_rows nil -> polygon_column in
let polygontable.parentbitmap -> lthisbitmap in
let _GETbitmapSize lthisbitmap -> [thisbitmapx thisbitmapy] in
let 0 -> row_counter in
while (row_counter < ltotal_rows) do
// get xy of current hex, then set frtoa x to bitmap - x, and y to bitmap y
let lthishexcolumn.row_counter -> this_hex in
//get center of hex
let this_hex.hex_xy -> [floatx floaty] in
//set y to be height of bitmap - y, since 0 is top left and height of bitmap is bottom left. a larger - y value will represent a greater distance between height of bitmap to y setting on bitmap.
let (itof thisbitmapy) -. floaty -> final_float_y in //this is final y coordinate of the polygon we are about to create
//create polygon, and draw it's table of points into bitmap!
let (itof hexgrid.hexsize) -> lthishexheight in
let see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap hexgrid [floatx floaty] [thisbitmapx thisbitmapy] lthishexheight -> polygon_or_no_polygon_result in
set polygon_column.row_counter = polygon_or_no_polygon_result;
set row_counter = row_counter +1;
//return completed column, with all rows filled, into
fun initpolygontable (interface, hexgrid )= //this function will load [x y] tuples from hexes in hexgrid into polygons in polygongrid. when all the polygons are created in the polygongrid and their shapes darwn into bitmap, function will blit blitmap
_fooS "fillbitmapbelow this!";
_FILLbitmap appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0x000000;
let hexgrid.hexgridrows -> ptable_rows in
let hexgrid.columns -> ptable_columns in
//get hexgrid origin, which is center of first hex in first row and column of hexgrid
let hexgrid.hextable.0.0.hex_xy ->[floatx floaty] in
let (ftoi floatx) -> ioriginx in
let (ftoi floaty) -> ioriginy in
let _GETbitmapSize appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap -> [bitmapx bitmapy] in
let _fooS strcat "bitmap y size is!: " (itoa bitmapy) -> string in
let (bitmapy - ioriginy) -> ioriginy in
let mktab ptable_rows nil -> ltableofpolygons in
let mkMypolygontable [ptable_rows ptable_columns ltableofpolygons [ioriginx ioriginy] nil nil interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap] -> lpolygontable in
let 0 -> polygontablecounter_for_column_number in
while (polygontablecounter_for_column_number < ptable_columns) do
let hex_make_row_of_polygons interface hexgrid lpolygontable polygontablecounter_for_column_number -> this_pcolumn in
//inser this column, which is a table of polygons, into the ltableofpolygons
set lpolygontable.polygontable.polygontablecounter_for_column_number = this_pcolumn;
set polygontablecounter_for_column_number = polygontablecounter_for_column_number +1;
fun drawpolygoncolumn (interface, column, bitmap)=
let sizetab column -> rows in
let 0 -> thisrowcounter in
while (thisrowcounter < rows) do
if (column.thisrowcounter == nil) then
_fooS strcat "no polygon at rowcounter: " (itoa thisrowcounter);
else let column.thisrowcounter -> thispolygon in
let thispolygon.strucdrawpointstable -> thispolygondrawpointtable in
let _DRAWpoly24 appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 6 thispolygondrawpointtable 5 DRAW_SOLID 0xFFFFFF DRAW_SOLID 0x000000-> thisbitmap2 in
set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap = thisbitmap2;
set thisrowcounter = thisrowcounter +1;
//_PAINTwindow appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow;
//_PAINTwindow appinterface.Bitmapinterface_mainwindow;
fun drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit (bitmapinterface, thispolygontable)=
let thispolygontable.Mypolygontable_columns -> columns in
let thispolygontable.Mypolygontable_rows -> rows in
let 0 -> thiscolumncounter in
let appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap -> thisbitmap in
while (thiscolumncounter < columns ) do
let drawpolygoncolumn bitmapinterface thispolygontable.polygontable.thiscolumncounter thisbitmap -> bitmap in
set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap = bitmap;
//_fooS strcat "blitting a column!; the column is number: " (itoa thiscolumncounter) ;
set thiscolumncounter = thiscolumncounter +1;
//_fooS "all columns have been blitted!";
_BLTbitmap appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0 0;
_PAINTwindow appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow;
//proto fun [ObjButton Bitmapinterface] I
fun cleargridbuttoncallback (button, interface)=
_fooS "cleargrid button is clicked!";
_FILLbitmap appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0x000000;
_BLTbitmap appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0 0;
//proto fun [ObjText [Bitmapinterface S S S] I
fun makegrid_gridbuttoncallback (button, parameter)=
let parameter -> [thisinterface theserows_text thesecolumns_text thishexheighttext] in
let _GETtext theserows_text -> rows in
let _GETtext thesecolumns_text -> columns in
let _GETtext thishexheighttext -> height in
let makehexgrid appinterface (atoi columns) (atoi rows) (atoi height) "evens up" [0 0 0] -> makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj in
let initpolygontable appinterface makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj -> thispolygontable in
//set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid = makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj;
//set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontable = thispolygontable;
drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit appinterface thispolygontable;
fun createinterface ()=
let _CRwindow _channel nil 0 0 640 512 WN_NORMAL "hexgrid generator"-> mainwindow in
//let _PAINTrectangle mainwindow 0 0 640 512 DRAW_INVISIBLE 0 0xF91212 DRAW_SOLID 0xF91212 -> mainwindow in
let _CRwindow _channel mainwindow 128 0 512 512 WN_CHILDINSIDE "" -> bitmapwindow in
let _PAINTrectangle bitmapwindow 0 0 512 512 DRAW_INVISIBLE 0 0xF91212 DRAW_SOLID 0xFFFFFF -> bitmapwindow in
let _CRwindow _channel mainwindow 0 0 128 512 WN_CHILDINSIDE "" -> buttonwindow in
//let _PAINTrectangle buttonwindow 0 0 512 512 DRAW_INVISIBLE 0 0xF91212 DRAW_SOLID 0xF91212 -> buttonwindow in
let _CRfont _channel 10 0 FF_PIXEL "Arial" -> buttonwindow_font in
let _CRbutton _channel buttonwindow 0 10 128 50 PB_DEFAULT "Clear Grid" -> cleargrid_button in
let _AFFfontButton cleargrid_button buttonwindow_font -> cleargrid_button in
let _CRbutton _channel buttonwindow 0 70 128 50 PB_DEFAULT "Make Grid" -> makegrid_button in
let _AFFfontButton makegrid_button buttonwindow_font -> makegrid_button in
let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 0 140 70 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "Rows" -> gridrows_label in
let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 80 140 30 20 ET_DOWN "" -> rows_text in
let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 0 210 70 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "Columns" -> Columns_label in
let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 80 210 30 20 ET_DOWN "" -> columns_text in
let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 0 280 70 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "Hex Size" -> hex_sizelabel in
let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 80 280 30 20 ET_DOWN "" -> hexheighttext in
let _CRbitmap _channel 512 512 -> lbitmap in
let mkBitmapinterface [mainwindow bitmapwindow buttonwindow lbitmap nil nil nil nil nil nil] -> lstructure in
//let initpolygontable gridobj -> thispolygontable in
set appinterface = lstructure;
let makehexgrid appinterface 1 1 20 "evens up" [0 0 0] -> gridobj in
set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid = gridobj;
let initpolygontable appinterface appinterface.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid -> thispolygontable in
set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontable = thispolygontable;
set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontables = appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontable::nil;
drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit appinterface appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontable;
_CBwinDestroy appinterface.Bitmapinterface_mainwindow @end appinterface;
_CBwinPaint appinterface.Bitmapinterface_mainwindow @paint appinterface;
_CBwinPaint appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow @paint appinterface;
_CBbutton cleargrid_button @cleargridbuttoncallback appinterface;
let [appinterface rows_text columns_text hexheighttext] -> makegridparameter in
_CBbutton makegrid_button @ makegrid_gridbuttoncallback makegridparameter;
//_CBbutton columns_button @ columns_button_callback appinterface;
//_CBbutton hex_size_button @ hex_size_button_callback appinterface;
//_DRAWpoly24 drawbitmap2 nil nil nil nil nil;
_load "hexallinone/hexallinone1.pkg"
_load "hexallinone/hexallinone2.pkg"
package hexallinone2 should be able to access hexallinone1 functions and variables
you can also define the functions you need using "proto"
_load"os3dlib/tools.pkg" _load "hexallinone/hexallinone1.pkg" _load "hexallinone/hexallinone2.pkg"
package hexallinone2 should be able to access hexallinone1 functions and variables
you can also define the functions you need using "proto"
thanks...I tried that but the last file was having problems reading a function from the previous files...I must have messed up doing something with proto code.
I've encountered another problem...I have put in code to restrict the number of columns of hexes drawn into the bitmap with the _DRAWpoly24 command...when I make the hexagon size small, and add a bunch of columns (since more fit on the bitmap), whether or not I surpass the column limit, the vm crashes without throwing an error in the log for the .scol file...the supervisor .log file shows this error:
Error #1 on socket #-1789729408
here is the revised .pkg file:
typeof appinterface = Bitmapinterface;;
// nested table syntax typeof Globalgrid = tab [I tab [S tab F]];;
proto mygetcoordinates = fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I];;
proto makestartvectable = fun [I I S [I I I]] I;;
proto hex_to_pixel = fun [Hex] [I I];;
proto initializevectortable = fun [tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate I] Vectortable;;
proto fillvectortable = fun [[I I I] I Vectortable S I] Vectortable;;
proto mypolygonmain = fun[Hexgrid] I;;
proto test_point_table = fun [Mypolygon] Mypolygon;;
proto makehexgrid = fun [Bitmapinterface I I I S [I I I]] Hexgrid;;
proto createinterface = fun [] I;;
proto see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap = fun[Hexgrid [F F][I I] F ] Mypolygon;;
proto hex_make_row_of_polygons = fun [Bitmapinterface Hexgrid Mypolygontable I] tab Mypolygon;;
proto drawpolygoncolumn = fun[Bitmapinterface tab Mypolygon ObjBitmap] ObjBitmap;;
proto drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit = fun[Bitmapinterface Mypolygontable] I;;
proto initpolygon = fun [Hexgrid I [F F] F S F] Mypolygon;;
proto trianglemakepoints =fun [Mypolygon] tab Point ;;
//vertex object with qrs coordinates
struct QRSCoordinate=[
posq: I,
posr: I,
poss: I,
getcoordinates: fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I]
struct Hex= [
hexcenter: QRSCoordinate,
hexheight: I,
structradiustopoint: F,
fungethexcenter: fun [Hex] [I I I],
funprinthex: fun [Hex] S,
funhextopixel: fun [Hex] [F F],
hex_xy: [F F]
struct Vectortable=[
vectortable: tab QRSCoordinate,
rows: I,
start: S,
startvec: QRSCoordinate
] mkVectortable;;
struct Hexgrid =[
structHexgrid_interface: Bitmapinterface,
hextable: tab tab Hex,// each element of the hexgrid table has a table of hexes (which is a column in the hex grid)
hexgridrows: I,
columns: I,
hexsize: I,
structHexgrid_fun_total_width_height: fun [Hexgrid] [I I],
structhexgrid_vectortable: Vectortable
struct Point =[
x: F,
y: F,
fungetvalues: fun [Point] [F F] ///function to return x and y properties of Point
] mkPoint;;
struct Mypolygon =[
structtextobject: ObjText,
numsides: I,
center: [F F], //center of polygon
sidelength: F,
height: F,
points: tab Point, //table of point objects in polygon
funmakepoints: fun [Mypolygon] tab Point,
funmakedrawpointtable: fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I],
strucdrawpointstable: tab [I I], //function to create table of points to put in points table
hextype : S,//for hexes, if "flat" then flat top, if "pointy" then pointy top
structpolygonhexheight: F //hexheight is vertical radius if flat and norizontal radius if pointy
] mkMypolygon;;//this is each individual shape that will fit into the shapetable
struct Mypolygontable = [
Mypolygontable_rows: I,
Mypolygontable_columns: I,
polygontable: tab tab Mypolygon,
originpoint: [I I], //this will set the origin of the table at x 0 y height of the parent bitmap. "up" in y will be negative as y increases as you go to the bottom of the screen
totalsize: [F F],
funcalctotalsize: fun [Mypolygontable] [F F],
parentbitmap: ObjBitmap
] mkMypolygontable;;
struct Bitmapinterface =[
Bitmapinterface_mainwindow: ObjWin,
Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow: ObjWin,
Bitmapinterface_controlwindow: ObjWin,
Bitmapinterface_bitmap: ObjBitmap,
Bitmapinterface_hexgrid: Hexgrid,
Bitmapinterface_polygontable: Mypolygontable,
Bitmapinterface_currentrows: I,
Bitmapinterface_currentcolumns: I,
Bitmapinterface_currenthex_size: I,
Bitmapinterface_polygontables: [Mypolygontable r1]
] mkBitmapinterface;;
fun end (window, interface)=
_DSbitmap interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap;
_DSwindow interface.Bitmapinterface_mainwindow;
_DSwindow interface.Bitmapinterface_controlwindow;
_DSwindow interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow;
set interface = nil;
fun paint (win, interfacestruct)=
_BLTbitmap win appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0 0;
_PAINTwindow win;
//function below: fun [Vectortable] returns I ; utility to make sure vector table is correct, this is a table of QRSCoordinate objects that forms row 0 of every column in a rectangular array of hexes
fun print_full_startvector_table_contents (startvectortable)=
//_fooS "the Vectortable object is complete, reading out full contents of Vectortable.vectortable which is in the format of tab QRSCoordinate";
let sizetab startvectortable ->table_total in
let 0-> counter in
while (counter< table_total) do
let startvectortable.counter-> qrsobject in
let mygetcoordinates qrsobject -> [q r s] in
set counter = counter+1;
//function below: fun [QRSCoordinate] returns [I I I]
fun mygetcoordinates(qrs)=
let qrs.posq-> q in
let qrs.posr-> r in
let qrs.poss-> s in
[q r s];;
//function below: fun [Hex] returns [I I I], function to get I I I qrs coordinates from a hex
fun getmyhexcoordinates (hex) =
let hex.hexcenter -> qrs_center in
mygetcoordinates qrs_center;; //this function takes hex and returns [q r s] for qrs object in its center
//utility function below: fun [Hex] returns S, utility to verify hex is at right place
fun myprinthex (hex)=
let exec hex.fungethexcenter with [hex] -> [q r s] in
let hex. hex_xy -> [x y] in
let strcatn "this hex q center is at: ":: (itoa q)::" it's r center is at: ":: (itoa r):: " and its s center is at: "::(itoa s)::"\n"::" the converted hex x coordinate is: ":: (ftoa x)::"\n"::" and the converted hex y coordinate is:" :: (ftoa y)::"\n":: " and the hex's radius to a point is: ":: (ftoa hex.structradiustopoint):: nil -> string in
//utility funntion below takes tab Hex and calls printhex for every hex in the column
fun printcolumn (column_number, total_columns, columnobject)=
let sizetab columnobject -> size in
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter< size) do
let columnobject.counter -> hex in
//_fooS strcatn "this hex is in column number: ":: (itoa column_number):: " and this is hex in row number: " :: (itoa counter):: " and and the information for this hex is: " :: (myprinthex hex)::nil;
set counter = counter +1;
// fun [Hex] [F F] converts a Hex object's qrs coordinates to float x y coordinates
fun myhextopixel(hex)=
let getmyhexcoordinates hex -> [q r s] in
let hex.structradiustopoint -> float_final_size in
let float_final_size *. (3.0 /. 2.0) *. (itof q) -> xfloat in
let (float_final_size *. (sqrt 3.0) *. (itof q) /. (2.0)) +. ( float_final_size *. (sqrt 3.0) *. (itof r)) -> yfloat in
let yfloat *. (-.1.0)-> yfloat in //change depending on whether y is 0 at top or bottom of eventual bitmap
[xfloat yfloat];;
// fun [I I I] returns QRSCoordinate
fun makeQRS(q, r, s)=
let mkQRSCoordinate [q r s nil]-> qrs in
set qrs.getcoordinates=@mygetcoordinates;
// fun [QRSCoordinate I] returns Hex note: size is radius to the flat side of a hex, not to a point, we convert size to a radius to a point since we need radius to a point for all important calculations
fun makeHex(qrs, size)=
let (((itof size) *. 2.0) *. sqrt (3.0)) /. 3.0 -> radiustopoint in
let mkHex [qrs size radiustopoint @getmyhexcoordinates @myprinthex @myhextopixel nil ] -> hex in
//create xy coordinates of x and load into hexobject
let exec hex.funhextopixel with [hex] -> [x y] in
set hex.hex_xy = [x y];
// fun [[I I I] S I] returns [I I I]
fun addvec_with_direction (inputvector, direction)= //this function takes a vector and direction and returns a new vector object,the result depending on the the direction this package has already loaded the os3d tools.pkg so it can use functions from it
if ((strcmp direction "northeast") ==0) then
let [1 (-1) 0] -> directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
else if ((strcmp direction "southeast") ==0) then
let [1 0 (-1)] -> directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
else if ((strcmp direction "north") ==0) then
let [0 (-1) 1] -> directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
let q+r+s -> result in
if (result == 0) then //console_print lastcsl"no error" else //console_print lastcsl"error!!";
// fun =[Bitmapinterface Hexgrid Hex r1 I I QRSCoordinate I I ] returns tab Hex. this function creates a rectangular grid of hexes with several settable parameters, but the grid will always be a rectangle
fun make_column ( interface, hexgrid, hexlist, currentcolumn_number, currentrow_number, inputqrs, total_rows, hexsize)= //fun [ Hexgrid hex r1 I I QRSCoordinate, I I ] returns tab Hex
if (currentrow_number<total_rows) then //we are not finished with the colum, take inputvec, make a hex, add it to hexlist. when we are done with the hexlist and the column we will turn it from Hex r1 to tab Hex
let exec inputqrs.getcoordinates with [inputqrs] -> inputvec in
let inputvec -> [inputq inputr inputs] in
let makeHex inputqrs hexsize-> hex in
let lcat hexlist hex::nil -> hexlist in
let exec inputqrs.getcoordinates with [inputqrs] -> inputvec in
let addvec_with_direction inputvec "north" -> newvec in
let newvec -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
//_fooS myprinthex hex;
set currentrow_number=currentrow_number+1;
//we are not done with column so recursively call function and in that we this branch of if then else doesn't return anything
make_column interface hexgrid hexlist currentcolumn_number currentrow_number newqrs total_rows hexsize;
else //we are done with the column, turn the list into a table, and put it in the currentcolumn_number of the Global_hextable
let sizelist hexlist -> size in
let listtotab hexlist -> thisfunctionhextable in
let sizetab thisfunctionhextable -> tablesize in
let sizetab hexgrid.hextable.currentcolumn_number -> sizable2 in
// fun [[I I I] I Vectortable S I] returns Vectortable,m given a start qrs coordinate, [I I] generate a table of QRSCoordinate objects of arbitrary size and lenght, with either evens higher or odds higher
fun fillvectortable (vector, hexsize, qrstable , startstate, rownumber)= //fun [I I I] I Vectortable S I RETURN: Vectortable
if (rownumber ==0) then
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then
( //since evens are up we go southeast to element 1, which is odd
//go southeast, and feed in vector of this item to form next item
//we want to make vector for first odd number to feed into function
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" -> newvector in
set rownumber = rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
else //state is "odds up", we go northeast to element 1, which is odd
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" -> newvector in
set rownumber = rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
//go northeast and feed in vector of this item to form next item
//we want to make vector for first odd number to feed into function
else if (rownumber == (sizetab qrstable.vectortable)) then
//return finalized and filled up qrstable which is a Vectortable object
//print_full_startvector_table_contents qrstable.vectortable; //call function to read out values of the created Vectortable.vectortable, which is tab QRSCoordinate
else if (rownumber < (sizetab qrstable.vectortable)) then
if ((mod rownumber 2)!= 0) then//odd number fork
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then //if evens up then odd numbers make a new vector to the northeast
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
///even number fork
//console_print lastcsl"we have an even number";
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then
//console_print lastcsl"go southeast because evens are up and odds are down";//if evens up then even numbers make a new vector to the southheast
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
// fun initializevectortable = fun [tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate I] Vectortable;;
fun initializevectortable (initialvectable, columns, startstate2, startqrs, hexsize)=
let mkVectortable [initialvectable columns startstate2 startqrs] -> vectable in
let mygetcoordinates startqrs -> startcoordiantes in
let 0 -> rownumber in
set vectable.vectortable.0 = startqrs; //set the initial qrs element of the Vectortable.vectortable table, which is made of qrs objects
let fillvectortable startcoordiantes hexsize vectable startstate2 rownumber -> vectable2 in
let _fooS strcatn "Vectortable has : " :: (itoa columns):: " elements":: nil -> string in
//fun Bitmapinterface I I I returns I which is total columns
//todo, remove code preventing polygon drawing, control columns and rows at hexgrid stage
fun get_maximum_columns (interface,total_columns, total_rows, hexsize)=
let (((itof hexsize)*. 2.0) *. sqrt (3.0)) /. 3.0 -> hex_radius in
let _fooS strcat "in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: " (ftoa hex_radius) -> sgring in
let _GETbitmapSize interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap -> [width height] in
let itof width -> fwidth in
if ((itof total_columns) <. (fwidth/. (0.75 *. hex_radius)) ) then
let _fooS strcat "in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are" (itoa (ftoi(fwidth/.(0.75 *.hex_radius)))) -> string in
) else
let _fooS strcat "in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are" (itoa (ftoi(fwidth/.(0.75 *.hex_radius)))) -> string in
let (fwidth/. (0.75 *.hex_radius)) -> finalcolumns in
let ftoi finalcolumns -> finalcolumns in
//todo have this function clamp rows
fun get_maximum_rows (interface,total_columns, total_rows, hexsize)=
let (((itof hexsize)*. 2.0) *. sqrt (3.0)) /. 3.0 -> hex_radius in
let _fooS strcat "in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: " (ftoa hex_radius) -> sgring in
let _GETbitmapSize interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap -> [width height] in
let itof width -> fwidth in
if ((itof total_columns) <. (fwidth/. (0.75 *. hex_radius)) ) then
let _fooS strcat "in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are" (itoa (ftoi(fwidth/.(0.75 *.hex_radius)))) -> string in
) else
let _fooS strcat "in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are" (itoa (ftoi(fwidth/.(0.75 *.hex_radius)))) -> string in
let (fwidth/. (0.75 *.hex_radius)) -> finalcolumns in
let ftoi finalcolumns -> finalcolumns in
// fun [I I I S [I I I] returns Hexgrid
fun makehexgrid (interface, total_columns, total_rows, hexsize, startstate, startingvec)=
let get_maximum_columns interface total_columns total_rows hexsize -> clamped_total_columns in
let mktab clamped_total_columns nil -> initialvectable in
let startingvec -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> starqrs in
let initializevectortable initialvectable clamped_total_columns startstate starqrs hexsize -> vectable2 in
//todo function to clam rows
let vectable2.rows -> rows in
let mktab clamped_total_columns nil-> hexgridtable in
let mkHexgrid [interface hexgridtable total_rows clamped_total_columns hexsize nil vectable2] -> hexgrid_object in
//set Global_hextable= hexgrid_object ;
let 0-> column_counter in
let 0-> column_number in
while (column_counter < clamped_total_columns) do //redo with strucs not global variables
let vectable2.vectortable.column_counter -> initialqrs in
//make_column arguments: Hexgrid, hexlist (set at nil until function begins to resurviely, currentcolumn_number, currentrow_number, inputvec, total_row, hex size
let make_column interface hexgrid_object nil column_counter 0 initialqrs total_rows hexsize -> this_column in //make_column returns tab Hex
// load completed column (which is a table of hexes) into first element of Hexgrid.hextable
set hexgrid_object.hextable.column_counter = this_column;
set column_counter= column_counter +1;
//return a completed Hexgrid object
//fun [Point] [I I]
fun myfungetvalues(point)=
let point.x -> x in
let point.y -> y in
[x y];;
//fun [I I] Point
fun initpoint (x, y)=
let mkPoint [x y @myfungetvalues] -> point in
fun makeflattophexpoints (polygon)=
let (polygon.structpolygonhexheight *. 2.0) /. (sqrt 3.0)-> float_final_size in
let 0 -> counter in
let polygon.center -> [functionx functiony] in
while (counter < (sizetab polygon.points)) do
if (counter == 0) then
let 0.0 -> radians in
let functionx +. (float_final_size *. (cos radians)) -> xpoint in
let functiony +. (float_final_size *. (sin radians)) -> ypoint in
let initpoint xpoint ypoint -> point in
set polygon.points.counter = point;
set counter = counter+1;
let 60.0 *. (itof counter) -> angle_degrees in
let (PIf /. 180.0) *. angle_degrees -> radians in
let functionx +. (float_final_size *. (cos radians)) -> xpoint in
let functiony +. (float_final_size *. (sin radians)) -> ypoint in
let initpoint xpoint ypoint -> point in
set polygon.points.counter = point;
set counter = counter+1;
//_fooS strcat "there are the following amount of points in this polygon: " (itoa (sizetab polygon.points) );
//fun [Mypolygon] tab Point
fun hexmakepoints (polygon)=
if ((strcmp polygon.hextype "flattop")==0) then
let makeflattophexpoints polygon -> hexmakepoints_points in
set polygon.points = hexmakepoints_points;
else if ((strcmp polygon.hextype "pointytop")==0) then
_fooS "you are making a pointytop hexagon!!!";
_fooS "bad input data, not flattop or pointytop!";
//fun [Mypolygon] tab Point
fun trianglemakepoints (polygon) = //this is only good for a triangle
_fooS "you are making a triangle!!!";
let polygon.points -> pointtable in
let polygon.center -> [centerx centery] in
let polygon.height -> height in
let height *. (-. 1.0) -> height in // convert positive height to negative height as negative values point "up" on the screen
let polygon.sidelength -> sidelength in
//make first point at the top of the triangle, x will be the same as triangle.center's x coordinate, calculate y coordinate
let centery +. ((2.0 *. height)/. 3.0) -> y1 in //this is y coordinate of apex of equilateral triangle
let (initpoint centerx y1) -> point1 in //we use centerx for x coordinate at top of triangle
set polygon.points.0 = point1; //load first point of triangle into triangle.points table
//make second point
//we need sidelength for second point so get it
let centerx -. (sidelength /. 2.0) -> secondx in
let centery -. (height /. 3.0) -> secondy in
let (initpoint secondx secondy) -> point2 in
set polygon.points.1 = point2;//load second point of triangle into triangle.points table
//make make third point
//we need sidelength for third point so get it
let centerx +. (sidelength /. 2.0) -> thirdx in
let centery -. (height /. 3.0) -> thirdy in
let (initpoint thirdx thirdy) -> point3 in
set polygon.points.2 = point3; //load third point of triangle into triangle.points table
);;//return completed table of the three points in the triangle
//fun [Mypolygon] Mypolygon
fun test_point_table (polygon)=
let polygon.points -> pointtable in
let sizetab pointtable -> size in
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter < size) do
let polygon.points.counter -> point in
let exec point.fungetvalues with [point]-> [x y] in
set counter = counter + 1;
fun test_polygon_drawpoints (polygon)=
_fooS "in test_point_table function!";
let sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable -> size in
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter < size) do
let polygon.strucdrawpointstable.counter -> [x y] in
_fooS strcatn "drawpoint x is: ":: (itoa x):: " and drawpoint y is: ":: (itoa y)::nil;
set counter = counter +1;
//fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I]
fun create_drawpoint_table (polygon)=
let 0 -> counter in
let mktab (sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable) nil -> ltable in
while (counter < (sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable)) do
let polygon.points.counter -> point in
let exec point.fungetvalues with [point]-> [x y] in
set ltable.counter = [ (ftoi x) (ftoi y)];
//_fooS strcatn "in fun create_drawpoint_table, x is: ":: (ftoa x)::" and y is: "::(ftoa y):: nil;
set counter = counter +1;
//return table of [I I]
//fun proto [Hexgrid I [F F] F S I] Mypolygon
//this function creates polygons, dispatching the created Mypolygon to functions to make point tabls for triangles or hexagons
fun initpolygon (hexgrid, numsides, center, sidelength, hextype, hexheight ) =
let center -> [centerx centery] in
let mktab numsides nil -> pointstable in
let mktab numsides nil -> drawpointstable in
//wip make empty textobject for now
let nil -> textobject in
//initialize empty points table to put in polygon.points property WARNING: YOU MUST CREAT EMPTY TABLE BEFORE YOU CAN START FILLING TABLE UP WITH ELEMENTS WITH VALUES!!!!
let mkMypolygon [textobject numsides center sidelength nil pointstable nil @create_drawpoint_table drawpointstable hextype hexheight] -> polygon in
if (numsides == 3) then // MAKE A TRIANGLE
//if triangle center is off bitmap dont' draw it!
let ((sqrt 3.0)/. 2.0) *. sidelength -> fheight in //CALCULATE HEIGHT OF TRIANGLE FROM SIDE LENGTH only works for TRIANGLES
set polygon.height = fheight;
set polygon.funmakepoints = @trianglemakepoints;
trianglemakepoints polygon;
else if (numsides == 6) then //MAKE A HEXAGON
set polygon.funmakepoints = @hexmakepoints;
hexmakepoints polygon;
create_drawpoint_table polygon;
//todo: write some code to test that drawpoint table has been created
let create_drawpoint_table polygon -> ltable in
set polygon.strucdrawpointstable = ltable;
//let polygon.strucdrawpointstable.2 -> [xx yy] in
//_fooS strcatn "x from polygon.strucdrawpointstable.2 is: "::(itoa xx)::" and y from polygon.strucdrawpointstable.2 is: ":: (itoa yy):: nil;
//proto fun [Hexgrid [F F] [I I] F returns Mypolygon
fun see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap(hexgrid, floatxy, thisbitmapxy, lthishexheight )=
let floatxy -> [floatx floaty] in
let thisbitmapxy -> [bitmapx bitmapy] in
if (( (ftoi floatx) > bitmapx) || ((ftoi floaty)> bitmapy)) then
//_fooS strcatn "we will not make a polygon here because one or both x and y are off the bitmap. the x is: ":: (ftoa floatx)::" and the y is: ":: (ftoa floaty)::nil;
) else
let initpolygon hexgrid 6 floatxy nil "flattop" lthishexheight -> tpolygon in
//return tab polygons; this only makes hexagons and polygons don't need height property and only makes polygons with six sides
//his functino takes the Hexgrid, extracts each element from Hexgrid.hextable, which is tab Hex, and creates a tab Mypolygon from tab Hex to return as a colum of tab Mypolygon to initpolygontable function
//proto fun Bitmapinterface Hexgrid Mypolygontable I returns tab Mypolygon
fun hex_make_row_of_polygons (interface, hexgrid, polygontable, columnnumber)=
//get column of hexes
let hexgrid.hextable.columnnumber -> lthishexcolumn in
let (itof hexgrid.hexsize) -> lthishexsize in
let polygontable.Mypolygontable_rows -> ltotal_rows in
let mktab ltotal_rows nil -> polygon_column in
let polygontable.parentbitmap -> lthisbitmap in
let _GETbitmapSize lthisbitmap -> [thisbitmapx thisbitmapy] in
let 0 -> row_counter in
while (row_counter < ltotal_rows) do
// get xy of current hex, then set frtoa x to bitmap - x, and y to bitmap y
let lthishexcolumn.row_counter -> this_hex in
//get center of hex
let this_hex.hex_xy -> [floatx floaty] in
//set y to be height of bitmap - y, since 0 is top left and height of bitmap is bottom left. a larger - y value will represent a greater distance between height of bitmap to y setting on bitmap.
let (itof thisbitmapy) -. floaty -> final_float_y in //this is final y coordinate of the polygon we are about to create
//create polygon, and draw it's table of points into bitmap!
let (itof hexgrid.hexsize) -> lthishexheight in
let see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap hexgrid [floatx final_float_y] [thisbitmapx thisbitmapy] lthishexheight -> polygon_or_no_polygon_result in
set polygon_column.row_counter = polygon_or_no_polygon_result;
set row_counter = row_counter +1;
//return completed column, with all rows filled, into
//proto fun [Bitmapinterface Hexgrid] Mypolygontable
fun initpolygontable (interface, hexgrid )= //this function will load [x y] tuples from hexes in hexgrid into polygons in polygongrid. when all the polygons are created in the polygongrid and their shapes darwn into bitmap, function will blit blitmap
_fooS "fillbitmapbelow this!";
//_FILLbitmap appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0x000000;
let hexgrid.hexgridrows -> ptable_rows in
let hexgrid.columns -> ptable_columns in
let _fooS strcatn "there are: "::(itoa ptable_columns)::" in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount!"::nil -> string in
//get hexgrid origin, which is center of first hex in first row and column of hexgrid
let hexgrid.hextable.0.0.hex_xy ->[floatx floaty] in
let (ftoi floatx) -> ioriginx in
let (ftoi floaty) -> ioriginy in
let _GETbitmapSize appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap -> [bitmapx bitmapy] in
let _fooS strcat "bitmap y size is!: " (itoa bitmapy) -> string in
let (bitmapy - ioriginy) -> ioriginy in
let _fooS strcat "polygon table origin y is: " (itoa ioriginy) -> string in
let mktab ptable_rows nil -> ltableofpolygons in
let mkMypolygontable [ptable_rows ptable_columns ltableofpolygons [ioriginx ioriginy] nil nil interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap] -> lpolygontable in
let 0 -> polygontablecounter_for_column_number in
while (polygontablecounter_for_column_number < ptable_columns) do
let hex_make_row_of_polygons interface hexgrid lpolygontable polygontablecounter_for_column_number -> this_pcolumn in
//inser this column, which is a table of polygons, into the ltableofpolygons
set lpolygontable.polygontable.polygontablecounter_for_column_number = this_pcolumn;
set polygontablecounter_for_column_number = polygontablecounter_for_column_number +1;
//proto drawpolygoncolumn = fun[Bitmapinterface tab Mypolygon ObjBitmap] ObjBitmap;;
//this function takes Mypolygon objects from Mypolygontable, extracts drawpoints from each Mypolygon, and draws the polygon into a bitmap
fun drawpolygoncolumn (interface, column, bitmap)=
let sizetab column -> rows in
let 0 -> thisrowcounter in
while (thisrowcounter < rows) do
if (column.thisrowcounter == nil) then
//_fooS strcat "no polygon at rowcounter: " (itoa thisrowcounter);
else let column.thisrowcounter -> thispolygon in
let thispolygon.strucdrawpointstable -> thispolygondrawpointtable in
let _DRAWpoly24 appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 6 thispolygondrawpointtable 5 DRAW_SOLID 0xFFFFFF DRAW_INVISIBLE 0x000000-> thisbitmap2 in
set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap = thisbitmap2;
set thisrowcounter = thisrowcounter +1;
//proto drawpolygoncolumn = fun[Bitmapinterface Mypolygontable] I;;
//this function takes each element of Mypolygontable.polygontable, which is tab tab Mypolygon, and sends the resulting tab Mypolygon to drawpolygoncolumn (Bitmapinterface, tab Mypolygon, ObjBitmap) to draw individual Mypolygons into
fun drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit (bitmapinterface, thispolygontable)=
let thispolygontable.Mypolygontable_columns -> columns in
let thispolygontable.Mypolygontable_rows -> rows in
let 0 -> thiscolumncounter in
let appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap -> thisbitmap in
while (thiscolumncounter < columns ) do
let drawpolygoncolumn bitmapinterface thispolygontable.polygontable.thiscolumncounter thisbitmap -> bitmap in
set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap = bitmap;
set thiscolumncounter = thiscolumncounter +1;
//_fooS "all columns have been blitted!";
_BLTbitmap appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0 0;
_PAINTwindow appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow;
//proto fun [ObjButton Bitmapinterface] I
fun cleargridbuttoncallback (button, interface)=
_fooS "cleargrid button is clicked!";
_FILLbitmap appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0x000000;
_PAINTwindow appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow;
//_BLTbitmap appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0 0;
//proto fun [ObjText [Bitmapinterface S S S] I
fun makegrid_gridbuttoncallback (button, parameter)=
set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid =nil;
set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontable = nil;
let parameter -> [thisinterface theserows_text thesecolumns_text thishexheighttext] in
let _GETtext theserows_text -> rows in
let _GETtext thesecolumns_text -> columns in
let _GETtext thishexheighttext -> height in
let makehexgrid appinterface (atoi columns) (atoi rows) (atoi height) "evens up" [0 0 0] -> makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj in
let initpolygontable appinterface makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj -> thispolygontable in
set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid = makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj;
set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontable = thispolygontable;
drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit appinterface thispolygontable;
//proto fun[] I
fun createinterface ()=
let _CRwindow _channel nil 0 0 640 512 WN_NORMAL "hexgrid generator"-> mainwindow in
//let _PAINTrectangle mainwindow 0 0 640 512 DRAW_INVISIBLE 0 0xF91212 DRAW_SOLID 0xF91212 -> mainwindow in
let _CRwindow _channel mainwindow 128 0 512 512 WN_CHILDINSIDE "" -> bitmapwindow in
let _PAINTrectangle bitmapwindow 0 0 512 512 DRAW_INVISIBLE 0 0xF91212 DRAW_SOLID 0xFFFFFF -> bitmapwindow in
let _CRwindow _channel mainwindow 0 0 128 512 WN_CHILDINSIDE "" -> buttonwindow in
//let _PAINTrectangle buttonwindow 0 0 512 512 DRAW_INVISIBLE 0 0xF91212 DRAW_SOLID 0xF91212 -> buttonwindow in
let _CRfont _channel 10 0 FF_PIXEL "Arial" -> buttonwindow_font in
let _CRbutton _channel buttonwindow 0 10 128 50 PB_DEFAULT "Clear Grid" -> cleargrid_button in
let _AFFfontButton cleargrid_button buttonwindow_font -> cleargrid_button in
let _CRbutton _channel buttonwindow 0 70 128 50 PB_DEFAULT "Make Grid" -> makegrid_button in
let _AFFfontButton makegrid_button buttonwindow_font -> makegrid_button in
let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 0 140 70 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "Rows" -> gridrows_label in
let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 80 140 30 20 ET_DOWN "" -> rows_text in
let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 0 210 70 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "Columns" -> Columns_label in
let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 80 210 30 20 ET_DOWN "" -> columns_text in
let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 0 280 70 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "Hex Size" -> hex_sizelabel in
let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 80 280 30 20 ET_DOWN "" -> hexheighttext in
let _CRbitmap _channel 512 512 -> lbitmap in
let mkBitmapinterface [mainwindow bitmapwindow buttonwindow lbitmap nil nil nil nil nil nil] -> lstructure in
_SETtext rows_text "10";
_SETtext columns_text "10";
_SETtext hexheighttext "50";
set appinterface = lstructure;
let makehexgrid appinterface 1 1 20 "evens up" [0 0 0] -> gridobj in
set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid = gridobj;
let initpolygontable appinterface appinterface.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid -> thispolygontable in
set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontable = thispolygontable;
set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontables = appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontable::nil;
drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit appinterface appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontable;
_CBwinDestroy appinterface.Bitmapinterface_mainwindow @end appinterface;
_CBwinPaint appinterface.Bitmapinterface_mainwindow @paint appinterface;
_CBwinPaint appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow @paint appinterface;
//put in some initial values into text fields with _SETtext for rows_text, columns_text, and hexheighttext
_CBbutton cleargrid_button @cleargridbuttoncallback appinterface;
let [appinterface rows_text columns_text hexheighttext] -> makegridparameter in
_CBbutton makegrid_button @ makegrid_gridbuttoncallback makegridparameter;
and here is the scol file log:
Log File of Scol Virtual Machine
Version: 7.0.0 (64Bits)
> Checking useful directories
Install Dir: C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\
Local App Data: C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/
User documents: C:\Users\seapi\Documents/Scol Voyager/
Log files: C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Logs/
Scol Server allows for a maximum of 1000001 sockets.
> Retrieving local host informations
Date: 2024-10-27 22-01-46
HostIP: 0:
Try to connect to the main local scol server
Scol Server allows for a maximum of 1000001 sockets.
> Retrieving local host informations
Date: 2024-10-27 22-01-46
HostIP: 0:
> Scol configuration
Starting memory allocation : 1 MB
Log and console display mask : 0x1f
Virtual Machine initialization
Looking for Scol Partitions
partition C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Cache/ - Capacity: 256 MB
partition C:\Users\seapi\Documents/OpenSpace3D/ - Capacity : Unlimited size
partition C:\Users\seapi\Documents/Scol Voyager/Partition_LocalUsr/ - Capacity : Unlimited size
partition C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - Capacity : Unlimited size
Scol Partitions scan complete
> Loading Scol system packages
HTTP direct Connection
[INFOS] Loading plugins/XTension.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/XTension.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/LibOS2D24.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/LibOS2D24.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/Lib2D24.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/Lib2D24.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/SerialIO.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/SerialIO.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/ScolSQL.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/ScolSQL.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/libsqlite3.dll plugin.
[ERROR] An error occurs while loading plugins/libsqlite3.dll plugin, the file does not exits or is invalid!
Last error : The specified module could not be found.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/SO3Engine.dll plugin.
> Start loading Plugin SO3Engine dll
> Creating SO3Engine Root
Rendering Stereo mode : Mono
CPU Identifier & Features
* CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4600U CPU @ 2.10GHz
* SSE: yes
* SSE2: yes
* SSE3: yes
* SSE41: yes
* SSE42: yes
* MMX: yes
* MMXEXT: yes
* 3DNOW: no
* 3DNOWEXT: no
* CMOV: yes
* TSC: yes
* FPU: yes
* PRO: yes
* HT: no
*** Starting Win32GL Subsystem ***
Registering ResourceManager for type Texture
OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
Registering ResourceManager for type Font
> Choosed Renderer
> OpenGL renderer selected
Try malloc a tape with 8650752 blocks (maximum number of blocks: 201326592): 33Mo
> Plugin SO3Engine successfully loaded
[INFOS] plugins/SO3Engine.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/wiimote.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/wiimote.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/security.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/security.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/speech.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/speech.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/neurosky.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/neurosky.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/joypad.dll plugin.
> Loading Joypad Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/joypad.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/BitmapToolkit.dll plugin.
> Loading MathToolkit
> Successfully Loaded
> Loading BitmapToolkit
> Successfully Loaded
> Loading CaptureToolkit
> Successfully Loaded
> Loading ArToolkit
> Successfully Loaded
> Loading MlToolkit
> Successfully Loaded
> Loading MediaPlayerToolkit
--enable-static --disable-shared --disable-doc --disable-ffmpeg --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-avdevice --disable-encoders --disable-muxers --disable-iconv --disable-symver --prefix='G:/work/subversion/scol-technologies/trunk/dependencies/sdk/windows/x64' --toolchain=msvc --target-os=win64 --enable-asm --enable-yasm --arch=x86_64 --extra-cflags='-DOPENSSL_API_COMPAT=0x10000000L -MD -O2' --extra-ldflags= --disable-debug > Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/BitmapToolkit.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/audio.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/audio.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sCurl.dll plugin.
> Loading CURL Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/sCurl.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sXml.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/sXml.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/Vuzix.dll plugin.
Vuzix driver is not installed
[INFOS] plugins/Vuzix.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sqlite3.dll plugin.
SQLITE3 support loading ...
[INFOS] plugins/sqlite3.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sTuio.dll plugin.
> Loading TUIO Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/sTuio.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sVrpn.dll plugin.
> Loading VRPN Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/sVrpn.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sPDF.dll plugin.
> Loading PDF document Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/sPDF.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/tobii.dll plugin.
> Loading TOBII Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/tobii.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sensor.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/sensor.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/androidDeployer.dll plugin.
Loading Android Deployer DLL ...
error : no tools directory found at C:/Program Files/Scol Voyager/androidDeployerTools/ ... > Loading Android Deployer
> Successfully Loaded
Android Deployer DLL loaded
[INFOS] plugins/androidDeployer.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/rpigpio.dll plugin.
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/rpigpio.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/LeapMotion.dll plugin.
> Loading LEAPMOTION Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/LeapMotion.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sopenvr.dll plugin.
> Loading Openvr Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/sopenvr.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/x10.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/x10.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/usbuirt.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/usbuirt.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/Myo.dll plugin.
> Loading MYO Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/Myo.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/s3drudder.dll plugin.
> Loading 3dRudder Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/s3drudder.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/glove.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/glove.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/spacepointfusion.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/spacepointfusion.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/emotiv.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/emotiv.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sOpenXR.dll plugin.
> Loading OpenXr Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/sOpenXR.dll plugin successfully loaded.
Loading debugging functions...
Scol system packages loaded = 2916
> Scol mainscol >> C:\Users\seapi\Documents\OpenSpace3D\hexsubhexes\hexallinone.scol : $
Opening script C:\Users\seapi\Documents\OpenSpace3D\hexsubhexes\hexallinone.scol ...
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/slv.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\slv.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\slv.pkg ...
var state : I
var chn0 : Chn
var name : S
fun multiress : fun [[[S [S r1]] r1]] I
fun main : fun [S S] I
fun clock : fun [Timer u0] I
fun _connected : fun [] Timer
fun __show : fun [] I
fun __setress : fun [S S] S
Generating bytecodes for 'multiress'...
62 bytes generated (for a total of 62 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'main'...
250 bytes generated (for a total of 312 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'clock'...
10 bytes generated (for a total of 322 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
41 bytes generated (for a total of 363 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__show'...
23 bytes generated (for a total of 386 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__setress'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 391 bytes)
Loading complete
Opening Channel ...
Connect to (
ChannelIP: :1200
Scol Server allows for a maximum of 1000001 sockets.
refine : C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Cache/Scol_32ae2cd63d6/
new cache : C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Cache/Scol_32ae2cd63d6/
C:\Users\seapi\Documents/OpenSpace3D/ - os3dlib/tools.pkg - C:\Users\seapi\Documents\OpenSpace3D\os3dlib\tools.pkg
Loading C:\Users\seapi\Documents\OpenSpace3D\os3dlib\tools.pkg ...
fun addLogMessage : fun [S] S
fun addLogMessageMulti : fun [S [S r1]] I
fun strreplace : fun [S S S] S
fun getInfo : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] S
fun getInfos : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] [S r1]
fun getInfoI : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] S
fun chgusm2 : fun [[S r1] S S S I] [S r1]
fun chgusm : fun [S S S] S
fun lcat : fun [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] [u0 r1]
fun splitList : fun [[u0 r1] I] [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]
fun moveListElement : fun [[u0 r1] I I] [u0 r1]
fun divideList : fun [u0 [u1 r1] [u1 r1] [u1 r1] fun [u1 u0] I] [[u1 r1] [u1 r1]]
fun divideListString : fun [[S r1] [[S r1] r1] [[S r1] r1] [[S r1] r1] fun [S S] I] [[[S r1] r1] [[S r1] r1]]
fun divideListPos : fun [[u0 r1] [[u1 r1] r1] [[u1 r1] r1] [[u1 r1] r1] I fun [u1 u0] I] [[[u1 r1] r1] [[u1 r1] r1]]
fun divideList3 : fun [[u0 u1] [[u2 u3] r1] [[u2 u3] r1] [[u2 u3] r1] fun [u2 u0] I] [[[u2 u3] r1] [[u2 u3] r1]]
fun extractList : fun [[u0 r1] u1 fun [u0 u1] I] [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]
fun isSmallerI : fun [I I] I
fun isLargerI : fun [I I] I
fun isSmallerF : fun [F F] I
fun isLargerF : fun [F F] I
fun isSmaller : fun [S S] I
fun isLarger : fun [S S] I
fun suppDoublon : fun [S S] I
fun suppDoublon2 : fun [u0 u0] I
fun suppDoublonCaseSensivity : fun [S S] I
fun quicksort : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u0] I] [u0 r1]
fun quicksortByPos : fun [[[u0 r1] r1] I fun [u0 u0] I] [[u0 r1] r1]
fun quicksortList : fun [[[S r1] r1] fun [S S] I] [[S r1] r1]
fun quicksort3 : fun [[[u0 u1] r1] fun [u0 u0] I] [[u0 u1] r1]
fun sortlist : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u0] I] [u0 r1]
fun revertlist : fun [[u0 r1]] [u0 r1]
fun isStringInList : fun [[S r1] S] I
fun isStringInListi : fun [[S r1] S] I
fun isStringInListiPos : fun [[S r1] S I I] I
fun addUniqueStr : fun [[S r1] S] [S r1]
fun addUniqueStri : fun [[S r1] S] [S r1]
fun getStringPosInList : fun [[S r1] S] I
fun getStringPosInListi : fun [[S r1] S] I
fun isFirstWordInList : fun [[S r1] S] I
fun isFirstWordInListi : fun [[S r1] S] I
fun isFirstStringInList : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] I
fun isT1InList : fun [[[u0 u1] r1] u0] I
fun isT2InList : fun [[[u0 u1] r1] u1] I
fun getPathFile : fun [S S] [S S]
fun getlastPathDir : fun [S] S
fun getFileExt : fun [S] S
fun getFilePathWithoutExt : fun [S] S
fun getFileDirectory : fun [S] S
fun getFileNameWithoutExt : fun [S] S
fun getRelativePath : fun [S S] S
fun createFolder : fun [S] I
fun cutDotName : fun [S] [S S]
fun makeDotName : fun [S S] S
fun isExtInListi : fun [[S r1] S] I
fun getShortName : fun [S] S
fun getFilesFromDir : fun [S [S r1]] [S r1]
fun getFilesFromDirFilter : fun [S [S r1] fun [S] I] [S r1]
fun getFilesFromDir2 : fun [S [S r1]] [S r1]
fun getFilesFromDirFilter2 : fun [S [S r1] fun [S] I] [S r1]
fun getFilesNamesFromDir : fun [S [S r1]] [S r1]
fun getFilesNamesFromDir2 : fun [S [S r1]] [S r1]
fun sanitizeFileName : fun [S] S
fun getBooleanFromString : fun [S] I
fun isLastWordfromString : fun [S S] I
fun isFirstWordfromString : fun [S S] I
fun capitalizeFirstLetter : fun [S] S
fun listLowercase : fun [[S r1]] [S r1]
fun getDirListFromPath : fun [S] [S r1]
fun getFilesFromDirRecursive : fun [S] [S r1]
fun getFilesFromDirFilterRecursive : fun [S [S r1] fun [S] I] [S r1]
fun getFilesFromDirRecursive2 : fun [S] [S r1]
fun getFilesFromDirFilterRecursive2 : fun [S [S r1] fun [S] I] [S r1]
fun cleanDirectory : fun [S] I
fun getDirectoryWithoutLastSlash : fun [S] S
fun getDirectoryWithoutFirstSlash : fun [S] S
fun apply_on_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] u2 u1] I
fun rev_apply_on_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] u2 u1] I
fun search_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] u0
fun remove_from_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0] [u0 r1]
fun remove_nth_from_list : fun [[u0 r1] I] [u0 r1]
fun replace_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0 u0] [u0 r1]
fun replace_nth_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] I u0] [u0 r1]
fun add_nth_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] I u0] [u0 r1]
fun tlr2 : fun [[[u0 r1] r1] I] [[u0 r1] r1]
fun remove_string_from_list : fun [[S r1] S] [S r1]
fun remove_idx_from_list : fun [[[u0 u1] r1] u0] [[u0 u1] r1]
fun remove_sid_from_list : fun [[[S u0] r1] S] [[S u0] r1]
fun remove_sid_from_listi : fun [[[S u0] r1] S] [[S u0] r1]
fun remove_first_string_from_list : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] [[S r1] r1]
fun remove_all_first_string_from_list : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] [[S r1] r1]
fun remove_first_and_second_string_from_list : fun [[[S r1] r1] S S] [[S r1] r1]
fun remove_all_first_string_from_second_elem_list : fun [[[u0 [S r1]] r1] S] [[u0 [S r1]] r1]
fun remove_first_and_second_string_from_second_elem_list : fun [[[u0 [S r1]] r1] S S] [[u0 [S r1]] r1]
fun remove_first_string_from_list_start_with : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] [[S r1] r1]
fun remove_first_string_from_second_element_list_start_with : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] [[S r1] r1]
fun pos_sid_in_list : fun [[[S u0] r1] S I] I
fun pos_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0 I] I
fun create_tab : fun [I fun [I u0] u1 u0] tab u1
fun addFifo : fun [u0 [[u0 r1] [u1 [u0 r1]]]] [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]
fun getFifo : fun [[[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]] [u0 [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]]
fun sizeFifo : fun [[[u0 r1] u1]] I
fun concFifo : fun [[u0 [u1 u0]] [u0 [u1 u0]]] [u0 [u1 u0]]
fun hexListToBignumList : fun [[S r1]] [BigN r1]
fun rename_sid_from_list : fun [[[S u0] r1] S S] [[S u0] r1]
fun strreplaceChar : fun [S I S] S
fun strreplacei : fun [S S S] S
fun strToWordList : fun [S] [S r1]
fun replaceByKeyIndex : fun [S S [S r1]] S
fun replaceByKeyIndex2 : fun [S S S] S
fun strcatnSep : fun [[S r1] S] S
fun strcatnSepLimits : fun [[S r1] S I] S
fun strcatnlSep : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] S
fun strfindiList : fun [[S r1] S] [I I]
fun addSlashes : fun [S] S
fun stripSlashes : fun [S] S
fun addChar : fun [S I I] S
fun stripChar : fun [S I] S
fun strTruncate : fun [S I S] S
fun strQuote : fun [S S] S
fun listQuote : fun [[S r1] S] [S r1]
fun strtrimChar : fun [S S S] S
fun strToList : fun [S] [S r1]
fun removeNthChar : fun [S I] S
fun contcatQuotedList : fun [[S r1] I] [S r1]
fun strToQuotedList : fun [S I] [S r1]
fun oneLineTransform : fun [S S] S
fun strToListSep : fun [S S] [S r1]
fun strToListOpenCloseSep : fun [S S S] [S r1]
fun strToListSepCb : fun [S S fun [S] S] [S r1]
fun strbuildn : fun [[[S r1] r1]] S
fun listToString : fun [[S r1]] S
fun isNumber : fun [S] I
fun getNextToValue : fun [S S] S
fun floatToString : fun [F] S
fun switchstrInv : fun [[[u0 S] r1] S] u0
fun switchstriInv : fun [[[u0 S] r1] S] u0
fun switchInv : fun [[[u0 u1] r1] u1] u0
var lHTTP_COOKIES : [[S S] r1]
var lHTTP_REQUEST : [ObjCURL r1]
fun strIsUrl : fun [S] I
fun urlDecode : fun [S] S
fun makeSimpleJson : fun [[[S S] r1]] S
fun cbCheckInternetConnection : fun [u0 [u1 fun [u1 u2 I] u3 u2] u4 I] I
fun checkInternetConnection : fun [S fun [S u0 I] u1 u0] I
fun clearHttpRequest : fun [] I
fun killHttpRequest : fun [ObjCURL] I
fun clearHttpCookies : fun [] I
fun getHttpDomain : fun [S] S
fun getHtmlHeader : fun [S] [S S]
fun decompHtmlCookie : fun [S] [S S S I I]
fun getHtmlStatus : fun [S] I
fun setHtmlCookie : fun [S S] I
fun makeHtmlCookieHeader : fun [S] S
fun makeHtmlCookie : fun [S] S
fun getHtmlCookie : fun [S] S
fun cbDownloadFile : fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S S] I] S I] I
fun downloadFile : fun [S fun [S S] I] ObjCURL
fun downloadFilePost : fun [S S [S r1] fun [S S] I] ObjCURL
fun cbDownloadFileW : fun [ObjCURL [S W fun [S W] I] S I] I
fun downloadFileW : fun [S W fun [S W] I] ObjCURL
fun cbGetContentLength : fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S I] I] S I] I
fun getUrlContentLenght : fun [S fun [S I] I] ObjCURL
fun cbGetContentDate : fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S S] I] S I] I
fun getUrlContentDate : fun [S fun [S S] I] ObjCURL
fun cbGetContentInfos : fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S S I] I] S I] I
fun getUrlContentInfos : fun [S fun [S S I] I] ObjCURL
fun cbGetUrlContent : fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S S] I I] S I] I
fun deleteUrlEx : fun [S S fun [S S] I [S r1] I] ObjCURL
fun postUrlEx : fun [S S fun [S S] I [S r1] I] ObjCURL
fun getUrlEx : fun [S S fun [S S] I [S r1] I] ObjCURL
fun postUrlMultiPartEx : fun [S [[S S S] r1] fun [S S] I [S r1] I] ObjCURL
fun getUrl : fun [S S fun [S S] I] ObjCURL
fun postUrl : fun [S S fun [S S] I] ObjCURL
fun postUrlMultiPart : fun [S [[S S S] r1] fun [S S] I] ObjCURL
fun deleteUrl : fun [S S fun [S S] I] ObjCURL
fun sendMail : fun [S I S S S S S [[S S S] r1] fun [S S] I] ObjCURL
fun isCoordInRect : fun [I I [I I I I]] I
fun minf : fun [F F] F
fun ftori : fun [F] I
fun zeroVector : fun [[I I I]] I
fun zeroVectorF : fun [[F F F]] I
fun vectorIsZero : fun [[I I I]] I
fun vector2dIsZero : fun [[I I]] I
fun vectorIsZeroF : fun [[F F F]] I
fun vector2dIsZeroF : fun [[F F]] I
fun vectorEqual : fun [[u0 u1 u2] [u0 u1 u2]] I
fun vectorEqualF : fun [[u0 u1 u2] [u0 u1 u2]] I
fun normalizeVectorF : fun [[F F F]] [F F F]
fun vectorAverageF : fun [[F F F]] F
fun vectorCubeF : fun [[F F F]] F
fun getVectorLength : fun [[I I I]] F
fun getVectorLengthF : fun [[F F F]] F
fun getVector4LengthF : fun [[F F F F]] F
fun getVectorDistance : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] F
fun getVector2dDistance : fun [[I I] [I I]] F
fun getVectorDistanceF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] F
fun crossVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [I I I]
fun crossVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F]
fun dotVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] I
fun dotVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] F
fun getVectorAngle : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] F
fun getVector2dAngle : fun [[I I] [I I]] F
fun getVectorAngleF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] F
fun getVectorOrientedAngleF : fun [[F F F] [F F F] [F F F]] F
fun minVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [I I I]
fun minVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F]
fun minVector2F : fun [[F F] [F F]] [F F]
fun maxVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [I I I]
fun maxVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F]
fun maxVector2F : fun [[F F] [F F]] [F F]
fun subVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [I I I]
fun subVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F]
fun subVector2 : fun [[I I] [I I]] [I I]
fun subVector2F : fun [[F F] [F F]] [F F]
fun addVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [I I I]
fun addVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F]
fun addVector2 : fun [[I I] [I I]] [I I]
fun addVector2F : fun [[F F] [F F]] [F F]
fun divideVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [I I I]
fun divideVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F]
fun divideVector2 : fun [[I I] [I I]] [I I]
fun divideVector2F : fun [[F F] [F F]] [F F]
fun multiplyVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [I I I]
fun multiplyVector2 : fun [[I I] [I I]] [I I]
fun multiplyVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F]
fun multiplyVector2F : fun [[F F] [F F]] [F F]
fun projectVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [F F F]
fun projectVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F]
fun projectVectorOnPlane : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [F F F]
fun projectVectorOnPlaneF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F]
fun vectorPlaneIntersectionF : fun [[F F F] [F F F] [F F F] [F F F]] [F F F]
fun getPlaneNormalF : fun [[F F F] [F F F] [F F F]] [F F F]
fun getVectorXF : fun [[u0 u1 u2]] u0
fun getVectorYF : fun [[u0 u1 u2]] u1
fun getVectorZF : fun [[u0 u1 u2]] u2
fun getShortestAngle : fun [F F] F
fun quatInverse : fun [[F F F F]] [F F F F]
fun lookAtPYR : fun [[F F F] [F F F] I] [F F F]
fun reorientQuat : fun [[F F F F] [F F F]] [F F F F]
fun lookAtQuat : fun [[F F F] [F F F] [F F F]] [F F F F]
fun getMonthDays : fun [I I] I
fun isDateString : fun [S] I
fun getSecondsFromDateTime : fun [I I I I I u0] I
fun getDateTimeFromString : fun [S] [I I I I I I]
fun getCurrentDateTime : fun [I] [I I I I I I]
fun getCurrentTime : fun [I] [I I I]
fun cbCSVstrip : fun [S] S
fun formatCSV : fun [S [S r1] [[S r1] r1]] S
fun writeCSV : fun [S S [S r1] [[S r1] r1]] I
fun readCSVdataWithTitle : fun [S S] [[S r1] [[S r1] r1]]
fun readCSVdata : fun [S S] [[S r1] r1]
fun readCSVdataToTab : fun [S S] tab tab S
fun readCSVdataToTabSized : fun [S S I I] tab tab S
fun readCSVTabToData : fun [tab tab u0 I I] [[u0 r1] r1]
fun readCSVdataToTabRow : fun [S S I tab tab S I I] tab tab S
fun readCSVdataToTabColumn : fun [S S I tab tab S I I] tab tab S
Generating bytecodes for 'getInfo'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 442 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getInfos'...
49 bytes generated (for a total of 491 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getInfoI'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 542 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'chgusm2'...
120 bytes generated (for a total of 662 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'chgusm'...
16 bytes generated (for a total of 678 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'lcat'...
25 bytes generated (for a total of 703 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'splitList'...
122 bytes generated (for a total of 825 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'moveListElement'...
134 bytes generated (for a total of 959 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'divideList'...
85 bytes generated (for a total of 1044 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'divideListString'...
89 bytes generated (for a total of 1133 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'divideListPos'...
97 bytes generated (for a total of 1230 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'divideList3'...
102 bytes generated (for a total of 1332 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'extractList'...
66 bytes generated (for a total of 1398 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isSmallerI'...
17 bytes generated (for a total of 1415 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isLargerI'...
17 bytes generated (for a total of 1432 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isSmallerF'...
17 bytes generated (for a total of 1449 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isLargerF'...
17 bytes generated (for a total of 1466 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isSmaller'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 1473 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isLarger'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 1480 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'suppDoublon'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 1485 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'suppDoublon2'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 1489 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'suppDoublonCaseSensivity'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 1494 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'quicksort'...
53 bytes generated (for a total of 1547 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'quicksortByPos'...
56 bytes generated (for a total of 1603 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'quicksortList'...
53 bytes generated (for a total of 1656 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'quicksort3'...
53 bytes generated (for a total of 1709 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'sortlist'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 1760 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'revertlist'...
33 bytes generated (for a total of 1793 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isStringInList'...
32 bytes generated (for a total of 1825 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isStringInListi'...
32 bytes generated (for a total of 1857 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isStringInListiPos'...
38 bytes generated (for a total of 1895 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addUniqueStr'...
19 bytes generated (for a total of 1914 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addUniqueStri'...
19 bytes generated (for a total of 1933 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getStringPosInList'...
59 bytes generated (for a total of 1992 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getStringPosInListi'...
59 bytes generated (for a total of 2051 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isFirstWordInList'...
38 bytes generated (for a total of 2089 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isFirstWordInListi'...
38 bytes generated (for a total of 2127 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isFirstStringInList'...
37 bytes generated (for a total of 2164 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isT1InList'...
36 bytes generated (for a total of 2200 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isT2InList'...
36 bytes generated (for a total of 2236 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getPathFile'...
175 bytes generated (for a total of 2411 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getlastPathDir'...
48 bytes generated (for a total of 2459 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFileExt'...
82 bytes generated (for a total of 2541 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFilePathWithoutExt'...
15 bytes generated (for a total of 2556 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFileDirectory'...
15 bytes generated (for a total of 2571 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFileNameWithoutExt'...
57 bytes generated (for a total of 2628 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getRelativePath'...
47 bytes generated (for a total of 2675 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'createFolder'...
46 bytes generated (for a total of 2721 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cutDotName'...
36 bytes generated (for a total of 2757 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'makeDotName'...
15 bytes generated (for a total of 2772 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isExtInListi'...
84 bytes generated (for a total of 2856 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getShortName'...
332 bytes generated (for a total of 3188 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDir'...
99 bytes generated (for a total of 3287 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDirFilter'...
123 bytes generated (for a total of 3410 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDir2'...
99 bytes generated (for a total of 3509 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDirFilter2'...
123 bytes generated (for a total of 3632 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesNamesFromDir'...
112 bytes generated (for a total of 3744 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesNamesFromDir2'...
112 bytes generated (for a total of 3856 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'sanitizeFileName'...
407 bytes generated (for a total of 4263 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getBooleanFromString'...
109 bytes generated (for a total of 4372 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isLastWordfromString'...
18 bytes generated (for a total of 4390 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isFirstWordfromString'...
12 bytes generated (for a total of 4402 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'capitalizeFirstLetter'...
25 bytes generated (for a total of 4427 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'listLowercase'...
49 bytes generated (for a total of 4476 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getDirListFromPath'...
54 bytes generated (for a total of 4530 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDirRecursive'...
68 bytes generated (for a total of 4598 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDirFilterRecursive'...
138 bytes generated (for a total of 4736 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDirRecursive2'...
68 bytes generated (for a total of 4804 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDirFilterRecursive2'...
138 bytes generated (for a total of 4942 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cleanDirectory'...
96 bytes generated (for a total of 5038 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getDirectoryWithoutLastSlash'...
30 bytes generated (for a total of 5068 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getDirectoryWithoutFirstSlash'...
30 bytes generated (for a total of 5098 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'apply_on_list'...
36 bytes generated (for a total of 5134 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'rev_apply_on_list'...
38 bytes generated (for a total of 5172 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'search_in_list'...
46 bytes generated (for a total of 5218 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_from_list'...
45 bytes generated (for a total of 5263 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_nth_from_list'...
47 bytes generated (for a total of 5310 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'replace_in_list'...
48 bytes generated (for a total of 5358 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'replace_nth_in_list'...
50 bytes generated (for a total of 5408 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'add_nth_in_list'...
55 bytes generated (for a total of 5463 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'tlr2'...
75 bytes generated (for a total of 5538 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_string_from_list'...
48 bytes generated (for a total of 5586 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_idx_from_list'...
49 bytes generated (for a total of 5635 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_sid_from_list'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 5686 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_sid_from_listi'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 5737 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_first_string_from_list'...
50 bytes generated (for a total of 5787 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_all_first_string_from_list'...
53 bytes generated (for a total of 5840 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_first_and_second_string_from_list'...
72 bytes generated (for a total of 5912 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_all_first_string_from_second_elem_list'...
59 bytes generated (for a total of 5971 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_first_and_second_string_from_second_elem_list'...
76 bytes generated (for a total of 6047 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_first_string_from_list_start_with'...
59 bytes generated (for a total of 6106 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_first_string_from_second_element_list_start_with'...
65 bytes generated (for a total of 6171 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'pos_sid_in_list'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 6222 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'pos_in_list'...
46 bytes generated (for a total of 6268 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'create_tab'...
39 bytes generated (for a total of 6307 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addFifo'...
41 bytes generated (for a total of 6348 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFifo'...
54 bytes generated (for a total of 6402 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'sizeFifo'...
24 bytes generated (for a total of 6426 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'concFifo'...
58 bytes generated (for a total of 6484 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'hexListToBignumList'...
49 bytes generated (for a total of 6533 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'rename_sid_from_list'...
66 bytes generated (for a total of 6599 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strreplaceChar'...
82 bytes generated (for a total of 6681 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strreplace'...
96 bytes generated (for a total of 6777 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strreplacei'...
96 bytes generated (for a total of 6873 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strToWordList'...
64 bytes generated (for a total of 6937 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'replaceByKeyIndex'...
44 bytes generated (for a total of 6981 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'replaceByKeyIndex2'...
73 bytes generated (for a total of 7054 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strcatnSep'...
65 bytes generated (for a total of 7119 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strcatnSepLimits'...
75 bytes generated (for a total of 7194 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strcatnlSep'...
90 bytes generated (for a total of 7284 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strfindiList'...
75 bytes generated (for a total of 7359 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addSlashes'...
131 bytes generated (for a total of 7490 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'stripSlashes'...
145 bytes generated (for a total of 7635 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addChar'...
78 bytes generated (for a total of 7713 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'stripChar'...
104 bytes generated (for a total of 7817 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strTruncate'...
29 bytes generated (for a total of 7846 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strQuote'...
12 bytes generated (for a total of 7858 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'listQuote'...
50 bytes generated (for a total of 7908 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strtrimChar'...
101 bytes generated (for a total of 8009 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strToList'...
50 bytes generated (for a total of 8059 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'removeNthChar'...
112 bytes generated (for a total of 8171 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'contcatQuotedList'...
93 bytes generated (for a total of 8264 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strToQuotedList'...
53 bytes generated (for a total of 8317 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'oneLineTransform'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 8324 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strToListSep'...
86 bytes generated (for a total of 8410 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strToListOpenCloseSep'...
76 bytes generated (for a total of 8486 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strToListSepCb'...
89 bytes generated (for a total of 8575 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strbuildn'...
77 bytes generated (for a total of 8652 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'listToString'...
113 bytes generated (for a total of 8765 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isNumber'...
149 bytes generated (for a total of 8914 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getNextToValue'...
89 bytes generated (for a total of 9003 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'floatToString'...
95 bytes generated (for a total of 9098 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'switchstrInv'...
60 bytes generated (for a total of 9158 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'switchstriInv'...
60 bytes generated (for a total of 9218 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'switchInv'...
58 bytes generated (for a total of 9276 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strIsUrl'...
27 bytes generated (for a total of 9303 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'urlDecode'...
23 bytes generated (for a total of 9326 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'makeSimpleJson'...
102 bytes generated (for a total of 9428 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbCheckInternetConnection'...
62 bytes generated (for a total of 9490 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'checkInternetConnection'...
69 bytes generated (for a total of 9559 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'clearHttpRequest'...
34 bytes generated (for a total of 9593 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'killHttpRequest'...
26 bytes generated (for a total of 9619 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'clearHttpCookies'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 9624 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getHttpDomain'...
222 bytes generated (for a total of 9846 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getHtmlHeader'...
94 bytes generated (for a total of 9940 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'decompHtmlCookie'...
248 bytes generated (for a total of 10188 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getHtmlStatus'...
110 bytes generated (for a total of 10298 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'setHtmlCookie'...
55 bytes generated (for a total of 10353 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'makeHtmlCookieHeader'...
61 bytes generated (for a total of 10414 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'makeHtmlCookie'...
13 bytes generated (for a total of 10427 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getHtmlCookie'...
10 bytes generated (for a total of 10437 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbDownloadFile'...
148 bytes generated (for a total of 10585 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'downloadFile'...
109 bytes generated (for a total of 10694 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'downloadFilePost'...
188 bytes generated (for a total of 10882 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbDownloadFileW'...
144 bytes generated (for a total of 11026 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'downloadFileW'...
105 bytes generated (for a total of 11131 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetContentLength'...
355 bytes generated (for a total of 11486 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getUrlContentLenght'...
117 bytes generated (for a total of 11603 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetContentDate'...
382 bytes generated (for a total of 11985 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getUrlContentDate'...
117 bytes generated (for a total of 12102 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetContentInfos'...
417 bytes generated (for a total of 12519 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getUrlContentInfos'...
119 bytes generated (for a total of 12638 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetUrlContent'...
185 bytes generated (for a total of 12823 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'deleteUrlEx'...
222 bytes generated (for a total of 13045 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'postUrlEx'...
189 bytes generated (for a total of 13234 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getUrlEx'...
197 bytes generated (for a total of 13431 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'postUrlMultiPartEx'...
228 bytes generated (for a total of 13659 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getUrl'...
8 bytes generated (for a total of 13667 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'postUrl'...
8 bytes generated (for a total of 13675 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'postUrlMultiPart'...
8 bytes generated (for a total of 13683 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'deleteUrl'...
8 bytes generated (for a total of 13691 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'sendMail'...
1928 bytes generated (for a total of 15619 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isCoordInRect'...
56 bytes generated (for a total of 15675 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'minf'...
16 bytes generated (for a total of 15691 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'ftori'...
30 bytes generated (for a total of 15721 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'zeroVector'...
46 bytes generated (for a total of 15767 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'zeroVectorF'...
82 bytes generated (for a total of 15849 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'vectorIsZero'...
38 bytes generated (for a total of 15887 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'vector2dIsZero'...
24 bytes generated (for a total of 15911 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'vectorIsZeroF'...
38 bytes generated (for a total of 15949 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'vector2dIsZeroF'...
24 bytes generated (for a total of 15973 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'vectorEqual'...
52 bytes generated (for a total of 16025 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'vectorEqualF'...
52 bytes generated (for a total of 16077 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'normalizeVectorF'...
60 bytes generated (for a total of 16137 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'vectorAverageF'...
26 bytes generated (for a total of 16163 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'vectorCubeF'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 16183 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorLength'...
29 bytes generated (for a total of 16212 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorLengthF'...
28 bytes generated (for a total of 16240 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getVector4LengthF'...
36 bytes generated (for a total of 16276 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorDistance'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 16327 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getVector2dDistance'...
36 bytes generated (for a total of 16363 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorDistanceF'...
48 bytes generated (for a total of 16411 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'crossVector'...
52 bytes generated (for a total of 16463 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'crossVectorF'...
52 bytes generated (for a total of 16515 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'dotVector'...
40 bytes generated (for a total of 16555 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'dotVectorF'...
40 bytes generated (for a total of 16595 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorAngle'...
92 bytes generated (for a total of 16687 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getVector2dAngle'...
46 bytes generated (for a total of 16733 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorAngleF'...
90 bytes generated (for a total of 16823 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorOrientedAngleF'...
38 bytes generated (for a total of 16861 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'minVector'...
43 bytes generated (for a total of 16904 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'minVectorF'...
43 bytes generated (for a total of 16947 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'minVector2F'...
30 bytes generated (for a total of 16977 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'maxVector'...
43 bytes generated (for a total of 17020 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'maxVectorF'...
43 bytes generated (for a total of 17063 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'maxVector2F'...
30 bytes generated (for a total of 17093 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'subVector'...
40 bytes generated (for a total of 17133 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'subVectorF'...
40 bytes generated (for a total of 17173 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'subVector2'...
28 bytes generated (for a total of 17201 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'subVector2F'...
28 bytes generated (for a total of 17229 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addVector'...
40 bytes generated (for a total of 17269 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addVectorF'...
40 bytes generated (for a total of 17309 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addVector2'...
28 bytes generated (for a total of 17337 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addVector2F'...
28 bytes generated (for a total of 17365 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'divideVector'...
54 bytes generated (for a total of 17419 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'divideVectorF'...
54 bytes generated (for a total of 17473 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'divideVector2'...
42 bytes generated (for a total of 17515 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'divideVector2F'...
42 bytes generated (for a total of 17557 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'multiplyVector'...
40 bytes generated (for a total of 17597 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'multiplyVector2'...
28 bytes generated (for a total of 17625 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'multiplyVectorF'...
40 bytes generated (for a total of 17665 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'multiplyVector2F'...
28 bytes generated (for a total of 17693 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'projectVector'...
76 bytes generated (for a total of 17769 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'projectVectorF'...
71 bytes generated (for a total of 17840 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'projectVectorOnPlane'...
107 bytes generated (for a total of 17947 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'projectVectorOnPlaneF'...
77 bytes generated (for a total of 18024 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'vectorPlaneIntersectionF'...
108 bytes generated (for a total of 18132 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getPlaneNormalF'...
19 bytes generated (for a total of 18151 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorXF'...
16 bytes generated (for a total of 18167 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorYF'...
16 bytes generated (for a total of 18183 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorZF'...
16 bytes generated (for a total of 18199 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getShortestAngle'...
84 bytes generated (for a total of 18283 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'quatInverse'...
77 bytes generated (for a total of 18360 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'lookAtPYR'...
125 bytes generated (for a total of 18485 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'reorientQuat'...
35 bytes generated (for a total of 18520 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'lookAtQuat'...
338 bytes generated (for a total of 18858 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getMonthDays'...
156 bytes generated (for a total of 19014 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isDateString'...
334 bytes generated (for a total of 19348 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getSecondsFromDateTime'...
148 bytes generated (for a total of 19496 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getDateTimeFromString'...
283 bytes generated (for a total of 19779 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getCurrentDateTime'...
55 bytes generated (for a total of 19834 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getCurrentTime'...
52 bytes generated (for a total of 19886 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbCSVstrip'...
9 bytes generated (for a total of 19895 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'formatCSV'...
225 bytes generated (for a total of 20120 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'writeCSV'...
36 bytes generated (for a total of 20156 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'readCSVdataWithTitle'...
98 bytes generated (for a total of 20254 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'readCSVdata'...
76 bytes generated (for a total of 20330 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'readCSVdataToTab'...
201 bytes generated (for a total of 20531 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'readCSVdataToTabSized'...
200 bytes generated (for a total of 20731 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'readCSVTabToData'...
80 bytes generated (for a total of 20811 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'readCSVdataToTabRow'...
166 bytes generated (for a total of 20977 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'readCSVdataToTabColumn'...
166 bytes generated (for a total of 21143 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Users\seapi\Documents/OpenSpace3D/ - hexsubhexes/hexsubhexes.pkg - C:\Users\seapi\Documents\OpenSpace3D\hexsubhexes\hexsubhexes.pkg
Loading C:\Users\seapi\Documents\OpenSpace3D\hexsubhexes\hexsubhexes.pkg ...
weak type : Bitmapinterface
var appinterface : Bitmapinterface
weak type : QRSCoordinate
fun mygetcoordinates : fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I]
fun makestartvectable : fun [I I S [I I I]] I
weak type : Hex
fun hex_to_pixel : fun [Hex] [I I]
weak type : Vectortable
fun initializevectortable : fun [tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate I] Vectortable
fun fillvectortable : fun [[I I I] I Vectortable S I] Vectortable
weak type : Hexgrid
fun mypolygonmain : fun [Hexgrid] I
weak type : Mypolygon
fun test_point_table : fun [Mypolygon] Mypolygon
fun makehexgrid : fun [Bitmapinterface I I I S [I I I]] Hexgrid
fun createinterface : fun [] I
fun see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap : fun [Hexgrid [F F] [I I] F] Mypolygon
weak type : Mypolygontable
fun hex_make_row_of_polygons : fun [Bitmapinterface Hexgrid Mypolygontable I] tab Mypolygon
fun drawpolygoncolumn : fun [Bitmapinterface tab Mypolygon ObjBitmap] ObjBitmap
fun drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit : fun [Bitmapinterface Mypolygontable] I
fun initpolygon : fun [Hexgrid I [F F] F S F] Mypolygon
weak type : Point
fun trianglemakepoints : fun [Mypolygon] tab Point
posq : fun [QRSCoordinate] I
posr : fun [QRSCoordinate] I
poss : fun [QRSCoordinate] I
getcoordinates : fun [QRSCoordinate] fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I]
mkQRSCoordinate : fun[[I I I fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I] ]] QRSCoordinate
no more weak : QRSCoordinate
hexcenter : fun [Hex] QRSCoordinate
hexheight : fun [Hex] I
structradiustopoint : fun [Hex] F
fungethexcenter : fun [Hex] fun [Hex] [I I I]
funprinthex : fun [Hex] fun [Hex] S
funhextopixel : fun [Hex] fun [Hex] [F F]
hex_xy : fun [Hex] [F F]
mkHex : fun[[QRSCoordinate I F fun [Hex] [I I I] fun [Hex] S fun [Hex] [F F] [F F] ]] Hex
no more weak : Hex
vectortable : fun [Vectortable] tab QRSCoordinate
rows : fun [Vectortable] I
start : fun [Vectortable] S
startvec : fun [Vectortable] QRSCoordinate
mkVectortable : fun[[tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate ]] Vectortable
no more weak : Vectortable
structHexgrid_interface : fun [Hexgrid] Bitmapinterface
hextable : fun [Hexgrid] tab tab Hex
hexgridrows : fun [Hexgrid] I
columns : fun [Hexgrid] I
hexsize : fun [Hexgrid] I
structHexgrid_fun_total_width_height : fun [Hexgrid] fun [Hexgrid] [I I]
structhexgrid_vectortable : fun [Hexgrid] Vectortable
mkHexgrid : fun[[Bitmapinterface tab tab Hex I I I fun [Hexgrid] [I I] Vectortable ]] Hexgrid
no more weak : Hexgrid
x : fun [Point] F
y : fun [Point] F
fungetvalues : fun [Point] fun [Point] [F F]
mkPoint : fun[[F F fun [Point] [F F] ]] Point
no more weak : Point
structtextobject : fun [Mypolygon] ObjText
numsides : fun [Mypolygon] I
center : fun [Mypolygon] [F F]
sidelength : fun [Mypolygon] F
height : fun [Mypolygon] F
points : fun [Mypolygon] tab Point
funmakepoints : fun [Mypolygon] fun [Mypolygon] tab Point
funmakedrawpointtable : fun [Mypolygon] fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I]
strucdrawpointstable : fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I]
hextype : fun [Mypolygon] S
structpolygonhexheight : fun [Mypolygon] F
mkMypolygon : fun[[ObjText I [F F] F F tab Point fun [Mypolygon] tab Point fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I] tab [I I] S F ]] Mypolygon
no more weak : Mypolygon
Mypolygontable_rows : fun [Mypolygontable] I
Mypolygontable_columns : fun [Mypolygontable] I
polygontable : fun [Mypolygontable] tab tab Mypolygon
originpoint : fun [Mypolygontable] [I I]
totalsize : fun [Mypolygontable] [F F]
funcalctotalsize : fun [Mypolygontable] fun [Mypolygontable] [F F]
parentbitmap : fun [Mypolygontable] ObjBitmap
mkMypolygontable : fun[[I I tab tab Mypolygon [I I] [F F] fun [Mypolygontable] [F F] ObjBitmap ]] Mypolygontable
no more weak : Mypolygontable
Bitmapinterface_mainwindow : fun [Bitmapinterface] ObjWin
Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow : fun [Bitmapinterface] ObjWin
Bitmapinterface_controlwindow : fun [Bitmapinterface] ObjWin
Bitmapinterface_bitmap : fun [Bitmapinterface] ObjBitmap
Bitmapinterface_hexgrid : fun [Bitmapinterface] Hexgrid
Bitmapinterface_polygontable : fun [Bitmapinterface] Mypolygontable
Bitmapinterface_currentrows : fun [Bitmapinterface] I
Bitmapinterface_currentcolumns : fun [Bitmapinterface] I
Bitmapinterface_currenthex_size : fun [Bitmapinterface] I
Bitmapinterface_polygontables : fun [Bitmapinterface] [Mypolygontable r1]
mkBitmapinterface : fun[[ObjWin ObjWin ObjWin ObjBitmap Hexgrid Mypolygontable I I I [Mypolygontable r1] ]] Bitmapinterface
no more weak : Bitmapinterface
fun end : fun [u0 Bitmapinterface] I
fun paint : fun [ObjWin u0] I
fun print_full_startvector_table_contents : fun [tab QRSCoordinate] I
fun getmyhexcoordinates : fun [Hex] [I I I]
fun myprinthex : fun [Hex] S
fun printcolumn : fun [u0 u1 tab u2] I
fun myhextopixel : fun [Hex] [F F]
fun makeQRS : fun [I I I] QRSCoordinate
fun makeHex : fun [QRSCoordinate I] Hex
fun addvec_with_direction : fun [[I I I] S] [I I I]
fun make_column : fun [u0 Hexgrid [Hex r1] I I QRSCoordinate I I] tab Hex
fun get_maximum_columns : fun [Bitmapinterface I u0 I] I
fun myfungetvalues : fun [Point] [F F]
fun initpoint : fun [F F] Point
fun makeflattophexpoints : fun [Mypolygon] tab Point
fun hexmakepoints : fun [Mypolygon] tab Point
fun test_polygon_drawpoints : fun [Mypolygon] Mypolygon
fun create_drawpoint_table : fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I]
fun initpolygontable : fun [Bitmapinterface Hexgrid] Mypolygontable
fun cleargridbuttoncallback : fun [u0 u1] I
fun makegrid_gridbuttoncallback : fun [u0 [u1 ObjText ObjText ObjText]] I
Generating bytecodes for 'end'...
28 bytes generated (for a total of 21171 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'paint'...
14 bytes generated (for a total of 21185 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'print_full_startvector_table_contents'...
52 bytes generated (for a total of 21237 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'mygetcoordinates'...
18 bytes generated (for a total of 21255 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getmyhexcoordinates'...
8 bytes generated (for a total of 21263 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'myprinthex'...
302 bytes generated (for a total of 21565 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'printcolumn'...
32 bytes generated (for a total of 21597 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'myhextopixel'...
81 bytes generated (for a total of 21678 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'makeQRS'...
14 bytes generated (for a total of 21692 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'makeHex'...
57 bytes generated (for a total of 21749 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addvec_with_direction'...
229 bytes generated (for a total of 21978 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'make_column'...
156 bytes generated (for a total of 22134 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'fillvectortable'...
455 bytes generated (for a total of 22589 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'initializevectortable'...
86 bytes generated (for a total of 22675 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'get_maximum_columns'...
298 bytes generated (for a total of 22973 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'makehexgrid'...
148 bytes generated (for a total of 23121 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'myfungetvalues'...
12 bytes generated (for a total of 23133 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'initpoint'...
9 bytes generated (for a total of 23142 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'makeflattophexpoints'...
168 bytes generated (for a total of 23310 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'hexmakepoints'...
168 bytes generated (for a total of 23478 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'trianglemakepoints'...
174 bytes generated (for a total of 23652 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'test_point_table'...
53 bytes generated (for a total of 23705 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'test_polygon_drawpoints'...
145 bytes generated (for a total of 23850 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'create_drawpoint_table'...
67 bytes generated (for a total of 23917 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'initpolygon'...
151 bytes generated (for a total of 24068 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap'...
76 bytes generated (for a total of 24144 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'hex_make_row_of_polygons'...
130 bytes generated (for a total of 24274 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'initpolygontable'...
336 bytes generated (for a total of 24610 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'drawpolygoncolumn'...
85 bytes generated (for a total of 24695 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit'...
65 bytes generated (for a total of 24760 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cleargridbuttoncallback'...
49 bytes generated (for a total of 24809 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'makegrid_gridbuttoncallback'...
102 bytes generated (for a total of 24911 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'createinterface'...
760 bytes generated (for a total of 25671 bytes)
Loading complete
Window DEBUT : 0
NewWindow: 3278918
Window objet create : 0
Window create : 0
Window create : 1
Window DEBUT : 0
NewWindow: 24186050
Window objet create : 0
Window create : 0
Window create : 1
Window DEBUT : 0
NewWindow: 14942316
Window objet create : 0
Window create : 0
Window create : 1
in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 23.094009
in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are29
Vectortable has : 1 elements
fillbitmapbelow this!
there are: 1 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount!
bitmap y size is!: 512
polygon table origin y is: 512
in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 57.735016
in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are11
Vectortable has : 10 elements
fillbitmapbelow this!
there are: 10 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount!
bitmap y size is!: 512
polygon table origin y is: 512
cleargrid button is clicked!
in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 57.735016
in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are11
Vectortable has : 10 elements
fillbitmapbelow this!
there are: 10 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount!
bitmap y size is!: 512
polygon table origin y is: 512
in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 57.735016
in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are11
Vectortable has : 10 elements
fillbitmapbelow this!
there are: 10 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount!
bitmap y size is!: 512
polygon table origin y is: 512
in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 57.735016
in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are11
Vectortable has : 11 elements
fillbitmapbelow this!
there are: 11 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount!
bitmap y size is!: 512
polygon table origin y is: 512
cleargrid button is clicked!
in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 57.735016
in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are11
Vectortable has : 11 elements
fillbitmapbelow this!
there are: 11 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount!
bitmap y size is!: 512
polygon table origin y is: 512
cleargrid button is clicked!
in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 5.773502
in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are118
Vectortable has : 20 elements
fillbitmapbelow this!
there are: 20 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount!
bitmap y size is!: 512
polygon table origin y is: 512
in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 5.773502
in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are118
Vectortable has : 30 elements
fillbitmapbelow this!
there are: 30 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount!
bitmap y size is!: 512
polygon table origin y is: 512
and here is the supvisor log that mentions that socket related error:
Log File of Scol Virtual Machine
Version: 7.0.0 (64Bits)
> Checking useful directories
Install Dir: C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\
Local App Data: C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/
User documents: C:\Users\seapi\Documents/Scol Voyager/
Log files: C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Logs/
Scol Server allows for a maximum of 1000001 sockets.
> Retrieving local host informations
Date: 2024-10-26 11-37-17
HostIP: 0:
Scol Server allows for a maximum of 1000001 sockets.
> Retrieving local host informations
Date: 2024-10-26 11-37-17
HostIP: 0:
> Scol configuration
Starting memory allocation : 1 MB
Log and console display mask : 0x1f
Virtual Machine initialization
Looking for Scol Partitions
partition C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Cache/ - Capacity: 256 MB
partition C:\Users\seapi\Documents/OpenSpace3D/ - Capacity : Unlimited size
partition C:\Users\seapi\Documents/Scol Voyager/Partition_LocalUsr/ - Capacity : Unlimited size
partition C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - Capacity : Unlimited size
Scol Partitions scan complete
> Loading Scol system packages
HTTP direct Connection
[INFOS] Loading plugins/XTension.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/XTension.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/LibOS2D24.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/LibOS2D24.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/Lib2D24.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/Lib2D24.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/SerialIO.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/SerialIO.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/ScolSQL.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/ScolSQL.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/libsqlite3.dll plugin.
[ERROR] An error occurs while loading plugins/libsqlite3.dll plugin, the file does not exits or is invalid!
Last error : The specified module could not be found.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/SO3Engine.dll plugin.
> Start loading Plugin SO3Engine dll
> Creating SO3Engine Root
Rendering Stereo mode : Mono
CPU Identifier & Features
* CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4600U CPU @ 2.10GHz
* SSE: yes
* SSE2: yes
* SSE3: yes
* SSE41: yes
* SSE42: yes
* MMX: yes
* MMXEXT: yes
* 3DNOW: no
* 3DNOWEXT: no
* CMOV: yes
* TSC: yes
* FPU: yes
* PRO: yes
* HT: no
*** Starting Win32GL Subsystem ***
Registering ResourceManager for type Texture
OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
Registering ResourceManager for type Font
> Choosed Renderer
> OpenGL renderer selected
Try malloc a tape with 8650752 blocks (maximum number of blocks: 201326592): 33Mo
> Plugin SO3Engine successfully loaded
[INFOS] plugins/SO3Engine.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/wiimote.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/wiimote.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/security.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/security.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/speech.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/speech.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/neurosky.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/neurosky.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/joypad.dll plugin.
> Loading Joypad Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/joypad.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/BitmapToolkit.dll plugin.
> Loading MathToolkit
> Successfully Loaded
> Loading BitmapToolkit
> Successfully Loaded
> Loading CaptureToolkit
> Successfully Loaded
> Loading ArToolkit
> Successfully Loaded
> Loading MlToolkit
> Successfully Loaded
> Loading MediaPlayerToolkit
--enable-static --disable-shared --disable-doc --disable-ffmpeg --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-avdevice --disable-encoders --disable-muxers --disable-iconv --disable-symver --prefix='G:/work/subversion/scol-technologies/trunk/dependencies/sdk/windows/x64' --toolchain=msvc --target-os=win64 --enable-asm --enable-yasm --arch=x86_64 --extra-cflags='-DOPENSSL_API_COMPAT=0x10000000L -MD -O2' --extra-ldflags= --disable-debug > Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/BitmapToolkit.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/audio.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/audio.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sCurl.dll plugin.
> Loading CURL Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/sCurl.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sXml.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/sXml.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/Vuzix.dll plugin.
Vuzix driver is not installed
[INFOS] plugins/Vuzix.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sqlite3.dll plugin.
SQLITE3 support loading ...
[INFOS] plugins/sqlite3.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sTuio.dll plugin.
> Loading TUIO Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/sTuio.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sVrpn.dll plugin.
> Loading VRPN Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/sVrpn.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sPDF.dll plugin.
> Loading PDF document Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/sPDF.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/tobii.dll plugin.
> Loading TOBII Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/tobii.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sensor.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/sensor.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/androidDeployer.dll plugin.
Loading Android Deployer DLL ...
error : no tools directory found at C:/Program Files/Scol Voyager/androidDeployerTools/ ... > Loading Android Deployer
> Successfully Loaded
Android Deployer DLL loaded
[INFOS] plugins/androidDeployer.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/rpigpio.dll plugin.
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/rpigpio.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/LeapMotion.dll plugin.
> Loading LEAPMOTION Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/LeapMotion.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sopenvr.dll plugin.
> Loading Openvr Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/sopenvr.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/x10.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/x10.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/usbuirt.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/usbuirt.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/Myo.dll plugin.
> Loading MYO Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/Myo.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/s3drudder.dll plugin.
> Loading 3dRudder Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/s3drudder.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/glove.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/glove.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/spacepointfusion.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/spacepointfusion.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/emotiv.dll plugin.
[INFOS] plugins/emotiv.dll plugin successfully loaded.
[INFOS] Loading plugins/sOpenXR.dll plugin.
> Loading OpenXr Support
> Successfully Loaded
[INFOS] plugins/sOpenXR.dll plugin successfully loaded.
Loading debugging functions...
Scol system packages loaded = 2916
> Scol mainscol >> : $
start Quota Thread on C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Cache (268435456 bytes)
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lib/stdlib.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\stdlib.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\stdlib.pkg ...
fun apply_on_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] u2 u1] I
fun rev_apply_on_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] u2 u1] I
fun search_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] u0
fun remove_from_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0] [u0 r1]
fun pos_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0 I] I
fun create_tab : fun [I fun [I u0] u1 u0] tab u1
fun addFifo : fun [u0 [[u0 r1] [u1 [u0 r1]]]] [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]
fun getFifo : fun [[[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]] [u0 [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]]
fun sizeFifo : fun [[[u0 r1] u1]] I
fun concFifo : fun [[u0 [u1 u0]] [u0 [u1 u0]]] [u0 [u1 u0]]
Generating bytecodes for 'apply_on_list'...
36 bytes generated (for a total of 36 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'rev_apply_on_list'...
38 bytes generated (for a total of 74 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'search_in_list'...
46 bytes generated (for a total of 120 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_from_list'...
45 bytes generated (for a total of 165 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'pos_in_list'...
46 bytes generated (for a total of 211 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'create_tab'...
39 bytes generated (for a total of 250 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addFifo'...
41 bytes generated (for a total of 291 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFifo'...
54 bytes generated (for a total of 345 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'sizeFifo'...
24 bytes generated (for a total of 369 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'concFifo'...
58 bytes generated (for a total of 427 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lib/loc.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\loc.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\loc.pkg ...
var defaultlang : S
var tabloc : tab [[S S] r1]
fun hachage : fun [S] I
fun rebuild : fun [[S r1]] [S r1]
fun loadloc2 : fun [[[S [S r1]] r1]] I
fun loadloc : fun [S S] I
fun findloc : fun [[[S S] r1] S] S
fun strloc : fun [S [S r1]] S
fun loc : fun [S] S
fun startloc : fun [S] I
Generating bytecodes for 'hachage'...
33 bytes generated (for a total of 460 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'rebuild'...
53 bytes generated (for a total of 513 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'loadloc2'...
73 bytes generated (for a total of 586 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'loadloc'...
92 bytes generated (for a total of 678 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'findloc'...
57 bytes generated (for a total of 735 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'strloc'...
68 bytes generated (for a total of 803 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'loc'...
12 bytes generated (for a total of 815 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'startloc'...
26 bytes generated (for a total of 841 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lib/treeedit.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\treeedit.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\treeedit.pkg ...
var file1 : S
var file2 : S
fun flaginsert : fun [] I
chRename : fun [Rename] Chn
winRename : fun [Rename] ObjWin
txtRename : fun [Rename] ObjText
endRename : fun [Rename] fun [S] I
mkRename : fun[[Chn ObjWin ObjText fun [S] I ]] Rename
new type : Rename
fun _okr : fun [u0 Rename] I
fun lineokr : fun [u0 Rename u1] I
fun _cancr : fun [u0 Rename] I
fun _destroyr : fun [u0 Rename] I
fun iniRename : fun [Chn ObjWin I I S fun [S] I S] Rename
chNref : fun [Nref] Chn
winNref : fun [Nref] ObjWin
txtNref : fun [Nref] ObjText
refNref : fun [Nref] ObjText
endNref : fun [Nref] fun [S S] I
mkNref : fun[[Chn ObjWin ObjText ObjText fun [S S] I ]] Nref
new type : Nref
fun _okn : fun [u0 Nref] I
fun _destroyE : fun [u0 Nref] I
fun _canc : fun [u0 Nref] I
fun _GetFile : fun [u0 Nref P] I
fun _browse : fun [u0 Nref] OpenBox
fun iniNref : fun [Chn ObjWin I I S fun [S S] I S S I I] Nref
fun conc : fun [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] [u0 r1]
chBook : fun [BookEdit] Chn
winBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjWin
trBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjTree
selectBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjTreeItem
lBook : fun [BookEdit] [[ObjTreeItem ObjTreeItem S] r1]
endBook : fun [BookEdit] fun [S] I
flagBook : fun [BookEdit] I
bannerBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjText
menuBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjMenu
okBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjButton
cancelBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjButton
lbBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjBitmapList
ichildBook : fun [BookEdit] BitmapIndex
ifatherBook : fun [BookEdit] BitmapIndex
mkBook : fun[[Chn ObjWin ObjTree ObjTreeItem [[ObjTreeItem ObjTreeItem S] r1] fun [S] I I ObjText ObjMenu ObjButton ObjButton ObjBitmapList BitmapIndex BitmapIndex ]] BookEdit
new type : BookEdit
fun bytreeitem : fun [[u0 u1 u2] u0] I
fun extractref : fun [S] [S S]
fun buildref : fun [S S] S
fun ftb1 : fun [BookEdit [S r1] ObjTreeItem] [S r1]
fun filetobookex : fun [BookEdit S ObjTreeItem] [S r1]
fun filetobook : fun [BookEdit S] [S r1]
fun rebuildbook : fun [BookEdit ObjTreeItem I] [S r1]
fun rebuildnode : fun [BookEdit ObjTreeItem] S
fun rebuildtree : fun [BookEdit] S
fun _drag : fun [u0 BookEdit ObjTreeItem ObjTreeItem] ObjTree
fun _delete : fun [u0 BookEdit] ObjTree
fun resadd : fun [S S BookEdit] I
fun _add : fun [u0 BookEdit] Nref
fun resaddfolder : fun [S BookEdit] I
fun _addfolder : fun [u0 BookEdit] Rename
fun resedit : fun [S S BookEdit] I
fun reseditfolder : fun [S BookEdit] I
fun _edit : fun [u0 BookEdit] I
fun _dclick : fun [u0 BookEdit ObjTreeItem u1 u2] I
fun _click : fun [u0 BookEdit ObjTreeItem u1 u2 u3] ObjWin
fun _ok : fun [u0 BookEdit] I
fun _cancel : fun [u0 BookEdit] I
fun _destroy : fun [u0 BookEdit] I
fun _resize : fun [u0 BookEdit I I] ObjButton
fun inibook : fun [Chn ObjWin I I S S fun [S] I S I S] BookEdit
Generating bytecodes for 'flaginsert'...
2 bytes generated (for a total of 843 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_okr'...
17 bytes generated (for a total of 860 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'lineokr'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 865 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_cancr'...
11 bytes generated (for a total of 876 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_destroyr'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 882 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'iniRename'...
309 bytes generated (for a total of 1191 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_okn'...
24 bytes generated (for a total of 1215 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_destroyE'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 1222 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_canc'...
10 bytes generated (for a total of 1232 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_GetFile'...
35 bytes generated (for a total of 1267 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_browse'...
31 bytes generated (for a total of 1298 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'iniNref'...
404 bytes generated (for a total of 1702 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'conc'...
25 bytes generated (for a total of 1727 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'bytreeitem'...
10 bytes generated (for a total of 1737 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'extractref'...
17 bytes generated (for a total of 1754 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'buildref'...
21 bytes generated (for a total of 1775 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'ftb1'...
165 bytes generated (for a total of 1940 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'filetobookex'...
11 bytes generated (for a total of 1951 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'filetobook'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 1957 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'rebuildbook'...
98 bytes generated (for a total of 2055 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'rebuildnode'...
8 bytes generated (for a total of 2063 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'rebuildtree'...
12 bytes generated (for a total of 2075 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_drag'...
72 bytes generated (for a total of 2147 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_delete'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 2154 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'resadd'...
119 bytes generated (for a total of 2273 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_add'...
41 bytes generated (for a total of 2314 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'resaddfolder'...
68 bytes generated (for a total of 2382 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_addfolder'...
33 bytes generated (for a total of 2415 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'resedit'...
95 bytes generated (for a total of 2510 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'reseditfolder'...
39 bytes generated (for a total of 2549 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_edit'...
124 bytes generated (for a total of 2673 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_dclick'...
34 bytes generated (for a total of 2707 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_click'...
35 bytes generated (for a total of 2742 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_ok'...
22 bytes generated (for a total of 2764 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_cancel'...
17 bytes generated (for a total of 2781 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_destroy'...
12 bytes generated (for a total of 2793 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_resize'...
130 bytes generated (for a total of 2923 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'inibook'...
644 bytes generated (for a total of 3567 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lib/textedit.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\textedit.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\textedit.pkg ...
var Font : ObjFont
chText : fun [TextEdit] Chn
winText : fun [TextEdit] ObjWin
bannerText : fun [TextEdit] ObjText
textText : fun [TextEdit] ObjText
okText : fun [TextEdit] ObjButton
cancelText : fun [TextEdit] ObjButton
endText : fun [TextEdit] fun [S] I
mkText : fun[[Chn ObjWin ObjText ObjText ObjButton ObjButton fun [S] I ]] TextEdit
new type : TextEdit
fun _ok : fun [u0 TextEdit] I
fun _cancel : fun [u0 TextEdit] I
fun _destroy : fun [u0 TextEdit] I
fun _resizeT : fun [u0 TextEdit I I] ObjButton
fun iniText : fun [Chn ObjWin I I S S fun [S] I S] TextEdit
fun _destroyevent : fun [S] I
fun main : fun [] TextEdit
Generating bytecodes for '_ok'...
17 bytes generated (for a total of 3584 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_cancel'...
11 bytes generated (for a total of 3595 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_destroy'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 3601 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_resizeT'...
128 bytes generated (for a total of 3729 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'iniText'...
309 bytes generated (for a total of 4038 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_destroyevent'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 4045 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'main'...
64 bytes generated (for a total of 4109 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/master.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\master.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\master.pkg ...
weak type : Env
var env_ref : Env
fun main : fun [I] I
Generating bytecodes for 'main'...
249 bytes generated (for a total of 4358 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/var.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\var.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\var.pkg ...
var sVersionFile : S
var iDevMode : I
var voyagerDebugMode : I
var sTesturl : S
var sUpdateUrl : S
var sStatsUrl : S
var sUpdateFile : S
var http_header : S
var http_headerb : S
var chnComm : Chn
var chn0 : Chn
var versionuser : I
var languages : [[S S] r1]
var AutoStartDelay : I
var packsusers : [[S S S] r1]
var scriptserver : S
var scriptuser : S
var port : I
var rights : I
var font : ObjFont
var icon : ObjIcon
var bmpVoyagerIcon : ObjBitmap
var sVoyagerIconPath : S
var sVoyagerUnixIconPath : S
nameScript : fun [Script] S
clearScript : fun [Script] S
rightsScript : fun [Script] I
sizeScript : fun [Script] I
weak type : Script
sonsScript : fun [Script] [Script r1]
mkScript : fun[[S S I I [Script r1] ]] Script
no more weak : Script
nameRun : fun [Run] S
canalRun : fun [Run] Chn
scriptRun : fun [Run] Script
pubRun : fun [Run] [[S I I] r1]
tag : fun [Run] I
runnum : fun [Run] I
mkRun : fun[[S Chn Script [[S I I] r1] I I ]] Run
new type : Run
var current : Run
urlLink : fun [[S S]] Link
scriptLink : fun [[S S]] Link
new type : Link
var currunnum : I
var back : [S r1]
var customs : [Script r1]
var running : [Run r1]
var contmenu : ObjMenu
var getservhttp : fun [HTTPcon S] S
var getservdirect : fun [S] I
var getservis : fun [S] I
var cbpublic : fun [S I] I
var cbpublichttp : fun [S I] I
var cbkilled : fun [Run I] I
var numb : I
var nbapps : I
var portdef : I
var pendingreq : I
var h4 : S
var iSetup : I
fun itoh4 : fun [I] S
fun _contact : fun [u0 S] I
fun createmenus : fun [] I
fun _logfile : fun [[S r1]] I
fun launch : fun [Timer [Script r1]] I
fun showSetup : fun [I] I
fun startreq : fun [I S I S I I] I
fun cbGetUrlError : fun [S] I
fun showAddressBar : fun [S] I
Generating bytecodes for 'itoh4'...
22 bytes generated (for a total of 4380 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/common.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\common.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\common.pkg ...
fun btime : fun [I] S
fun dtime : fun [I] S
fun cutlist : fun [[S r1] I S] [S r1]
fun getlibname : fun [Env] [[S r1] r1]
fun multiress : fun [[[S [S r1]] r1]] I
fun getInfos : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] [S r1]
fun getInfo : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] S
fun getInfoI : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] S
fun chgress2 : fun [[S r1] S u0 S I] [S r1]
fun chgress : fun [S S] I
var lCurrentDl : [[S INET] r1]
fun remove_sid_from_list : fun [[[S u0] r1] S] [[S u0] r1]
fun stopUrlDownload : fun [S] I
fun cbGetPostUrl : fun [INET [S fun [S] u0 fun [S] u1 S] S I] I
fun cbPostIsInternetOk : fun [u0 [S S fun [S] u1 fun [S] u2] I] I
fun postUrl : fun [S S fun [S] u0 fun [S] u1] I
fun cbGetFileDownloadtUrl : fun [INET [S S W fun [S] u0 fun [S] u1] S I] I
fun cbFileDownloadIsInternetOk : fun [u0 [S S S fun [S] u1 fun [S] u2] I] I
fun fileDownloadUrl : fun [S S S fun [S] u0 fun [S] u1] I
fun cbDlIsInternetOk : fun [u0 [S fun [S] u1 fun [S] u2] I] I
fun downloadUrl : fun [S fun [S] u0 fun [S] u1] I
fun getPathFile : fun [S S] [S S]
fun brwSearchLastSlash : fun [S] I
fun brwSearchLastpoint : fun [S] I
fun lastpercent : fun [S I I] I
fun getFatherDirectory : fun [S] S
fun getFileWithoutExtension : fun [S] S
fun getExtension : fun [S S] I
fun getExtensionFromFile : fun [S] S
fun findLastSlash : fun [S] I
fun ChgChars : fun [S S S S I] S
fun apply_on_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] u2 u1] I
fun removef_from_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] [u0 r1]
fun listcat : fun [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] [u0 r1]
fun posf_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] I
Generating bytecodes for 'btime'...
337 bytes generated (for a total of 4717 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'dtime'...
404 bytes generated (for a total of 5121 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cutlist'...
65 bytes generated (for a total of 5186 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getlibname'...
26 bytes generated (for a total of 5212 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'multiress'...
62 bytes generated (for a total of 5274 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getInfos'...
49 bytes generated (for a total of 5323 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getInfo'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 5374 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getInfoI'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 5425 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'chgress2'...
122 bytes generated (for a total of 5547 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'chgress'...
69 bytes generated (for a total of 5616 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_sid_from_list'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 5667 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'stopUrlDownload'...
18 bytes generated (for a total of 5685 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetPostUrl'...
300 bytes generated (for a total of 5985 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbPostIsInternetOk'...
125 bytes generated (for a total of 6110 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'postUrl'...
13 bytes generated (for a total of 6123 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetFileDownloadtUrl'...
302 bytes generated (for a total of 6425 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbFileDownloadIsInternetOk'...
134 bytes generated (for a total of 6559 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'fileDownloadUrl'...
14 bytes generated (for a total of 6573 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbDlIsInternetOk'...
59 bytes generated (for a total of 6632 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'downloadUrl'...
12 bytes generated (for a total of 6644 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getPathFile'...
72 bytes generated (for a total of 6716 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'brwSearchLastSlash'...
60 bytes generated (for a total of 6776 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'brwSearchLastpoint'...
57 bytes generated (for a total of 6833 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'lastpercent'...
42 bytes generated (for a total of 6875 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFatherDirectory'...
38 bytes generated (for a total of 6913 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFileWithoutExtension'...
11 bytes generated (for a total of 6924 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getExtension'...
31 bytes generated (for a total of 6955 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getExtensionFromFile'...
15 bytes generated (for a total of 6970 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'findLastSlash'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 7021 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'ChgChars'...
64 bytes generated (for a total of 7085 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'apply_on_list'...
36 bytes generated (for a total of 7121 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'removef_from_list'...
48 bytes generated (for a total of 7169 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'listcat'...
31 bytes generated (for a total of 7200 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'posf_in_list'...
42 bytes generated (for a total of 7242 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/update.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\update.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\update.pkg ...
var sRefVersion : S
var wUpdateWindow : ObjWin
fun cbEndDlUpdate : fun [S] I
fun cbErrorDlUpdate : fun [u0] I
fun cbCancelUpdate : fun [u0 S] I
fun cbOkUpdate : fun [u0 [S ObjBox ObjText ObjButton]] I
fun cbDestroyUptWin : fun [u0 S] I
fun crUpdateWindow : fun [S] I
fun cbGetUpgrade : fun [u0 S I] I
fun CheckReferenceVersion : fun [[S r1] I] I
fun cbGotCurrentVer : fun [u0 [S S I] S I] I
fun cbGetCurrentVer : fun [S I I] I
fun _checkUpdate : fun [I] I
Generating bytecodes for 'cbEndDlUpdate'...
75 bytes generated (for a total of 7317 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbErrorDlUpdate'...
43 bytes generated (for a total of 7360 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbCancelUpdate'...
13 bytes generated (for a total of 7373 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbOkUpdate'...
100 bytes generated (for a total of 7473 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbDestroyUptWin'...
13 bytes generated (for a total of 7486 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'crUpdateWindow'...
390 bytes generated (for a total of 7876 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetUpgrade'...
41 bytes generated (for a total of 7917 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'CheckReferenceVersion'...
455 bytes generated (for a total of 8372 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbGotCurrentVer'...
258 bytes generated (for a total of 8630 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetCurrentVer'...
349 bytes generated (for a total of 8979 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_checkUpdate'...
11 bytes generated (for a total of 8990 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/masterse.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\masterse.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\masterse.pkg ...
fun cbSendStat : fun [u0 [S S] S I] I
fun sendStats : fun [S] I
fun pubbyname : fun [[S u0 u1] S] I
fun nameofpub : fun [[u0 u1 u2]] u0
fun ipofpub : fun [[u0 I I]] S
fun ipofpub2 : fun [[S u0 u1]] S
fun searchpub : fun [[Run r1] S] [S I I]
fun searchpub2 : fun [[Run r1] S] Run
fun _resizeT : fun [u0 ObjText I I] ObjText
fun chgusm2 : fun [[S r1] S S S I] [S r1]
fun chgusm : fun [S S S] S
fun _showsetupwin : fun [u0 u1] I
fun callmenu : fun [u0 u1 I] I
fun dclicktask : fun [u0 u1 u2] I
fun buildl : fun [[S r1]] [[S S] r1]
fun insertstring : fun [u0 [u0 r1] fun [u0 u0] I] [u0 r1]
fun sort : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u0] I] [u0 r1]
fun cmpbyclear : fun [[u0 S] [u1 S]] I
fun buildlanguages : fun [] [[S S] r1]
fun reinitloc : fun [] I
fun launchmachine : fun [S I] I
fun launchscript : fun [Script] I
fun _launch : fun [u0 Script] I
fun search_in_script : fun [[Script r1] fun [Script u0] I u0] Script
fun srvbyname : fun [Script S] I
fun srvbyclear : fun [Script S] I
fun runbychan : fun [Run Chn] I
fun runbyname : fun [Run S] I
fun rebuild2 : fun [[S r1]] [S r1]
fun rebuild : fun [[[S r1] r1]] [[[S r1] r1] [Script r1]]
fun servics : fun [] [Script r1]
fun newstart : fun [[Script r1] [Script r1]] I
fun initcustserv : fun [] [S r1]
fun _select : fun [u0 Run] I
fun createpublic2 : fun [[S I I] ObjMenu] ObjMenuItem
fun createpublic : fun [Run ObjMenu] I
fun refreshpublic : fun [ObjMenu] I
fun _destroycust : fun [S] I
fun _editcust : fun [u0 u1] I
fun createcustom : fun [[Script r1] ObjMenu] I
fun refreshcustom : fun [ObjMenu] I
fun createactive : fun [Run ObjMenu] ObjMenuItem
fun refreshactive : fun [ObjMenu] I
fun saveBack : fun [] I
fun createback : fun [S ObjMenu] ObjMenuItem
fun refreshback : fun [ObjMenu] I
fun labout : fun [[S r1]] [S r1]
fun _about : fun [u0 u1] MessageBox
fun _settextsite : fun [u0] I
fun contact : fun [S S] I
fun _destroyress : fun [S] I
fun _editress : fun [u0 u1] I
fun _destroypart : fun [S] I
fun _editpart : fun [u0 u1] I
fun _gotosite : fun [u0 S] I
fun _startscript : fun [u0 S] I
fun _quit : fun [u0 u1] I
fun addlinkmenu : fun [Link [Chn ObjMenu]] ObjMenuItem
fun _showurlwin : fun [u0 u1] I
fun _mnupdate : fun [u0 I] I
fun processpile : fun [I [[S [S [S u0]]] r1]] I
fun fullurl : fun [S I S I] S
fun cbmain : fun [u0 [I S I S I I S] S I] I
fun cbStartReq : fun [S [I S I S I I] I] I
fun requestn : fun [I] S
fun htmlbin3 : fun [[[S u0 u1] r1] [[S r1] r1]] [[S r1] r1]
fun htmlbin2 : fun [[Run r1] [[S r1] r1]] [[S r1] r1]
fun htmlbin : fun [] S
fun htmldir3 : fun [[[S u0 u1] r1] [S r1]] [S r1]
fun htmldir2 : fun [[Run r1] [S r1]] [S r1]
fun htmldir : fun [] S
fun htmlreq : fun [HTTPcon S] S
fun htmlreqbin : fun [S] S
fun cbprox : fun [u0 [HTTPcon u1 u2] S I] I
fun cbclose_http : fun [u0 INET] INET
fun htmlproxy : fun [S S HTTPcon S] S
fun http_onrequest : fun [HTTPcon u0 S] S
fun launchHTTP : fun [[S r1]] I
fun main : fun [I] I
fun cbRetryClose : fun [Timer u0] I
fun _killedrun : fun [Run I] I
fun _killed : fun [I] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __norestart : fun [u0] S
fun filter : fun [] I
fun correctUrl : fun [S] S
fun __register : fun [S] I
fun __setsite : fun [u0] I
fun __goto : fun [S] I
fun __gotoA : fun [S] I
fun __open : fun [S] I
fun __gotoR : fun [S S] I
fun _openR : fun [S S] I
fun __public : fun [S I] I
fun __publicHTTP : fun [S I] I
fun localinfos2 : fun [[S I I] [u0 S]] I
fun localinfos : fun [Run S] I
fun __infos : fun [S] I
fun __getserv : fun [S] I
fun _addc : fun [u0 S I] I
fun __addcustom : fun [S] MessageBox
fun _addres : fun [u0 [S S] I] I
fun __address : fun [S S] MessageBox
fun __restartUpd : fun [u0] I
fun __addHistory : fun [S] I
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSendStat'...
174 bytes generated (for a total of 9164 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'sendStats'...
222 bytes generated (for a total of 9386 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'pubbyname'...
16 bytes generated (for a total of 9402 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'nameofpub'...
8 bytes generated (for a total of 9410 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'ipofpub'...
131 bytes generated (for a total of 9541 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'ipofpub2'...
65 bytes generated (for a total of 9606 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'searchpub'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 9657 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'searchpub2'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 9708 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_resizeT'...
12 bytes generated (for a total of 9720 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'chgusm2'...
120 bytes generated (for a total of 9840 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'chgusm'...
16 bytes generated (for a total of 9856 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_showsetupwin'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 9862 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'callmenu'...
46 bytes generated (for a total of 9908 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'dclicktask'...
8 bytes generated (for a total of 9916 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'buildl'...
177 bytes generated (for a total of 10093 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'insertstring'...
73 bytes generated (for a total of 10166 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'sort'...
27 bytes generated (for a total of 10193 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cmpbyclear'...
17 bytes generated (for a total of 10210 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'buildlanguages'...
25 bytes generated (for a total of 10235 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'reinitloc'...
103 bytes generated (for a total of 10338 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'launchmachine'...
13 bytes generated (for a total of 10351 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'launchscript'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 10358 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_launch'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 10362 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'search_in_script'...
68 bytes generated (for a total of 10430 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'srvbyname'...
19 bytes generated (for a total of 10449 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'srvbyclear'...
19 bytes generated (for a total of 10468 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'runbychan'...
17 bytes generated (for a total of 10485 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'runbyname'...
45 bytes generated (for a total of 10530 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'rebuild2'...
53 bytes generated (for a total of 10583 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'rebuild'...
140 bytes generated (for a total of 10723 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'servics'...
23 bytes generated (for a total of 10746 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'launch'...
80 bytes generated (for a total of 10826 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'newstart'...
61 bytes generated (for a total of 10887 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'initcustserv'...
77 bytes generated (for a total of 10964 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_select'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 11015 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'createpublic2'...
33 bytes generated (for a total of 11048 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'createpublic'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 11055 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'refreshpublic'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 11061 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_destroycust'...
59 bytes generated (for a total of 11120 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_editcust'...
70 bytes generated (for a total of 11190 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'createcustom'...
84 bytes generated (for a total of 11274 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'refreshcustom'...
42 bytes generated (for a total of 11316 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'createactive'...
129 bytes generated (for a total of 11445 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'refreshactive'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 11451 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'saveBack'...
35 bytes generated (for a total of 11486 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'createback'...
14 bytes generated (for a total of 11500 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'refreshback'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 11506 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'labout'...
52 bytes generated (for a total of 11558 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_about'...
101 bytes generated (for a total of 11659 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_settextsite'...
2 bytes generated (for a total of 11661 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'contact'...
333 bytes generated (for a total of 11994 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_destroyress'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 12014 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_editress'...
40 bytes generated (for a total of 12054 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_destroypart'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 12074 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_editpart'...
41 bytes generated (for a total of 12115 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_contact'...
9 bytes generated (for a total of 12124 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_gotosite'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 12131 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_startscript'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 12136 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_quit'...
9 bytes generated (for a total of 12145 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addlinkmenu'...
82 bytes generated (for a total of 12227 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_showurlwin'...
8 bytes generated (for a total of 12235 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_mnupdate'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 12241 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'createmenus'...
365 bytes generated (for a total of 12606 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'processpile'...
192 bytes generated (for a total of 12798 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'fullurl'...
62 bytes generated (for a total of 12860 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbmain'...
208 bytes generated (for a total of 13068 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbStartReq'...
276 bytes generated (for a total of 13344 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'startreq'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 13395 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'requestn'...
52 bytes generated (for a total of 13447 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'htmlbin3'...
39 bytes generated (for a total of 13486 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'htmlbin2'...
33 bytes generated (for a total of 13519 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'htmlbin'...
41 bytes generated (for a total of 13560 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'htmldir3'...
74 bytes generated (for a total of 13634 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'htmldir2'...
33 bytes generated (for a total of 13667 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'htmldir'...
71 bytes generated (for a total of 13738 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'htmlreq'...
52 bytes generated (for a total of 13790 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'htmlreqbin'...
34 bytes generated (for a total of 13824 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbprox'...
39 bytes generated (for a total of 13863 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbclose_http'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 13867 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'htmlproxy'...
280 bytes generated (for a total of 14147 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'http_onrequest'...
261 bytes generated (for a total of 14408 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'launchHTTP'...
37 bytes generated (for a total of 14445 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'main'...
1125 bytes generated (for a total of 15570 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbRetryClose'...
100 bytes generated (for a total of 15670 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_killedrun'...
134 bytes generated (for a total of 15804 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_killed'...
27 bytes generated (for a total of 15831 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 15835 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__norestart'...
29 bytes generated (for a total of 15864 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'filter'...
72 bytes generated (for a total of 15936 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'correctUrl'...
210 bytes generated (for a total of 16146 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__register'...
155 bytes generated (for a total of 16301 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__setsite'...
17 bytes generated (for a total of 16318 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__goto'...
30 bytes generated (for a total of 16348 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__gotoA'...
26 bytes generated (for a total of 16374 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__open'...
24 bytes generated (for a total of 16398 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__gotoR'...
30 bytes generated (for a total of 16428 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_openR'...
24 bytes generated (for a total of 16452 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__public'...
73 bytes generated (for a total of 16525 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__publicHTTP'...
89 bytes generated (for a total of 16614 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'localinfos2'...
110 bytes generated (for a total of 16724 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'localinfos'...
9 bytes generated (for a total of 16733 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__infos'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 16739 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getserv'...
64 bytes generated (for a total of 16803 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_addc'...
79 bytes generated (for a total of 16882 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__addcustom'...
70 bytes generated (for a total of 16952 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_addres'...
27 bytes generated (for a total of 16979 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__address'...
55 bytes generated (for a total of 17034 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__restartUpd'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 17054 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__addHistory'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 17105 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lib/_mlistlib.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\_mlistlib.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\_mlistlib.pkg ...
fun listcat : fun [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] [u0 r1]
fun listlength : fun [[u0 r1]] I
fun rdividelist : fun [fun [u0 u1] I u0 [u1 r1] [u1 r1] [u1 r1]] [[u1 r1] [u1 r1]]
fun rquicksort : fun [fun [u0 u0] I [u0 r1]] [u0 r1]
fun mirror : fun [[u0 r1]] [u0 r1]
fun remove_nth_from_list : fun [[u0 r1] I] [u0 r1]
fun removef_from_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] [u0 r1]
fun replace_nth_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] I u0] [u0 r1]
fun replace_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0 u0] [u0 r1]
fun add_nth_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] I u0] [u0 r1]
fun is_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0] I
fun isf_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] I
fun posf_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] I
fun search_all_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] [u0 r1]
Generating bytecodes for 'listcat'...
31 bytes generated (for a total of 17136 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'listlength'...
26 bytes generated (for a total of 17162 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'rdividelist'...
62 bytes generated (for a total of 17224 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'rquicksort'...
53 bytes generated (for a total of 17277 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'mirror'...
33 bytes generated (for a total of 17310 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_nth_from_list'...
47 bytes generated (for a total of 17357 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'removef_from_list'...
48 bytes generated (for a total of 17405 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'replace_nth_in_list'...
50 bytes generated (for a total of 17455 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'replace_in_list'...
48 bytes generated (for a total of 17503 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'add_nth_in_list'...
55 bytes generated (for a total of 17558 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'is_in_list'...
40 bytes generated (for a total of 17598 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'isf_in_list'...
43 bytes generated (for a total of 17641 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'posf_in_list'...
42 bytes generated (for a total of 17683 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'search_all_in_list'...
52 bytes generated (for a total of 17735 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lib/stdlib.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\stdlib.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\stdlib.pkg ...
fun apply_on_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] u2 u1] I
fun rev_apply_on_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] u2 u1] I
fun search_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] u0
fun remove_from_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0] [u0 r1]
fun pos_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0 I] I
fun create_tab : fun [I fun [I u0] u1 u0] tab u1
fun addFifo : fun [u0 [[u0 r1] [u1 [u0 r1]]]] [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]
fun getFifo : fun [[[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]] [u0 [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]]
fun sizeFifo : fun [[[u0 r1] u1]] I
fun concFifo : fun [[u0 [u1 u0]] [u0 [u1 u0]]] [u0 [u1 u0]]
Generating bytecodes for 'apply_on_list'...
36 bytes generated (for a total of 17771 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'rev_apply_on_list'...
38 bytes generated (for a total of 17809 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'search_in_list'...
46 bytes generated (for a total of 17855 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'remove_from_list'...
45 bytes generated (for a total of 17900 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'pos_in_list'...
46 bytes generated (for a total of 17946 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'create_tab'...
39 bytes generated (for a total of 17985 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addFifo'...
41 bytes generated (for a total of 18026 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getFifo'...
54 bytes generated (for a total of 18080 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'sizeFifo'...
24 bytes generated (for a total of 18104 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'concFifo'...
58 bytes generated (for a total of 18162 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/settings.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\settings.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\settings.pkg ...
SETUP_WIN : fun [SETUPstr] ObjWin
SETUP_MENU : fun [SETUPstr] ObjList
SETUP_CLOSEBTN : fun [SETUPstr] ObjButton
SETUP_HELPBTN : fun [SETUPstr] ObjButton
SETUP_MENUELTS : fun [SETUPstr] [[I [fun [] I fun [] I]] r1]
mkSETUPstr : fun[[ObjWin ObjList ObjButton ObjButton [[I [fun [] I fun [] I]] r1] ]] SETUPstr
new type : SETUPstr
var strSetup : SETUPstr
var bPkgExtensionsLoaded : I
var iSetupW : I
var iSetupH : I
var sScolIconPath : S
var sFolderIconPath : S
var iSetupChildW : I
var iSetupChildH : I
fun loadSetupGen : fun [SETUPstr] I
fun loadSetupNetwork : fun [SETUPstr] I
fun loadSetupSupport : fun [SETUPstr] I
fun loadSetupOg3D : fun [SETUPstr] I
fun loadSetup3D : fun [SETUPstr] I
fun loadSetupVideo : fun [SETUPstr] I
fun closeSetupChild : fun [] I
fun dsSetup : fun [I] I
fun cbSetupWinDestory : fun [u0 u1] I
fun cbSetupCloseBtn : fun [u0 u1] I
fun cbSetupHelpBtn : fun [u0 u1] I
fun cbSetupMenuClick : fun [u0 u1 I u2] I
fun addSetupMenu : fun [S fun [] I fun [] I] I
fun loadPkgExtensions : fun [] I
fun __showSetupDist : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for 'closeSetupChild'...
53 bytes generated (for a total of 18215 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'dsSetup'...
49 bytes generated (for a total of 18264 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupWinDestory'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 18270 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupCloseBtn'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 18276 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupHelpBtn'...
72 bytes generated (for a total of 18348 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupMenuClick'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 18368 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addSetupMenu'...
29 bytes generated (for a total of 18397 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'loadPkgExtensions'...
537 bytes generated (for a total of 18934 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'showSetup'...
365 bytes generated (for a total of 19299 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__showSetupDist'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 19305 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/addressbar.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\addressbar.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\addressbar.pkg ...
var sAddressBarBgText : S
var sAddressBarBtnClose : S
var contAddressBar : ObjContainer
var txtAddressBar : CompText
fun cbAddressBarDestroy : fun [u0 [CompBitmap CompRollOver AlphaBitmap AlphaBitmap]] I
fun cbAddressBarValidation : fun [u0 [CompBitmap CompRollOver AlphaBitmap AlphaBitmap] I S] I
fun cbAddressBarQuit : fun [u0 [CompBitmap CompRollOver AlphaBitmap AlphaBitmap] u1 u2 u3 u4] I
Generating bytecodes for 'cbAddressBarDestroy'...
50 bytes generated (for a total of 19355 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbAddressBarValidation'...
72 bytes generated (for a total of 19427 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbAddressBarQuit'...
27 bytes generated (for a total of 19454 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'showAddressBar'...
380 bytes generated (for a total of 19834 bytes)
Loading complete
Scol Server allows for a maximum of 1000001 sockets.
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog.pkg ...
indexConn : fun [Conn] I
lstpConn : fun [Conn] [[S S S] r1]
lastpConn : fun [Conn] S
indpConn : fun [Conn] I
flagreqConn : fun [Conn] I
timConn : fun [Conn] Timer
ipConn : fun [Conn] S
stateConn : fun [Conn] I
mkConn : fun[[I [[S S S] r1] S I I Timer S I ]] Conn
new type : Conn
var SRVblack : [[S I] r1]
var SRVpending : [S r1]
var typzip : I
var incr : I
var SRVsimult : I
var SRVblacktime : I
var SRVtimeout : I
var SRVlogfile : S
var SRVcurrentlogfile : S
var flog : W
fun buildtab2 : fun [[S r1]] [S r1]
fun buildtab : fun [[S r1]] S
fun addZero : fun [S] S
fun getNewLogFile : fun [] S
fun countStrList : fun [[S r1] S] I
fun fillpack : fun [[[S S S] r1]] I
fun _clock : fun [u0 Conn] I
fun continue : fun [Conn S] I
fun purgeblack : fun [[[u0 I] r1]] [[u0 I] r1]
fun _SRVconnected : fun [Conn] I
fun _SRVclosed : fun [Conn] I
fun buildpack : fun [[[S S u0] r1]] [[S r1] r1]
fun _SRVgetpack : fun [Conn] I
fun buildreq : fun [[[S S S] r1]] [[S r1] r1]
fun _SRVversion : fun [Conn I] I
fun _SRVnextpack : fun [Conn] I
fun _SRVnext : fun [Conn] I
fun _SRVskip : fun [Conn] I
fun _SRVdownl : fun [Conn] I
Generating bytecodes for 'buildtab2'...
63 bytes generated (for a total of 19897 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'buildtab'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 19903 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addZero'...
26 bytes generated (for a total of 19929 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getNewLogFile'...
80 bytes generated (for a total of 20009 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_logfile'...
66 bytes generated (for a total of 20075 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'countStrList'...
41 bytes generated (for a total of 20116 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'fillpack'...
82 bytes generated (for a total of 20198 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_clock'...
30 bytes generated (for a total of 20228 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'continue'...
21 bytes generated (for a total of 20249 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'purgeblack'...
55 bytes generated (for a total of 20304 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_SRVconnected'...
217 bytes generated (for a total of 20521 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_SRVclosed'...
26 bytes generated (for a total of 20547 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'buildpack'...
56 bytes generated (for a total of 20603 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_SRVgetpack'...
26 bytes generated (for a total of 20629 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'buildreq'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 20680 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_SRVversion'...
75 bytes generated (for a total of 20755 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_SRVnextpack'...
75 bytes generated (for a total of 20830 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_SRVnext'...
89 bytes generated (for a total of 20919 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_SRVskip'...
28 bytes generated (for a total of 20947 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_SRVdownl'...
93 bytes generated (for a total of 21040 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lang/master.french.lang - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lang\master.french.lang
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lang/master.english.lang - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lang\master.english.lang
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lang/master.english.lang - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lang\master.english.lang
create Tcp server -1791195408 on 1200
partition C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Cache/ - Capacity: 256 MB
partition C:\Users\seapi\Documents/OpenSpace3D/ - Capacity : Unlimited size
partition C:\Users\seapi\Documents/Scol Voyager/Partition_LocalUsr/ - Capacity : Unlimited size
partition C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - Capacity : Unlimited size
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/img/icon.bmp - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\img\icon.bmp
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/etc/version.txt - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\etc\version.txt
C:\Users\seapi\Documents/OpenSpace3D/ - locked/etc/custom.txt - C:\Users\seapi\Documents\OpenSpace3D\locked\etc\custom.txt
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/etc/history.txt - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\etc\history.txt
Http server started on port 1199
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/etc/version.txt - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\etc\version.txt
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21060 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21064 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21068 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21073 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21077 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21081 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21085 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21089 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lib/stdlib.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\stdlib.pkg
zip 451/1295
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/infocli.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\infocli.pkg
zip 610/1180
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21109 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21113 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21117 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21122 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21126 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21130 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21134 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21138 bytes)
Loading complete
ObjCURL destroyed.
>>>>>>>>> Send stats response : https://www.openspace3d.com/voyagerstats/scolstats.php:
Check Internet connection on http://www.google.com result 1
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/etc/version.txt - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\etc\version.txt
>>>>>>>>> Recovering Voyager's Reference Version from Internet
ObjCURL destroyed.
>>>>>>>>> Recovering Voyager's Reference Version from Internet: #SCOLVER#
>>>>>>>>> Recovering Voyager's Reference Version from Internet - File content:
>>>>>>>>> current version : -616361438
>>>>>>>>>> Local version is up to date !
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21158 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21162 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21166 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21171 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21175 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21179 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21183 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21187 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21207 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21211 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21215 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21220 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21224 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21228 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21232 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21236 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21256 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21260 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21264 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21269 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21273 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21277 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21281 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21285 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21305 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21309 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21313 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21318 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21322 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21326 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21330 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21334 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21354 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21358 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21362 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21367 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21371 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21375 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21379 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21383 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21403 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21407 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21411 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21416 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21420 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21424 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21428 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21432 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21452 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21456 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21460 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21465 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21469 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21473 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21477 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21481 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21501 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21505 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21509 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21514 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21518 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21522 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21526 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21530 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21550 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21554 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21558 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21563 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21567 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21571 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21575 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21579 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21599 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21603 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21607 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21612 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21616 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21620 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21624 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21628 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21648 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21652 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21656 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21661 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21665 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21669 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21673 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21677 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21697 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21701 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21705 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21710 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21714 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21718 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21722 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21726 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21746 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21750 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21754 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21759 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21763 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21767 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21771 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21775 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21795 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21799 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21803 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21808 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21812 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21816 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21820 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21824 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21844 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21848 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21852 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21857 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21861 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21865 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21869 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21873 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21893 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21897 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21901 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21906 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21910 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21914 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21918 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21922 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21942 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21946 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21950 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 21955 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21959 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21963 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21967 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21971 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 21991 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21995 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 21999 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 22004 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22008 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22012 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22016 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22020 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 22040 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22044 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22048 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 22053 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22057 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22061 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22065 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22069 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 22089 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22093 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22097 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 22102 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22106 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22110 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22114 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22118 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 22138 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22142 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22146 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 22151 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22155 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22159 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22163 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22167 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 22187 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22191 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22195 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 22200 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22204 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22208 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22212 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 22216 bytes)
Loading complete
(DBG) _CRpopupMenu : Menu 288556695
******End DrawMenu
Window DEBUT : 0
NewWindow: 10095704
Window objet create : 0
Window create : 0
Window create : 1
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/general_settings.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\general_settings.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\general_settings.pkg ...
mkGENSETUPstr : fun[[ObjWin ObjText ObjText ObjBox ObjText ObjText ]] GENSETUPstr
new type : GENSETUPstr
fun saveSetupGen : fun [] I
fun clearbylang : fun [[[S u0] r1] S] u0
fun langbyclear : fun [[[u0 S] r1] S] u0
fun SetLanguage : fun [S] I
fun cbComboLanguageClick : fun [u0 u1 u2 S] I
fun addcomboLang : fun [[u0 S] ObjBox] I
fun cbSetupCrGen : fun [SETUPstr] I
fun dsSetupGen : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for 'saveSetupGen'...
59 bytes generated (for a total of 22275 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'clearbylang'...
52 bytes generated (for a total of 22327 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'langbyclear'...
52 bytes generated (for a total of 22379 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'SetLanguage'...
87 bytes generated (for a total of 22466 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbComboLanguageClick'...
12 bytes generated (for a total of 22478 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addcomboLang'...
18 bytes generated (for a total of 22496 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupCrGen'...
449 bytes generated (for a total of 22945 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'dsSetupGen'...
13 bytes generated (for a total of 22958 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'loadSetupGen'...
23 bytes generated (for a total of 22981 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/so3dlib.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\so3dlib.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\so3dlib.pkg ...
var iGlobalUnit : I
var sVoyagerDefaultResourcesPATH : S
var iV3Ddebug : I
var iV3DmaxFramerate : I
var iV3DIndex : I
var iV3DSessionIndex : I
var V3DAXIS_X : I
var V3DAXIS_Y : I
var V3DAXIS_Z : I
V3D_iViewportIndex : fun [V3Dviewport] I
V3D_viewport : fun [V3Dviewport] SO3_VIEWPORT
V3D_iViewportX : fun [V3Dviewport] F
V3D_iViewportY : fun [V3Dviewport] F
V3D_iViewportW : fun [V3Dviewport] F
V3D_iViewportH : fun [V3Dviewport] F
V3D_iBgColor : fun [V3Dviewport] I
mkV3Dviewport : fun[[I SO3_VIEWPORT F F F F I ]] V3Dviewport
new type : V3Dviewport
V3D_axisFather : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT
V3D_axisShell : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT
V3D_xAxisObject : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT
V3D_yAxisObject : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT
V3D_zAxisObject : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT
V3D_xAxisTextObject : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT
V3D_yAxisTextObject : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT
V3D_zAxisTextObject : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT
V3D_iAxisMode : fun [V3Daxis] I
new type : V3Daxis
V3D_helperFather : fun [V3Dhelper] SO3_OBJECT
V3D_helperIcon : fun [V3Dhelper] SO3_OBJECT
V3D_iHelperMode : fun [V3Dhelper] I
mkV3Dhelper : fun[[SO3_OBJECT SO3_OBJECT I ]] V3Dhelper
new type : V3Dhelper
weak type : V3Dview
V3D_sessionView : fun [V3Dsession] V3Dview
V3D_session : fun [V3Dsession] SO3_SCENE
V3D_lCamera : fun [V3Dsession] [[I SO3_OBJECT] r1]
V3D_defaultCamera : fun [V3Dsession] SO3_OBJECT
V3D_prevDefaultCamera : fun [V3Dsession] SO3_OBJECT
V3D_shellNavigate : fun [V3Dsession] SO3_OBJECT
weak type : V3Dphysics
V3D_physics : fun [V3Dsession] V3Dphysics
V3D_lAxis : fun [V3Dsession] [[SO3_OBJECT V3Daxis] r1]
V3D_lHelper : fun [V3Dsession] [[SO3_OBJECT V3Dhelper] r1]
V3D_helperGrid : fun [V3Dsession] [SO3_OBJECT [SO3_OBJECT r1]]
V3D_bHelpersState : fun [V3Dsession] I
V3D_selectedAxis : fun [V3Dsession] [V3Daxis I]
weak type : V3Dsession
V3D_cbAxisClick : fun [V3Dsession] fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I] I
V3D_cbAxisUnClick : fun [V3Dsession] fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I] I
V3D_cbAxisMove : fun [V3Dsession] fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I F] I
V3D_bNavigate : fun [V3Dsession] I
weak type : V3Danim
V3D_lAnimations : fun [V3Dsession] [[S V3Danim] r1]
V3D_bAnimations : fun [V3Dsession] I
mkV3Dsession : fun[[V3Dview SO3_SCENE [[I SO3_OBJECT] r1] SO3_OBJECT SO3_OBJECT SO3_OBJECT V3Dphysics [[SO3_OBJECT V3Daxis] r1] [[SO3_OBJECT V3Dhelper] r1] [SO3_OBJECT [SO3_OBJECT r1]] I [V3Daxis I] fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I] I fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I] I fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I F] I I [[S V3Danim] r1] I ]] V3Dsession
no more weak : V3Dsession
V3D_anim : fun [V3Danim] SO3_ANIM
V3D_meshAnim : fun [V3Danim] SO3_OBJECT
V3D_sAnimName : fun [V3Danim] S
V3D_bAnimState : fun [V3Danim] I
V3D_iAnimType : fun [V3Danim] I
mkV3Danim : fun[[SO3_ANIM SO3_OBJECT S I I ]] V3Danim
no more weak : V3Danim
V3D_win : fun [V3Dview] ObjWin
V3D_buffer : fun [V3Dview] SO3_BUFFER
V3D_channel : fun [V3Dview] Chn
V3D_iWinW : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_iWinH : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_iWinX : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_iWinY : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_iOldWinW : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_iOldWinH : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_lSessions : fun [V3Dview] [[I V3Dsession] r1]
V3D_bPaused : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_iRenderTick : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_iClickStatus : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_iClickX : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_iClickY : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_iMoveX : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_iMoveY : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_iRenderMoveX : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_iRenderMoveY : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_iMoveClickStatus : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_bMouseEnabled : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_bKeyboardEnabled : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_cbInit : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_cbDestroy : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_cbPreRenderEffects : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_cbPreRender : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_cbPostRender : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_cbClick : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I
V3D_cbDbClick : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I
V3D_cbUnClick : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I
V3D_cbWheel : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I I] I
V3D_cbCursorMove : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I
V3D_cbKeyDown : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I] I
V3D_cbKeyUp : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I] I
V3D_cbCameraChange : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT] I
V3D_cbResizeView : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I] I
V3D_lViewport : fun [V3Dview] [[I V3Dviewport] r1]
V3D_bFullScreen : fun [V3Dview] I
V3D_bState : fun [V3Dview] I
mkV3Dview : fun[[ObjWin SO3_BUFFER Chn I I I I I I [[I V3Dsession] r1] I I I I I I I I I I I I fun [V3Dview] I fun [V3Dview] I fun [V3Dview] I fun [V3Dview] I fun [V3Dview] I fun [V3Dview I I I] I fun [V3Dview I I I] I fun [V3Dview I I I] I fun [V3Dview I I I I] I fun [V3Dview I I I] I fun [V3Dview I I] I fun [V3Dview I] I fun [V3Dview V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT] I fun [V3Dview I I] I [[I V3Dviewport] r1] I I ]] V3Dview
no more weak : V3Dview
fun V3DviewSetFocus : fun [V3Dview] I
fun V3Dlcat : fun [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] [u0 r1]
fun V3DisUrl : fun [S] I
fun V3DgetPathFile : fun [S S] [S S]
fun V3DgetFileNameWithoutExt : fun [S] S
fun V3DgetFileExt : fun [S] S
fun V3DgetFilePathWithoutExt : fun [S] S
fun V3DremoveIdxFromList : fun [[[u0 u1] r1] u0] [[u0 u1] r1]
fun V3DremoveTupFromListBy2ndElem : fun [[[u0 u1] r1] u1] [[u0 u1] r1]
fun V3DremoveTupFromListByName : fun [[[S u0] r1] S] [[S u0] r1]
fun V3DgetSessionIndex : fun [V3Dview V3Dsession] I
fun V3DgetSession : fun [V3Dsession] SO3_SCENE
fun V3DgetSessionByIndex : fun [V3Dview I] V3Dsession
fun V3DgetDefaultSession : fun [V3Dview] V3Dsession
fun V3DdegToRad : fun [F] F
fun V3DradToDeg : fun [F] F
fun V3DgetObjectPos : fun [SO3_OBJECT] [F F F]
fun V3DgetObjectScale : fun [SO3_OBJECT] [F F F]
fun V3DgetObjectOrientation : fun [SO3_OBJECT] [F F F F]
fun V3DsetObjectPos : fun [SO3_OBJECT [F F F]] [F F F]
fun V3DsetObjectScale : fun [SO3_OBJECT [F F F]] [F F F]
fun V3DsetObjectOrientation : fun [SO3_OBJECT [F F F F]] [F F F F]
fun V3DsetCamera : fun [SO3_OBJECT F F F F] SO3_OBJECT
fun V3DgetCameraByIndex : fun [V3Dsession I] SO3_OBJECT
fun V3DgetCameraIndex : fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT] I
fun V3DgetDefaultCamera : fun [V3Dsession] SO3_OBJECT
fun V3DsetDefaultCamera : fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT] I
fun V3DsetCbCameraChange : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT] I] I
fun V3DrestaurePreviousDefaultCamera : fun [V3Dsession] I
fun V3DdelCamera : fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT] I
fun V3DaddCamera : fun [V3Dsession S] SO3_OBJECT
fun V3DsetLight : fun [SO3_OBJECT I I I F F F F] SO3_OBJECT
fun V3DenableLight : fun [SO3_OBJECT I] I
fun V3DaddLight : fun [V3Dsession S SO3_OBJECT I I I F F F F] SO3_OBJECT
fun V3DaddResource : fun [V3Dsession S S I] I
fun V3DaddMesh : fun [V3Dsession S S S S SO3_OBJECT] SO3_OBJECT
fun V3DaddShell : fun [V3Dsession S S SO3_OBJECT [F F F] [F F F F]] SO3_OBJECT
fun V3DgetViewportByIndex : fun [V3Dview I] V3Dviewport
fun V3DgetViewportIndex : fun [V3Dview V3Dviewport] I
fun V3DgetDefaultViewport : fun [V3Dview] V3Dviewport
fun V3DsetViewportColor : fun [V3Dviewport I] I
fun V3DgetViewportColor : fun [V3Dviewport] I
fun V3DdelViewport : fun [V3Dview V3Dviewport] I
fun V3DaddViewport : fun [V3Dview F F F F I] V3Dviewport
fun V3DsetViewport : fun [V3Dview V3Dviewport u0 SO3_OBJECT] I
fun V3DgetSessionView : fun [V3Dsession] V3Dview
fun V3DupdateObjectAxis : fun [V3Dview u0 V3Daxis] I
fun V3DupdateAxisTarget : fun [V3Dview V3Dsession] I
fun V3DshowObjectAxis : fun [V3Dview V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I] I
fun V3DupdateObjectHelper : fun [V3Dview u0 V3Dhelper] I
fun V3DupdateHelpersTarget : fun [V3Dview V3Dsession] I
fun V3DshowObjectHelper : fun [V3Dview V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I] I
fun V3DisSceneHelperVisible : fun [V3Dsession] I
fun V3DenableHelpers : fun [V3Dviewport V3Dsession I] I
fun V3DgetObjectFromHelper : fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT] SO3_OBJECT
fun V3DgetObjectSize : fun [u0 SO3_OBJECT] [F F F]
fun V3DgetGlobalObjectCenter : fun [u0 SO3_OBJECT] [F F F]
fun V3DgetObjectRadius : fun [u0 SO3_OBJECT] F
fun V3DisSceneGridVisible : fun [V3Dsession] I
fun V3DshowSceneGrid : fun [V3Dsession I] I
fun V3DcameraPan : fun [V3Dsession V3Dviewport I I] I
fun V3DsetShellNavPos : fun [V3Dsession [F F F]] I
fun V3DchangeCameraViewport : fun [V3Dsession V3Dviewport SO3_OBJECT] I
fun V3DsetAmbientLight : fun [V3Dsession I] I
fun V3DgetAmbientLight : fun [V3Dsession] I
fun V3DsetShadowTechnique : fun [V3Dsession I F I I] I
fun V3DsetShadowCameraType : fun [V3Dsession I F F F F] I
fun V3DgetShadowCameraType : fun [V3Dsession] I
fun V3DsetShadowTextureParams : fun [V3Dsession I I F F F] I
fun V3DsetSceneFog : fun [V3Dsession I I F F F] I
fun cbV3DscenePreRender : fun [u0 V3Dsession u1 V3Dview] I
fun cbV3DscenePostRender : fun [u0 u1 u2 u3] I
fun cbV3DbufferPreRender : fun [u0 V3Dview] I
fun cbV3DbufferPostRender : fun [u0 V3Dview] I
fun cbV3Drender : fun [u0] I
fun cbV3DtickRender : fun [u0 u1] I
fun V3DdeleteSession : fun [V3Dview V3Dsession] I
fun V3DcrSession : fun [V3Dview S] V3Dsession
fun V3DresetSession : fun [V3Dsession] I
fun cbV3DkillFocus : fun [u0 V3Dview] I
fun cbV3DviewKeyDown : fun [u0 V3Dview I I] I
fun cbV3DviewKeyUp : fun [u0 V3Dview I] I
fun cbV3DviewDbClick : fun [u0 V3Dview I I I] I
fun cbV3DviewClick : fun [u0 V3Dview I I I] I
fun V3DgetCursorTrans : fun [V3Dview] [I I]
fun V3DisClicked : fun [V3Dview] I
fun V3DisMoveClicked : fun [V3Dview] I
fun cbV3DviewUnclick : fun [u0 V3Dview I I I] I
fun cbV3DviewWheel : fun [u0 V3Dview I I I I] I
fun V3DgetMoveAxis : fun [V3Dview I I I] I
fun cbV3DcursorMove : fun [u0 V3Dview I I I] I
fun V3DsetCbResizeView : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I I] I] I
fun V3DsetCbPreRenderEffects : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview] I] I
fun V3DsetCbPreRender : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview] I] I
fun V3DsetCbPostRender : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview] I] I
fun V3DsetCbKeyDown : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I I] I] I
fun V3DsetCbKeyUp : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I] I] I
fun V3DsetCbClick : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I I I] I] I
fun V3DgetCbClick : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I
fun V3DsetCbDbClick : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I I I] I] I
fun V3DgetCbDbClick : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I
fun V3DsetCbUnClick : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I I I] I] I
fun V3DgetCbUnClick : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I
fun V3DsetCbWheel : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I I I I] I] I
fun V3DgetCbWheel : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I I] I
fun V3DsetCbCursorMove : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I I I] I] I
fun V3DgetCbCursorMove : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I
fun V3DsetCbAxisMove : fun [V3Dsession fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I F] I] I
fun V3DsetCbAxisClick : fun [V3Dsession fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I] I] I
fun V3DsetCbAxisUnClick : fun [V3Dsession fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I] I] I
fun V3DenableKeyboard : fun [V3Dview I] I
fun V3DenableMouse : fun [V3Dview I] I
fun V3DenableNavigate : fun [V3Dsession I] I
fun V3DsetCursor : fun [V3Dview ObjCursor] I
fun cbV3Dsize : fun [u0 V3Dview I I] I
fun V3DresizeView : fun [V3Dview I I I I] I
fun V3DgetViewPosSize : fun [V3Dview] [I I I I]
fun V3DgetViewPos : fun [V3Dview] [I I]
fun V3DgetViewSize : fun [V3Dview] [I I]
fun V3DgetFullScreenState : fun [V3Dview] I
fun V3DsetScreenInfos : fun [V3Dview I I I I I I] I
fun V3DenableScreenInfos : fun [V3Dview I] I
fun V3DsetWindowedMode : fun [V3Dview] I
fun V3DEnableRender : fun [V3Dview I] I
fun V3DenableView : fun [V3Dview I] I
fun V3DsetFullScreenMode : fun [V3Dview I I] I
fun V3DswitchFullScreenMode : fun [V3Dview I I] I
fun V3DcrView : fun [Chn ObjWin I I I I fun [V3Dview] I fun [V3Dview] I I] V3Dview
fun V3DdsView : fun [V3Dview] I
fun cbV3DdsMainWin : fun [u0 V3Dview] I
fun cbV3DsizeMainWin : fun [u0 V3Dview I I] I
Generating bytecodes for 'V3Dlcat'...
31 bytes generated (for a total of 23012 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DisUrl'...
164 bytes generated (for a total of 23176 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetPathFile'...
126 bytes generated (for a total of 23302 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetFileNameWithoutExt'...
28 bytes generated (for a total of 23330 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetFileExt'...
34 bytes generated (for a total of 23364 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetFilePathWithoutExt'...
15 bytes generated (for a total of 23379 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DremoveIdxFromList'...
49 bytes generated (for a total of 23428 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DremoveTupFromListBy2ndElem'...
49 bytes generated (for a total of 23477 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DremoveTupFromListByName'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 23528 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetSessionIndex'...
77 bytes generated (for a total of 23605 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetSession'...
3 bytes generated (for a total of 23608 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetSessionByIndex'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 23615 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetDefaultSession'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 23622 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DdegToRad'...
17 bytes generated (for a total of 23639 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DradToDeg'...
17 bytes generated (for a total of 23656 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetObjectPos'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 23660 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetObjectScale'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 23664 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetObjectOrientation'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 23668 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetObjectPos'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 23675 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetObjectScale'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 23682 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetObjectOrientation'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 23689 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCamera'...
78 bytes generated (for a total of 23767 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCameraByIndex'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 23773 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCameraIndex'...
75 bytes generated (for a total of 23848 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetDefaultCamera'...
3 bytes generated (for a total of 23851 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetDefaultCamera'...
23 bytes generated (for a total of 23874 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbCameraChange'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 23881 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DrestaurePreviousDefaultCamera'...
30 bytes generated (for a total of 23911 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DdelCamera'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 23931 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DaddCamera'...
71 bytes generated (for a total of 24002 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetLight'...
41 bytes generated (for a total of 24043 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DenableLight'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 24050 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DaddLight'...
77 bytes generated (for a total of 24127 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DaddResource'...
13 bytes generated (for a total of 24140 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DaddMesh'...
78 bytes generated (for a total of 24218 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DaddShell'...
159 bytes generated (for a total of 24377 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetViewportByIndex'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 24384 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetViewportIndex'...
77 bytes generated (for a total of 24461 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetDefaultViewport'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 24468 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetViewportColor'...
12 bytes generated (for a total of 24480 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetViewportColor'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 24485 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DdelViewport'...
23 bytes generated (for a total of 24508 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DaddViewport'...
58 bytes generated (for a total of 24566 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetViewport'...
58 bytes generated (for a total of 24624 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetSessionView'...
3 bytes generated (for a total of 24627 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DupdateObjectAxis'...
224 bytes generated (for a total of 24851 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DupdateAxisTarget'...
51 bytes generated (for a total of 24902 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DshowObjectAxis'...
1540 bytes generated (for a total of 26442 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DupdateObjectHelper'...
224 bytes generated (for a total of 26666 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DupdateHelpersTarget'...
68 bytes generated (for a total of 26734 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DshowObjectHelper'...
531 bytes generated (for a total of 27265 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DisSceneHelperVisible'...
17 bytes generated (for a total of 27282 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DenableHelpers'...
484 bytes generated (for a total of 27766 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetObjectFromHelper'...
89 bytes generated (for a total of 27855 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetObjectSize'...
11 bytes generated (for a total of 27866 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetGlobalObjectCenter'...
71 bytes generated (for a total of 27937 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetObjectRadius'...
79 bytes generated (for a total of 28016 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DisSceneGridVisible'...
18 bytes generated (for a total of 28034 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DshowSceneGrid'...
759 bytes generated (for a total of 28793 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DcameraPan'...
128 bytes generated (for a total of 28921 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetShellNavPos'...
8 bytes generated (for a total of 28929 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DchangeCameraViewport'...
32 bytes generated (for a total of 28961 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetAmbientLight'...
9 bytes generated (for a total of 28970 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetAmbientLight'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 28976 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetShadowTechnique'...
90 bytes generated (for a total of 29066 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetShadowCameraType'...
50 bytes generated (for a total of 29116 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetShadowCameraType'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 29122 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetShadowTextureParams'...
119 bytes generated (for a total of 29241 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetSceneFog'...
124 bytes generated (for a total of 29365 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DscenePreRender'...
583 bytes generated (for a total of 29948 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DscenePostRender'...
2 bytes generated (for a total of 29950 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DbufferPreRender'...
30 bytes generated (for a total of 29980 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DbufferPostRender'...
9 bytes generated (for a total of 29989 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3Drender'...
2 bytes generated (for a total of 29991 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DtickRender'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 29997 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DdeleteSession'...
38 bytes generated (for a total of 30035 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DcrSession'...
1718 bytes generated (for a total of 31753 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DresetSession'...
1690 bytes generated (for a total of 33443 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DkillFocus'...
134 bytes generated (for a total of 33577 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DviewSetFocus'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 33584 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DviewKeyDown'...
588 bytes generated (for a total of 34172 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DviewKeyUp'...
10 bytes generated (for a total of 34182 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DviewDbClick'...
13 bytes generated (for a total of 34195 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DviewClick'...
298 bytes generated (for a total of 34493 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCursorTrans'...
36 bytes generated (for a total of 34529 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DisClicked'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 34533 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DisMoveClicked'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 34537 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DviewUnclick'...
153 bytes generated (for a total of 34690 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DviewWheel'...
180 bytes generated (for a total of 34870 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetMoveAxis'...
1640 bytes generated (for a total of 36510 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DcursorMove'...
68 bytes generated (for a total of 36578 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbResizeView'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 36585 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbPreRenderEffects'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 36592 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbPreRender'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 36599 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbPostRender'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 36606 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbKeyDown'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 36613 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbKeyUp'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 36620 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbClick'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 36627 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCbClick'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 36631 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbDbClick'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 36638 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCbDbClick'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 36642 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbUnClick'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 36649 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCbUnClick'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 36653 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbWheel'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 36660 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCbWheel'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 36664 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbCursorMove'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 36671 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCbCursorMove'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 36675 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbAxisMove'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 36682 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbAxisClick'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 36689 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbAxisUnClick'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 36696 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DenableKeyboard'...
46 bytes generated (for a total of 36742 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DenableMouse'...
92 bytes generated (for a total of 36834 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DenableNavigate'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 36841 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCursor'...
8 bytes generated (for a total of 36849 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3Dsize'...
45 bytes generated (for a total of 36894 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DresizeView'...
31 bytes generated (for a total of 36925 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetViewPosSize'...
11 bytes generated (for a total of 36936 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetViewPos'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 36942 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetViewSize'...
6 bytes generated (for a total of 36948 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetFullScreenState'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 36952 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetScreenInfos'...
90 bytes generated (for a total of 37042 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DenableScreenInfos'...
25 bytes generated (for a total of 37067 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetWindowedMode'...
47 bytes generated (for a total of 37114 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DEnableRender'...
7 bytes generated (for a total of 37121 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DenableView'...
47 bytes generated (for a total of 37168 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetFullScreenMode'...
50 bytes generated (for a total of 37218 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DswitchFullScreenMode'...
24 bytes generated (for a total of 37242 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DcrView'...
286 bytes generated (for a total of 37528 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'V3DdsView'...
161 bytes generated (for a total of 37689 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DdsMainWin'...
9 bytes generated (for a total of 37698 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DsizeMainWin'...
12 bytes generated (for a total of 37710 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/so3Engine_settings.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\so3engine_settings.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\so3engine_settings.pkg ...
OGSETUP_LOGO : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjBitmap
mkOG3DSETUPstr : fun[[ObjWin ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjBox ObjText ObjBox ObjCheck ObjCheck ObjBitmap V3Dview ]] OG3DSETUPstr
new type : OG3DSETUPstr
fun cbSetupOg3dPreRender : fun [u0 [u1 SO3_OBJECT]] I
fun cbInitOg3dView : fun [V3Dview] I
fun getRendererByName : fun [S] I
fun cbSetupOg3dRender : fun [u0 u1 u2 S] I
fun cbSetupOg3dQuadBuffer : fun [u0 u1 I] I
fun cbSetupOg3dMultisampling : fun [u0 u1 u2 S] I
fun cbSetupOg3dVsync : fun [u0 u1 I] I
fun cbSetupOg3dPaint : fun [u0 u1] I
fun cbSetupCrOg3D : fun [SETUPstr] I
fun dsSetupOg3D : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupOg3dPreRender'...
22 bytes generated (for a total of 37732 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbInitOg3dView'...
514 bytes generated (for a total of 38246 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'getRendererByName'...
155 bytes generated (for a total of 38401 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupOg3dRender'...
340 bytes generated (for a total of 38741 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupOg3dQuadBuffer'...
111 bytes generated (for a total of 38852 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupOg3dMultisampling'...
149 bytes generated (for a total of 39001 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupOg3dVsync'...
47 bytes generated (for a total of 39048 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupOg3dPaint'...
22 bytes generated (for a total of 39070 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupCrOg3D'...
1775 bytes generated (for a total of 40845 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'dsSetupOg3D'...
21 bytes generated (for a total of 40866 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'loadSetupOg3D'...
26 bytes generated (for a total of 40892 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/bitmapToolkit_settings.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\bitmaptoolkit_settings.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\bitmaptoolkit_settings.pkg ...
VDSETUP_TRM : fun [VDSETUPstr] Timer
mkVDSETUPstr : fun[[ObjWin ObjText ObjText ObjBox ObjCapture ObjButton ObjBitmap Timer ]] VDSETUPstr
new type : VDSETUPstr
fun _cbVideoClick : fun [u0 u1 I u2] I
fun cbSetupVideoCap : fun [u0 u1] I
fun _cbBtnVideoTest : fun [u0 u1] I
fun cbSetupVideoPaint : fun [u0 u1] I
fun cbSetupCrVideo : fun [SETUPstr] I
fun dsSetupVideo : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_cbVideoClick'...
117 bytes generated (for a total of 41009 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupVideoCap'...
30 bytes generated (for a total of 41039 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_cbBtnVideoTest'...
290 bytes generated (for a total of 41329 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupVideoPaint'...
23 bytes generated (for a total of 41352 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupCrVideo'...
429 bytes generated (for a total of 41781 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'dsSetupVideo'...
48 bytes generated (for a total of 41829 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'loadSetupVideo'...
25 bytes generated (for a total of 41854 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/network_settings.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\network_settings.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\network_settings.pkg ...
mkNETSETUPstr : fun[[ObjWin ObjText ObjText ObjWin ObjCheck ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjCheck ObjCheck ObjCheck ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjBox ]] NETSETUPstr
new type : NETSETUPstr
fun saveSetupNetwork : fun [] I
fun cbSetupSocksAuth : fun [u0 u1 I] I
fun cbSetupSocksVers : fun [u0 I u1] I
fun setupSocksNetwork : fun [I] I
fun cbSetupAutoNetwork : fun [u0 u1 I] I
fun cbComboLocalIp : fun [u0 u1 I u2] I
fun addcomboIP : fun [S ObjBox] ObjBox
fun cbSetupCrNetwork : fun [SETUPstr] I
fun dsSetupNetwork : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for 'saveSetupNetwork'...
425 bytes generated (for a total of 42279 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSocksAuth'...
74 bytes generated (for a total of 42353 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSocksVers'...
56 bytes generated (for a total of 42409 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'setupSocksNetwork'...
367 bytes generated (for a total of 42776 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupAutoNetwork'...
70 bytes generated (for a total of 42846 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbComboLocalIp'...
27 bytes generated (for a total of 42873 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'addcomboIP'...
10 bytes generated (for a total of 42883 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupCrNetwork'...
1508 bytes generated (for a total of 44391 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'dsSetupNetwork'...
13 bytes generated (for a total of 44404 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'loadSetupNetwork'...
23 bytes generated (for a total of 44427 bytes)
Loading complete
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/support_settings.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\support_settings.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\support_settings.pkg ...
mkSUPPORTSETUPstr : fun[[ObjWin ObjText ObjText ObjButton ObjButton ObjText ObjBox ObjCheck ObjCheck ObjCheck ObjCheck ObjCheck ]] SUPPORTSETUPstr
new type : SUPPORTSETUPstr
fun cbSetupClearCacheBtn : fun [u0 u1] I
fun cbSetupClearLogsBtn : fun [u0 u1] I
fun cbSetupSupLog : fun [u0 u1 I u2] I
fun cbSetupSupCon : fun [u0 u1 I] I
fun cbSetupSupLibChk : fun [u0 u1 I] I
fun cbSetupSupDev : fun [u0 u1 I] I
fun cbSetupSupStat : fun [u0 u1 I] I
fun cbSetupSupUpd : fun [u0 u1 I] I
fun cbSetupCrSupport : fun [SETUPstr] I
fun dsSetupSupport : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupClearCacheBtn'...
47 bytes generated (for a total of 44474 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupClearLogsBtn'...
46 bytes generated (for a total of 44520 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSupLog'...
257 bytes generated (for a total of 44777 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSupCon'...
77 bytes generated (for a total of 44854 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSupLibChk'...
234 bytes generated (for a total of 45088 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSupDev'...
30 bytes generated (for a total of 45118 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSupStat'...
30 bytes generated (for a total of 45148 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSupUpd'...
26 bytes generated (for a total of 45174 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupCrSupport'...
1322 bytes generated (for a total of 46496 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'dsSetupSupport'...
10 bytes generated (for a total of 46506 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for 'loadSetupSupport'...
23 bytes generated (for a total of 46529 bytes)
Loading complete
Object is NIL
GetCheckBox : CheckBox is NIL
Window DEBUT : 0
NewWindow: 6030752
Window objet create : 0
Window create : 0
Window create : 1
Scol Server allows for a maximum of 1000001 sockets.
GetCheckBox : CheckBox is NIL
Window DEBUT : 0
NewWindow: 6096288
Window objet create : 0
Window create : 0
Window create : 1
'ENABLE winn 2099102 etat 0
> _cacheClear() - Start
< _cacheClear() - End
> _logClear() - Start
Can't delete file (?IN_USE?): C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Logs/supvisor-2024-10-26_11-37-17.log
< _logClear() - End
Launching URL http://redmine.scolring.org/projects/scol/wiki/How_to_use_Scol
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 46549 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46553 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46557 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 46562 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46566 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46570 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46574 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46578 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 46598 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46602 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46606 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 46611 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46615 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46619 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46623 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46627 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 46647 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46651 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46655 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 46660 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46664 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46668 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46672 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46676 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 46696 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46700 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46704 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 46709 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46713 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46717 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46721 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46725 bytes)
Loading complete
Object is NIL
GetCheckBox : CheckBox is NIL
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 46745 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46749 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46753 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 46758 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46762 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46766 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46770 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46774 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 46794 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46798 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46802 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 46807 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46811 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46815 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46819 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46823 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 46843 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46847 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46851 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 46856 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46860 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46864 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46868 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46872 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 46892 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46896 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46900 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 46905 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46909 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46913 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46917 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46921 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 46941 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46945 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46949 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 46954 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46958 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46962 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46966 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46970 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 46990 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46994 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 46998 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47003 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47007 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47011 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47015 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47019 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47039 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47043 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47047 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47052 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47056 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47060 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47064 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47068 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47088 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47092 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47096 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47101 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47105 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47109 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47113 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47117 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47137 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47141 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47145 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47150 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47154 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47158 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47162 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47166 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47186 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47190 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47194 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47199 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47203 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47207 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47211 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47215 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47235 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47239 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47243 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47248 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47252 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47256 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47260 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47264 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47284 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47288 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47292 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47297 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47301 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47305 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47309 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47313 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47333 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47337 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47341 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47346 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47350 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47354 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47358 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47362 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47382 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47386 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47390 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47395 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47399 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47403 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47407 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47411 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47431 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47435 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47439 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47444 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47448 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47452 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47456 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47460 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47480 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47484 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47488 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47493 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47497 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47501 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47505 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47509 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47529 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47533 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47537 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47542 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47546 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47550 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47554 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47558 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47578 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47582 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47586 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47591 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47595 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47599 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47603 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47607 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47627 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47631 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47635 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47640 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47644 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47648 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47652 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47656 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47676 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47680 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47684 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47689 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47693 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47697 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47701 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47705 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47725 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47729 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47733 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47738 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47742 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47746 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47750 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47754 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47774 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47778 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47782 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47787 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47791 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47795 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47799 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47803 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47823 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47827 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47831 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47836 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47840 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47844 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47848 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47852 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47872 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47876 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47880 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47885 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47889 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47893 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47897 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47901 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47921 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47925 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47929 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47934 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47938 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47942 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47946 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47950 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 47970 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47974 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47978 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 47983 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47987 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47991 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47995 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 47999 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48019 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48023 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48027 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48032 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48036 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48040 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48044 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48048 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48068 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48072 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48076 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48081 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48085 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48089 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48093 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48097 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48117 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48121 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48125 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48130 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48134 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48138 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48142 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48146 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48166 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48170 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48174 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48179 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48183 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48187 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48191 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48195 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789729024
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48215 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48219 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48223 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48228 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48232 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48236 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48240 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48244 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48264 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48268 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48272 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48277 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48281 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48285 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48289 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48293 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48313 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48317 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48321 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48326 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48330 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48334 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48338 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48342 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48362 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48366 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48370 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48375 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48379 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48383 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48387 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48391 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48411 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48415 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48419 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48424 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48428 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48432 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48436 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48440 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48460 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48464 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48468 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48473 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48477 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48481 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48485 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48489 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48509 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48513 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48517 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48522 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48526 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48530 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48534 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48538 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48558 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48562 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48566 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48571 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48575 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48579 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48583 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48587 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48607 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48611 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48615 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48620 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48624 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48628 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48632 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48636 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48656 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48660 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48664 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48669 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48673 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48677 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48681 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48685 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48705 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48709 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48713 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48718 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48722 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48726 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48730 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48734 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48754 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48758 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48762 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48767 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48771 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48775 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48779 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48783 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48803 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48807 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48811 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48816 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48820 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48824 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48828 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48832 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48852 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48856 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48860 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48865 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48869 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48873 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48877 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48881 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48901 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48905 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48909 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48914 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48918 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48922 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48926 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48930 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48950 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48954 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48958 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 48963 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48967 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48971 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48975 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 48979 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 48999 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49003 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49007 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49012 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49016 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49020 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49024 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49028 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49048 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49052 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49056 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49061 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49065 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49069 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49073 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49077 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49097 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49101 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49105 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49110 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49114 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49118 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49122 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49126 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49146 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49150 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49154 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49159 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49163 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49167 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49171 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49175 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49195 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49199 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49203 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49208 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49212 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49216 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49220 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49224 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49244 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49248 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49252 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49257 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49261 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49265 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49269 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49273 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49293 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49297 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49301 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49306 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49310 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49314 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49318 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49322 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49342 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49346 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49350 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49355 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49359 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49363 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49367 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49371 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49391 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49395 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49399 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49404 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49408 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49412 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49416 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49420 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49440 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49444 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49448 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49453 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49457 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49461 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49465 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49469 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49489 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49493 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49497 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49502 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49506 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49510 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49514 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49518 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49538 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49542 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49546 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49551 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49555 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49559 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49563 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49567 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49587 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49591 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49595 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49600 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49604 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49608 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49612 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49616 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49636 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49640 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49644 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49649 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49653 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49657 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49661 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49665 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49685 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49689 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49693 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49698 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49702 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49706 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49710 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49714 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49734 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49738 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49742 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49747 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49751 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49755 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49759 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49763 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49783 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49787 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49791 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49796 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49800 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49804 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49808 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49812 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49832 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49836 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49840 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49845 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49849 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49853 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49857 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49861 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49881 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49885 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49889 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49894 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49898 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49902 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49906 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49910 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49930 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49934 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49938 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49943 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49947 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49951 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49955 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49959 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 49979 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49983 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49987 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 49992 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 49996 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50000 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50004 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50008 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50028 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50032 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50036 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50041 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50045 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50049 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50053 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50057 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50077 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50081 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50085 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50090 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50094 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50098 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50102 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50106 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50126 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50130 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50134 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50139 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50143 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50147 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50151 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50155 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50175 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50179 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50183 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50188 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50192 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50196 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50200 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50204 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50224 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50228 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50232 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50237 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50241 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50245 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50249 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50253 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50273 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50277 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50281 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50286 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50290 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50294 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50298 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50302 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50322 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50326 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50330 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50335 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50339 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50343 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50347 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50351 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50371 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50375 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50379 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50384 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50388 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50392 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50396 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50400 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50420 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50424 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50428 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50433 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50437 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50441 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50445 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50449 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50469 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50473 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50477 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50482 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50486 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50490 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50494 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50498 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50518 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50522 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50526 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50531 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50535 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50539 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50543 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50547 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50567 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50571 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50575 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50580 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50584 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50588 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50592 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50596 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50616 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50620 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50624 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50629 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50633 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50637 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50641 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50645 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50665 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50669 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50673 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50678 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50682 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50686 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50690 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50694 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50714 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50718 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50722 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50727 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50731 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50735 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50739 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50743 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50763 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50767 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50771 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50776 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50780 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50784 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50788 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50792 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50812 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50816 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50820 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50825 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50829 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50833 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50837 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50841 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50861 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50865 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50869 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50874 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50878 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50882 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50886 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50890 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50910 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50914 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50918 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50923 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50927 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50931 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50935 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50939 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 50959 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50963 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50967 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 50972 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50976 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50980 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50984 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 50988 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51008 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51012 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51016 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51021 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51025 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51029 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51033 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51037 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51057 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51061 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51065 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51070 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51074 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51078 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51082 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51086 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51106 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51110 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51114 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51119 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51123 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51127 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51131 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51135 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51155 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51159 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51163 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51168 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51172 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51176 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51180 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51184 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51204 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51208 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51212 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51217 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51221 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51225 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51229 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51233 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51253 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51257 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51261 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51266 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51270 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51274 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51278 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51282 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51302 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51306 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51310 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51315 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51319 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51323 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51327 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51331 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51351 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51355 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51359 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51364 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51368 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51372 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51376 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51380 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51400 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51404 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51408 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51413 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51417 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51421 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51425 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51429 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51449 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51453 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51457 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51462 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51466 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51470 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51474 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51478 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51498 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51502 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51506 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51511 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51515 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51519 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51523 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51527 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51547 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51551 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51555 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51560 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51564 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51568 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51572 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51576 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51596 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51600 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51604 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51609 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51613 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51617 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51621 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51625 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51645 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51649 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51653 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51658 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51662 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51666 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51670 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51674 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51694 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51698 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51702 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51707 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51711 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51715 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51719 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51723 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51743 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51747 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51751 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51756 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51760 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51764 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51768 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51772 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51792 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51796 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51800 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51805 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51809 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51813 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51817 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51821 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51841 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51845 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51849 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51854 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51858 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51862 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51866 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51870 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51890 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51894 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51898 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51903 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51907 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51911 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51915 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51919 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51939 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51943 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51947 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 51952 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51956 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51960 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51964 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51968 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 51988 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51992 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 51996 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52001 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52005 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52009 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52013 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52017 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52037 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52041 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52045 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52050 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52054 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52058 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52062 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52066 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52086 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52090 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52094 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52099 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52103 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52107 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52111 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52115 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52135 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52139 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52143 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52148 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52152 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52156 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52160 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52164 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52184 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52188 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52192 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52197 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52201 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52205 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52209 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52213 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52233 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52237 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52241 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52246 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52250 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52254 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52258 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52262 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52282 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52286 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52290 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52295 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52299 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52303 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52307 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52311 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52331 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52335 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52339 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52344 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52348 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52352 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52356 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52360 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52380 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52384 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52388 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52393 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52397 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52401 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52405 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52409 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52429 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52433 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52437 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52442 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52446 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52450 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52454 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52458 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52478 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52482 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52486 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52491 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52495 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52499 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52503 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52507 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52527 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52531 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52535 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52540 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52544 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52548 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52552 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52556 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52576 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52580 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52584 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52589 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52593 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52597 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52601 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52605 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52625 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52629 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52633 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52638 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52642 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52646 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52650 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52654 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52674 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52678 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52682 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52687 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52691 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52695 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52699 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52703 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52723 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52727 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52731 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52736 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52740 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52744 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52748 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52752 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52772 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52776 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52780 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52785 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52789 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52793 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52797 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52801 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52821 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52825 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52829 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52834 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52838 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52842 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52846 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52850 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52870 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52874 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52878 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52883 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52887 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52891 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52895 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52899 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52919 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52923 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52927 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52932 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52936 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52940 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52944 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52948 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 52968 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52972 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52976 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 52981 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52985 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52989 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52993 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 52997 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53017 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53021 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53025 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53030 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53034 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53038 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53042 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53046 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53066 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53070 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53074 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53079 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53083 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53087 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53091 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53095 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53115 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53119 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53123 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53128 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53132 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53136 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53140 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53144 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53164 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53168 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53172 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53177 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53181 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53185 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53189 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53193 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53213 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53217 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53221 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53226 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53230 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53234 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53238 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53242 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53262 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53266 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53270 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53275 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53279 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53283 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53287 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53291 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53311 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53315 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53319 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53324 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53328 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53332 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53336 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53340 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53360 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53364 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53368 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53373 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53377 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53381 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53385 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53389 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53409 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53413 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53417 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53422 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53426 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53430 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53434 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53438 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53458 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53462 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53466 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53471 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53475 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53479 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53483 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53487 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53507 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53511 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53515 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53520 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53524 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53528 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53532 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53536 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53556 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53560 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53564 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53569 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53573 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53577 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53581 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53585 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53605 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53609 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53613 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53618 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53622 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53626 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53630 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53634 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53654 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53658 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53662 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53667 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53671 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53675 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53679 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53683 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53703 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53707 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53711 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53716 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53720 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53724 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53728 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53732 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53752 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53756 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53760 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53765 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53769 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53773 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53777 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53781 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53801 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53805 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53809 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53814 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53818 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53822 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53826 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53830 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53850 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53854 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53858 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53863 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53867 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53871 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53875 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53879 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53899 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53903 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53907 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53912 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53916 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53920 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53924 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53928 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53948 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53952 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53956 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 53961 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53965 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53969 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53973 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 53977 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 53997 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54001 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54005 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54010 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54014 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54018 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54022 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54026 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54046 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54050 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54054 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54059 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54063 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54067 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54071 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54075 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54095 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54099 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54103 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54108 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54112 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54116 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54120 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54124 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54144 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54148 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54152 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54157 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54161 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54165 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54169 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54173 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54193 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54197 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54201 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54206 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54210 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54214 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54218 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54222 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54242 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54246 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54250 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54255 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54259 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54263 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54267 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54271 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54291 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54295 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54299 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54304 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54308 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54312 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54316 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54320 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54340 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54344 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54348 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54353 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54357 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54361 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54365 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54369 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54389 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54393 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54397 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54402 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54406 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54410 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54414 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54418 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54438 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54442 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54446 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54451 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54455 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54459 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54463 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54467 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54487 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54491 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54495 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54500 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54504 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54508 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54512 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54516 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54536 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54540 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54544 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54549 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54553 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54557 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54561 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54565 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54585 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54589 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54593 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54598 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54602 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54606 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54610 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54614 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54634 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54638 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54642 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54647 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54651 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54655 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54659 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54663 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54683 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54687 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54691 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54696 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54700 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54704 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54708 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54712 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54732 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54736 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54740 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54745 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54749 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54753 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54757 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54761 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54781 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54785 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54789 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54794 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54798 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54802 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54806 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54810 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54830 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54834 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54838 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54843 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54847 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54851 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54855 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54859 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54879 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54883 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54887 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54892 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54896 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54900 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54904 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54908 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54928 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54932 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54936 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54941 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54945 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54949 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54953 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54957 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 54977 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54981 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54985 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 54990 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54994 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 54998 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55002 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55006 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55026 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55030 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55034 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55039 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55043 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55047 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55051 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55055 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55075 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55079 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55083 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55088 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55092 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55096 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55100 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55104 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55124 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55128 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55132 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55137 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55141 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55145 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55149 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55153 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55173 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55177 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55181 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55186 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55190 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55194 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55198 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55202 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55222 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55226 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55230 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55235 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55239 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55243 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55247 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55251 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55271 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55275 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55279 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55284 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55288 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55292 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55296 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55300 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55320 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55324 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55328 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55333 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55337 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55341 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55345 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55349 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55369 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55373 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55377 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55382 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55386 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55390 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55394 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55398 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55418 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55422 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55426 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55431 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55435 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55439 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55443 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55447 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55467 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55471 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55475 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55480 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55484 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55488 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55492 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55496 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55516 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55520 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55524 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55529 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55533 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55537 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55541 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55545 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55565 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55569 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55573 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55578 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55582 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55586 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55590 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55594 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55614 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55618 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55622 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55627 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55631 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55635 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55639 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55643 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55663 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55667 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55671 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55676 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55680 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55684 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55688 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55692 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55712 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55716 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55720 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55725 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55729 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55733 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55737 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55741 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55761 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55765 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55769 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55774 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55778 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55782 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55786 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55790 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55810 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55814 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55818 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55823 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55827 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55831 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55835 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55839 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55859 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55863 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55867 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55872 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55876 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55880 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55884 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55888 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55908 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55912 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55916 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55921 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55925 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55929 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55933 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55937 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 55957 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55961 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55965 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 55970 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55974 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55978 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55982 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 55986 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56006 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56010 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56014 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56019 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56023 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56027 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56031 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56035 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56055 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56059 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56063 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56068 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56072 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56076 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56080 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56084 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56104 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56108 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56112 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56117 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56121 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56125 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56129 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56133 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56153 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56157 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56161 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56166 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56170 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56174 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56178 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56182 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56202 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56206 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56210 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56215 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56219 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56223 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56227 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56231 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56251 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56255 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56259 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56264 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56268 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56272 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56276 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56280 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56300 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56304 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56308 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56313 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56317 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56321 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56325 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56329 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56349 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56353 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56357 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56362 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56366 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56370 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56374 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56378 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56398 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56402 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56406 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56411 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56415 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56419 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56423 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56427 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56447 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56451 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56455 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56460 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56464 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56468 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56472 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56476 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56496 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56500 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56504 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56509 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56513 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56517 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56521 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56525 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56545 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56549 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56553 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56558 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56562 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56566 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56570 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56574 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56594 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56598 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56602 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56607 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56611 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56615 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56619 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56623 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56643 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56647 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56651 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56656 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56660 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56664 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56668 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56672 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56692 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56696 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56700 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56705 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56709 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56713 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56717 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56721 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56741 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56745 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56749 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56754 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56758 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56762 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56766 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56770 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56790 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56794 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56798 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56803 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56807 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56811 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56815 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56819 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56839 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56843 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56847 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56852 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56856 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56860 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56864 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56868 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56888 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56892 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56896 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56901 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56905 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56909 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56913 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56917 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56937 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56941 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56945 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56950 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56954 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56958 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56962 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56966 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 56986 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56990 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 56994 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 56999 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57003 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57007 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57011 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57015 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57035 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57039 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57043 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57048 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57052 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57056 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57060 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57064 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57084 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57088 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57092 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57097 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57101 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57105 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57109 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57113 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57133 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57137 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57141 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57146 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57150 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57154 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57158 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57162 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57182 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57186 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57190 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57195 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57199 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57203 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57207 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57211 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57231 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57235 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57239 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57244 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57248 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57252 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57256 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57260 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57280 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57284 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57288 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57293 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57297 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57301 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57305 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57309 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57329 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57333 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57337 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57342 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57346 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57350 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57354 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57358 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57378 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57382 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57386 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57391 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57395 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57399 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57403 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57407 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57427 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57431 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57435 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57440 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57444 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57448 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57452 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57456 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57476 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57480 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57484 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57489 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57493 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57497 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57501 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57505 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57525 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57529 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57533 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57538 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57542 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57546 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57550 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57554 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57574 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57578 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57582 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57587 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57591 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57595 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57599 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57603 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57623 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57627 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57631 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57636 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57640 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57644 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57648 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57652 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57672 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57676 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57680 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57685 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57689 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57693 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57697 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57701 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57721 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57725 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57729 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57734 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57738 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57742 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57746 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57750 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57770 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57774 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57778 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57783 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57787 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57791 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57795 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57799 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57819 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57823 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57827 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57832 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57836 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57840 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57844 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57848 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57868 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57872 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57876 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57881 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57885 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57889 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57893 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57897 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57917 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57921 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57925 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57930 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57934 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57938 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57942 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57946 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 57966 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57970 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57974 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 57979 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57983 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57987 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57991 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 57995 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58015 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58019 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58023 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58028 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58032 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58036 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58040 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58044 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58064 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58068 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58072 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58077 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58081 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58085 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58089 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58093 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58113 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58117 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58121 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58126 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58130 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58134 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58138 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58142 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58162 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58166 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58170 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58175 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58179 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58183 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58187 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58191 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58211 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58215 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58219 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58224 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58228 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58232 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58236 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58240 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58260 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58264 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58268 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58273 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58277 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58281 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58285 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58289 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58309 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58313 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58317 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58322 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58326 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58330 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58334 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58338 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58358 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58362 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58366 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58371 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58375 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58379 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58383 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58387 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58407 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58411 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58415 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58420 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58424 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58428 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58432 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58436 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58456 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58460 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58464 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58469 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58473 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58477 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58481 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58485 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58505 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58509 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58513 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58518 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58522 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58526 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58530 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58534 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58554 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58558 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58562 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58567 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58571 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58575 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58579 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58583 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58603 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58607 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58611 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58616 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58620 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58624 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58628 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58632 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58652 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58656 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58660 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58665 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58669 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58673 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58677 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58681 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58701 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58705 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58709 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58714 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58718 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58722 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58726 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58730 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58750 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58754 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58758 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58763 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58767 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58771 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58775 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58779 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58799 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58803 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58807 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58812 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58816 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58820 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58824 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58828 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58848 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58852 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58856 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58861 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58865 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58869 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58873 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58877 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58897 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58901 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58905 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58910 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58914 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58918 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58922 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58926 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58946 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58950 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58954 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 58959 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58963 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58967 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58971 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58975 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 58995 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 58999 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59003 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59008 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59012 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59016 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59020 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59024 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59044 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59048 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59052 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59057 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59061 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59065 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59069 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59073 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59093 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59097 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59101 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59106 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59110 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59114 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59118 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59122 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59142 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59146 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59150 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59155 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59159 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59163 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59167 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59171 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59191 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59195 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59199 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59204 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59208 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59212 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59216 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59220 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59240 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59244 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59248 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59253 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59257 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59261 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59265 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59269 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59289 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59293 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59297 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59302 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59306 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59310 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59314 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59318 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59338 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59342 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59346 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59351 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59355 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59359 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59363 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59367 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59387 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59391 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59395 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59400 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59404 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59408 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59412 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59416 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59436 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59440 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59444 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59449 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59453 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59457 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59461 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59465 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59485 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59489 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59493 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59498 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59502 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59506 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59510 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59514 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59534 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59538 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59542 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59547 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59551 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59555 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59559 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59563 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59583 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59587 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59591 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59596 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59600 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59604 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59608 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59612 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59632 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59636 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59640 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59645 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59649 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59653 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59657 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59661 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59681 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59685 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59689 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59694 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59698 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59702 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59706 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59710 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59730 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59734 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59738 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59743 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59747 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59751 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59755 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59759 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59779 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59783 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59787 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59792 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59796 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59800 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59804 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59808 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59828 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59832 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59836 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59841 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59845 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59849 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59853 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59857 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59877 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59881 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59885 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59890 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59894 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59898 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59902 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59906 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59926 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59930 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59934 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59939 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59943 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59947 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59951 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59955 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 59975 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59979 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59983 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 59988 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59992 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 59996 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60000 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60004 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60024 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60028 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60032 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60037 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60041 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60045 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60049 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60053 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789728640
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60073 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60077 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60081 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60086 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60090 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60094 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60098 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60102 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60122 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60126 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60130 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60135 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60139 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60143 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60147 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60151 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789728256
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60171 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60175 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60179 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60184 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60188 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60192 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60196 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60200 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60220 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60224 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60228 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60233 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60237 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60241 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60245 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60249 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789730176
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60269 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60273 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60277 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60282 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60286 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60290 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60294 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60298 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60318 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60322 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60326 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60331 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60335 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60339 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60343 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60347 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60367 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60371 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60375 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60380 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60384 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60388 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60392 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60396 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60416 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60420 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60424 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60429 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60433 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60437 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60441 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60445 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60465 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60469 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60473 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60478 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60482 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60486 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60490 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60494 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60514 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60518 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60522 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60527 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60531 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60535 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60539 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60543 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60563 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60567 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60571 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60576 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60580 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60584 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60588 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60592 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60612 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60616 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60620 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60625 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60629 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60633 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60637 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60641 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60661 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60665 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60669 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60674 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60678 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60682 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60686 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60690 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60710 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60714 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60718 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60723 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60727 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60731 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60735 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60739 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60759 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60763 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60767 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60772 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60776 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60780 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60784 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60788 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60808 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60812 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60816 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60821 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60825 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60829 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60833 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60837 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60857 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60861 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60865 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60870 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60874 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60878 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60882 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60886 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60906 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60910 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60914 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60919 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60923 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60927 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60931 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60935 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 60955 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60959 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60963 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 60968 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60972 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60976 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60980 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 60984 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61004 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61008 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61012 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61017 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61021 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61025 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61029 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61033 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61053 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61057 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61061 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61066 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61070 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61074 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61078 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61082 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61102 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61106 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61110 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61115 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61119 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61123 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61127 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61131 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61151 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61155 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61159 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61164 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61168 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61172 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61176 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61180 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61200 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61204 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61208 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61213 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61217 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61221 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61225 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61229 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61249 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61253 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61257 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61262 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61266 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61270 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61274 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61278 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61298 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61302 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61306 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61311 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61315 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61319 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61323 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61327 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61347 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61351 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61355 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61360 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61364 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61368 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61372 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61376 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61396 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61400 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61404 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61409 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61413 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61417 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61421 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61425 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789734016
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61445 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61449 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61453 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61458 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61462 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61466 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61470 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61474 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61494 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61498 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61502 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61507 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61511 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61515 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61519 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61523 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61543 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61547 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61551 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61556 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61560 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61564 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61568 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61572 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61592 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61596 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61600 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61605 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61609 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61613 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61617 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61621 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61641 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61645 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61649 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61654 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61658 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61662 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61666 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61670 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61690 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61694 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61698 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61703 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61707 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61711 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61715 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61719 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61739 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61743 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61747 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61752 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61756 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61760 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61764 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61768 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61788 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61792 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61796 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61801 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61805 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61809 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61813 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61817 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61837 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61841 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61845 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61850 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61854 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61858 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61862 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61866 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61886 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61890 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61894 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61899 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61903 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61907 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61911 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61915 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61935 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61939 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61943 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61948 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61952 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61956 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61960 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61964 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 61984 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61988 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 61992 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 61997 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62001 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62005 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62009 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62013 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62033 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62037 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62041 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62046 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62050 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62054 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62058 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62062 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62082 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62086 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62090 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62095 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62099 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62103 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62107 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62111 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62131 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62135 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62139 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62144 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62148 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62152 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62156 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62160 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62180 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62184 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62188 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62193 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62197 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62201 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62205 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62209 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62229 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62233 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62237 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62242 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62246 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62250 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62254 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62258 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62278 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62282 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62286 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62291 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62295 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62299 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62303 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62307 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789734016
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62327 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62331 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62335 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62340 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62344 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62348 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62352 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62356 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62376 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62380 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62384 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62389 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62393 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62397 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62401 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62405 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789727872
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62425 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62429 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62433 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62438 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62442 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62446 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62450 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62454 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62474 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62478 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62482 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62487 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62491 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62495 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62499 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62503 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789733248
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62523 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62527 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62531 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62536 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62540 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62544 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62548 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62552 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62572 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62576 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62580 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62585 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62589 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62593 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62597 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62601 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62621 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62625 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62629 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62634 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62638 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62642 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62646 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62650 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62670 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62674 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62678 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62683 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62687 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62691 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62695 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62699 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62719 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62723 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62727 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62732 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62736 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62740 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62744 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62748 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62768 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62772 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62776 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62781 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62785 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62789 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62793 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62797 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62817 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62821 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62825 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62830 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62834 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62838 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62842 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62846 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62866 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62870 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62874 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62879 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62883 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62887 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62891 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62895 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62915 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62919 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62923 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62928 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62932 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62936 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62940 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62944 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 62964 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62968 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62972 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 62977 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62981 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62985 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62989 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 62993 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63013 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63017 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63021 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63026 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63030 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63034 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63038 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63042 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63062 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63066 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63070 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63075 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63079 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63083 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63087 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63091 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63111 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63115 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63119 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63124 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63128 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63132 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63136 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63140 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63160 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63164 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63168 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63173 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63177 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63181 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63185 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63189 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63209 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63213 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63217 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63222 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63226 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63230 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63234 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63238 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63258 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63262 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63266 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63271 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63275 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63279 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63283 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63287 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63307 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63311 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63315 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63320 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63324 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63328 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63332 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63336 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63356 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63360 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63364 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63369 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63373 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63377 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63381 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63385 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63405 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63409 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63413 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63418 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63422 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63426 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63430 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63434 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63454 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63458 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63462 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63467 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63471 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63475 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63479 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63483 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789728448
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63503 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63507 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63511 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63516 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63520 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63524 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63528 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63532 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63552 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63556 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63560 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63565 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63569 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63573 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63577 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63581 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63601 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63605 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63609 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63614 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63618 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63622 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63626 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63630 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63650 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63654 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63658 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63663 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63667 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63671 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63675 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63679 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63699 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63703 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63707 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63712 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63716 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63720 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63724 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63728 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63748 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63752 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63756 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63761 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63765 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63769 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63773 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63777 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63797 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63801 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63805 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63810 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63814 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63818 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63822 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63826 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63846 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63850 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63854 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63859 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63863 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63867 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63871 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63875 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63895 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63899 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63903 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63908 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63912 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63916 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63920 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63924 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63944 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63948 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63952 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 63957 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63961 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63965 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63969 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63973 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 63993 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 63997 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64001 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64006 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64010 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64014 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64018 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64022 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64042 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64046 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64050 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64055 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64059 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64063 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64067 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64071 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64091 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64095 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64099 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64104 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64108 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64112 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64116 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64120 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64140 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64144 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64148 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64153 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64157 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64161 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64165 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64169 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64189 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64193 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64197 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64202 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64206 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64210 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64214 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64218 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64238 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64242 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64246 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64251 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64255 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64259 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64263 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64267 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64287 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64291 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64295 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64300 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64304 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64308 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64312 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64316 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64336 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64340 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64344 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64349 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64353 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64357 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64361 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64365 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64385 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64389 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64393 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64398 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64402 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64406 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64410 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64414 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64434 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64438 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64442 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64447 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64451 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64455 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64459 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64463 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64483 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64487 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64491 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64496 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64500 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64504 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64508 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64512 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64532 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64536 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64540 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64545 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64549 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64553 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64557 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64561 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64581 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64585 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64589 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64594 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64598 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64602 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64606 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64610 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64630 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64634 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64638 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64643 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64647 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64651 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64655 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64659 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64679 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64683 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64687 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64692 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64696 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64700 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64704 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64708 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64728 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64732 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64736 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64741 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64745 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64749 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64753 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64757 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64777 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64781 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64785 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64790 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64794 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64798 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64802 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64806 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64826 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64830 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64834 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64839 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64843 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64847 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64851 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64855 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64875 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64879 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64883 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64888 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64892 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64896 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64900 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64904 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64924 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64928 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64932 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64937 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64941 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64945 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64949 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64953 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 64973 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64977 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64981 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 64986 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64990 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64994 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 64998 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65002 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65022 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65026 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65030 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65035 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65039 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65043 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65047 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65051 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65071 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65075 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65079 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65084 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65088 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65092 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65096 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65100 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65120 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65124 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65128 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65133 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65137 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65141 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65145 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65149 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65169 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65173 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65177 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65182 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65186 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65190 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65194 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65198 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65218 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65222 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65226 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65231 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65235 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65239 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65243 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65247 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65267 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65271 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65275 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65280 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65284 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65288 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65292 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65296 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65316 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65320 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65324 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65329 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65333 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65337 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65341 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65345 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65365 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65369 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65373 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65378 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65382 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65386 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65390 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65394 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65414 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65418 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65422 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65427 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65431 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65435 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65439 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65443 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65463 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65467 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65471 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65476 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65480 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65484 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65488 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65492 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65512 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65516 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65520 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65525 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65529 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65533 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65537 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65541 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65561 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65565 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65569 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65574 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65578 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65582 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65586 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65590 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65610 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65614 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65618 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65623 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65627 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65631 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65635 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65639 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65659 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65663 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65667 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65672 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65676 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65680 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65684 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65688 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65708 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65712 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65716 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65721 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65725 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65729 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65733 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65737 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65757 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65761 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65765 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65770 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65774 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65778 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65782 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65786 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65806 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65810 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65814 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65819 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65823 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65827 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65831 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65835 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65855 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65859 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65863 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65868 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65872 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65876 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65880 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65884 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65904 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65908 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65912 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65917 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65921 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65925 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65929 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65933 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 65953 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65957 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65961 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 65966 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65970 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65974 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65978 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 65982 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66002 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66006 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66010 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66015 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66019 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66023 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66027 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66031 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66051 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66055 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66059 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66064 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66068 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66072 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66076 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66080 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66100 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66104 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66108 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66113 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66117 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66121 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66125 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66129 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66149 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66153 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66157 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66162 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66166 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66170 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66174 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66178 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66198 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66202 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66206 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66211 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66215 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66219 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66223 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66227 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66247 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66251 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66255 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66260 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66264 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66268 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66272 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66276 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66296 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66300 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66304 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66309 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66313 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66317 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66321 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66325 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66345 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66349 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66353 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66358 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66362 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66366 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66370 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66374 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66394 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66398 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66402 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66407 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66411 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66415 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66419 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66423 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66443 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66447 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66451 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66456 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66460 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66464 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66468 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66472 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66492 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66496 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66500 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66505 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66509 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66513 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66517 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66521 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66541 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66545 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66549 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66554 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66558 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66562 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66566 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66570 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66590 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66594 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66598 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66603 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66607 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66611 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66615 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66619 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66639 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66643 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66647 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66652 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66656 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66660 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66664 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66668 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66688 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66692 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66696 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66701 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66705 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66709 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66713 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66717 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66737 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66741 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66745 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66750 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66754 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66758 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66762 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66766 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66786 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66790 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66794 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66799 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66803 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66807 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66811 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66815 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66835 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66839 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66843 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66848 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66852 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66856 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66860 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66864 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66884 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66888 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66892 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66897 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66901 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66905 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66909 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66913 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66933 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66937 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66941 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66946 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66950 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66954 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66958 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66962 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 66982 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66986 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66990 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 66995 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 66999 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67003 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67007 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67011 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67031 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67035 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67039 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67044 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67048 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67052 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67056 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67060 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67080 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67084 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67088 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67093 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67097 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67101 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67105 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67109 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67129 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67133 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67137 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67142 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67146 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67150 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67154 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67158 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67178 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67182 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67186 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67191 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67195 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67199 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67203 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67207 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67227 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67231 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67235 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67240 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67244 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67248 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67252 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67256 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67276 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67280 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67284 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67289 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67293 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67297 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67301 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67305 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789734784
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67325 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67329 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67333 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67338 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67342 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67346 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67350 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67354 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67374 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67378 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67382 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67387 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67391 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67395 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67399 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67403 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789731136
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67423 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67427 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67431 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67436 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67440 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67444 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67448 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67452 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67472 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67476 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67480 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67485 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67489 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67493 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67497 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67501 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67521 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67525 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67529 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67534 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67538 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67542 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67546 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67550 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67570 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67574 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67578 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67583 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67587 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67591 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67595 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67599 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67619 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67623 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67627 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67632 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67636 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67640 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67644 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67648 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67668 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67672 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67676 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67681 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67685 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67689 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67693 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67697 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67717 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67721 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67725 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67730 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67734 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67738 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67742 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67746 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67766 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67770 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67774 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67779 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67783 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67787 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67791 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67795 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67815 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67819 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67823 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67828 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67832 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67836 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67840 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67844 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67864 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67868 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67872 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67877 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67881 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67885 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67889 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67893 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67913 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67917 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67921 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67926 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67930 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67934 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67938 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67942 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 67962 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67966 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67970 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 67975 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67979 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67983 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67987 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 67991 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68011 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68015 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68019 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68024 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68028 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68032 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68036 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68040 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68060 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68064 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68068 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68073 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68077 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68081 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68085 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68089 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68109 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68113 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68117 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68122 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68126 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68130 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68134 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68138 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68158 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68162 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68166 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68171 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68175 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68179 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68183 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68187 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68207 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68211 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68215 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68220 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68224 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68228 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68232 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68236 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68256 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68260 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68264 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68269 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68273 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68277 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68281 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68285 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68305 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68309 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68313 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68318 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68322 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68326 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68330 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68334 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68354 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68358 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68362 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68367 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68371 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68375 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68379 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68383 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68403 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68407 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68411 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68416 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68420 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68424 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68428 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68432 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68452 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68456 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68460 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68465 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68469 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68473 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68477 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68481 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68501 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68505 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68509 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68514 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68518 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68522 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68526 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68530 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68550 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68554 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68558 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68563 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68567 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68571 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68575 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68579 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68599 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68603 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68607 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68612 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68616 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68620 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68624 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68628 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68648 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68652 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68656 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68661 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68665 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68669 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68673 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68677 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68697 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68701 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68705 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68710 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68714 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68718 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68722 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68726 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68746 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68750 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68754 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68759 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68763 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68767 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68771 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68775 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789727680
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68795 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68799 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68803 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68808 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68812 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68816 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68820 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68824 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68844 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68848 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68852 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68857 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68861 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68865 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68869 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68873 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68893 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68897 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68901 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68906 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68910 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68914 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68918 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68922 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68942 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68946 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68950 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 68955 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68959 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68963 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68967 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68971 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 68991 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68995 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 68999 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69004 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69008 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69012 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69016 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69020 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69040 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69044 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69048 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69053 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69057 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69061 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69065 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69069 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69089 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69093 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69097 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69102 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69106 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69110 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69114 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69118 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69138 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69142 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69146 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69151 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69155 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69159 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69163 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69167 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69187 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69191 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69195 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69200 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69204 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69208 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69212 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69216 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69236 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69240 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69244 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69249 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69253 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69257 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69261 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69265 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69285 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69289 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69293 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69298 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69302 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69306 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69310 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69314 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69334 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69338 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69342 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69347 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69351 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69355 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69359 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69363 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69383 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69387 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69391 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69396 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69400 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69404 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69408 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69412 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69432 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69436 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69440 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69445 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69449 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69453 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69457 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69461 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69481 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69485 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69489 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69494 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69498 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69502 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69506 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69510 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69530 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69534 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69538 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69543 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69547 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69551 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69555 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69559 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69579 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69583 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69587 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69592 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69596 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69600 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69604 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69608 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69628 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69632 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69636 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69641 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69645 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69649 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69653 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69657 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69677 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69681 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69685 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69690 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69694 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69698 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69702 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69706 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69726 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69730 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69734 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69739 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69743 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69747 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69751 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69755 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69775 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69779 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69783 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69788 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69792 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69796 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69800 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69804 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69824 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69828 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69832 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69837 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69841 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69845 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69849 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69853 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789732864
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69873 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69877 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69881 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69886 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69890 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69894 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69898 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69902 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69922 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69926 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69930 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69935 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69939 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69943 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69947 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69951 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789729600
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 69971 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69975 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69979 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 69984 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69988 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69992 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 69996 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70000 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70020 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70024 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70028 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70033 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70037 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70041 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70045 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70049 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789729024
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70069 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70073 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70077 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70082 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70086 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70090 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70094 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70098 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70118 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70122 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70126 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70131 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70135 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70139 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70143 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70147 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789729408
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70167 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70171 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70175 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70180 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70184 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70188 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70192 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70196 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70216 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70220 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70224 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70229 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70233 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70237 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70241 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70245 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789730368
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70265 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70269 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70273 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70278 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70282 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70286 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70290 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70294 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70314 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70318 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70322 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70327 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70331 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70335 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70339 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70343 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70363 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70367 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70371 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70376 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70380 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70384 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70388 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70392 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70412 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70416 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70420 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70425 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70429 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70433 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70437 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70441 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789735168
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70461 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70465 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70469 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70474 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70478 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70482 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70486 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70490 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70510 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70514 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70518 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70523 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70527 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70531 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70535 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70539 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789734016
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70559 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70563 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70567 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70572 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70576 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70580 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70584 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70588 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70608 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70612 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70616 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70621 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70625 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70629 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70633 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70637 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789733632
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70657 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70661 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70665 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70670 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70674 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70678 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70682 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70686 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70706 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70710 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70714 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70719 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70723 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70727 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70731 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70735 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789729408
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70755 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70759 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70763 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70768 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70772 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70776 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70780 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70784 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70804 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70808 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70812 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70817 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70821 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70825 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70829 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70833 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789729792
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70853 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70857 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70861 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70866 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70870 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70874 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70878 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70882 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70902 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70906 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70910 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70915 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70919 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70923 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70927 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70931 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789732864
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 70951 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70955 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70959 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 70964 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70968 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70972 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70976 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 70980 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71000 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71004 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71008 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71013 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71017 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71021 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71025 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71029 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71049 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71053 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71057 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71062 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71066 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71070 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71074 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71078 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71098 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71102 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71106 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71111 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71115 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71119 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71123 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71127 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789734016
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71147 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71151 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71155 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71160 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71164 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71168 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71172 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71176 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71196 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71200 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71204 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71209 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71213 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71217 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71221 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71225 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789728064
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71245 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71249 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71253 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71258 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71262 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71266 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71270 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71274 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71294 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71298 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71302 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71307 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71311 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71315 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71319 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71323 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789735360
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71343 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71347 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71351 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71356 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71360 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71364 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71368 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71372 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71392 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71396 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71400 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71405 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71409 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71413 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71417 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71421 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71441 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71445 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71449 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71454 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71458 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71462 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71466 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71470 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71490 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71494 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71498 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71503 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71507 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71511 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71515 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71519 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71539 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71543 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71547 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71552 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71556 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71560 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71564 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71568 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71588 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71592 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71596 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71601 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71605 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71609 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71613 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71617 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789733440
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71637 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71641 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71645 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71650 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71654 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71658 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71662 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71666 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71686 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71690 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71694 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71699 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71703 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71707 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71711 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71715 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789733440
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71735 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71739 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71743 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71748 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71752 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71756 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71760 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71764 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71784 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71788 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71792 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71797 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71801 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71805 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71809 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71813 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71833 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71837 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71841 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71846 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71850 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71854 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71858 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71862 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71882 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71886 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71890 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71895 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71899 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71903 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71907 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71911 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789733248
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71931 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71935 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71939 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71944 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71948 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71952 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71956 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71960 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 71980 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71984 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71988 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 71993 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 71997 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72001 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72005 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72009 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789733248
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 72029 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72033 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72037 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 72042 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72046 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72050 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72054 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72058 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 72078 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72082 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72086 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 72091 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72095 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72099 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72103 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72107 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 72127 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72131 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72135 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 72140 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72144 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72148 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72152 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72156 bytes)
Loading complete
Connection from
C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg
Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ...
var p : Conn
fun _connected : fun [] I
fun _closed : fun [] I
fun __getpack : fun [] I
fun __version : fun [I] I
fun __nextpack : fun [] I
fun __next : fun [] I
fun __skip : fun [] I
fun __downl : fun [] I
Generating bytecodes for '_connected'...
20 bytes generated (for a total of 72176 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '_closed'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72180 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72184 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__version'...
5 bytes generated (for a total of 72189 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72193 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__next'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72197 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__skip'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72201 bytes)
Generating bytecodes for '__downl'...
4 bytes generated (for a total of 72205 bytes)
Loading complete
Error #1 on socket #-1789729408
maybe calling all those _DRAWpoly24 commands is too much for my ten year old laptop gpu? ill try it on newer desktop gpu later today...
arkeon wrote:Hello,
_load"os3dlib/tools.pkg" _load "hexallinone/hexallinone1.pkg" _load "hexallinone/hexallinone2.pkg"
package hexallinone2 should be able to access hexallinone1 functions and variables
you can also define the functions you need using "proto"thanks...I tried that but the last file was having problems reading a function from the previous files...I must have messed up doing something with proto code.
I've encountered another problem...I have put in code to restrict the number of columns of hexes drawn into the bitmap with the _DRAWpoly24 command...when I make the hexagon size small, and add a bunch of columns (since more fit on the bitmap), whether or not I surpass the column limit, the vm crashes without throwing an error in the log for the .scol file...the supervisor .log file shows this error:Error #1 on socket #-1789729408
here is the revised .pkg file:
//GLOBAL VARIABLES FOR OLD UI, GET RID OF THESE WHEN I RETOOL TO BUILD UI WITH STRUCT typeof appinterface = Bitmapinterface;; // nested table syntax typeof Globalgrid = tab [I tab [S tab F]];; proto mygetcoordinates = fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I];; proto makestartvectable = fun [I I S [I I I]] I;; proto hex_to_pixel = fun [Hex] [I I];; proto initializevectortable = fun [tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate I] Vectortable;; proto fillvectortable = fun [[I I I] I Vectortable S I] Vectortable;; proto mypolygonmain = fun[Hexgrid] I;; proto test_point_table = fun [Mypolygon] Mypolygon;; proto makehexgrid = fun [Bitmapinterface I I I S [I I I]] Hexgrid;; proto createinterface = fun [] I;; proto see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap = fun[Hexgrid [F F][I I] F ] Mypolygon;; proto hex_make_row_of_polygons = fun [Bitmapinterface Hexgrid Mypolygontable I] tab Mypolygon;; proto drawpolygoncolumn = fun[Bitmapinterface tab Mypolygon ObjBitmap] ObjBitmap;; proto drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit = fun[Bitmapinterface Mypolygontable] I;; proto initpolygon = fun [Hexgrid I [F F] F S F] Mypolygon;; proto trianglemakepoints =fun [Mypolygon] tab Point ;; //HEXGRID STRUCTS //vertex object with qrs coordinates struct QRSCoordinate=[ posq: I, posr: I, poss: I, getcoordinates: fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I] ]mkQRSCoordinate;; struct Hex= [ hexcenter: QRSCoordinate, hexheight: I, structradiustopoint: F, fungethexcenter: fun [Hex] [I I I], funprinthex: fun [Hex] S, funhextopixel: fun [Hex] [F F], hex_xy: [F F] ]mkHex;; struct Vectortable=[ vectortable: tab QRSCoordinate, rows: I, start: S, startvec: QRSCoordinate ] mkVectortable;; struct Hexgrid =[ structHexgrid_interface: Bitmapinterface, hextable: tab tab Hex,// each element of the hexgrid table has a table of hexes (which is a column in the hex grid) hexgridrows: I, columns: I, hexsize: I, structHexgrid_fun_total_width_height: fun [Hexgrid] [I I], structhexgrid_vectortable: Vectortable ]mkHexgrid;; //POLYGONTABLE STRUCTS, ONCE WE HAVE HEXAGONS WITH XY COORDINATES, TURN THEM INTO POLYGONS THAT CAN BE DRAWN INTO A BITMAP struct Point =[ x: F, y: F, fungetvalues: fun [Point] [F F] ///function to return x and y properties of Point ] mkPoint;; struct Mypolygon =[ structtextobject: ObjText, numsides: I, center: [F F], //center of polygon sidelength: F, height: F, points: tab Point, //table of point objects in polygon funmakepoints: fun [Mypolygon] tab Point, funmakedrawpointtable: fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I], strucdrawpointstable: tab [I I], //function to create table of points to put in points table hextype : S,//for hexes, if "flat" then flat top, if "pointy" then pointy top structpolygonhexheight: F //hexheight is vertical radius if flat and norizontal radius if pointy ] mkMypolygon;;//this is each individual shape that will fit into the shapetable struct Mypolygontable = [ Mypolygontable_rows: I, Mypolygontable_columns: I, polygontable: tab tab Mypolygon, originpoint: [I I], //this will set the origin of the table at x 0 y height of the parent bitmap. "up" in y will be negative as y increases as you go to the bottom of the screen totalsize: [F F], funcalctotalsize: fun [Mypolygontable] [F F], parentbitmap: ObjBitmap ] mkMypolygontable;; //INTERFACE STRUCT struct Bitmapinterface =[ Bitmapinterface_mainwindow: ObjWin, Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow: ObjWin, Bitmapinterface_controlwindow: ObjWin, Bitmapinterface_bitmap: ObjBitmap, Bitmapinterface_hexgrid: Hexgrid, Bitmapinterface_polygontable: Mypolygontable, Bitmapinterface_currentrows: I, Bitmapinterface_currentcolumns: I, Bitmapinterface_currenthex_size: I, Bitmapinterface_polygontables: [Mypolygontable r1] ] mkBitmapinterface;; fun end (window, interface)= _DSbitmap interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap; _DSwindow interface.Bitmapinterface_mainwindow; _DSwindow interface.Bitmapinterface_controlwindow; _DSwindow interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow; set interface = nil; _closemachine; 0;; fun paint (win, interfacestruct)= _BLTbitmap win appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0 0; _PAINTwindow win; 0;; //function below: fun [Vectortable] returns I ; utility to make sure vector table is correct, this is a table of QRSCoordinate objects that forms row 0 of every column in a rectangular array of hexes fun print_full_startvector_table_contents (startvectortable)= //_fooS "the Vectortable object is complete, reading out full contents of Vectortable.vectortable which is in the format of tab QRSCoordinate"; let sizetab startvectortable ->table_total in let 0-> counter in ( while (counter< table_total) do ( let startvectortable.counter-> qrsobject in let mygetcoordinates qrsobject -> [q r s] in ( 0; ); set counter = counter+1; ); ); 0;; //function below: fun [QRSCoordinate] returns [I I I] fun mygetcoordinates(qrs)= let qrs.posq-> q in let qrs.posr-> r in let qrs.poss-> s in [q r s];; //function below: fun [Hex] returns [I I I], function to get I I I qrs coordinates from a hex fun getmyhexcoordinates (hex) = let hex.hexcenter -> qrs_center in mygetcoordinates qrs_center;; //this function takes hex and returns [q r s] for qrs object in its center //utility function below: fun [Hex] returns S, utility to verify hex is at right place fun myprinthex (hex)= let exec hex.fungethexcenter with [hex] -> [q r s] in let hex. hex_xy -> [x y] in let strcatn "this hex q center is at: ":: (itoa q)::" it's r center is at: ":: (itoa r):: " and its s center is at: "::(itoa s)::"\n"::" the converted hex x coordinate is: ":: (ftoa x)::"\n"::" and the converted hex y coordinate is:" :: (ftoa y)::"\n":: " and the hex's radius to a point is: ":: (ftoa hex.structradiustopoint):: nil -> string in ( string);; //utility funntion below takes tab Hex and calls printhex for every hex in the column fun printcolumn (column_number, total_columns, columnobject)= let sizetab columnobject -> size in let 0 -> counter in while (counter< size) do ( let columnobject.counter -> hex in //_fooS strcatn "this hex is in column number: ":: (itoa column_number):: " and this is hex in row number: " :: (itoa counter):: " and and the information for this hex is: " :: (myprinthex hex)::nil; set counter = counter +1; );; // fun [Hex] [F F] converts a Hex object's qrs coordinates to float x y coordinates fun myhextopixel(hex)= let getmyhexcoordinates hex -> [q r s] in let hex.structradiustopoint -> float_final_size in let float_final_size *. (3.0 /. 2.0) *. (itof q) -> xfloat in let (float_final_size *. (sqrt 3.0) *. (itof q) /. (2.0)) +. ( float_final_size *. (sqrt 3.0) *. (itof r)) -> yfloat in let yfloat *. (-.1.0)-> yfloat in //change depending on whether y is 0 at top or bottom of eventual bitmap [xfloat yfloat];; // fun [I I I] returns QRSCoordinate fun makeQRS(q, r, s)= let mkQRSCoordinate [q r s nil]-> qrs in ( set qrs.getcoordinates=@mygetcoordinates; qrs);; // fun [QRSCoordinate I] returns Hex note: size is radius to the flat side of a hex, not to a point, we convert size to a radius to a point since we need radius to a point for all important calculations fun makeHex(qrs, size)= let (((itof size) *. 2.0) *. sqrt (3.0)) /. 3.0 -> radiustopoint in let mkHex [qrs size radiustopoint @getmyhexcoordinates @myprinthex @myhextopixel nil ] -> hex in //create xy coordinates of x and load into hexobject let exec hex.funhextopixel with [hex] -> [x y] in ( set hex.hex_xy = [x y]; hex);; // fun [[I I I] S I] returns [I I I] fun addvec_with_direction (inputvector, direction)= //this function takes a vector and direction and returns a new vector object,the result depending on the the direction this package has already loaded the os3d tools.pkg so it can use functions from it if ((strcmp direction "northeast") ==0) then ( let [1 (-1) 0] -> directional_vector in let addVector inputvector directional_vector -> outputvector in let outputvector -> [q r s] in ( outputvector; ); ) else if ((strcmp direction "southeast") ==0) then ( let [1 0 (-1)] -> directional_vector in let addVector inputvector directional_vector -> outputvector in let outputvector -> [q r s] in ( outputvector; ); ) else if ((strcmp direction "north") ==0) then ( let [0 (-1) 1] -> directional_vector in let addVector inputvector directional_vector -> outputvector in let outputvector -> [q r s] in ( let q+r+s -> result in if (result == 0) then //console_print lastcsl"no error" else //console_print lastcsl"error!!"; outputvector; ); ) else ( _fooS "INPUT QRS COORDINATES ERROR!"; nil );; // fun =[Bitmapinterface Hexgrid Hex r1 I I QRSCoordinate I I ] returns tab Hex. this function creates a rectangular grid of hexes with several settable parameters, but the grid will always be a rectangle fun make_column ( interface, hexgrid, hexlist, currentcolumn_number, currentrow_number, inputqrs, total_rows, hexsize)= //fun [ Hexgrid hex r1 I I QRSCoordinate, I I ] returns tab Hex if (currentrow_number<total_rows) then //we are not finished with the colum, take inputvec, make a hex, add it to hexlist. when we are done with the hexlist and the column we will turn it from Hex r1 to tab Hex ( let exec inputqrs.getcoordinates with [inputqrs] -> inputvec in let inputvec -> [inputq inputr inputs] in let makeHex inputqrs hexsize-> hex in let lcat hexlist hex::nil -> hexlist in let exec inputqrs.getcoordinates with [inputqrs] -> inputvec in let addvec_with_direction inputvec "north" -> newvec in let newvec -> [q r s] in let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in ( //_fooS myprinthex hex; set currentrow_number=currentrow_number+1; //we are not done with column so recursively call function and in that we this branch of if then else doesn't return anything make_column interface hexgrid hexlist currentcolumn_number currentrow_number newqrs total_rows hexsize; ); ) else //we are done with the column, turn the list into a table, and put it in the currentcolumn_number of the Global_hextable ( let sizelist hexlist -> size in let listtotab hexlist -> thisfunctionhextable in let sizetab thisfunctionhextable -> tablesize in let sizetab hexgrid.hextable.currentcolumn_number -> sizable2 in thisfunctionhextable; );; // fun [[I I I] I Vectortable S I] returns Vectortable,m given a start qrs coordinate, [I I] generate a table of QRSCoordinate objects of arbitrary size and lenght, with either evens higher or odds higher fun fillvectortable (vector, hexsize, qrstable , startstate, rownumber)= //fun [I I I] I Vectortable S I RETURN: Vectortable if (rownumber ==0) then ( if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then ( //since evens are up we go southeast to element 1, which is odd //go southeast, and feed in vector of this item to form next item //we want to make vector for first odd number to feed into function let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" -> newvector in ( set rownumber = rownumber+1; fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber; ); ) else //state is "odds up", we go northeast to element 1, which is odd ( let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" -> newvector in ( set rownumber = rownumber+1; fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber; ); //go northeast and feed in vector of this item to form next item //we want to make vector for first odd number to feed into function ); ) else if (rownumber == (sizetab qrstable.vectortable)) then ( //return finalized and filled up qrstable which is a Vectortable object //print_full_startvector_table_contents qrstable.vectortable; //call function to read out values of the created Vectortable.vectortable, which is tab QRSCoordinate qrstable; ) else if (rownumber < (sizetab qrstable.vectortable)) then ( if ((mod rownumber 2)!= 0) then//odd number fork ( if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then //if evens up then odd numbers make a new vector to the northeast ( let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" -> newvector in let vector -> [q r s] in let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in ( set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs; set rownumber= rownumber+1; fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber; ); ) else ( let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" -> newvector in let vector -> [q r s] in let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in ( set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs; set rownumber= rownumber+1; fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber; ); ); ) ///even number fork else ( //console_print lastcsl"we have an even number"; if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then ( //console_print lastcsl"go southeast because evens are up and odds are down";//if evens up then even numbers make a new vector to the southheast let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" -> newvector in let vector -> [q r s] in let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in ( set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs; set rownumber= rownumber+1; fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber; ); ) else ( let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" -> newvector in let vector -> [q r s] in let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in ( set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs; set rownumber= rownumber+1; fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber; ); ); ); ) else ( nil; );; // fun initializevectortable = fun [tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate I] Vectortable;; fun initializevectortable (initialvectable, columns, startstate2, startqrs, hexsize)= let mkVectortable [initialvectable columns startstate2 startqrs] -> vectable in let mygetcoordinates startqrs -> startcoordiantes in let 0 -> rownumber in ( set vectable.vectortable.0 = startqrs; //set the initial qrs element of the Vectortable.vectortable table, which is made of qrs objects let fillvectortable startcoordiantes hexsize vectable startstate2 rownumber -> vectable2 in let _fooS strcatn "Vectortable has : " :: (itoa columns):: " elements":: nil -> string in vectable2);; //fun Bitmapinterface I I I returns I which is total columns //todo, remove code preventing polygon drawing, control columns and rows at hexgrid stage fun get_maximum_columns (interface,total_columns, total_rows, hexsize)= let (((itof hexsize)*. 2.0) *. sqrt (3.0)) /. 3.0 -> hex_radius in let _fooS strcat "in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: " (ftoa hex_radius) -> sgring in let _GETbitmapSize interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap -> [width height] in let itof width -> fwidth in ( if ((itof total_columns) <. (fwidth/. (0.75 *. hex_radius)) ) then ( let _fooS strcat "in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are" (itoa (ftoi(fwidth/.(0.75 *.hex_radius)))) -> string in total_columns; ) else ( let _fooS strcat "in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are" (itoa (ftoi(fwidth/.(0.75 *.hex_radius)))) -> string in let (fwidth/. (0.75 *.hex_radius)) -> finalcolumns in let ftoi finalcolumns -> finalcolumns in finalcolumns; ); );; //todo have this function clamp rows fun get_maximum_rows (interface,total_columns, total_rows, hexsize)= let (((itof hexsize)*. 2.0) *. sqrt (3.0)) /. 3.0 -> hex_radius in let _fooS strcat "in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: " (ftoa hex_radius) -> sgring in let _GETbitmapSize interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap -> [width height] in let itof width -> fwidth in ( if ((itof total_columns) <. (fwidth/. (0.75 *. hex_radius)) ) then ( let _fooS strcat "in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are" (itoa (ftoi(fwidth/.(0.75 *.hex_radius)))) -> string in total_columns; ) else ( let _fooS strcat "in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are" (itoa (ftoi(fwidth/.(0.75 *.hex_radius)))) -> string in let (fwidth/. (0.75 *.hex_radius)) -> finalcolumns in let ftoi finalcolumns -> finalcolumns in finalcolumns; ); );; // fun [I I I S [I I I] returns Hexgrid fun makehexgrid (interface, total_columns, total_rows, hexsize, startstate, startingvec)= let get_maximum_columns interface total_columns total_rows hexsize -> clamped_total_columns in let mktab clamped_total_columns nil -> initialvectable in let startingvec -> [q r s] in let makeQRS q r s -> starqrs in let initializevectortable initialvectable clamped_total_columns startstate starqrs hexsize -> vectable2 in //todo function to clam rows let vectable2.rows -> rows in let mktab clamped_total_columns nil-> hexgridtable in let mkHexgrid [interface hexgridtable total_rows clamped_total_columns hexsize nil vectable2] -> hexgrid_object in ( //set Global_hextable= hexgrid_object ; let 0-> column_counter in let 0-> column_number in ( while (column_counter < clamped_total_columns) do //redo with strucs not global variables ( let vectable2.vectortable.column_counter -> initialqrs in //make_column arguments: Hexgrid, hexlist (set at nil until function begins to resurviely, currentcolumn_number, currentrow_number, inputvec, total_row, hex size let make_column interface hexgrid_object nil column_counter 0 initialqrs total_rows hexsize -> this_column in //make_column returns tab Hex // load completed column (which is a table of hexes) into first element of Hexgrid.hextable set hexgrid_object.hextable.column_counter = this_column; set column_counter= column_counter +1; ); 0; //return a completed Hexgrid object hexgrid_object; ); );; //fun [Point] [I I] fun myfungetvalues(point)= let point.x -> x in let point.y -> y in [x y];; //fun [I I] Point fun initpoint (x, y)= let mkPoint [x y @myfungetvalues] -> point in point;; fun makeflattophexpoints (polygon)= let (polygon.structpolygonhexheight *. 2.0) /. (sqrt 3.0)-> float_final_size in ( let 0 -> counter in let polygon.center -> [functionx functiony] in while (counter < (sizetab polygon.points)) do ( if (counter == 0) then ( let 0.0 -> radians in let functionx +. (float_final_size *. (cos radians)) -> xpoint in let functiony +. (float_final_size *. (sin radians)) -> ypoint in let initpoint xpoint ypoint -> point in set polygon.points.counter = point; set counter = counter+1; ) else ( let 60.0 *. (itof counter) -> angle_degrees in let (PIf /. 180.0) *. angle_degrees -> radians in let functionx +. (float_final_size *. (cos radians)) -> xpoint in let functiony +. (float_final_size *. (sin radians)) -> ypoint in let initpoint xpoint ypoint -> point in set polygon.points.counter = point; set counter = counter+1; //_fooS strcat "there are the following amount of points in this polygon: " (itoa (sizetab polygon.points) ); 0; ); ); ); polygon.points;; //fun [Mypolygon] tab Point fun hexmakepoints (polygon)= if ((strcmp polygon.hextype "flattop")==0) then ( let makeflattophexpoints polygon -> hexmakepoints_points in set polygon.points = hexmakepoints_points; ) else if ((strcmp polygon.hextype "pointytop")==0) then ( _fooS "you are making a pointytop hexagon!!!"; nil; ) else ( _fooS "bad input data, not flattop or pointytop!"; nil; ); polygon.points;; //fun [Mypolygon] tab Point fun trianglemakepoints (polygon) = //this is only good for a triangle _fooS "you are making a triangle!!!"; let polygon.points -> pointtable in let polygon.center -> [centerx centery] in let polygon.height -> height in let height *. (-. 1.0) -> height in // convert positive height to negative height as negative values point "up" on the screen let polygon.sidelength -> sidelength in ( //make first point at the top of the triangle, x will be the same as triangle.center's x coordinate, calculate y coordinate let centery +. ((2.0 *. height)/. 3.0) -> y1 in //this is y coordinate of apex of equilateral triangle let (initpoint centerx y1) -> point1 in //we use centerx for x coordinate at top of triangle set polygon.points.0 = point1; //load first point of triangle into triangle.points table //make second point //we need sidelength for second point so get it let centerx -. (sidelength /. 2.0) -> secondx in let centery -. (height /. 3.0) -> secondy in let (initpoint secondx secondy) -> point2 in set polygon.points.1 = point2;//load second point of triangle into triangle.points table //make make third point //we need sidelength for third point so get it let centerx +. (sidelength /. 2.0) -> thirdx in let centery -. (height /. 3.0) -> thirdy in let (initpoint thirdx thirdy) -> point3 in set polygon.points.2 = point3; //load third point of triangle into triangle.points table pointtable; );;//return completed table of the three points in the triangle //fun [Mypolygon] Mypolygon fun test_point_table (polygon)= let polygon.points -> pointtable in let sizetab pointtable -> size in let 0 -> counter in while (counter < size) do ( let polygon.points.counter -> point in let exec point.fungetvalues with [point]-> [x y] in set counter = counter + 1; ); polygon;; //fun [Mypolygon] Mypolygon UTILITY TO TEST DRAWPOINTS OF A MYPOLYGON OBJECT, TAB [I I] fun test_polygon_drawpoints (polygon)= _fooS "in test_point_table function!"; let sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable -> size in let 0 -> counter in while (counter < size) do ( let polygon.strucdrawpointstable.counter -> [x y] in _fooS strcatn "drawpoint x is: ":: (itoa x):: " and drawpoint y is: ":: (itoa y)::nil; set counter = counter +1; ); polygon;; //fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I] fun create_drawpoint_table (polygon)= let 0 -> counter in let mktab (sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable) nil -> ltable in ( while (counter < (sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable)) do ( let polygon.points.counter -> point in let exec point.fungetvalues with [point]-> [x y] in ( set ltable.counter = [ (ftoi x) (ftoi y)]; //_fooS strcatn "in fun create_drawpoint_table, x is: ":: (ftoa x)::" and y is: "::(ftoa y):: nil; ); set counter = counter +1; 0; ); //return table of [I I] ltable; );; //fun proto [Hexgrid I [F F] F S I] Mypolygon //this function creates polygons, dispatching the created Mypolygon to functions to make point tabls for triangles or hexagons fun initpolygon (hexgrid, numsides, center, sidelength, hextype, hexheight ) = let center -> [centerx centery] in let mktab numsides nil -> pointstable in let mktab numsides nil -> drawpointstable in //wip make empty textobject for now let nil -> textobject in //initialize empty points table to put in polygon.points property WARNING: YOU MUST CREAT EMPTY TABLE BEFORE YOU CAN START FILLING TABLE UP WITH ELEMENTS WITH VALUES!!!! let mkMypolygon [textobject numsides center sidelength nil pointstable nil @create_drawpoint_table drawpointstable hextype hexheight] -> polygon in ( if (numsides == 3) then // MAKE A TRIANGLE ( //if triangle center is off bitmap dont' draw it! let ((sqrt 3.0)/. 2.0) *. sidelength -> fheight in //CALCULATE HEIGHT OF TRIANGLE FROM SIDE LENGTH only works for TRIANGLES set polygon.height = fheight; set polygon.funmakepoints = @trianglemakepoints; trianglemakepoints polygon; polygon; ) else if (numsides == 6) then //MAKE A HEXAGON ( set polygon.funmakepoints = @hexmakepoints; hexmakepoints polygon; create_drawpoint_table polygon; //todo: write some code to test that drawpoint table has been created polygon; ) else ( nil; ); let create_drawpoint_table polygon -> ltable in ( set polygon.strucdrawpointstable = ltable; //let polygon.strucdrawpointstable.2 -> [xx yy] in //_fooS strcatn "x from polygon.strucdrawpointstable.2 is: "::(itoa xx)::" and y from polygon.strucdrawpointstable.2 is: ":: (itoa yy):: nil; ); polygon; );; //proto fun [Hexgrid [F F] [I I] F returns Mypolygon fun see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap(hexgrid, floatxy, thisbitmapxy, lthishexheight )= let floatxy -> [floatx floaty] in let thisbitmapxy -> [bitmapx bitmapy] in if (( (ftoi floatx) > bitmapx) || ((ftoi floaty)> bitmapy)) then ( //_fooS strcatn "we will not make a polygon here because one or both x and y are off the bitmap. the x is: ":: (ftoa floatx)::" and the y is: ":: (ftoa floaty)::nil; nil; ) else ( let initpolygon hexgrid 6 floatxy nil "flattop" lthishexheight -> tpolygon in tpolygon);; //return tab polygons; this only makes hexagons and polygons don't need height property and only makes polygons with six sides //his functino takes the Hexgrid, extracts each element from Hexgrid.hextable, which is tab Hex, and creates a tab Mypolygon from tab Hex to return as a colum of tab Mypolygon to initpolygontable function //proto fun Bitmapinterface Hexgrid Mypolygontable I returns tab Mypolygon fun hex_make_row_of_polygons (interface, hexgrid, polygontable, columnnumber)= //get column of hexes let hexgrid.hextable.columnnumber -> lthishexcolumn in let (itof hexgrid.hexsize) -> lthishexsize in let polygontable.Mypolygontable_rows -> ltotal_rows in let mktab ltotal_rows nil -> polygon_column in ( let polygontable.parentbitmap -> lthisbitmap in let _GETbitmapSize lthisbitmap -> [thisbitmapx thisbitmapy] in let 0 -> row_counter in ( while (row_counter < ltotal_rows) do ( // get xy of current hex, then set frtoa x to bitmap - x, and y to bitmap y let lthishexcolumn.row_counter -> this_hex in //get center of hex let this_hex.hex_xy -> [floatx floaty] in //set y to be height of bitmap - y, since 0 is top left and height of bitmap is bottom left. a larger - y value will represent a greater distance between height of bitmap to y setting on bitmap. let (itof thisbitmapy) -. floaty -> final_float_y in //this is final y coordinate of the polygon we are about to create //create polygon, and draw it's table of points into bitmap! let (itof hexgrid.hexsize) -> lthishexheight in let see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap hexgrid [floatx final_float_y] [thisbitmapx thisbitmapy] lthishexheight -> polygon_or_no_polygon_result in set polygon_column.row_counter = polygon_or_no_polygon_result; set row_counter = row_counter +1; ); ); //return completed column, with all rows filled, into polygon_column);; //proto fun [Bitmapinterface Hexgrid] Mypolygontable fun initpolygontable (interface, hexgrid )= //this function will load [x y] tuples from hexes in hexgrid into polygons in polygongrid. when all the polygons are created in the polygongrid and their shapes darwn into bitmap, function will blit blitmap _fooS "fillbitmapbelow this!"; //_FILLbitmap appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0x000000; let hexgrid.hexgridrows -> ptable_rows in let hexgrid.columns -> ptable_columns in let _fooS strcatn "there are: "::(itoa ptable_columns)::" in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount!"::nil -> string in //get hexgrid origin, which is center of first hex in first row and column of hexgrid let hexgrid.hextable.0.0.hex_xy ->[floatx floaty] in let (ftoi floatx) -> ioriginx in let (ftoi floaty) -> ioriginy in let _GETbitmapSize appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap -> [bitmapx bitmapy] in let _fooS strcat "bitmap y size is!: " (itoa bitmapy) -> string in let (bitmapy - ioriginy) -> ioriginy in let _fooS strcat "polygon table origin y is: " (itoa ioriginy) -> string in let mktab ptable_rows nil -> ltableofpolygons in let mkMypolygontable [ptable_rows ptable_columns ltableofpolygons [ioriginx ioriginy] nil nil interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap] -> lpolygontable in let 0 -> polygontablecounter_for_column_number in ( while (polygontablecounter_for_column_number < ptable_columns) do ( let hex_make_row_of_polygons interface hexgrid lpolygontable polygontablecounter_for_column_number -> this_pcolumn in //inser this column, which is a table of polygons, into the ltableofpolygons set lpolygontable.polygontable.polygontablecounter_for_column_number = this_pcolumn; set polygontablecounter_for_column_number = polygontablecounter_for_column_number +1; ); lpolygontable);; //proto drawpolygoncolumn = fun[Bitmapinterface tab Mypolygon ObjBitmap] ObjBitmap;; //this function takes Mypolygon objects from Mypolygontable, extracts drawpoints from each Mypolygon, and draws the polygon into a bitmap fun drawpolygoncolumn (interface, column, bitmap)= let sizetab column -> rows in let 0 -> thisrowcounter in ( while (thisrowcounter < rows) do ( if (column.thisrowcounter == nil) then ( //_fooS strcat "no polygon at rowcounter: " (itoa thisrowcounter); nil; ) else let column.thisrowcounter -> thispolygon in let thispolygon.strucdrawpointstable -> thispolygondrawpointtable in let _DRAWpoly24 appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 6 thispolygondrawpointtable 5 DRAW_SOLID 0xFFFFFF DRAW_INVISIBLE 0x000000-> thisbitmap2 in set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap = thisbitmap2; set thisrowcounter = thisrowcounter +1; ); appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap);; //proto drawpolygoncolumn = fun[Bitmapinterface Mypolygontable] I;; //this function takes each element of Mypolygontable.polygontable, which is tab tab Mypolygon, and sends the resulting tab Mypolygon to drawpolygoncolumn (Bitmapinterface, tab Mypolygon, ObjBitmap) to draw individual Mypolygons into //Bitmapinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap fun drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit (bitmapinterface, thispolygontable)= let thispolygontable.Mypolygontable_columns -> columns in let thispolygontable.Mypolygontable_rows -> rows in let 0 -> thiscolumncounter in let appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap -> thisbitmap in ( while (thiscolumncounter < columns ) do ( let drawpolygoncolumn bitmapinterface thispolygontable.polygontable.thiscolumncounter thisbitmap -> bitmap in set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap = bitmap; set thiscolumncounter = thiscolumncounter +1; ); //_fooS "all columns have been blitted!"; _BLTbitmap appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0 0; _PAINTwindow appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow; ); 0;; //proto fun [ObjButton Bitmapinterface] I fun cleargridbuttoncallback (button, interface)= _fooS "cleargrid button is clicked!"; _FILLbitmap appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0x000000; _PAINTwindow appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow; //_BLTbitmap appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0 0; 0;; //proto fun [ObjText [Bitmapinterface S S S] I fun makegrid_gridbuttoncallback (button, parameter)= set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid =nil; set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontable = nil; let parameter -> [thisinterface theserows_text thesecolumns_text thishexheighttext] in let _GETtext theserows_text -> rows in let _GETtext thesecolumns_text -> columns in let _GETtext thishexheighttext -> height in let makehexgrid appinterface (atoi columns) (atoi rows) (atoi height) "evens up" [0 0 0] -> makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj in let initpolygontable appinterface makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj -> thispolygontable in ( set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid = makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj; set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontable = thispolygontable; drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit appinterface thispolygontable; ); 0;; //proto fun[] I fun createinterface ()= _showconsole; let _CRwindow _channel nil 0 0 640 512 WN_NORMAL "hexgrid generator"-> mainwindow in //let _PAINTrectangle mainwindow 0 0 640 512 DRAW_INVISIBLE 0 0xF91212 DRAW_SOLID 0xF91212 -> mainwindow in let _CRwindow _channel mainwindow 128 0 512 512 WN_CHILDINSIDE "" -> bitmapwindow in let _PAINTrectangle bitmapwindow 0 0 512 512 DRAW_INVISIBLE 0 0xF91212 DRAW_SOLID 0xFFFFFF -> bitmapwindow in let _CRwindow _channel mainwindow 0 0 128 512 WN_CHILDINSIDE "" -> buttonwindow in //let _PAINTrectangle buttonwindow 0 0 512 512 DRAW_INVISIBLE 0 0xF91212 DRAW_SOLID 0xF91212 -> buttonwindow in let _CRfont _channel 10 0 FF_PIXEL "Arial" -> buttonwindow_font in let _CRbutton _channel buttonwindow 0 10 128 50 PB_DEFAULT "Clear Grid" -> cleargrid_button in let _AFFfontButton cleargrid_button buttonwindow_font -> cleargrid_button in let _CRbutton _channel buttonwindow 0 70 128 50 PB_DEFAULT "Make Grid" -> makegrid_button in let _AFFfontButton makegrid_button buttonwindow_font -> makegrid_button in let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 0 140 70 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "Rows" -> gridrows_label in let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 80 140 30 20 ET_DOWN "" -> rows_text in let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 0 210 70 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "Columns" -> Columns_label in let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 80 210 30 20 ET_DOWN "" -> columns_text in let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 0 280 70 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "Hex Size" -> hex_sizelabel in let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 80 280 30 20 ET_DOWN "" -> hexheighttext in let _CRbitmap _channel 512 512 -> lbitmap in let mkBitmapinterface [mainwindow bitmapwindow buttonwindow lbitmap nil nil nil nil nil nil] -> lstructure in ( _SETtext rows_text "10"; _SETtext columns_text "10"; _SETtext hexheighttext "50"; set appinterface = lstructure; let makehexgrid appinterface 1 1 20 "evens up" [0 0 0] -> gridobj in set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid = gridobj; let initpolygontable appinterface appinterface.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid -> thispolygontable in set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontable = thispolygontable; set appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontables = appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontable::nil; drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit appinterface appinterface.Bitmapinterface_polygontable; _CBwinDestroy appinterface.Bitmapinterface_mainwindow @end appinterface; _CBwinPaint appinterface.Bitmapinterface_mainwindow @paint appinterface; _CBwinPaint appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow @paint appinterface; //put in some initial values into text fields with _SETtext for rows_text, columns_text, and hexheighttext //BUTTON CALLBACKS _CBbutton cleargrid_button @cleargridbuttoncallback appinterface; let [appinterface rows_text columns_text hexheighttext] -> makegridparameter in _CBbutton makegrid_button @ makegrid_gridbuttoncallback makegridparameter; 0; );;
and here is the scol file log:
Log File of Scol Virtual Machine Version: 7.0.0 (64Bits) -------------------------------- > Checking useful directories Install Dir: C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\ Local App Data: C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/ User documents: C:\Users\seapi\Documents/Scol Voyager/ Log files: C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Logs/ Scol Server allows for a maximum of 1000001 sockets. > Retrieving local host informations Date: 2024-10-27 22-01-46 Hostname: DANSOLIDSTATELAPTOP HostIP: 0: Try to connect to the main local scol server Scol Server allows for a maximum of 1000001 sockets. > Retrieving local host informations Date: 2024-10-27 22-01-46 Hostname: DANSOLIDSTATELAPTOP HostIP: 0: > Scol configuration Starting memory allocation : 1 MB Log and console display mask : 0x1f Virtual Machine initialization Looking for Scol Partitions partition C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Cache/ - Capacity: 256 MB partition C:\Users\seapi\Documents/OpenSpace3D/ - Capacity : Unlimited size partition C:\Users\seapi\Documents/Scol Voyager/Partition_LocalUsr/ - Capacity : Unlimited size partition C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - Capacity : Unlimited size Scol Partitions scan complete > Loading Scol system packages autoHTTPproxy=no autoSOCKSproxy=no HTTP direct Connection ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/XTension.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/XTension.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/LibOS2D24.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/LibOS2D24.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/Lib2D24.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/Lib2D24.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/SerialIO.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/SerialIO.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/ScolSQL.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/ScolSQL.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/libsqlite3.dll plugin. [ERROR] An error occurs while loading plugins/libsqlite3.dll plugin, the file does not exits or is invalid! Last error : The specified module could not be found. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/SO3Engine.dll plugin. > Start loading Plugin SO3Engine dll > Creating SO3Engine Root Rendering Stereo mode : Mono CPU Identifier & Features ------------------------- * CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4600U CPU @ 2.10GHz * SSE: yes * SSE2: yes * SSE3: yes * SSE41: yes * SSE42: yes * MMX: yes * MMXEXT: yes * 3DNOW: no * 3DNOWEXT: no * CMOV: yes * TSC: yes *INVARIANT TSC: yes * FPU: yes * PRO: yes * HT: no ------------------------- *** Starting Win32GL Subsystem *** Registering ResourceManager for type Texture OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered. OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered. OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered. Registering ResourceManager for type Font > Choosed Renderer > OpenGL renderer selected Try malloc a tape with 8650752 blocks (maximum number of blocks: 201326592): 33Mo Ok > Plugin SO3Engine successfully loaded [INFOS] plugins/SO3Engine.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/wiimote.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/wiimote.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/security.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/security.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/speech.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/speech.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/neurosky.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/neurosky.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/joypad.dll plugin. > Loading Joypad Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/joypad.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/BitmapToolkit.dll plugin. > Loading MathToolkit > Successfully Loaded > Loading BitmapToolkit > Successfully Loaded > Loading CaptureToolkit > Successfully Loaded > Loading ArToolkit > Successfully Loaded > Loading MlToolkit > Successfully Loaded > Loading MediaPlayerToolkit --enable-static --disable-shared --disable-doc --disable-ffmpeg --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-avdevice --disable-encoders --disable-muxers --disable-iconv --disable-symver --prefix='G:/work/subversion/scol-technologies/trunk/dependencies/sdk/windows/x64' --toolchain=msvc --target-os=win64 --enable-asm --enable-yasm --arch=x86_64 --extra-cflags='-DOPENSSL_API_COMPAT=0x10000000L -MD -O2' --extra-ldflags= --disable-debug > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/BitmapToolkit.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/audio.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/audio.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sCurl.dll plugin. > Loading CURL Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/sCurl.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sXml.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/sXml.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/Vuzix.dll plugin. Vuzix driver is not installed [INFOS] plugins/Vuzix.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sqlite3.dll plugin. SQLITE3 support loading ... [INFOS] plugins/sqlite3.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sTuio.dll plugin. > Loading TUIO Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/sTuio.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sVrpn.dll plugin. > Loading VRPN Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/sVrpn.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sPDF.dll plugin. > Loading PDF document Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/sPDF.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/tobii.dll plugin. > Loading TOBII Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/tobii.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sensor.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/sensor.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/androidDeployer.dll plugin. Loading Android Deployer DLL ... error : no tools directory found at C:/Program Files/Scol Voyager/androidDeployerTools/ ... > Loading Android Deployer > Successfully Loaded Android Deployer DLL loaded [INFOS] plugins/androidDeployer.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/rpigpio.dll plugin. > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/rpigpio.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/LeapMotion.dll plugin. > Loading LEAPMOTION Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/LeapMotion.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sopenvr.dll plugin. > Loading Openvr Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/sopenvr.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/x10.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/x10.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/usbuirt.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/usbuirt.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/Myo.dll plugin. > Loading MYO Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/Myo.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/s3drudder.dll plugin. > Loading 3dRudder Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/s3drudder.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/glove.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/glove.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/spacepointfusion.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/spacepointfusion.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/emotiv.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/emotiv.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sOpenXR.dll plugin. > Loading OpenXr Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/sOpenXR.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ Loading debugging functions... Scol system packages loaded = 2916 ------------------------------------ > Scol mainscol >> C:\Users\seapi\Documents\OpenSpace3D\hexsubhexes\hexallinone.scol : $ Opening script C:\Users\seapi\Documents\OpenSpace3D\hexsubhexes\hexallinone.scol ... unplugged C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/slv.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\slv.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\slv.pkg ... typechecking var state : I var chn0 : Chn var name : S fun multiress : fun [[[S [S r1]] r1]] I fun main : fun [S S] I fun clock : fun [Timer u0] I fun _connected : fun [] Timer fun __show : fun [] I fun __setress : fun [S S] S Generating bytecodes for 'multiress'... 62 bytes generated (for a total of 62 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'main'... 250 bytes generated (for a total of 312 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'clock'... 10 bytes generated (for a total of 322 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 41 bytes generated (for a total of 363 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__show'... 23 bytes generated (for a total of 386 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__setress'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 391 bytes) Loading complete Opening Channel ... Connect to ( ChannelIP: :1200 Scol Server allows for a maximum of 1000001 sockets. refine : C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Cache/Scol_32ae2cd63d6/ new cache : C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Cache/Scol_32ae2cd63d6/ C:\Users\seapi\Documents/OpenSpace3D/ - os3dlib/tools.pkg - C:\Users\seapi\Documents\OpenSpace3D\os3dlib\tools.pkg Loading C:\Users\seapi\Documents\OpenSpace3D\os3dlib\tools.pkg ... typechecking fun addLogMessage : fun [S] S fun addLogMessageMulti : fun [S [S r1]] I fun strreplace : fun [S S S] S fun getInfo : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] S fun getInfos : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] [S r1] fun getInfoI : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] S fun chgusm2 : fun [[S r1] S S S I] [S r1] fun chgusm : fun [S S S] S fun lcat : fun [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] [u0 r1] fun splitList : fun [[u0 r1] I] [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] fun moveListElement : fun [[u0 r1] I I] [u0 r1] fun divideList : fun [u0 [u1 r1] [u1 r1] [u1 r1] fun [u1 u0] I] [[u1 r1] [u1 r1]] fun divideListString : fun [[S r1] [[S r1] r1] [[S r1] r1] [[S r1] r1] fun [S S] I] [[[S r1] r1] [[S r1] r1]] fun divideListPos : fun [[u0 r1] [[u1 r1] r1] [[u1 r1] r1] [[u1 r1] r1] I fun [u1 u0] I] [[[u1 r1] r1] [[u1 r1] r1]] fun divideList3 : fun [[u0 u1] [[u2 u3] r1] [[u2 u3] r1] [[u2 u3] r1] fun [u2 u0] I] [[[u2 u3] r1] [[u2 u3] r1]] fun extractList : fun [[u0 r1] u1 fun [u0 u1] I] [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] fun isSmallerI : fun [I I] I fun isLargerI : fun [I I] I fun isSmallerF : fun [F F] I fun isLargerF : fun [F F] I fun isSmaller : fun [S S] I fun isLarger : fun [S S] I fun suppDoublon : fun [S S] I fun suppDoublon2 : fun [u0 u0] I fun suppDoublonCaseSensivity : fun [S S] I fun quicksort : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u0] I] [u0 r1] fun quicksortByPos : fun [[[u0 r1] r1] I fun [u0 u0] I] [[u0 r1] r1] fun quicksortList : fun [[[S r1] r1] fun [S S] I] [[S r1] r1] fun quicksort3 : fun [[[u0 u1] r1] fun [u0 u0] I] [[u0 u1] r1] fun sortlist : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u0] I] [u0 r1] fun revertlist : fun [[u0 r1]] [u0 r1] fun isStringInList : fun [[S r1] S] I fun isStringInListi : fun [[S r1] S] I fun isStringInListiPos : fun [[S r1] S I I] I fun addUniqueStr : fun [[S r1] S] [S r1] fun addUniqueStri : fun [[S r1] S] [S r1] fun getStringPosInList : fun [[S r1] S] I fun getStringPosInListi : fun [[S r1] S] I fun isFirstWordInList : fun [[S r1] S] I fun isFirstWordInListi : fun [[S r1] S] I fun isFirstStringInList : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] I fun isT1InList : fun [[[u0 u1] r1] u0] I fun isT2InList : fun [[[u0 u1] r1] u1] I fun getPathFile : fun [S S] [S S] fun getlastPathDir : fun [S] S fun getFileExt : fun [S] S fun getFilePathWithoutExt : fun [S] S fun getFileDirectory : fun [S] S fun getFileNameWithoutExt : fun [S] S fun getRelativePath : fun [S S] S fun createFolder : fun [S] I fun cutDotName : fun [S] [S S] fun makeDotName : fun [S S] S fun isExtInListi : fun [[S r1] S] I fun getShortName : fun [S] S fun getFilesFromDir : fun [S [S r1]] [S r1] fun getFilesFromDirFilter : fun [S [S r1] fun [S] I] [S r1] fun getFilesFromDir2 : fun [S [S r1]] [S r1] fun getFilesFromDirFilter2 : fun [S [S r1] fun [S] I] [S r1] fun getFilesNamesFromDir : fun [S [S r1]] [S r1] fun getFilesNamesFromDir2 : fun [S [S r1]] [S r1] fun sanitizeFileName : fun [S] S fun getBooleanFromString : fun [S] I fun isLastWordfromString : fun [S S] I fun isFirstWordfromString : fun [S S] I fun capitalizeFirstLetter : fun [S] S fun listLowercase : fun [[S r1]] [S r1] fun getDirListFromPath : fun [S] [S r1] fun getFilesFromDirRecursive : fun [S] [S r1] fun getFilesFromDirFilterRecursive : fun [S [S r1] fun [S] I] [S r1] fun getFilesFromDirRecursive2 : fun [S] [S r1] fun getFilesFromDirFilterRecursive2 : fun [S [S r1] fun [S] I] [S r1] fun cleanDirectory : fun [S] I fun getDirectoryWithoutLastSlash : fun [S] S fun getDirectoryWithoutFirstSlash : fun [S] S fun apply_on_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] u2 u1] I fun rev_apply_on_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] u2 u1] I fun search_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] u0 fun remove_from_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0] [u0 r1] fun remove_nth_from_list : fun [[u0 r1] I] [u0 r1] fun replace_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0 u0] [u0 r1] fun replace_nth_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] I u0] [u0 r1] fun add_nth_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] I u0] [u0 r1] fun tlr2 : fun [[[u0 r1] r1] I] [[u0 r1] r1] fun remove_string_from_list : fun [[S r1] S] [S r1] fun remove_idx_from_list : fun [[[u0 u1] r1] u0] [[u0 u1] r1] fun remove_sid_from_list : fun [[[S u0] r1] S] [[S u0] r1] fun remove_sid_from_listi : fun [[[S u0] r1] S] [[S u0] r1] fun remove_first_string_from_list : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] [[S r1] r1] fun remove_all_first_string_from_list : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] [[S r1] r1] fun remove_first_and_second_string_from_list : fun [[[S r1] r1] S S] [[S r1] r1] fun remove_all_first_string_from_second_elem_list : fun [[[u0 [S r1]] r1] S] [[u0 [S r1]] r1] fun remove_first_and_second_string_from_second_elem_list : fun [[[u0 [S r1]] r1] S S] [[u0 [S r1]] r1] fun remove_first_string_from_list_start_with : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] [[S r1] r1] fun remove_first_string_from_second_element_list_start_with : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] [[S r1] r1] fun pos_sid_in_list : fun [[[S u0] r1] S I] I fun pos_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0 I] I fun create_tab : fun [I fun [I u0] u1 u0] tab u1 fun addFifo : fun [u0 [[u0 r1] [u1 [u0 r1]]]] [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] fun getFifo : fun [[[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]] [u0 [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]] fun sizeFifo : fun [[[u0 r1] u1]] I fun concFifo : fun [[u0 [u1 u0]] [u0 [u1 u0]]] [u0 [u1 u0]] fun hexListToBignumList : fun [[S r1]] [BigN r1] fun rename_sid_from_list : fun [[[S u0] r1] S S] [[S u0] r1] fun strreplaceChar : fun [S I S] S fun strreplacei : fun [S S S] S fun strToWordList : fun [S] [S r1] fun replaceByKeyIndex : fun [S S [S r1]] S fun replaceByKeyIndex2 : fun [S S S] S fun strcatnSep : fun [[S r1] S] S fun strcatnSepLimits : fun [[S r1] S I] S fun strcatnlSep : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] S fun strfindiList : fun [[S r1] S] [I I] fun addSlashes : fun [S] S fun stripSlashes : fun [S] S fun addChar : fun [S I I] S fun stripChar : fun [S I] S fun strTruncate : fun [S I S] S fun strQuote : fun [S S] S fun listQuote : fun [[S r1] S] [S r1] fun strtrimChar : fun [S S S] S fun strToList : fun [S] [S r1] fun removeNthChar : fun [S I] S fun contcatQuotedList : fun [[S r1] I] [S r1] fun strToQuotedList : fun [S I] [S r1] fun oneLineTransform : fun [S S] S fun strToListSep : fun [S S] [S r1] fun strToListOpenCloseSep : fun [S S S] [S r1] fun strToListSepCb : fun [S S fun [S] S] [S r1] fun strbuildn : fun [[[S r1] r1]] S fun listToString : fun [[S r1]] S fun isNumber : fun [S] I fun getNextToValue : fun [S S] S fun floatToString : fun [F] S fun switchstrInv : fun [[[u0 S] r1] S] u0 fun switchstriInv : fun [[[u0 S] r1] S] u0 fun switchInv : fun [[[u0 u1] r1] u1] u0 var lHTTP_COOKIES : [[S S] r1] var lHTTP_REQUEST : [ObjCURL r1] var iCURL_REQUEST_TIMEOUT : I fun strIsUrl : fun [S] I fun urlDecode : fun [S] S fun makeSimpleJson : fun [[[S S] r1]] S fun cbCheckInternetConnection : fun [u0 [u1 fun [u1 u2 I] u3 u2] u4 I] I fun checkInternetConnection : fun [S fun [S u0 I] u1 u0] I fun clearHttpRequest : fun [] I fun killHttpRequest : fun [ObjCURL] I fun clearHttpCookies : fun [] I fun getHttpDomain : fun [S] S fun getHtmlHeader : fun [S] [S S] fun decompHtmlCookie : fun [S] [S S S I I] fun getHtmlStatus : fun [S] I fun setHtmlCookie : fun [S S] I fun makeHtmlCookieHeader : fun [S] S fun makeHtmlCookie : fun [S] S fun getHtmlCookie : fun [S] S fun cbDownloadFile : fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S S] I] S I] I fun downloadFile : fun [S fun [S S] I] ObjCURL fun downloadFilePost : fun [S S [S r1] fun [S S] I] ObjCURL fun cbDownloadFileW : fun [ObjCURL [S W fun [S W] I] S I] I fun downloadFileW : fun [S W fun [S W] I] ObjCURL fun cbGetContentLength : fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S I] I] S I] I fun getUrlContentLenght : fun [S fun [S I] I] ObjCURL fun cbGetContentDate : fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S S] I] S I] I fun getUrlContentDate : fun [S fun [S S] I] ObjCURL fun cbGetContentInfos : fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S S I] I] S I] I fun getUrlContentInfos : fun [S fun [S S I] I] ObjCURL fun cbGetUrlContent : fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S S] I I] S I] I fun deleteUrlEx : fun [S S fun [S S] I [S r1] I] ObjCURL fun postUrlEx : fun [S S fun [S S] I [S r1] I] ObjCURL fun getUrlEx : fun [S S fun [S S] I [S r1] I] ObjCURL fun postUrlMultiPartEx : fun [S [[S S S] r1] fun [S S] I [S r1] I] ObjCURL fun getUrl : fun [S S fun [S S] I] ObjCURL fun postUrl : fun [S S fun [S S] I] ObjCURL fun postUrlMultiPart : fun [S [[S S S] r1] fun [S S] I] ObjCURL fun deleteUrl : fun [S S fun [S S] I] ObjCURL fun sendMail : fun [S I S S S S S [[S S S] r1] fun [S S] I] ObjCURL fun isCoordInRect : fun [I I [I I I I]] I fun minf : fun [F F] F fun ftori : fun [F] I fun zeroVector : fun [[I I I]] I fun zeroVectorF : fun [[F F F]] I fun vectorIsZero : fun [[I I I]] I fun vector2dIsZero : fun [[I I]] I fun vectorIsZeroF : fun [[F F F]] I fun vector2dIsZeroF : fun [[F F]] I fun vectorEqual : fun [[u0 u1 u2] [u0 u1 u2]] I fun vectorEqualF : fun [[u0 u1 u2] [u0 u1 u2]] I fun normalizeVectorF : fun [[F F F]] [F F F] fun vectorAverageF : fun [[F F F]] F fun vectorCubeF : fun [[F F F]] F fun getVectorLength : fun [[I I I]] F fun getVectorLengthF : fun [[F F F]] F fun getVector4LengthF : fun [[F F F F]] F fun getVectorDistance : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] F fun getVector2dDistance : fun [[I I] [I I]] F fun getVectorDistanceF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] F fun crossVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [I I I] fun crossVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F] fun dotVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] I fun dotVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] F fun getVectorAngle : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] F fun getVector2dAngle : fun [[I I] [I I]] F fun getVectorAngleF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] F fun getVectorOrientedAngleF : fun [[F F F] [F F F] [F F F]] F fun minVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [I I I] fun minVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F] fun minVector2F : fun [[F F] [F F]] [F F] fun maxVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [I I I] fun maxVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F] fun maxVector2F : fun [[F F] [F F]] [F F] fun subVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [I I I] fun subVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F] fun subVector2 : fun [[I I] [I I]] [I I] fun subVector2F : fun [[F F] [F F]] [F F] fun addVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [I I I] fun addVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F] fun addVector2 : fun [[I I] [I I]] [I I] fun addVector2F : fun [[F F] [F F]] [F F] fun divideVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [I I I] fun divideVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F] fun divideVector2 : fun [[I I] [I I]] [I I] fun divideVector2F : fun [[F F] [F F]] [F F] fun multiplyVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [I I I] fun multiplyVector2 : fun [[I I] [I I]] [I I] fun multiplyVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F] fun multiplyVector2F : fun [[F F] [F F]] [F F] fun projectVector : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [F F F] fun projectVectorF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F] fun projectVectorOnPlane : fun [[I I I] [I I I]] [F F F] fun projectVectorOnPlaneF : fun [[F F F] [F F F]] [F F F] fun vectorPlaneIntersectionF : fun [[F F F] [F F F] [F F F] [F F F]] [F F F] fun getPlaneNormalF : fun [[F F F] [F F F] [F F F]] [F F F] fun getVectorXF : fun [[u0 u1 u2]] u0 fun getVectorYF : fun [[u0 u1 u2]] u1 fun getVectorZF : fun [[u0 u1 u2]] u2 fun getShortestAngle : fun [F F] F fun quatInverse : fun [[F F F F]] [F F F F] fun lookAtPYR : fun [[F F F] [F F F] I] [F F F] fun reorientQuat : fun [[F F F F] [F F F]] [F F F F] fun lookAtQuat : fun [[F F F] [F F F] [F F F]] [F F F F] fun getMonthDays : fun [I I] I fun isDateString : fun [S] I fun getSecondsFromDateTime : fun [I I I I I u0] I fun getDateTimeFromString : fun [S] [I I I I I I] fun getCurrentDateTime : fun [I] [I I I I I I] fun getCurrentTime : fun [I] [I I I] fun cbCSVstrip : fun [S] S fun formatCSV : fun [S [S r1] [[S r1] r1]] S fun writeCSV : fun [S S [S r1] [[S r1] r1]] I fun readCSVdataWithTitle : fun [S S] [[S r1] [[S r1] r1]] fun readCSVdata : fun [S S] [[S r1] r1] fun readCSVdataToTab : fun [S S] tab tab S fun readCSVdataToTabSized : fun [S S I I] tab tab S fun readCSVTabToData : fun [tab tab u0 I I] [[u0 r1] r1] fun readCSVdataToTabRow : fun [S S I tab tab S I I] tab tab S fun readCSVdataToTabColumn : fun [S S I tab tab S I I] tab tab S Generating bytecodes for 'getInfo'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 442 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getInfos'... 49 bytes generated (for a total of 491 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getInfoI'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 542 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'chgusm2'... 120 bytes generated (for a total of 662 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'chgusm'... 16 bytes generated (for a total of 678 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'lcat'... 25 bytes generated (for a total of 703 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'splitList'... 122 bytes generated (for a total of 825 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'moveListElement'... 134 bytes generated (for a total of 959 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'divideList'... 85 bytes generated (for a total of 1044 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'divideListString'... 89 bytes generated (for a total of 1133 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'divideListPos'... 97 bytes generated (for a total of 1230 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'divideList3'... 102 bytes generated (for a total of 1332 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'extractList'... 66 bytes generated (for a total of 1398 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isSmallerI'... 17 bytes generated (for a total of 1415 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isLargerI'... 17 bytes generated (for a total of 1432 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isSmallerF'... 17 bytes generated (for a total of 1449 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isLargerF'... 17 bytes generated (for a total of 1466 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isSmaller'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 1473 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isLarger'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 1480 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'suppDoublon'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 1485 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'suppDoublon2'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 1489 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'suppDoublonCaseSensivity'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 1494 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'quicksort'... 53 bytes generated (for a total of 1547 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'quicksortByPos'... 56 bytes generated (for a total of 1603 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'quicksortList'... 53 bytes generated (for a total of 1656 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'quicksort3'... 53 bytes generated (for a total of 1709 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'sortlist'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 1760 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'revertlist'... 33 bytes generated (for a total of 1793 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isStringInList'... 32 bytes generated (for a total of 1825 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isStringInListi'... 32 bytes generated (for a total of 1857 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isStringInListiPos'... 38 bytes generated (for a total of 1895 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addUniqueStr'... 19 bytes generated (for a total of 1914 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addUniqueStri'... 19 bytes generated (for a total of 1933 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getStringPosInList'... 59 bytes generated (for a total of 1992 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getStringPosInListi'... 59 bytes generated (for a total of 2051 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isFirstWordInList'... 38 bytes generated (for a total of 2089 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isFirstWordInListi'... 38 bytes generated (for a total of 2127 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isFirstStringInList'... 37 bytes generated (for a total of 2164 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isT1InList'... 36 bytes generated (for a total of 2200 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isT2InList'... 36 bytes generated (for a total of 2236 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getPathFile'... 175 bytes generated (for a total of 2411 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getlastPathDir'... 48 bytes generated (for a total of 2459 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFileExt'... 82 bytes generated (for a total of 2541 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFilePathWithoutExt'... 15 bytes generated (for a total of 2556 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFileDirectory'... 15 bytes generated (for a total of 2571 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFileNameWithoutExt'... 57 bytes generated (for a total of 2628 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getRelativePath'... 47 bytes generated (for a total of 2675 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'createFolder'... 46 bytes generated (for a total of 2721 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cutDotName'... 36 bytes generated (for a total of 2757 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'makeDotName'... 15 bytes generated (for a total of 2772 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isExtInListi'... 84 bytes generated (for a total of 2856 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getShortName'... 332 bytes generated (for a total of 3188 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDir'... 99 bytes generated (for a total of 3287 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDirFilter'... 123 bytes generated (for a total of 3410 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDir2'... 99 bytes generated (for a total of 3509 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDirFilter2'... 123 bytes generated (for a total of 3632 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesNamesFromDir'... 112 bytes generated (for a total of 3744 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesNamesFromDir2'... 112 bytes generated (for a total of 3856 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'sanitizeFileName'... 407 bytes generated (for a total of 4263 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getBooleanFromString'... 109 bytes generated (for a total of 4372 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isLastWordfromString'... 18 bytes generated (for a total of 4390 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isFirstWordfromString'... 12 bytes generated (for a total of 4402 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'capitalizeFirstLetter'... 25 bytes generated (for a total of 4427 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'listLowercase'... 49 bytes generated (for a total of 4476 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getDirListFromPath'... 54 bytes generated (for a total of 4530 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDirRecursive'... 68 bytes generated (for a total of 4598 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDirFilterRecursive'... 138 bytes generated (for a total of 4736 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDirRecursive2'... 68 bytes generated (for a total of 4804 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFilesFromDirFilterRecursive2'... 138 bytes generated (for a total of 4942 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cleanDirectory'... 96 bytes generated (for a total of 5038 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getDirectoryWithoutLastSlash'... 30 bytes generated (for a total of 5068 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getDirectoryWithoutFirstSlash'... 30 bytes generated (for a total of 5098 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'apply_on_list'... 36 bytes generated (for a total of 5134 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'rev_apply_on_list'... 38 bytes generated (for a total of 5172 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'search_in_list'... 46 bytes generated (for a total of 5218 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_from_list'... 45 bytes generated (for a total of 5263 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_nth_from_list'... 47 bytes generated (for a total of 5310 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'replace_in_list'... 48 bytes generated (for a total of 5358 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'replace_nth_in_list'... 50 bytes generated (for a total of 5408 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'add_nth_in_list'... 55 bytes generated (for a total of 5463 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'tlr2'... 75 bytes generated (for a total of 5538 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_string_from_list'... 48 bytes generated (for a total of 5586 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_idx_from_list'... 49 bytes generated (for a total of 5635 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_sid_from_list'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 5686 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_sid_from_listi'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 5737 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_first_string_from_list'... 50 bytes generated (for a total of 5787 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_all_first_string_from_list'... 53 bytes generated (for a total of 5840 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_first_and_second_string_from_list'... 72 bytes generated (for a total of 5912 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_all_first_string_from_second_elem_list'... 59 bytes generated (for a total of 5971 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_first_and_second_string_from_second_elem_list'... 76 bytes generated (for a total of 6047 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_first_string_from_list_start_with'... 59 bytes generated (for a total of 6106 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_first_string_from_second_element_list_start_with'... 65 bytes generated (for a total of 6171 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'pos_sid_in_list'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 6222 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'pos_in_list'... 46 bytes generated (for a total of 6268 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'create_tab'... 39 bytes generated (for a total of 6307 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addFifo'... 41 bytes generated (for a total of 6348 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFifo'... 54 bytes generated (for a total of 6402 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'sizeFifo'... 24 bytes generated (for a total of 6426 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'concFifo'... 58 bytes generated (for a total of 6484 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'hexListToBignumList'... 49 bytes generated (for a total of 6533 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'rename_sid_from_list'... 66 bytes generated (for a total of 6599 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strreplaceChar'... 82 bytes generated (for a total of 6681 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strreplace'... 96 bytes generated (for a total of 6777 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strreplacei'... 96 bytes generated (for a total of 6873 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strToWordList'... 64 bytes generated (for a total of 6937 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'replaceByKeyIndex'... 44 bytes generated (for a total of 6981 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'replaceByKeyIndex2'... 73 bytes generated (for a total of 7054 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strcatnSep'... 65 bytes generated (for a total of 7119 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strcatnSepLimits'... 75 bytes generated (for a total of 7194 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strcatnlSep'... 90 bytes generated (for a total of 7284 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strfindiList'... 75 bytes generated (for a total of 7359 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addSlashes'... 131 bytes generated (for a total of 7490 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'stripSlashes'... 145 bytes generated (for a total of 7635 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addChar'... 78 bytes generated (for a total of 7713 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'stripChar'... 104 bytes generated (for a total of 7817 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strTruncate'... 29 bytes generated (for a total of 7846 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strQuote'... 12 bytes generated (for a total of 7858 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'listQuote'... 50 bytes generated (for a total of 7908 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strtrimChar'... 101 bytes generated (for a total of 8009 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strToList'... 50 bytes generated (for a total of 8059 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'removeNthChar'... 112 bytes generated (for a total of 8171 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'contcatQuotedList'... 93 bytes generated (for a total of 8264 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strToQuotedList'... 53 bytes generated (for a total of 8317 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'oneLineTransform'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 8324 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strToListSep'... 86 bytes generated (for a total of 8410 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strToListOpenCloseSep'... 76 bytes generated (for a total of 8486 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strToListSepCb'... 89 bytes generated (for a total of 8575 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strbuildn'... 77 bytes generated (for a total of 8652 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'listToString'... 113 bytes generated (for a total of 8765 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isNumber'... 149 bytes generated (for a total of 8914 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getNextToValue'... 89 bytes generated (for a total of 9003 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'floatToString'... 95 bytes generated (for a total of 9098 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'switchstrInv'... 60 bytes generated (for a total of 9158 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'switchstriInv'... 60 bytes generated (for a total of 9218 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'switchInv'... 58 bytes generated (for a total of 9276 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strIsUrl'... 27 bytes generated (for a total of 9303 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'urlDecode'... 23 bytes generated (for a total of 9326 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'makeSimpleJson'... 102 bytes generated (for a total of 9428 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbCheckInternetConnection'... 62 bytes generated (for a total of 9490 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'checkInternetConnection'... 69 bytes generated (for a total of 9559 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'clearHttpRequest'... 34 bytes generated (for a total of 9593 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'killHttpRequest'... 26 bytes generated (for a total of 9619 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'clearHttpCookies'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 9624 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getHttpDomain'... 222 bytes generated (for a total of 9846 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getHtmlHeader'... 94 bytes generated (for a total of 9940 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'decompHtmlCookie'... 248 bytes generated (for a total of 10188 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getHtmlStatus'... 110 bytes generated (for a total of 10298 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'setHtmlCookie'... 55 bytes generated (for a total of 10353 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'makeHtmlCookieHeader'... 61 bytes generated (for a total of 10414 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'makeHtmlCookie'... 13 bytes generated (for a total of 10427 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getHtmlCookie'... 10 bytes generated (for a total of 10437 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbDownloadFile'... 148 bytes generated (for a total of 10585 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'downloadFile'... 109 bytes generated (for a total of 10694 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'downloadFilePost'... 188 bytes generated (for a total of 10882 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbDownloadFileW'... 144 bytes generated (for a total of 11026 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'downloadFileW'... 105 bytes generated (for a total of 11131 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetContentLength'... 355 bytes generated (for a total of 11486 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getUrlContentLenght'... 117 bytes generated (for a total of 11603 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetContentDate'... 382 bytes generated (for a total of 11985 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getUrlContentDate'... 117 bytes generated (for a total of 12102 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetContentInfos'... 417 bytes generated (for a total of 12519 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getUrlContentInfos'... 119 bytes generated (for a total of 12638 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetUrlContent'... 185 bytes generated (for a total of 12823 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'deleteUrlEx'... 222 bytes generated (for a total of 13045 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'postUrlEx'... 189 bytes generated (for a total of 13234 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getUrlEx'... 197 bytes generated (for a total of 13431 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'postUrlMultiPartEx'... 228 bytes generated (for a total of 13659 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getUrl'... 8 bytes generated (for a total of 13667 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'postUrl'... 8 bytes generated (for a total of 13675 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'postUrlMultiPart'... 8 bytes generated (for a total of 13683 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'deleteUrl'... 8 bytes generated (for a total of 13691 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'sendMail'... 1928 bytes generated (for a total of 15619 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isCoordInRect'... 56 bytes generated (for a total of 15675 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'minf'... 16 bytes generated (for a total of 15691 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'ftori'... 30 bytes generated (for a total of 15721 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'zeroVector'... 46 bytes generated (for a total of 15767 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'zeroVectorF'... 82 bytes generated (for a total of 15849 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'vectorIsZero'... 38 bytes generated (for a total of 15887 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'vector2dIsZero'... 24 bytes generated (for a total of 15911 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'vectorIsZeroF'... 38 bytes generated (for a total of 15949 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'vector2dIsZeroF'... 24 bytes generated (for a total of 15973 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'vectorEqual'... 52 bytes generated (for a total of 16025 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'vectorEqualF'... 52 bytes generated (for a total of 16077 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'normalizeVectorF'... 60 bytes generated (for a total of 16137 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'vectorAverageF'... 26 bytes generated (for a total of 16163 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'vectorCubeF'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 16183 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorLength'... 29 bytes generated (for a total of 16212 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorLengthF'... 28 bytes generated (for a total of 16240 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getVector4LengthF'... 36 bytes generated (for a total of 16276 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorDistance'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 16327 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getVector2dDistance'... 36 bytes generated (for a total of 16363 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorDistanceF'... 48 bytes generated (for a total of 16411 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'crossVector'... 52 bytes generated (for a total of 16463 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'crossVectorF'... 52 bytes generated (for a total of 16515 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'dotVector'... 40 bytes generated (for a total of 16555 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'dotVectorF'... 40 bytes generated (for a total of 16595 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorAngle'... 92 bytes generated (for a total of 16687 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getVector2dAngle'... 46 bytes generated (for a total of 16733 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorAngleF'... 90 bytes generated (for a total of 16823 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorOrientedAngleF'... 38 bytes generated (for a total of 16861 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'minVector'... 43 bytes generated (for a total of 16904 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'minVectorF'... 43 bytes generated (for a total of 16947 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'minVector2F'... 30 bytes generated (for a total of 16977 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'maxVector'... 43 bytes generated (for a total of 17020 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'maxVectorF'... 43 bytes generated (for a total of 17063 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'maxVector2F'... 30 bytes generated (for a total of 17093 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'subVector'... 40 bytes generated (for a total of 17133 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'subVectorF'... 40 bytes generated (for a total of 17173 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'subVector2'... 28 bytes generated (for a total of 17201 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'subVector2F'... 28 bytes generated (for a total of 17229 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addVector'... 40 bytes generated (for a total of 17269 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addVectorF'... 40 bytes generated (for a total of 17309 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addVector2'... 28 bytes generated (for a total of 17337 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addVector2F'... 28 bytes generated (for a total of 17365 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'divideVector'... 54 bytes generated (for a total of 17419 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'divideVectorF'... 54 bytes generated (for a total of 17473 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'divideVector2'... 42 bytes generated (for a total of 17515 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'divideVector2F'... 42 bytes generated (for a total of 17557 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'multiplyVector'... 40 bytes generated (for a total of 17597 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'multiplyVector2'... 28 bytes generated (for a total of 17625 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'multiplyVectorF'... 40 bytes generated (for a total of 17665 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'multiplyVector2F'... 28 bytes generated (for a total of 17693 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'projectVector'... 76 bytes generated (for a total of 17769 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'projectVectorF'... 71 bytes generated (for a total of 17840 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'projectVectorOnPlane'... 107 bytes generated (for a total of 17947 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'projectVectorOnPlaneF'... 77 bytes generated (for a total of 18024 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'vectorPlaneIntersectionF'... 108 bytes generated (for a total of 18132 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getPlaneNormalF'... 19 bytes generated (for a total of 18151 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorXF'... 16 bytes generated (for a total of 18167 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorYF'... 16 bytes generated (for a total of 18183 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getVectorZF'... 16 bytes generated (for a total of 18199 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getShortestAngle'... 84 bytes generated (for a total of 18283 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'quatInverse'... 77 bytes generated (for a total of 18360 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'lookAtPYR'... 125 bytes generated (for a total of 18485 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'reorientQuat'... 35 bytes generated (for a total of 18520 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'lookAtQuat'... 338 bytes generated (for a total of 18858 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getMonthDays'... 156 bytes generated (for a total of 19014 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isDateString'... 334 bytes generated (for a total of 19348 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getSecondsFromDateTime'... 148 bytes generated (for a total of 19496 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getDateTimeFromString'... 283 bytes generated (for a total of 19779 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getCurrentDateTime'... 55 bytes generated (for a total of 19834 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getCurrentTime'... 52 bytes generated (for a total of 19886 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbCSVstrip'... 9 bytes generated (for a total of 19895 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'formatCSV'... 225 bytes generated (for a total of 20120 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'writeCSV'... 36 bytes generated (for a total of 20156 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'readCSVdataWithTitle'... 98 bytes generated (for a total of 20254 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'readCSVdata'... 76 bytes generated (for a total of 20330 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'readCSVdataToTab'... 201 bytes generated (for a total of 20531 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'readCSVdataToTabSized'... 200 bytes generated (for a total of 20731 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'readCSVTabToData'... 80 bytes generated (for a total of 20811 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'readCSVdataToTabRow'... 166 bytes generated (for a total of 20977 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'readCSVdataToTabColumn'... 166 bytes generated (for a total of 21143 bytes) Loading complete C:\Users\seapi\Documents/OpenSpace3D/ - hexsubhexes/hexsubhexes.pkg - C:\Users\seapi\Documents\OpenSpace3D\hexsubhexes\hexsubhexes.pkg Loading C:\Users\seapi\Documents\OpenSpace3D\hexsubhexes\hexsubhexes.pkg ... typechecking weak type : Bitmapinterface var appinterface : Bitmapinterface weak type : QRSCoordinate fun mygetcoordinates : fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I] fun makestartvectable : fun [I I S [I I I]] I weak type : Hex fun hex_to_pixel : fun [Hex] [I I] weak type : Vectortable fun initializevectortable : fun [tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate I] Vectortable fun fillvectortable : fun [[I I I] I Vectortable S I] Vectortable weak type : Hexgrid fun mypolygonmain : fun [Hexgrid] I weak type : Mypolygon fun test_point_table : fun [Mypolygon] Mypolygon fun makehexgrid : fun [Bitmapinterface I I I S [I I I]] Hexgrid fun createinterface : fun [] I fun see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap : fun [Hexgrid [F F] [I I] F] Mypolygon weak type : Mypolygontable fun hex_make_row_of_polygons : fun [Bitmapinterface Hexgrid Mypolygontable I] tab Mypolygon fun drawpolygoncolumn : fun [Bitmapinterface tab Mypolygon ObjBitmap] ObjBitmap fun drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit : fun [Bitmapinterface Mypolygontable] I fun initpolygon : fun [Hexgrid I [F F] F S F] Mypolygon weak type : Point fun trianglemakepoints : fun [Mypolygon] tab Point posq : fun [QRSCoordinate] I posr : fun [QRSCoordinate] I poss : fun [QRSCoordinate] I getcoordinates : fun [QRSCoordinate] fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I] mkQRSCoordinate : fun[[I I I fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I] ]] QRSCoordinate no more weak : QRSCoordinate hexcenter : fun [Hex] QRSCoordinate hexheight : fun [Hex] I structradiustopoint : fun [Hex] F fungethexcenter : fun [Hex] fun [Hex] [I I I] funprinthex : fun [Hex] fun [Hex] S funhextopixel : fun [Hex] fun [Hex] [F F] hex_xy : fun [Hex] [F F] mkHex : fun[[QRSCoordinate I F fun [Hex] [I I I] fun [Hex] S fun [Hex] [F F] [F F] ]] Hex no more weak : Hex vectortable : fun [Vectortable] tab QRSCoordinate rows : fun [Vectortable] I start : fun [Vectortable] S startvec : fun [Vectortable] QRSCoordinate mkVectortable : fun[[tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate ]] Vectortable no more weak : Vectortable structHexgrid_interface : fun [Hexgrid] Bitmapinterface hextable : fun [Hexgrid] tab tab Hex hexgridrows : fun [Hexgrid] I columns : fun [Hexgrid] I hexsize : fun [Hexgrid] I structHexgrid_fun_total_width_height : fun [Hexgrid] fun [Hexgrid] [I I] structhexgrid_vectortable : fun [Hexgrid] Vectortable mkHexgrid : fun[[Bitmapinterface tab tab Hex I I I fun [Hexgrid] [I I] Vectortable ]] Hexgrid no more weak : Hexgrid x : fun [Point] F y : fun [Point] F fungetvalues : fun [Point] fun [Point] [F F] mkPoint : fun[[F F fun [Point] [F F] ]] Point no more weak : Point structtextobject : fun [Mypolygon] ObjText numsides : fun [Mypolygon] I center : fun [Mypolygon] [F F] sidelength : fun [Mypolygon] F height : fun [Mypolygon] F points : fun [Mypolygon] tab Point funmakepoints : fun [Mypolygon] fun [Mypolygon] tab Point funmakedrawpointtable : fun [Mypolygon] fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I] strucdrawpointstable : fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I] hextype : fun [Mypolygon] S structpolygonhexheight : fun [Mypolygon] F mkMypolygon : fun[[ObjText I [F F] F F tab Point fun [Mypolygon] tab Point fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I] tab [I I] S F ]] Mypolygon no more weak : Mypolygon Mypolygontable_rows : fun [Mypolygontable] I Mypolygontable_columns : fun [Mypolygontable] I polygontable : fun [Mypolygontable] tab tab Mypolygon originpoint : fun [Mypolygontable] [I I] totalsize : fun [Mypolygontable] [F F] funcalctotalsize : fun [Mypolygontable] fun [Mypolygontable] [F F] parentbitmap : fun [Mypolygontable] ObjBitmap mkMypolygontable : fun[[I I tab tab Mypolygon [I I] [F F] fun [Mypolygontable] [F F] ObjBitmap ]] Mypolygontable no more weak : Mypolygontable Bitmapinterface_mainwindow : fun [Bitmapinterface] ObjWin Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow : fun [Bitmapinterface] ObjWin Bitmapinterface_controlwindow : fun [Bitmapinterface] ObjWin Bitmapinterface_bitmap : fun [Bitmapinterface] ObjBitmap Bitmapinterface_hexgrid : fun [Bitmapinterface] Hexgrid Bitmapinterface_polygontable : fun [Bitmapinterface] Mypolygontable Bitmapinterface_currentrows : fun [Bitmapinterface] I Bitmapinterface_currentcolumns : fun [Bitmapinterface] I Bitmapinterface_currenthex_size : fun [Bitmapinterface] I Bitmapinterface_polygontables : fun [Bitmapinterface] [Mypolygontable r1] mkBitmapinterface : fun[[ObjWin ObjWin ObjWin ObjBitmap Hexgrid Mypolygontable I I I [Mypolygontable r1] ]] Bitmapinterface no more weak : Bitmapinterface fun end : fun [u0 Bitmapinterface] I fun paint : fun [ObjWin u0] I fun print_full_startvector_table_contents : fun [tab QRSCoordinate] I fun getmyhexcoordinates : fun [Hex] [I I I] fun myprinthex : fun [Hex] S fun printcolumn : fun [u0 u1 tab u2] I fun myhextopixel : fun [Hex] [F F] fun makeQRS : fun [I I I] QRSCoordinate fun makeHex : fun [QRSCoordinate I] Hex fun addvec_with_direction : fun [[I I I] S] [I I I] fun make_column : fun [u0 Hexgrid [Hex r1] I I QRSCoordinate I I] tab Hex fun get_maximum_columns : fun [Bitmapinterface I u0 I] I fun myfungetvalues : fun [Point] [F F] fun initpoint : fun [F F] Point fun makeflattophexpoints : fun [Mypolygon] tab Point fun hexmakepoints : fun [Mypolygon] tab Point fun test_polygon_drawpoints : fun [Mypolygon] Mypolygon fun create_drawpoint_table : fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I] fun initpolygontable : fun [Bitmapinterface Hexgrid] Mypolygontable fun cleargridbuttoncallback : fun [u0 u1] I fun makegrid_gridbuttoncallback : fun [u0 [u1 ObjText ObjText ObjText]] I Generating bytecodes for 'end'... 28 bytes generated (for a total of 21171 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'paint'... 14 bytes generated (for a total of 21185 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'print_full_startvector_table_contents'... 52 bytes generated (for a total of 21237 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'mygetcoordinates'... 18 bytes generated (for a total of 21255 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getmyhexcoordinates'... 8 bytes generated (for a total of 21263 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'myprinthex'... 302 bytes generated (for a total of 21565 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'printcolumn'... 32 bytes generated (for a total of 21597 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'myhextopixel'... 81 bytes generated (for a total of 21678 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'makeQRS'... 14 bytes generated (for a total of 21692 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'makeHex'... 57 bytes generated (for a total of 21749 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addvec_with_direction'... 229 bytes generated (for a total of 21978 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'make_column'... 156 bytes generated (for a total of 22134 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'fillvectortable'... 455 bytes generated (for a total of 22589 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'initializevectortable'... 86 bytes generated (for a total of 22675 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'get_maximum_columns'... 298 bytes generated (for a total of 22973 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'makehexgrid'... 148 bytes generated (for a total of 23121 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'myfungetvalues'... 12 bytes generated (for a total of 23133 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'initpoint'... 9 bytes generated (for a total of 23142 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'makeflattophexpoints'... 168 bytes generated (for a total of 23310 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'hexmakepoints'... 168 bytes generated (for a total of 23478 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'trianglemakepoints'... 174 bytes generated (for a total of 23652 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'test_point_table'... 53 bytes generated (for a total of 23705 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'test_polygon_drawpoints'... 145 bytes generated (for a total of 23850 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'create_drawpoint_table'... 67 bytes generated (for a total of 23917 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'initpolygon'... 151 bytes generated (for a total of 24068 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap'... 76 bytes generated (for a total of 24144 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'hex_make_row_of_polygons'... 130 bytes generated (for a total of 24274 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'initpolygontable'... 336 bytes generated (for a total of 24610 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'drawpolygoncolumn'... 85 bytes generated (for a total of 24695 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit'... 65 bytes generated (for a total of 24760 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cleargridbuttoncallback'... 49 bytes generated (for a total of 24809 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'makegrid_gridbuttoncallback'... 102 bytes generated (for a total of 24911 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'createinterface'... 760 bytes generated (for a total of 25671 bytes) Loading complete Window DEBUT : 0 NewWindow: 3278918 Window objet create : 0 Window create : 0 Window create : 1 Window DEBUT : 0 NewWindow: 24186050 Window objet create : 0 Window create : 0 Window create : 1 Window DEBUT : 0 NewWindow: 14942316 Window objet create : 0 Window create : 0 Window create : 1 in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 23.094009 in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are29 Vectortable has : 1 elements fillbitmapbelow this! there are: 1 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount! bitmap y size is!: 512 polygon table origin y is: 512 in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 57.735016 in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are11 Vectortable has : 10 elements fillbitmapbelow this! there are: 10 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount! bitmap y size is!: 512 polygon table origin y is: 512 cleargrid button is clicked! in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 57.735016 in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are11 Vectortable has : 10 elements fillbitmapbelow this! there are: 10 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount! bitmap y size is!: 512 polygon table origin y is: 512 in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 57.735016 in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are11 Vectortable has : 10 elements fillbitmapbelow this! there are: 10 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount! bitmap y size is!: 512 polygon table origin y is: 512 in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 57.735016 in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are11 Vectortable has : 11 elements fillbitmapbelow this! there are: 11 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount! bitmap y size is!: 512 polygon table origin y is: 512 cleargrid button is clicked! in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 57.735016 in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are11 Vectortable has : 11 elements fillbitmapbelow this! there are: 11 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount! bitmap y size is!: 512 polygon table origin y is: 512 cleargrid button is clicked! in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 5.773502 in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are118 Vectortable has : 20 elements fillbitmapbelow this! there are: 20 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount! bitmap y size is!: 512 polygon table origin y is: 512 in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: 5.773502 in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , max columns are118 Vectortable has : 30 elements fillbitmapbelow this! there are: 30 in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount! bitmap y size is!: 512 polygon table origin y is: 512
and here is the supvisor log that mentions that socket related error:
Log File of Scol Virtual Machine Version: 7.0.0 (64Bits) -------------------------------- > Checking useful directories Install Dir: C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\ Local App Data: C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/ User documents: C:\Users\seapi\Documents/Scol Voyager/ Log files: C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Logs/ Scol Server allows for a maximum of 1000001 sockets. > Retrieving local host informations Date: 2024-10-26 11-37-17 Hostname: DANSOLIDSTATELAPTOP HostIP: 0: Scol Server allows for a maximum of 1000001 sockets. > Retrieving local host informations Date: 2024-10-26 11-37-17 Hostname: DANSOLIDSTATELAPTOP HostIP: 0: > Scol configuration Starting memory allocation : 1 MB Log and console display mask : 0x1f Virtual Machine initialization Looking for Scol Partitions partition C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Cache/ - Capacity: 256 MB partition C:\Users\seapi\Documents/OpenSpace3D/ - Capacity : Unlimited size partition C:\Users\seapi\Documents/Scol Voyager/Partition_LocalUsr/ - Capacity : Unlimited size partition C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - Capacity : Unlimited size Scol Partitions scan complete > Loading Scol system packages autoHTTPproxy=no autoSOCKSproxy=no HTTP direct Connection ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/XTension.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/XTension.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/LibOS2D24.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/LibOS2D24.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/Lib2D24.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/Lib2D24.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/SerialIO.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/SerialIO.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/ScolSQL.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/ScolSQL.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/libsqlite3.dll plugin. [ERROR] An error occurs while loading plugins/libsqlite3.dll plugin, the file does not exits or is invalid! Last error : The specified module could not be found. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/SO3Engine.dll plugin. > Start loading Plugin SO3Engine dll > Creating SO3Engine Root Rendering Stereo mode : Mono CPU Identifier & Features ------------------------- * CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4600U CPU @ 2.10GHz * SSE: yes * SSE2: yes * SSE3: yes * SSE41: yes * SSE42: yes * MMX: yes * MMXEXT: yes * 3DNOW: no * 3DNOWEXT: no * CMOV: yes * TSC: yes *INVARIANT TSC: yes * FPU: yes * PRO: yes * HT: no ------------------------- *** Starting Win32GL Subsystem *** Registering ResourceManager for type Texture OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered. OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered. OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered. Registering ResourceManager for type Font > Choosed Renderer > OpenGL renderer selected Try malloc a tape with 8650752 blocks (maximum number of blocks: 201326592): 33Mo Ok > Plugin SO3Engine successfully loaded [INFOS] plugins/SO3Engine.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/wiimote.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/wiimote.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/security.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/security.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/speech.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/speech.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/neurosky.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/neurosky.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/joypad.dll plugin. > Loading Joypad Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/joypad.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/BitmapToolkit.dll plugin. > Loading MathToolkit > Successfully Loaded > Loading BitmapToolkit > Successfully Loaded > Loading CaptureToolkit > Successfully Loaded > Loading ArToolkit > Successfully Loaded > Loading MlToolkit > Successfully Loaded > Loading MediaPlayerToolkit --enable-static --disable-shared --disable-doc --disable-ffmpeg --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-avdevice --disable-encoders --disable-muxers --disable-iconv --disable-symver --prefix='G:/work/subversion/scol-technologies/trunk/dependencies/sdk/windows/x64' --toolchain=msvc --target-os=win64 --enable-asm --enable-yasm --arch=x86_64 --extra-cflags='-DOPENSSL_API_COMPAT=0x10000000L -MD -O2' --extra-ldflags= --disable-debug > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/BitmapToolkit.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/audio.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/audio.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sCurl.dll plugin. > Loading CURL Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/sCurl.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sXml.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/sXml.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/Vuzix.dll plugin. Vuzix driver is not installed [INFOS] plugins/Vuzix.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sqlite3.dll plugin. SQLITE3 support loading ... [INFOS] plugins/sqlite3.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sTuio.dll plugin. > Loading TUIO Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/sTuio.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sVrpn.dll plugin. > Loading VRPN Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/sVrpn.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sPDF.dll plugin. > Loading PDF document Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/sPDF.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/tobii.dll plugin. > Loading TOBII Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/tobii.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sensor.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/sensor.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/androidDeployer.dll plugin. Loading Android Deployer DLL ... error : no tools directory found at C:/Program Files/Scol Voyager/androidDeployerTools/ ... > Loading Android Deployer > Successfully Loaded Android Deployer DLL loaded [INFOS] plugins/androidDeployer.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/rpigpio.dll plugin. > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/rpigpio.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/LeapMotion.dll plugin. > Loading LEAPMOTION Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/LeapMotion.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sopenvr.dll plugin. > Loading Openvr Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/sopenvr.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/x10.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/x10.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/usbuirt.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/usbuirt.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/Myo.dll plugin. > Loading MYO Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/Myo.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/s3drudder.dll plugin. > Loading 3dRudder Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/s3drudder.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/glove.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/glove.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/spacepointfusion.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/spacepointfusion.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/emotiv.dll plugin. [INFOS] plugins/emotiv.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ ################################################################ [INFOS] Loading plugins/sOpenXR.dll plugin. > Loading OpenXr Support > Successfully Loaded [INFOS] plugins/sOpenXR.dll plugin successfully loaded. ################################################################ Loading debugging functions... Scol system packages loaded = 2916 ------------------------------------ > Scol mainscol >> : $ start Quota Thread on C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Cache (268435456 bytes) unplugged C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lib/stdlib.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\stdlib.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\stdlib.pkg ... typechecking fun apply_on_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] u2 u1] I fun rev_apply_on_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] u2 u1] I fun search_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] u0 fun remove_from_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0] [u0 r1] fun pos_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0 I] I fun create_tab : fun [I fun [I u0] u1 u0] tab u1 fun addFifo : fun [u0 [[u0 r1] [u1 [u0 r1]]]] [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] fun getFifo : fun [[[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]] [u0 [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]] fun sizeFifo : fun [[[u0 r1] u1]] I fun concFifo : fun [[u0 [u1 u0]] [u0 [u1 u0]]] [u0 [u1 u0]] Generating bytecodes for 'apply_on_list'... 36 bytes generated (for a total of 36 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'rev_apply_on_list'... 38 bytes generated (for a total of 74 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'search_in_list'... 46 bytes generated (for a total of 120 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_from_list'... 45 bytes generated (for a total of 165 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'pos_in_list'... 46 bytes generated (for a total of 211 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'create_tab'... 39 bytes generated (for a total of 250 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addFifo'... 41 bytes generated (for a total of 291 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFifo'... 54 bytes generated (for a total of 345 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'sizeFifo'... 24 bytes generated (for a total of 369 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'concFifo'... 58 bytes generated (for a total of 427 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lib/loc.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\loc.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\loc.pkg ... typechecking var defaultlang : S var tabloc : tab [[S S] r1] fun hachage : fun [S] I fun rebuild : fun [[S r1]] [S r1] fun loadloc2 : fun [[[S [S r1]] r1]] I fun loadloc : fun [S S] I fun findloc : fun [[[S S] r1] S] S fun strloc : fun [S [S r1]] S fun loc : fun [S] S fun startloc : fun [S] I Generating bytecodes for 'hachage'... 33 bytes generated (for a total of 460 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'rebuild'... 53 bytes generated (for a total of 513 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'loadloc2'... 73 bytes generated (for a total of 586 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'loadloc'... 92 bytes generated (for a total of 678 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'findloc'... 57 bytes generated (for a total of 735 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'strloc'... 68 bytes generated (for a total of 803 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'loc'... 12 bytes generated (for a total of 815 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'startloc'... 26 bytes generated (for a total of 841 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lib/treeedit.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\treeedit.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\treeedit.pkg ... typechecking var file1 : S var file2 : S fun flaginsert : fun [] I chRename : fun [Rename] Chn winRename : fun [Rename] ObjWin txtRename : fun [Rename] ObjText endRename : fun [Rename] fun [S] I mkRename : fun[[Chn ObjWin ObjText fun [S] I ]] Rename new type : Rename fun _okr : fun [u0 Rename] I fun lineokr : fun [u0 Rename u1] I fun _cancr : fun [u0 Rename] I fun _destroyr : fun [u0 Rename] I fun iniRename : fun [Chn ObjWin I I S fun [S] I S] Rename chNref : fun [Nref] Chn winNref : fun [Nref] ObjWin txtNref : fun [Nref] ObjText refNref : fun [Nref] ObjText endNref : fun [Nref] fun [S S] I mkNref : fun[[Chn ObjWin ObjText ObjText fun [S S] I ]] Nref new type : Nref fun _okn : fun [u0 Nref] I fun _destroyE : fun [u0 Nref] I fun _canc : fun [u0 Nref] I fun _GetFile : fun [u0 Nref P] I fun _browse : fun [u0 Nref] OpenBox fun iniNref : fun [Chn ObjWin I I S fun [S S] I S S I I] Nref fun conc : fun [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] [u0 r1] chBook : fun [BookEdit] Chn winBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjWin trBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjTree selectBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjTreeItem lBook : fun [BookEdit] [[ObjTreeItem ObjTreeItem S] r1] endBook : fun [BookEdit] fun [S] I flagBook : fun [BookEdit] I bannerBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjText menuBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjMenu okBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjButton cancelBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjButton lbBook : fun [BookEdit] ObjBitmapList ichildBook : fun [BookEdit] BitmapIndex ifatherBook : fun [BookEdit] BitmapIndex mkBook : fun[[Chn ObjWin ObjTree ObjTreeItem [[ObjTreeItem ObjTreeItem S] r1] fun [S] I I ObjText ObjMenu ObjButton ObjButton ObjBitmapList BitmapIndex BitmapIndex ]] BookEdit new type : BookEdit var TREE_BROWSE : I fun bytreeitem : fun [[u0 u1 u2] u0] I fun extractref : fun [S] [S S] fun buildref : fun [S S] S fun ftb1 : fun [BookEdit [S r1] ObjTreeItem] [S r1] fun filetobookex : fun [BookEdit S ObjTreeItem] [S r1] fun filetobook : fun [BookEdit S] [S r1] fun rebuildbook : fun [BookEdit ObjTreeItem I] [S r1] fun rebuildnode : fun [BookEdit ObjTreeItem] S fun rebuildtree : fun [BookEdit] S fun _drag : fun [u0 BookEdit ObjTreeItem ObjTreeItem] ObjTree fun _delete : fun [u0 BookEdit] ObjTree fun resadd : fun [S S BookEdit] I fun _add : fun [u0 BookEdit] Nref fun resaddfolder : fun [S BookEdit] I fun _addfolder : fun [u0 BookEdit] Rename fun resedit : fun [S S BookEdit] I fun reseditfolder : fun [S BookEdit] I fun _edit : fun [u0 BookEdit] I fun _dclick : fun [u0 BookEdit ObjTreeItem u1 u2] I fun _click : fun [u0 BookEdit ObjTreeItem u1 u2 u3] ObjWin fun _ok : fun [u0 BookEdit] I fun _cancel : fun [u0 BookEdit] I fun _destroy : fun [u0 BookEdit] I fun _resize : fun [u0 BookEdit I I] ObjButton fun inibook : fun [Chn ObjWin I I S S fun [S] I S I S] BookEdit Generating bytecodes for 'flaginsert'... 2 bytes generated (for a total of 843 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_okr'... 17 bytes generated (for a total of 860 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'lineokr'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 865 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_cancr'... 11 bytes generated (for a total of 876 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_destroyr'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 882 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'iniRename'... 309 bytes generated (for a total of 1191 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_okn'... 24 bytes generated (for a total of 1215 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_destroyE'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 1222 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_canc'... 10 bytes generated (for a total of 1232 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_GetFile'... 35 bytes generated (for a total of 1267 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_browse'... 31 bytes generated (for a total of 1298 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'iniNref'... 404 bytes generated (for a total of 1702 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'conc'... 25 bytes generated (for a total of 1727 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'bytreeitem'... 10 bytes generated (for a total of 1737 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'extractref'... 17 bytes generated (for a total of 1754 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'buildref'... 21 bytes generated (for a total of 1775 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'ftb1'... 165 bytes generated (for a total of 1940 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'filetobookex'... 11 bytes generated (for a total of 1951 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'filetobook'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 1957 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'rebuildbook'... 98 bytes generated (for a total of 2055 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'rebuildnode'... 8 bytes generated (for a total of 2063 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'rebuildtree'... 12 bytes generated (for a total of 2075 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_drag'... 72 bytes generated (for a total of 2147 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_delete'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 2154 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'resadd'... 119 bytes generated (for a total of 2273 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_add'... 41 bytes generated (for a total of 2314 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'resaddfolder'... 68 bytes generated (for a total of 2382 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_addfolder'... 33 bytes generated (for a total of 2415 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'resedit'... 95 bytes generated (for a total of 2510 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'reseditfolder'... 39 bytes generated (for a total of 2549 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_edit'... 124 bytes generated (for a total of 2673 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_dclick'... 34 bytes generated (for a total of 2707 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_click'... 35 bytes generated (for a total of 2742 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_ok'... 22 bytes generated (for a total of 2764 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_cancel'... 17 bytes generated (for a total of 2781 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_destroy'... 12 bytes generated (for a total of 2793 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_resize'... 130 bytes generated (for a total of 2923 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'inibook'... 644 bytes generated (for a total of 3567 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lib/textedit.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\textedit.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\textedit.pkg ... typechecking var Font : ObjFont chText : fun [TextEdit] Chn winText : fun [TextEdit] ObjWin bannerText : fun [TextEdit] ObjText textText : fun [TextEdit] ObjText okText : fun [TextEdit] ObjButton cancelText : fun [TextEdit] ObjButton endText : fun [TextEdit] fun [S] I mkText : fun[[Chn ObjWin ObjText ObjText ObjButton ObjButton fun [S] I ]] TextEdit new type : TextEdit fun _ok : fun [u0 TextEdit] I fun _cancel : fun [u0 TextEdit] I fun _destroy : fun [u0 TextEdit] I fun _resizeT : fun [u0 TextEdit I I] ObjButton fun iniText : fun [Chn ObjWin I I S S fun [S] I S] TextEdit fun _destroyevent : fun [S] I fun main : fun [] TextEdit Generating bytecodes for '_ok'... 17 bytes generated (for a total of 3584 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_cancel'... 11 bytes generated (for a total of 3595 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_destroy'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 3601 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_resizeT'... 128 bytes generated (for a total of 3729 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'iniText'... 309 bytes generated (for a total of 4038 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_destroyevent'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 4045 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'main'... 64 bytes generated (for a total of 4109 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/master.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\master.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\master.pkg ... typechecking weak type : Env var env_ref : Env fun main : fun [I] I Generating bytecodes for 'main'... 249 bytes generated (for a total of 4358 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/var.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\var.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\var.pkg ... typechecking var sVersionFile : S var iDevMode : I var voyagerDebugMode : I var sTesturl : S var sUpdateUrl : S var sStatsUrl : S var sUpdateFile : S var http_header : S var http_headerb : S var chnComm : Chn var chn0 : Chn var versionuser : I var languages : [[S S] r1] var AutoStartDelay : I var packsusers : [[S S S] r1] var scriptserver : S var scriptuser : S var port : I var rights : I var font : ObjFont var icon : ObjIcon var bmpVoyagerIcon : ObjBitmap var sVoyagerIconPath : S var sVoyagerUnixIconPath : S nameScript : fun [Script] S clearScript : fun [Script] S rightsScript : fun [Script] I sizeScript : fun [Script] I weak type : Script sonsScript : fun [Script] [Script r1] mkScript : fun[[S S I I [Script r1] ]] Script no more weak : Script nameRun : fun [Run] S canalRun : fun [Run] Chn scriptRun : fun [Run] Script pubRun : fun [Run] [[S I I] r1] tag : fun [Run] I runnum : fun [Run] I mkRun : fun[[S Chn Script [[S I I] r1] I I ]] Run new type : Run var current : Run urlLink : fun [[S S]] Link scriptLink : fun [[S S]] Link new type : Link var currunnum : I var back : [S r1] var customs : [Script r1] var running : [Run r1] var contmenu : ObjMenu var getservhttp : fun [HTTPcon S] S var getservdirect : fun [S] I var getservis : fun [S] I var cbpublic : fun [S I] I var cbpublichttp : fun [S I] I var cbkilled : fun [Run I] I var numb : I var nbapps : I var portdef : I var pendingreq : I var h4 : S var iSetup : I fun itoh4 : fun [I] S fun _contact : fun [u0 S] I fun createmenus : fun [] I fun _logfile : fun [[S r1]] I fun launch : fun [Timer [Script r1]] I fun showSetup : fun [I] I fun startreq : fun [I S I S I I] I fun cbGetUrlError : fun [S] I fun showAddressBar : fun [S] I Generating bytecodes for 'itoh4'... 22 bytes generated (for a total of 4380 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/common.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\common.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\common.pkg ... typechecking fun btime : fun [I] S fun dtime : fun [I] S fun cutlist : fun [[S r1] I S] [S r1] fun getlibname : fun [Env] [[S r1] r1] fun multiress : fun [[[S [S r1]] r1]] I fun getInfos : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] [S r1] fun getInfo : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] S fun getInfoI : fun [[[S r1] r1] S] S fun chgress2 : fun [[S r1] S u0 S I] [S r1] fun chgress : fun [S S] I var lCurrentDl : [[S INET] r1] fun remove_sid_from_list : fun [[[S u0] r1] S] [[S u0] r1] fun stopUrlDownload : fun [S] I fun cbGetPostUrl : fun [INET [S fun [S] u0 fun [S] u1 S] S I] I fun cbPostIsInternetOk : fun [u0 [S S fun [S] u1 fun [S] u2] I] I fun postUrl : fun [S S fun [S] u0 fun [S] u1] I fun cbGetFileDownloadtUrl : fun [INET [S S W fun [S] u0 fun [S] u1] S I] I fun cbFileDownloadIsInternetOk : fun [u0 [S S S fun [S] u1 fun [S] u2] I] I fun fileDownloadUrl : fun [S S S fun [S] u0 fun [S] u1] I fun cbDlIsInternetOk : fun [u0 [S fun [S] u1 fun [S] u2] I] I fun downloadUrl : fun [S fun [S] u0 fun [S] u1] I fun getPathFile : fun [S S] [S S] fun brwSearchLastSlash : fun [S] I fun brwSearchLastpoint : fun [S] I fun lastpercent : fun [S I I] I fun getFatherDirectory : fun [S] S fun getFileWithoutExtension : fun [S] S fun getExtension : fun [S S] I fun getExtensionFromFile : fun [S] S fun findLastSlash : fun [S] I fun ChgChars : fun [S S S S I] S fun apply_on_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] u2 u1] I fun removef_from_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] [u0 r1] fun listcat : fun [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] [u0 r1] fun posf_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] I Generating bytecodes for 'btime'... 337 bytes generated (for a total of 4717 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'dtime'... 404 bytes generated (for a total of 5121 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cutlist'... 65 bytes generated (for a total of 5186 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getlibname'... 26 bytes generated (for a total of 5212 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'multiress'... 62 bytes generated (for a total of 5274 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getInfos'... 49 bytes generated (for a total of 5323 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getInfo'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 5374 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getInfoI'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 5425 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'chgress2'... 122 bytes generated (for a total of 5547 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'chgress'... 69 bytes generated (for a total of 5616 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_sid_from_list'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 5667 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'stopUrlDownload'... 18 bytes generated (for a total of 5685 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetPostUrl'... 300 bytes generated (for a total of 5985 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbPostIsInternetOk'... 125 bytes generated (for a total of 6110 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'postUrl'... 13 bytes generated (for a total of 6123 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetFileDownloadtUrl'... 302 bytes generated (for a total of 6425 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbFileDownloadIsInternetOk'... 134 bytes generated (for a total of 6559 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'fileDownloadUrl'... 14 bytes generated (for a total of 6573 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbDlIsInternetOk'... 59 bytes generated (for a total of 6632 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'downloadUrl'... 12 bytes generated (for a total of 6644 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getPathFile'... 72 bytes generated (for a total of 6716 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'brwSearchLastSlash'... 60 bytes generated (for a total of 6776 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'brwSearchLastpoint'... 57 bytes generated (for a total of 6833 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'lastpercent'... 42 bytes generated (for a total of 6875 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFatherDirectory'... 38 bytes generated (for a total of 6913 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFileWithoutExtension'... 11 bytes generated (for a total of 6924 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getExtension'... 31 bytes generated (for a total of 6955 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getExtensionFromFile'... 15 bytes generated (for a total of 6970 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'findLastSlash'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 7021 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'ChgChars'... 64 bytes generated (for a total of 7085 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'apply_on_list'... 36 bytes generated (for a total of 7121 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'removef_from_list'... 48 bytes generated (for a total of 7169 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'listcat'... 31 bytes generated (for a total of 7200 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'posf_in_list'... 42 bytes generated (for a total of 7242 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/update.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\update.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\update.pkg ... typechecking var sRefVersion : S var wUpdateWindow : ObjWin fun cbEndDlUpdate : fun [S] I fun cbErrorDlUpdate : fun [u0] I fun cbCancelUpdate : fun [u0 S] I fun cbOkUpdate : fun [u0 [S ObjBox ObjText ObjButton]] I fun cbDestroyUptWin : fun [u0 S] I fun crUpdateWindow : fun [S] I fun cbGetUpgrade : fun [u0 S I] I fun CheckReferenceVersion : fun [[S r1] I] I fun cbGotCurrentVer : fun [u0 [S S I] S I] I fun cbGetCurrentVer : fun [S I I] I fun _checkUpdate : fun [I] I Generating bytecodes for 'cbEndDlUpdate'... 75 bytes generated (for a total of 7317 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbErrorDlUpdate'... 43 bytes generated (for a total of 7360 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbCancelUpdate'... 13 bytes generated (for a total of 7373 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbOkUpdate'... 100 bytes generated (for a total of 7473 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbDestroyUptWin'... 13 bytes generated (for a total of 7486 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'crUpdateWindow'... 390 bytes generated (for a total of 7876 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetUpgrade'... 41 bytes generated (for a total of 7917 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'CheckReferenceVersion'... 455 bytes generated (for a total of 8372 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbGotCurrentVer'... 258 bytes generated (for a total of 8630 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbGetCurrentVer'... 349 bytes generated (for a total of 8979 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_checkUpdate'... 11 bytes generated (for a total of 8990 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/masterse.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\masterse.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\masterse.pkg ... typechecking fun cbSendStat : fun [u0 [S S] S I] I fun sendStats : fun [S] I fun pubbyname : fun [[S u0 u1] S] I fun nameofpub : fun [[u0 u1 u2]] u0 fun ipofpub : fun [[u0 I I]] S fun ipofpub2 : fun [[S u0 u1]] S fun searchpub : fun [[Run r1] S] [S I I] fun searchpub2 : fun [[Run r1] S] Run fun _resizeT : fun [u0 ObjText I I] ObjText fun chgusm2 : fun [[S r1] S S S I] [S r1] fun chgusm : fun [S S S] S fun _showsetupwin : fun [u0 u1] I fun callmenu : fun [u0 u1 I] I fun dclicktask : fun [u0 u1 u2] I fun buildl : fun [[S r1]] [[S S] r1] fun insertstring : fun [u0 [u0 r1] fun [u0 u0] I] [u0 r1] fun sort : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u0] I] [u0 r1] fun cmpbyclear : fun [[u0 S] [u1 S]] I fun buildlanguages : fun [] [[S S] r1] fun reinitloc : fun [] I fun launchmachine : fun [S I] I fun launchscript : fun [Script] I fun _launch : fun [u0 Script] I fun search_in_script : fun [[Script r1] fun [Script u0] I u0] Script fun srvbyname : fun [Script S] I fun srvbyclear : fun [Script S] I fun runbychan : fun [Run Chn] I fun runbyname : fun [Run S] I fun rebuild2 : fun [[S r1]] [S r1] fun rebuild : fun [[[S r1] r1]] [[[S r1] r1] [Script r1]] fun servics : fun [] [Script r1] fun newstart : fun [[Script r1] [Script r1]] I fun initcustserv : fun [] [S r1] fun _select : fun [u0 Run] I fun createpublic2 : fun [[S I I] ObjMenu] ObjMenuItem fun createpublic : fun [Run ObjMenu] I fun refreshpublic : fun [ObjMenu] I fun _destroycust : fun [S] I fun _editcust : fun [u0 u1] I fun createcustom : fun [[Script r1] ObjMenu] I fun refreshcustom : fun [ObjMenu] I fun createactive : fun [Run ObjMenu] ObjMenuItem fun refreshactive : fun [ObjMenu] I fun saveBack : fun [] I fun createback : fun [S ObjMenu] ObjMenuItem fun refreshback : fun [ObjMenu] I fun labout : fun [[S r1]] [S r1] fun _about : fun [u0 u1] MessageBox fun _settextsite : fun [u0] I fun contact : fun [S S] I fun _destroyress : fun [S] I fun _editress : fun [u0 u1] I fun _destroypart : fun [S] I fun _editpart : fun [u0 u1] I fun _gotosite : fun [u0 S] I fun _startscript : fun [u0 S] I fun _quit : fun [u0 u1] I fun addlinkmenu : fun [Link [Chn ObjMenu]] ObjMenuItem fun _showurlwin : fun [u0 u1] I fun _mnupdate : fun [u0 I] I fun processpile : fun [I [[S [S [S u0]]] r1]] I fun fullurl : fun [S I S I] S fun cbmain : fun [u0 [I S I S I I S] S I] I fun cbStartReq : fun [S [I S I S I I] I] I fun requestn : fun [I] S fun htmlbin3 : fun [[[S u0 u1] r1] [[S r1] r1]] [[S r1] r1] fun htmlbin2 : fun [[Run r1] [[S r1] r1]] [[S r1] r1] fun htmlbin : fun [] S fun htmldir3 : fun [[[S u0 u1] r1] [S r1]] [S r1] fun htmldir2 : fun [[Run r1] [S r1]] [S r1] fun htmldir : fun [] S fun htmlreq : fun [HTTPcon S] S fun htmlreqbin : fun [S] S fun cbprox : fun [u0 [HTTPcon u1 u2] S I] I fun cbclose_http : fun [u0 INET] INET fun htmlproxy : fun [S S HTTPcon S] S fun http_onrequest : fun [HTTPcon u0 S] S fun launchHTTP : fun [[S r1]] I fun main : fun [I] I fun cbRetryClose : fun [Timer u0] I fun _killedrun : fun [Run I] I fun _killed : fun [I] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __norestart : fun [u0] S fun filter : fun [] I fun correctUrl : fun [S] S fun __register : fun [S] I fun __setsite : fun [u0] I fun __goto : fun [S] I fun __gotoA : fun [S] I fun __open : fun [S] I fun __gotoR : fun [S S] I fun _openR : fun [S S] I fun __public : fun [S I] I fun __publicHTTP : fun [S I] I fun localinfos2 : fun [[S I I] [u0 S]] I fun localinfos : fun [Run S] I fun __infos : fun [S] I fun __getserv : fun [S] I fun _addc : fun [u0 S I] I fun __addcustom : fun [S] MessageBox fun _addres : fun [u0 [S S] I] I fun __address : fun [S S] MessageBox fun __restartUpd : fun [u0] I fun __addHistory : fun [S] I Generating bytecodes for 'cbSendStat'... 174 bytes generated (for a total of 9164 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'sendStats'... 222 bytes generated (for a total of 9386 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'pubbyname'... 16 bytes generated (for a total of 9402 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'nameofpub'... 8 bytes generated (for a total of 9410 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'ipofpub'... 131 bytes generated (for a total of 9541 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'ipofpub2'... 65 bytes generated (for a total of 9606 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'searchpub'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 9657 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'searchpub2'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 9708 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_resizeT'... 12 bytes generated (for a total of 9720 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'chgusm2'... 120 bytes generated (for a total of 9840 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'chgusm'... 16 bytes generated (for a total of 9856 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_showsetupwin'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 9862 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'callmenu'... 46 bytes generated (for a total of 9908 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'dclicktask'... 8 bytes generated (for a total of 9916 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'buildl'... 177 bytes generated (for a total of 10093 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'insertstring'... 73 bytes generated (for a total of 10166 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'sort'... 27 bytes generated (for a total of 10193 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cmpbyclear'... 17 bytes generated (for a total of 10210 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'buildlanguages'... 25 bytes generated (for a total of 10235 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'reinitloc'... 103 bytes generated (for a total of 10338 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'launchmachine'... 13 bytes generated (for a total of 10351 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'launchscript'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 10358 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_launch'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 10362 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'search_in_script'... 68 bytes generated (for a total of 10430 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'srvbyname'... 19 bytes generated (for a total of 10449 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'srvbyclear'... 19 bytes generated (for a total of 10468 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'runbychan'... 17 bytes generated (for a total of 10485 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'runbyname'... 45 bytes generated (for a total of 10530 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'rebuild2'... 53 bytes generated (for a total of 10583 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'rebuild'... 140 bytes generated (for a total of 10723 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'servics'... 23 bytes generated (for a total of 10746 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'launch'... 80 bytes generated (for a total of 10826 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'newstart'... 61 bytes generated (for a total of 10887 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'initcustserv'... 77 bytes generated (for a total of 10964 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_select'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 11015 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'createpublic2'... 33 bytes generated (for a total of 11048 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'createpublic'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 11055 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'refreshpublic'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 11061 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_destroycust'... 59 bytes generated (for a total of 11120 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_editcust'... 70 bytes generated (for a total of 11190 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'createcustom'... 84 bytes generated (for a total of 11274 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'refreshcustom'... 42 bytes generated (for a total of 11316 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'createactive'... 129 bytes generated (for a total of 11445 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'refreshactive'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 11451 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'saveBack'... 35 bytes generated (for a total of 11486 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'createback'... 14 bytes generated (for a total of 11500 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'refreshback'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 11506 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'labout'... 52 bytes generated (for a total of 11558 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_about'... 101 bytes generated (for a total of 11659 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_settextsite'... 2 bytes generated (for a total of 11661 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'contact'... 333 bytes generated (for a total of 11994 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_destroyress'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 12014 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_editress'... 40 bytes generated (for a total of 12054 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_destroypart'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 12074 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_editpart'... 41 bytes generated (for a total of 12115 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_contact'... 9 bytes generated (for a total of 12124 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_gotosite'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 12131 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_startscript'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 12136 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_quit'... 9 bytes generated (for a total of 12145 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addlinkmenu'... 82 bytes generated (for a total of 12227 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_showurlwin'... 8 bytes generated (for a total of 12235 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_mnupdate'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 12241 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'createmenus'... 365 bytes generated (for a total of 12606 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'processpile'... 192 bytes generated (for a total of 12798 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'fullurl'... 62 bytes generated (for a total of 12860 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbmain'... 208 bytes generated (for a total of 13068 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbStartReq'... 276 bytes generated (for a total of 13344 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'startreq'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 13395 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'requestn'... 52 bytes generated (for a total of 13447 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'htmlbin3'... 39 bytes generated (for a total of 13486 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'htmlbin2'... 33 bytes generated (for a total of 13519 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'htmlbin'... 41 bytes generated (for a total of 13560 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'htmldir3'... 74 bytes generated (for a total of 13634 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'htmldir2'... 33 bytes generated (for a total of 13667 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'htmldir'... 71 bytes generated (for a total of 13738 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'htmlreq'... 52 bytes generated (for a total of 13790 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'htmlreqbin'... 34 bytes generated (for a total of 13824 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbprox'... 39 bytes generated (for a total of 13863 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbclose_http'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 13867 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'htmlproxy'... 280 bytes generated (for a total of 14147 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'http_onrequest'... 261 bytes generated (for a total of 14408 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'launchHTTP'... 37 bytes generated (for a total of 14445 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'main'... 1125 bytes generated (for a total of 15570 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbRetryClose'... 100 bytes generated (for a total of 15670 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_killedrun'... 134 bytes generated (for a total of 15804 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_killed'... 27 bytes generated (for a total of 15831 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 15835 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__norestart'... 29 bytes generated (for a total of 15864 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'filter'... 72 bytes generated (for a total of 15936 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'correctUrl'... 210 bytes generated (for a total of 16146 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__register'... 155 bytes generated (for a total of 16301 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__setsite'... 17 bytes generated (for a total of 16318 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__goto'... 30 bytes generated (for a total of 16348 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__gotoA'... 26 bytes generated (for a total of 16374 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__open'... 24 bytes generated (for a total of 16398 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__gotoR'... 30 bytes generated (for a total of 16428 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_openR'... 24 bytes generated (for a total of 16452 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__public'... 73 bytes generated (for a total of 16525 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__publicHTTP'... 89 bytes generated (for a total of 16614 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'localinfos2'... 110 bytes generated (for a total of 16724 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'localinfos'... 9 bytes generated (for a total of 16733 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__infos'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 16739 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getserv'... 64 bytes generated (for a total of 16803 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_addc'... 79 bytes generated (for a total of 16882 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__addcustom'... 70 bytes generated (for a total of 16952 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_addres'... 27 bytes generated (for a total of 16979 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__address'... 55 bytes generated (for a total of 17034 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__restartUpd'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 17054 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__addHistory'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 17105 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lib/_mlistlib.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\_mlistlib.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\_mlistlib.pkg ... typechecking fun listcat : fun [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] [u0 r1] fun listlength : fun [[u0 r1]] I fun rdividelist : fun [fun [u0 u1] I u0 [u1 r1] [u1 r1] [u1 r1]] [[u1 r1] [u1 r1]] fun rquicksort : fun [fun [u0 u0] I [u0 r1]] [u0 r1] fun mirror : fun [[u0 r1]] [u0 r1] fun remove_nth_from_list : fun [[u0 r1] I] [u0 r1] fun removef_from_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] [u0 r1] fun replace_nth_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] I u0] [u0 r1] fun replace_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0 u0] [u0 r1] fun add_nth_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] I u0] [u0 r1] fun is_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0] I fun isf_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] I fun posf_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] I fun search_all_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] [u0 r1] Generating bytecodes for 'listcat'... 31 bytes generated (for a total of 17136 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'listlength'... 26 bytes generated (for a total of 17162 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'rdividelist'... 62 bytes generated (for a total of 17224 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'rquicksort'... 53 bytes generated (for a total of 17277 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'mirror'... 33 bytes generated (for a total of 17310 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_nth_from_list'... 47 bytes generated (for a total of 17357 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'removef_from_list'... 48 bytes generated (for a total of 17405 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'replace_nth_in_list'... 50 bytes generated (for a total of 17455 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'replace_in_list'... 48 bytes generated (for a total of 17503 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'add_nth_in_list'... 55 bytes generated (for a total of 17558 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'is_in_list'... 40 bytes generated (for a total of 17598 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'isf_in_list'... 43 bytes generated (for a total of 17641 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'posf_in_list'... 42 bytes generated (for a total of 17683 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'search_all_in_list'... 52 bytes generated (for a total of 17735 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lib/stdlib.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\stdlib.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\stdlib.pkg ... typechecking fun apply_on_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] u2 u1] I fun rev_apply_on_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] u2 u1] I fun search_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] fun [u0 u1] I u1] u0 fun remove_from_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0] [u0 r1] fun pos_in_list : fun [[u0 r1] u0 I] I fun create_tab : fun [I fun [I u0] u1 u0] tab u1 fun addFifo : fun [u0 [[u0 r1] [u1 [u0 r1]]]] [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] fun getFifo : fun [[[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]] [u0 [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]] fun sizeFifo : fun [[[u0 r1] u1]] I fun concFifo : fun [[u0 [u1 u0]] [u0 [u1 u0]]] [u0 [u1 u0]] Generating bytecodes for 'apply_on_list'... 36 bytes generated (for a total of 17771 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'rev_apply_on_list'... 38 bytes generated (for a total of 17809 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'search_in_list'... 46 bytes generated (for a total of 17855 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'remove_from_list'... 45 bytes generated (for a total of 17900 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'pos_in_list'... 46 bytes generated (for a total of 17946 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'create_tab'... 39 bytes generated (for a total of 17985 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addFifo'... 41 bytes generated (for a total of 18026 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getFifo'... 54 bytes generated (for a total of 18080 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'sizeFifo'... 24 bytes generated (for a total of 18104 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'concFifo'... 58 bytes generated (for a total of 18162 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/settings.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\settings.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\settings.pkg ... typechecking SETUP_WIN : fun [SETUPstr] ObjWin SETUP_MENU : fun [SETUPstr] ObjList SETUP_CLOSEBTN : fun [SETUPstr] ObjButton SETUP_HELPBTN : fun [SETUPstr] ObjButton SETUP_MENUELTS : fun [SETUPstr] [[I [fun [] I fun [] I]] r1] mkSETUPstr : fun[[ObjWin ObjList ObjButton ObjButton [[I [fun [] I fun [] I]] r1] ]] SETUPstr new type : SETUPstr var strSetup : SETUPstr var bPkgExtensionsLoaded : I var iSetupW : I var iSetupH : I var sScolIconPath : S var sFolderIconPath : S var iSetupChildW : I var iSetupChildH : I fun loadSetupGen : fun [SETUPstr] I fun loadSetupNetwork : fun [SETUPstr] I fun loadSetupSupport : fun [SETUPstr] I fun loadSetupOg3D : fun [SETUPstr] I fun loadSetup3D : fun [SETUPstr] I fun loadSetupVideo : fun [SETUPstr] I fun closeSetupChild : fun [] I fun dsSetup : fun [I] I fun cbSetupWinDestory : fun [u0 u1] I fun cbSetupCloseBtn : fun [u0 u1] I fun cbSetupHelpBtn : fun [u0 u1] I fun cbSetupMenuClick : fun [u0 u1 I u2] I fun addSetupMenu : fun [S fun [] I fun [] I] I fun loadPkgExtensions : fun [] I fun __showSetupDist : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for 'closeSetupChild'... 53 bytes generated (for a total of 18215 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'dsSetup'... 49 bytes generated (for a total of 18264 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupWinDestory'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 18270 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupCloseBtn'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 18276 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupHelpBtn'... 72 bytes generated (for a total of 18348 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupMenuClick'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 18368 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addSetupMenu'... 29 bytes generated (for a total of 18397 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'loadPkgExtensions'... 537 bytes generated (for a total of 18934 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'showSetup'... 365 bytes generated (for a total of 19299 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__showSetupDist'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 19305 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/addressbar.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\addressbar.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\addressbar.pkg ... typechecking var sAddressBarBgText : S var sAddressBarBtnClose : S var contAddressBar : ObjContainer var txtAddressBar : CompText fun cbAddressBarDestroy : fun [u0 [CompBitmap CompRollOver AlphaBitmap AlphaBitmap]] I fun cbAddressBarValidation : fun [u0 [CompBitmap CompRollOver AlphaBitmap AlphaBitmap] I S] I fun cbAddressBarQuit : fun [u0 [CompBitmap CompRollOver AlphaBitmap AlphaBitmap] u1 u2 u3 u4] I Generating bytecodes for 'cbAddressBarDestroy'... 50 bytes generated (for a total of 19355 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbAddressBarValidation'... 72 bytes generated (for a total of 19427 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbAddressBarQuit'... 27 bytes generated (for a total of 19454 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'showAddressBar'... 380 bytes generated (for a total of 19834 bytes) Loading complete Scol Server allows for a maximum of 1000001 sockets. C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog.pkg ... typechecking indexConn : fun [Conn] I lstpConn : fun [Conn] [[S S S] r1] lastpConn : fun [Conn] S indpConn : fun [Conn] I flagreqConn : fun [Conn] I timConn : fun [Conn] Timer ipConn : fun [Conn] S stateConn : fun [Conn] I mkConn : fun[[I [[S S S] r1] S I I Timer S I ]] Conn new type : Conn var SRVblack : [[S I] r1] var SRVpending : [S r1] var typzip : I var incr : I var SRVsimult : I var SRVblacktime : I var SRVtimeout : I var SRVlogfile : S var SRVcurrentlogfile : S var flog : W fun buildtab2 : fun [[S r1]] [S r1] fun buildtab : fun [[S r1]] S fun addZero : fun [S] S fun getNewLogFile : fun [] S fun countStrList : fun [[S r1] S] I fun fillpack : fun [[[S S S] r1]] I fun _clock : fun [u0 Conn] I fun continue : fun [Conn S] I fun purgeblack : fun [[[u0 I] r1]] [[u0 I] r1] fun _SRVconnected : fun [Conn] I fun _SRVclosed : fun [Conn] I fun buildpack : fun [[[S S u0] r1]] [[S r1] r1] fun _SRVgetpack : fun [Conn] I fun buildreq : fun [[[S S S] r1]] [[S r1] r1] fun _SRVversion : fun [Conn I] I fun _SRVnextpack : fun [Conn] I fun _SRVnext : fun [Conn] I fun _SRVskip : fun [Conn] I fun _SRVdownl : fun [Conn] I Generating bytecodes for 'buildtab2'... 63 bytes generated (for a total of 19897 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'buildtab'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 19903 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addZero'... 26 bytes generated (for a total of 19929 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getNewLogFile'... 80 bytes generated (for a total of 20009 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_logfile'... 66 bytes generated (for a total of 20075 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'countStrList'... 41 bytes generated (for a total of 20116 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'fillpack'... 82 bytes generated (for a total of 20198 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_clock'... 30 bytes generated (for a total of 20228 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'continue'... 21 bytes generated (for a total of 20249 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'purgeblack'... 55 bytes generated (for a total of 20304 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_SRVconnected'... 217 bytes generated (for a total of 20521 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_SRVclosed'... 26 bytes generated (for a total of 20547 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'buildpack'... 56 bytes generated (for a total of 20603 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_SRVgetpack'... 26 bytes generated (for a total of 20629 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'buildreq'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 20680 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_SRVversion'... 75 bytes generated (for a total of 20755 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_SRVnextpack'... 75 bytes generated (for a total of 20830 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_SRVnext'... 89 bytes generated (for a total of 20919 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_SRVskip'... 28 bytes generated (for a total of 20947 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_SRVdownl'... 93 bytes generated (for a total of 21040 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lang/master.french.lang - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lang\master.french.lang C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lang/master.english.lang - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lang\master.english.lang C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lang/master.english.lang - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lang\master.english.lang create Tcp server -1791195408 on 1200 partition C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Cache/ - Capacity: 256 MB partition C:\Users\seapi\Documents/OpenSpace3D/ - Capacity : Unlimited size partition C:\Users\seapi\Documents/Scol Voyager/Partition_LocalUsr/ - Capacity : Unlimited size partition C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - Capacity : Unlimited size C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/img/icon.bmp - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\img\icon.bmp C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/etc/version.txt - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\etc\version.txt C:\Users\seapi\Documents/OpenSpace3D/ - locked/etc/custom.txt - C:\Users\seapi\Documents\OpenSpace3D\locked\etc\custom.txt C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/etc/history.txt - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\etc\history.txt Http server started on port 1199 C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/etc/version.txt - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\etc\version.txt Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21060 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21064 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21068 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21073 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21077 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21081 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21085 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21089 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/lib/stdlib.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\lib\stdlib.pkg zip 451/1295 C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/infocli.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\infocli.pkg zip 610/1180 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21109 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21113 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21117 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21122 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21126 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21130 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21134 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21138 bytes) Loading complete ObjCURL destroyed. >>>>>>>>> Send stats response : https://www.openspace3d.com/voyagerstats/scolstats.php: Check Internet connection on http://www.google.com result 1 C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/etc/version.txt - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\etc\version.txt >>>>>>>>> Recovering Voyager's Reference Version from Internet ObjCURL destroyed. >>>>>>>>> Recovering Voyager's Reference Version from Internet: #SCOLVER# nil >>>>>>>>> Recovering Voyager's Reference Version from Internet - File content: >>>>>>>>> current version : -616361438 #SCOLVER# nil >>>>>>>>>> Local version is up to date ! Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21158 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21162 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21166 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21171 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21175 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21179 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21183 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21187 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21207 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21211 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21215 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21220 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21224 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21228 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21232 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21236 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21256 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21260 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21264 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21269 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21273 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21277 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21281 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21285 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21305 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21309 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21313 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21318 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21322 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21326 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21330 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21334 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21354 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21358 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21362 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21367 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21371 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21375 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21379 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21383 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21403 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21407 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21411 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21416 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21420 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21424 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21428 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21432 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21452 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21456 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21460 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21465 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21469 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21473 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21477 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21481 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21501 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21505 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21509 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21514 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21518 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21522 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21526 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21530 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21550 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21554 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21558 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21563 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21567 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21571 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21575 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21579 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21599 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21603 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21607 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21612 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21616 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21620 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21624 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21628 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21648 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21652 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21656 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21661 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21665 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21669 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21673 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21677 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21697 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21701 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21705 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21710 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21714 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21718 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21722 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21726 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21746 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21750 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21754 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21759 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21763 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21767 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21771 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21775 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21795 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21799 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21803 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21808 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21812 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21816 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21820 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21824 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21844 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21848 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21852 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21857 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21861 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21865 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21869 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21873 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21893 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21897 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21901 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21906 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21910 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21914 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21918 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21922 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21942 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21946 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21950 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 21955 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21959 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21963 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21967 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21971 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 21991 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21995 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 21999 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 22004 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22008 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22012 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22016 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22020 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 22040 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22044 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22048 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 22053 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22057 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22061 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22065 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22069 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 22089 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22093 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22097 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 22102 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22106 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22110 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22114 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22118 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 22138 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22142 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22146 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 22151 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22155 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22159 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22163 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22167 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 22187 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22191 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22195 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 22200 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22204 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22208 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22212 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 22216 bytes) Loading complete (DBG) _CRpopupMenu : Menu 288556695 ******End DrawMenu Window DEBUT : 0 NewWindow: 10095704 Window objet create : 0 Window create : 0 Window create : 1 C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/general_settings.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\general_settings.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\general_settings.pkg ... typechecking GENSETUP_WIN : fun [GENSETUPstr] ObjWin GENSETUP_INFO : fun [GENSETUPstr] ObjText GENSETUP_LABEL_LANG : fun [GENSETUPstr] ObjText GENSETUP_COMBO_LANG : fun [GENSETUPstr] ObjBox GENSETUP_LABEL_NICKNAME : fun [GENSETUPstr] ObjText GENSETUP_NICKNAME : fun [GENSETUPstr] ObjText mkGENSETUPstr : fun[[ObjWin ObjText ObjText ObjBox ObjText ObjText ]] GENSETUPstr new type : GENSETUPstr var SETUP_GEN : GENSETUPstr fun saveSetupGen : fun [] I fun clearbylang : fun [[[S u0] r1] S] u0 fun langbyclear : fun [[[u0 S] r1] S] u0 fun SetLanguage : fun [S] I fun cbComboLanguageClick : fun [u0 u1 u2 S] I fun addcomboLang : fun [[u0 S] ObjBox] I fun cbSetupCrGen : fun [SETUPstr] I fun dsSetupGen : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for 'saveSetupGen'... 59 bytes generated (for a total of 22275 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'clearbylang'... 52 bytes generated (for a total of 22327 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'langbyclear'... 52 bytes generated (for a total of 22379 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'SetLanguage'... 87 bytes generated (for a total of 22466 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbComboLanguageClick'... 12 bytes generated (for a total of 22478 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addcomboLang'... 18 bytes generated (for a total of 22496 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupCrGen'... 449 bytes generated (for a total of 22945 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'dsSetupGen'... 13 bytes generated (for a total of 22958 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'loadSetupGen'... 23 bytes generated (for a total of 22981 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/so3dlib.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\so3dlib.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\so3dlib.pkg ... typechecking var iGlobalUnit : I var sVoyagerDefaultResourcesPATH : S var iV3Ddebug : I var iV3DmaxFramerate : I var iV3DIndex : I var iV3DSessionIndex : I var V3DCLICK_NO : I var V3DCLICK_LEFT : I var V3DCLICK_RIGHT : I var V3DCLICK_SHIFT : I var V3DCLICK_CTRL : I var V3DCLICK_MIDDLE : I var V3DAXIS_X : I var V3DAXIS_Y : I var V3DAXIS_Z : I V3D_iViewportIndex : fun [V3Dviewport] I V3D_viewport : fun [V3Dviewport] SO3_VIEWPORT V3D_iViewportX : fun [V3Dviewport] F V3D_iViewportY : fun [V3Dviewport] F V3D_iViewportW : fun [V3Dviewport] F V3D_iViewportH : fun [V3Dviewport] F V3D_iBgColor : fun [V3Dviewport] I mkV3Dviewport : fun[[I SO3_VIEWPORT F F F F I ]] V3Dviewport new type : V3Dviewport V3D_axisFather : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT V3D_axisShell : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT V3D_xAxisObject : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT V3D_yAxisObject : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT V3D_zAxisObject : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT V3D_xAxisTextObject : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT V3D_yAxisTextObject : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT V3D_zAxisTextObject : fun [V3Daxis] SO3_OBJECT V3D_iAxisMode : fun [V3Daxis] I mkV3Daxis : fun[[SO3_OBJECT SO3_OBJECT SO3_OBJECT SO3_OBJECT SO3_OBJECT SO3_OBJECT SO3_OBJECT SO3_OBJECT I ]] V3Daxis new type : V3Daxis V3D_helperFather : fun [V3Dhelper] SO3_OBJECT V3D_helperIcon : fun [V3Dhelper] SO3_OBJECT V3D_iHelperMode : fun [V3Dhelper] I mkV3Dhelper : fun[[SO3_OBJECT SO3_OBJECT I ]] V3Dhelper new type : V3Dhelper weak type : V3Dview V3D_sessionView : fun [V3Dsession] V3Dview V3D_session : fun [V3Dsession] SO3_SCENE V3D_lCamera : fun [V3Dsession] [[I SO3_OBJECT] r1] V3D_defaultCamera : fun [V3Dsession] SO3_OBJECT V3D_prevDefaultCamera : fun [V3Dsession] SO3_OBJECT V3D_shellNavigate : fun [V3Dsession] SO3_OBJECT weak type : V3Dphysics V3D_physics : fun [V3Dsession] V3Dphysics V3D_lAxis : fun [V3Dsession] [[SO3_OBJECT V3Daxis] r1] V3D_lHelper : fun [V3Dsession] [[SO3_OBJECT V3Dhelper] r1] V3D_helperGrid : fun [V3Dsession] [SO3_OBJECT [SO3_OBJECT r1]] V3D_bHelpersState : fun [V3Dsession] I V3D_selectedAxis : fun [V3Dsession] [V3Daxis I] weak type : V3Dsession V3D_cbAxisClick : fun [V3Dsession] fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I] I V3D_cbAxisUnClick : fun [V3Dsession] fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I] I V3D_cbAxisMove : fun [V3Dsession] fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I F] I V3D_bNavigate : fun [V3Dsession] I weak type : V3Danim V3D_lAnimations : fun [V3Dsession] [[S V3Danim] r1] V3D_bAnimations : fun [V3Dsession] I mkV3Dsession : fun[[V3Dview SO3_SCENE [[I SO3_OBJECT] r1] SO3_OBJECT SO3_OBJECT SO3_OBJECT V3Dphysics [[SO3_OBJECT V3Daxis] r1] [[SO3_OBJECT V3Dhelper] r1] [SO3_OBJECT [SO3_OBJECT r1]] I [V3Daxis I] fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I] I fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I] I fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I F] I I [[S V3Danim] r1] I ]] V3Dsession no more weak : V3Dsession V3D_anim : fun [V3Danim] SO3_ANIM V3D_meshAnim : fun [V3Danim] SO3_OBJECT V3D_sAnimName : fun [V3Danim] S V3D_bAnimState : fun [V3Danim] I V3D_iAnimType : fun [V3Danim] I mkV3Danim : fun[[SO3_ANIM SO3_OBJECT S I I ]] V3Danim no more weak : V3Danim V3D_win : fun [V3Dview] ObjWin V3D_buffer : fun [V3Dview] SO3_BUFFER V3D_channel : fun [V3Dview] Chn V3D_iWinW : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_iWinH : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_iWinX : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_iWinY : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_iOldWinW : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_iOldWinH : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_lSessions : fun [V3Dview] [[I V3Dsession] r1] V3D_bPaused : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_iRenderTick : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_iClickStatus : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_iClickX : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_iClickY : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_iMoveX : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_iMoveY : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_iRenderMoveX : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_iRenderMoveY : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_iMoveClickStatus : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_bMouseEnabled : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_bKeyboardEnabled : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_cbInit : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview] I V3D_cbDestroy : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview] I V3D_cbPreRenderEffects : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview] I V3D_cbPreRender : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview] I V3D_cbPostRender : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview] I V3D_cbClick : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I V3D_cbDbClick : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I V3D_cbUnClick : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I V3D_cbWheel : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I I] I V3D_cbCursorMove : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I V3D_cbKeyDown : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I] I V3D_cbKeyUp : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I] I V3D_cbCameraChange : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT] I V3D_cbResizeView : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I] I V3D_lViewport : fun [V3Dview] [[I V3Dviewport] r1] V3D_bFullScreen : fun [V3Dview] I V3D_bState : fun [V3Dview] I mkV3Dview : fun[[ObjWin SO3_BUFFER Chn I I I I I I [[I V3Dsession] r1] I I I I I I I I I I I I fun [V3Dview] I fun [V3Dview] I fun [V3Dview] I fun [V3Dview] I fun [V3Dview] I fun [V3Dview I I I] I fun [V3Dview I I I] I fun [V3Dview I I I] I fun [V3Dview I I I I] I fun [V3Dview I I I] I fun [V3Dview I I] I fun [V3Dview I] I fun [V3Dview V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT] I fun [V3Dview I I] I [[I V3Dviewport] r1] I I ]] V3Dview no more weak : V3Dview fun V3DviewSetFocus : fun [V3Dview] I fun V3Dlcat : fun [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] [u0 r1] fun V3DisUrl : fun [S] I fun V3DgetPathFile : fun [S S] [S S] fun V3DgetFileNameWithoutExt : fun [S] S fun V3DgetFileExt : fun [S] S fun V3DgetFilePathWithoutExt : fun [S] S fun V3DremoveIdxFromList : fun [[[u0 u1] r1] u0] [[u0 u1] r1] fun V3DremoveTupFromListBy2ndElem : fun [[[u0 u1] r1] u1] [[u0 u1] r1] fun V3DremoveTupFromListByName : fun [[[S u0] r1] S] [[S u0] r1] fun V3DgetSessionIndex : fun [V3Dview V3Dsession] I fun V3DgetSession : fun [V3Dsession] SO3_SCENE fun V3DgetSessionByIndex : fun [V3Dview I] V3Dsession fun V3DgetDefaultSession : fun [V3Dview] V3Dsession fun V3DdegToRad : fun [F] F fun V3DradToDeg : fun [F] F fun V3DgetObjectPos : fun [SO3_OBJECT] [F F F] fun V3DgetObjectScale : fun [SO3_OBJECT] [F F F] fun V3DgetObjectOrientation : fun [SO3_OBJECT] [F F F F] fun V3DsetObjectPos : fun [SO3_OBJECT [F F F]] [F F F] fun V3DsetObjectScale : fun [SO3_OBJECT [F F F]] [F F F] fun V3DsetObjectOrientation : fun [SO3_OBJECT [F F F F]] [F F F F] fun V3DsetCamera : fun [SO3_OBJECT F F F F] SO3_OBJECT fun V3DgetCameraByIndex : fun [V3Dsession I] SO3_OBJECT fun V3DgetCameraIndex : fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT] I fun V3DgetDefaultCamera : fun [V3Dsession] SO3_OBJECT fun V3DsetDefaultCamera : fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT] I fun V3DsetCbCameraChange : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT] I] I fun V3DrestaurePreviousDefaultCamera : fun [V3Dsession] I fun V3DdelCamera : fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT] I fun V3DaddCamera : fun [V3Dsession S] SO3_OBJECT fun V3DsetLight : fun [SO3_OBJECT I I I F F F F] SO3_OBJECT fun V3DenableLight : fun [SO3_OBJECT I] I fun V3DaddLight : fun [V3Dsession S SO3_OBJECT I I I F F F F] SO3_OBJECT fun V3DaddResource : fun [V3Dsession S S I] I fun V3DaddMesh : fun [V3Dsession S S S S SO3_OBJECT] SO3_OBJECT fun V3DaddShell : fun [V3Dsession S S SO3_OBJECT [F F F] [F F F F]] SO3_OBJECT fun V3DgetViewportByIndex : fun [V3Dview I] V3Dviewport fun V3DgetViewportIndex : fun [V3Dview V3Dviewport] I fun V3DgetDefaultViewport : fun [V3Dview] V3Dviewport fun V3DsetViewportColor : fun [V3Dviewport I] I fun V3DgetViewportColor : fun [V3Dviewport] I fun V3DdelViewport : fun [V3Dview V3Dviewport] I fun V3DaddViewport : fun [V3Dview F F F F I] V3Dviewport fun V3DsetViewport : fun [V3Dview V3Dviewport u0 SO3_OBJECT] I fun V3DgetSessionView : fun [V3Dsession] V3Dview fun V3DupdateObjectAxis : fun [V3Dview u0 V3Daxis] I fun V3DupdateAxisTarget : fun [V3Dview V3Dsession] I fun V3DshowObjectAxis : fun [V3Dview V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I] I fun V3DupdateObjectHelper : fun [V3Dview u0 V3Dhelper] I fun V3DupdateHelpersTarget : fun [V3Dview V3Dsession] I fun V3DshowObjectHelper : fun [V3Dview V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I] I fun V3DisSceneHelperVisible : fun [V3Dsession] I fun V3DenableHelpers : fun [V3Dviewport V3Dsession I] I fun V3DgetObjectFromHelper : fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT] SO3_OBJECT fun V3DgetObjectSize : fun [u0 SO3_OBJECT] [F F F] fun V3DgetGlobalObjectCenter : fun [u0 SO3_OBJECT] [F F F] fun V3DgetObjectRadius : fun [u0 SO3_OBJECT] F fun V3DisSceneGridVisible : fun [V3Dsession] I fun V3DshowSceneGrid : fun [V3Dsession I] I fun V3DcameraPan : fun [V3Dsession V3Dviewport I I] I fun V3DsetShellNavPos : fun [V3Dsession [F F F]] I fun V3DchangeCameraViewport : fun [V3Dsession V3Dviewport SO3_OBJECT] I fun V3DsetAmbientLight : fun [V3Dsession I] I fun V3DgetAmbientLight : fun [V3Dsession] I fun V3DsetShadowTechnique : fun [V3Dsession I F I I] I fun V3DsetShadowCameraType : fun [V3Dsession I F F F F] I fun V3DgetShadowCameraType : fun [V3Dsession] I fun V3DsetShadowTextureParams : fun [V3Dsession I I F F F] I fun V3DsetSceneFog : fun [V3Dsession I I F F F] I fun cbV3DscenePreRender : fun [u0 V3Dsession u1 V3Dview] I fun cbV3DscenePostRender : fun [u0 u1 u2 u3] I fun cbV3DbufferPreRender : fun [u0 V3Dview] I fun cbV3DbufferPostRender : fun [u0 V3Dview] I fun cbV3Drender : fun [u0] I fun cbV3DtickRender : fun [u0 u1] I fun V3DdeleteSession : fun [V3Dview V3Dsession] I fun V3DcrSession : fun [V3Dview S] V3Dsession fun V3DresetSession : fun [V3Dsession] I fun cbV3DkillFocus : fun [u0 V3Dview] I fun cbV3DviewKeyDown : fun [u0 V3Dview I I] I fun cbV3DviewKeyUp : fun [u0 V3Dview I] I fun cbV3DviewDbClick : fun [u0 V3Dview I I I] I fun cbV3DviewClick : fun [u0 V3Dview I I I] I fun V3DgetCursorTrans : fun [V3Dview] [I I] fun V3DisClicked : fun [V3Dview] I fun V3DisMoveClicked : fun [V3Dview] I fun cbV3DviewUnclick : fun [u0 V3Dview I I I] I fun cbV3DviewWheel : fun [u0 V3Dview I I I I] I fun V3DgetMoveAxis : fun [V3Dview I I I] I fun cbV3DcursorMove : fun [u0 V3Dview I I I] I fun V3DsetCbResizeView : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I I] I] I fun V3DsetCbPreRenderEffects : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview] I] I fun V3DsetCbPreRender : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview] I] I fun V3DsetCbPostRender : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview] I] I fun V3DsetCbKeyDown : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I I] I] I fun V3DsetCbKeyUp : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I] I] I fun V3DsetCbClick : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I I I] I] I fun V3DgetCbClick : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I fun V3DsetCbDbClick : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I I I] I] I fun V3DgetCbDbClick : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I fun V3DsetCbUnClick : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I I I] I] I fun V3DgetCbUnClick : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I fun V3DsetCbWheel : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I I I I] I] I fun V3DgetCbWheel : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I I] I fun V3DsetCbCursorMove : fun [V3Dview fun [V3Dview I I I] I] I fun V3DgetCbCursorMove : fun [V3Dview] fun [V3Dview I I I] I fun V3DsetCbAxisMove : fun [V3Dsession fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I F] I] I fun V3DsetCbAxisClick : fun [V3Dsession fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I] I] I fun V3DsetCbAxisUnClick : fun [V3Dsession fun [V3Dsession SO3_OBJECT I I I I] I] I fun V3DenableKeyboard : fun [V3Dview I] I fun V3DenableMouse : fun [V3Dview I] I fun V3DenableNavigate : fun [V3Dsession I] I fun V3DsetCursor : fun [V3Dview ObjCursor] I fun cbV3Dsize : fun [u0 V3Dview I I] I fun V3DresizeView : fun [V3Dview I I I I] I fun V3DgetViewPosSize : fun [V3Dview] [I I I I] fun V3DgetViewPos : fun [V3Dview] [I I] fun V3DgetViewSize : fun [V3Dview] [I I] fun V3DgetFullScreenState : fun [V3Dview] I fun V3DsetScreenInfos : fun [V3Dview I I I I I I] I fun V3DenableScreenInfos : fun [V3Dview I] I fun V3DsetWindowedMode : fun [V3Dview] I fun V3DEnableRender : fun [V3Dview I] I fun V3DenableView : fun [V3Dview I] I fun V3DsetFullScreenMode : fun [V3Dview I I] I fun V3DswitchFullScreenMode : fun [V3Dview I I] I fun V3DcrView : fun [Chn ObjWin I I I I fun [V3Dview] I fun [V3Dview] I I] V3Dview fun V3DdsView : fun [V3Dview] I fun cbV3DdsMainWin : fun [u0 V3Dview] I fun cbV3DsizeMainWin : fun [u0 V3Dview I I] I Generating bytecodes for 'V3Dlcat'... 31 bytes generated (for a total of 23012 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DisUrl'... 164 bytes generated (for a total of 23176 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetPathFile'... 126 bytes generated (for a total of 23302 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetFileNameWithoutExt'... 28 bytes generated (for a total of 23330 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetFileExt'... 34 bytes generated (for a total of 23364 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetFilePathWithoutExt'... 15 bytes generated (for a total of 23379 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DremoveIdxFromList'... 49 bytes generated (for a total of 23428 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DremoveTupFromListBy2ndElem'... 49 bytes generated (for a total of 23477 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DremoveTupFromListByName'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 23528 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetSessionIndex'... 77 bytes generated (for a total of 23605 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetSession'... 3 bytes generated (for a total of 23608 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetSessionByIndex'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 23615 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetDefaultSession'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 23622 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DdegToRad'... 17 bytes generated (for a total of 23639 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DradToDeg'... 17 bytes generated (for a total of 23656 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetObjectPos'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 23660 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetObjectScale'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 23664 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetObjectOrientation'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 23668 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetObjectPos'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 23675 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetObjectScale'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 23682 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetObjectOrientation'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 23689 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCamera'... 78 bytes generated (for a total of 23767 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCameraByIndex'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 23773 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCameraIndex'... 75 bytes generated (for a total of 23848 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetDefaultCamera'... 3 bytes generated (for a total of 23851 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetDefaultCamera'... 23 bytes generated (for a total of 23874 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbCameraChange'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 23881 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DrestaurePreviousDefaultCamera'... 30 bytes generated (for a total of 23911 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DdelCamera'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 23931 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DaddCamera'... 71 bytes generated (for a total of 24002 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetLight'... 41 bytes generated (for a total of 24043 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DenableLight'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 24050 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DaddLight'... 77 bytes generated (for a total of 24127 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DaddResource'... 13 bytes generated (for a total of 24140 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DaddMesh'... 78 bytes generated (for a total of 24218 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DaddShell'... 159 bytes generated (for a total of 24377 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetViewportByIndex'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 24384 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetViewportIndex'... 77 bytes generated (for a total of 24461 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetDefaultViewport'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 24468 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetViewportColor'... 12 bytes generated (for a total of 24480 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetViewportColor'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 24485 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DdelViewport'... 23 bytes generated (for a total of 24508 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DaddViewport'... 58 bytes generated (for a total of 24566 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetViewport'... 58 bytes generated (for a total of 24624 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetSessionView'... 3 bytes generated (for a total of 24627 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DupdateObjectAxis'... 224 bytes generated (for a total of 24851 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DupdateAxisTarget'... 51 bytes generated (for a total of 24902 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DshowObjectAxis'... 1540 bytes generated (for a total of 26442 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DupdateObjectHelper'... 224 bytes generated (for a total of 26666 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DupdateHelpersTarget'... 68 bytes generated (for a total of 26734 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DshowObjectHelper'... 531 bytes generated (for a total of 27265 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DisSceneHelperVisible'... 17 bytes generated (for a total of 27282 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DenableHelpers'... 484 bytes generated (for a total of 27766 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetObjectFromHelper'... 89 bytes generated (for a total of 27855 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetObjectSize'... 11 bytes generated (for a total of 27866 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetGlobalObjectCenter'... 71 bytes generated (for a total of 27937 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetObjectRadius'... 79 bytes generated (for a total of 28016 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DisSceneGridVisible'... 18 bytes generated (for a total of 28034 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DshowSceneGrid'... 759 bytes generated (for a total of 28793 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DcameraPan'... 128 bytes generated (for a total of 28921 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetShellNavPos'... 8 bytes generated (for a total of 28929 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DchangeCameraViewport'... 32 bytes generated (for a total of 28961 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetAmbientLight'... 9 bytes generated (for a total of 28970 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetAmbientLight'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 28976 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetShadowTechnique'... 90 bytes generated (for a total of 29066 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetShadowCameraType'... 50 bytes generated (for a total of 29116 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetShadowCameraType'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 29122 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetShadowTextureParams'... 119 bytes generated (for a total of 29241 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetSceneFog'... 124 bytes generated (for a total of 29365 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DscenePreRender'... 583 bytes generated (for a total of 29948 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DscenePostRender'... 2 bytes generated (for a total of 29950 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DbufferPreRender'... 30 bytes generated (for a total of 29980 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DbufferPostRender'... 9 bytes generated (for a total of 29989 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3Drender'... 2 bytes generated (for a total of 29991 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DtickRender'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 29997 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DdeleteSession'... 38 bytes generated (for a total of 30035 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DcrSession'... 1718 bytes generated (for a total of 31753 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DresetSession'... 1690 bytes generated (for a total of 33443 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DkillFocus'... 134 bytes generated (for a total of 33577 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DviewSetFocus'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 33584 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DviewKeyDown'... 588 bytes generated (for a total of 34172 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DviewKeyUp'... 10 bytes generated (for a total of 34182 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DviewDbClick'... 13 bytes generated (for a total of 34195 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DviewClick'... 298 bytes generated (for a total of 34493 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCursorTrans'... 36 bytes generated (for a total of 34529 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DisClicked'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 34533 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DisMoveClicked'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 34537 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DviewUnclick'... 153 bytes generated (for a total of 34690 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DviewWheel'... 180 bytes generated (for a total of 34870 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetMoveAxis'... 1640 bytes generated (for a total of 36510 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DcursorMove'... 68 bytes generated (for a total of 36578 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbResizeView'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 36585 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbPreRenderEffects'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 36592 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbPreRender'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 36599 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbPostRender'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 36606 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbKeyDown'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 36613 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbKeyUp'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 36620 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbClick'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 36627 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCbClick'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 36631 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbDbClick'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 36638 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCbDbClick'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 36642 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbUnClick'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 36649 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCbUnClick'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 36653 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbWheel'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 36660 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCbWheel'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 36664 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbCursorMove'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 36671 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetCbCursorMove'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 36675 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbAxisMove'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 36682 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbAxisClick'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 36689 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCbAxisUnClick'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 36696 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DenableKeyboard'... 46 bytes generated (for a total of 36742 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DenableMouse'... 92 bytes generated (for a total of 36834 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DenableNavigate'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 36841 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetCursor'... 8 bytes generated (for a total of 36849 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3Dsize'... 45 bytes generated (for a total of 36894 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DresizeView'... 31 bytes generated (for a total of 36925 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetViewPosSize'... 11 bytes generated (for a total of 36936 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetViewPos'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 36942 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetViewSize'... 6 bytes generated (for a total of 36948 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DgetFullScreenState'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 36952 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetScreenInfos'... 90 bytes generated (for a total of 37042 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DenableScreenInfos'... 25 bytes generated (for a total of 37067 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetWindowedMode'... 47 bytes generated (for a total of 37114 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DEnableRender'... 7 bytes generated (for a total of 37121 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DenableView'... 47 bytes generated (for a total of 37168 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DsetFullScreenMode'... 50 bytes generated (for a total of 37218 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DswitchFullScreenMode'... 24 bytes generated (for a total of 37242 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DcrView'... 286 bytes generated (for a total of 37528 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'V3DdsView'... 161 bytes generated (for a total of 37689 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DdsMainWin'... 9 bytes generated (for a total of 37698 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbV3DsizeMainWin'... 12 bytes generated (for a total of 37710 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/so3Engine_settings.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\so3engine_settings.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\so3engine_settings.pkg ... typechecking OGSETUP_WIN : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjWin OGSETUP_INFO : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjText OGSETUP_LABEL : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjText OGSETUP_LABEL2 : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjText OGSETUP_LABELCARDINFO1 : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjText OGSETUP_LABELCARDINFO2 : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjText OGSETUP_LABELCARDINFO3 : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjText OGSETUP_LABELHARD : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjText OGSETUP_LABELSO3VERSION : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjText OGSETUP_LABELOGREVERSION : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjText OGSETUP_LABELSHADER3 : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjText OGSETUP_RENDERLABEL : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjText OGSETUP_RENDERCOMBO : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjBox OGSETUP_ALIASLABEL : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjText OGSETUP_ALIASCOMBO : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjBox OGSETUP_VSYNCCHECK : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjCheck OGSETUP_QUADBUFFERCHECK : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjCheck OGSETUP_LOGO : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] ObjBitmap OGSETUP_VIEW3D : fun [OG3DSETUPstr] V3Dview mkOG3DSETUPstr : fun[[ObjWin ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjBox ObjText ObjBox ObjCheck ObjCheck ObjBitmap V3Dview ]] OG3DSETUPstr new type : OG3DSETUPstr var SETUP_OG3D : OG3DSETUPstr fun cbSetupOg3dPreRender : fun [u0 [u1 SO3_OBJECT]] I fun cbInitOg3dView : fun [V3Dview] I fun getRendererByName : fun [S] I fun cbSetupOg3dRender : fun [u0 u1 u2 S] I fun cbSetupOg3dQuadBuffer : fun [u0 u1 I] I fun cbSetupOg3dMultisampling : fun [u0 u1 u2 S] I fun cbSetupOg3dVsync : fun [u0 u1 I] I fun cbSetupOg3dPaint : fun [u0 u1] I fun cbSetupCrOg3D : fun [SETUPstr] I fun dsSetupOg3D : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupOg3dPreRender'... 22 bytes generated (for a total of 37732 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbInitOg3dView'... 514 bytes generated (for a total of 38246 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'getRendererByName'... 155 bytes generated (for a total of 38401 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupOg3dRender'... 340 bytes generated (for a total of 38741 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupOg3dQuadBuffer'... 111 bytes generated (for a total of 38852 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupOg3dMultisampling'... 149 bytes generated (for a total of 39001 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupOg3dVsync'... 47 bytes generated (for a total of 39048 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupOg3dPaint'... 22 bytes generated (for a total of 39070 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupCrOg3D'... 1775 bytes generated (for a total of 40845 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'dsSetupOg3D'... 21 bytes generated (for a total of 40866 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'loadSetupOg3D'... 26 bytes generated (for a total of 40892 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/bitmapToolkit_settings.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\bitmaptoolkit_settings.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\bitmaptoolkit_settings.pkg ... typechecking VDSETUP_WIN : fun [VDSETUPstr] ObjWin VDSETUP_INFO : fun [VDSETUPstr] ObjText VDSETUP_LABEL : fun [VDSETUPstr] ObjText VDSETUP_VDCOMBO : fun [VDSETUPstr] ObjBox VDSETUP_PREVIEW : fun [VDSETUPstr] ObjCapture VDSETUP_TESTBTN : fun [VDSETUPstr] ObjButton VDSETUP_CAPBMP : fun [VDSETUPstr] ObjBitmap VDSETUP_TRM : fun [VDSETUPstr] Timer mkVDSETUPstr : fun[[ObjWin ObjText ObjText ObjBox ObjCapture ObjButton ObjBitmap Timer ]] VDSETUPstr new type : VDSETUPstr var SETUP_VIDEO : VDSETUPstr fun _cbVideoClick : fun [u0 u1 I u2] I fun cbSetupVideoCap : fun [u0 u1] I fun _cbBtnVideoTest : fun [u0 u1] I fun cbSetupVideoPaint : fun [u0 u1] I fun cbSetupCrVideo : fun [SETUPstr] I fun dsSetupVideo : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_cbVideoClick'... 117 bytes generated (for a total of 41009 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupVideoCap'... 30 bytes generated (for a total of 41039 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_cbBtnVideoTest'... 290 bytes generated (for a total of 41329 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupVideoPaint'... 23 bytes generated (for a total of 41352 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupCrVideo'... 429 bytes generated (for a total of 41781 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'dsSetupVideo'... 48 bytes generated (for a total of 41829 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'loadSetupVideo'... 25 bytes generated (for a total of 41854 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/network_settings.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\network_settings.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\network_settings.pkg ... typechecking NETSETUP_WIN : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjWin NETSETUP_INFO : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjText NETSETUP_LABEL : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjText NETSETUP_CONFWIN : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjWin NETSETUP_AUTOCHK : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjCheck NETSETUP_HTTPPROXYLABEL : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjText NETSETUP_HTTPPROXY : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjText NETSETUP_SOCKSPROXYLABEL : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjText NETSETUP_SOCKSPROXY : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjText NETSETUP_MASKPROXYLABEL : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjText NETSETUP_MASKPROXY : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjText NETSETUP_SOCKS4 : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjCheck NETSETUP_SOCKS5 : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjCheck NETSETUP_AUTH : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjCheck NETSETUP_NAMELABEL : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjText NETSETUP_NAME : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjText NETSETUP_PASSLABEL : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjText NETSETUP_PASS : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjText NETSETUP_IPLABEL : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjText NETSETUP_IPCOMBO : fun [NETSETUPstr] ObjBox mkNETSETUPstr : fun[[ObjWin ObjText ObjText ObjWin ObjCheck ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjCheck ObjCheck ObjCheck ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjText ObjBox ]] NETSETUPstr new type : NETSETUPstr var SETUP_NETWORK : NETSETUPstr fun saveSetupNetwork : fun [] I fun cbSetupSocksAuth : fun [u0 u1 I] I fun cbSetupSocksVers : fun [u0 I u1] I fun setupSocksNetwork : fun [I] I fun cbSetupAutoNetwork : fun [u0 u1 I] I fun cbComboLocalIp : fun [u0 u1 I u2] I fun addcomboIP : fun [S ObjBox] ObjBox fun cbSetupCrNetwork : fun [SETUPstr] I fun dsSetupNetwork : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for 'saveSetupNetwork'... 425 bytes generated (for a total of 42279 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSocksAuth'... 74 bytes generated (for a total of 42353 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSocksVers'... 56 bytes generated (for a total of 42409 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'setupSocksNetwork'... 367 bytes generated (for a total of 42776 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupAutoNetwork'... 70 bytes generated (for a total of 42846 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbComboLocalIp'... 27 bytes generated (for a total of 42873 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'addcomboIP'... 10 bytes generated (for a total of 42883 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupCrNetwork'... 1508 bytes generated (for a total of 44391 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'dsSetupNetwork'... 13 bytes generated (for a total of 44404 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'loadSetupNetwork'... 23 bytes generated (for a total of 44427 bytes) Loading complete C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/voyager/support_settings.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\support_settings.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\voyager\support_settings.pkg ... typechecking SUPPORTSETUP_WIN : fun [SUPPORTSETUPstr] ObjWin SUPPORTSETUP_INFO : fun [SUPPORTSETUPstr] ObjText SUPPORTSETUP_LABEL : fun [SUPPORTSETUPstr] ObjText SUPPORTSETUP_CACHEBTN : fun [SUPPORTSETUPstr] ObjButton SUPPORTSETUP_LOGBTN : fun [SUPPORTSETUPstr] ObjButton SUPPORTSETUP_DEBUGLABEL : fun [SUPPORTSETUPstr] ObjText SUPPORTSETUP_LOGCOMBO : fun [SUPPORTSETUPstr] ObjBox SUPPORTSETUP_CONCHK : fun [SUPPORTSETUPstr] ObjCheck SUPPORTSETUP_DEVCHK : fun [SUPPORTSETUPstr] ObjCheck SUPPORTSETUP_STATCHK : fun [SUPPORTSETUPstr] ObjCheck SUPPORTSETUP_UPDCHK : fun [SUPPORTSETUPstr] ObjCheck SUPPORTSETUP_LIBCHECK : fun [SUPPORTSETUPstr] ObjCheck mkSUPPORTSETUPstr : fun[[ObjWin ObjText ObjText ObjButton ObjButton ObjText ObjBox ObjCheck ObjCheck ObjCheck ObjCheck ObjCheck ]] SUPPORTSETUPstr new type : SUPPORTSETUPstr var SETUP_SUPPORT : SUPPORTSETUPstr fun cbSetupClearCacheBtn : fun [u0 u1] I fun cbSetupClearLogsBtn : fun [u0 u1] I fun cbSetupSupLog : fun [u0 u1 I u2] I fun cbSetupSupCon : fun [u0 u1 I] I fun cbSetupSupLibChk : fun [u0 u1 I] I fun cbSetupSupDev : fun [u0 u1 I] I fun cbSetupSupStat : fun [u0 u1 I] I fun cbSetupSupUpd : fun [u0 u1 I] I fun cbSetupCrSupport : fun [SETUPstr] I fun dsSetupSupport : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupClearCacheBtn'... 47 bytes generated (for a total of 44474 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupClearLogsBtn'... 46 bytes generated (for a total of 44520 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSupLog'... 257 bytes generated (for a total of 44777 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSupCon'... 77 bytes generated (for a total of 44854 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSupLibChk'... 234 bytes generated (for a total of 45088 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSupDev'... 30 bytes generated (for a total of 45118 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSupStat'... 30 bytes generated (for a total of 45148 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupSupUpd'... 26 bytes generated (for a total of 45174 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'cbSetupCrSupport'... 1322 bytes generated (for a total of 46496 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'dsSetupSupport'... 10 bytes generated (for a total of 46506 bytes) Generating bytecodes for 'loadSetupSupport'... 23 bytes generated (for a total of 46529 bytes) Loading complete Object is NIL GetCheckBox : CheckBox is NIL Window DEBUT : 0 NewWindow: 6030752 Window objet create : 0 Window create : 0 Window create : 1 Scol Server allows for a maximum of 1000001 sockets. GetCheckBox : CheckBox is NIL Window DEBUT : 0 NewWindow: 6096288 Window objet create : 0 Window create : 0 Window create : 1 'ENABLE winn 2099102 etat 0 > _cacheClear() - Start < _cacheClear() - End > _logClear() - Start Can't delete file (?IN_USE?): C:\Users\seapi\AppData\Local/Scol Voyager/Logs/supvisor-2024-10-26_11-37-17.log < _logClear() - End Launching URL http://redmine.scolring.org/projects/scol/wiki/How_to_use_Scol Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 46549 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46553 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46557 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 46562 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46566 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46570 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46574 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46578 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 46598 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46602 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46606 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 46611 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46615 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46619 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46623 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46627 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 46647 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46651 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46655 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 46660 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46664 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46668 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46672 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46676 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 46696 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46700 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46704 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 46709 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46713 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46717 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46721 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46725 bytes) Loading complete Object is NIL GetCheckBox : CheckBox is NIL Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 46745 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46749 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46753 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 46758 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46762 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46766 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46770 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46774 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 46794 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46798 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46802 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 46807 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46811 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46815 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46819 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46823 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 46843 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46847 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46851 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 46856 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46860 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46864 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46868 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46872 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 46892 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46896 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46900 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 46905 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46909 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46913 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46917 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46921 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 46941 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46945 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46949 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 46954 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46958 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46962 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46966 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46970 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 46990 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46994 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 46998 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47003 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47007 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47011 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47015 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47019 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47039 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47043 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47047 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47052 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47056 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47060 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47064 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47068 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47088 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47092 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47096 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47101 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47105 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47109 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47113 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47117 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47137 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47141 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47145 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47150 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47154 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47158 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47162 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47166 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47186 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47190 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47194 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47199 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47203 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47207 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47211 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47215 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47235 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47239 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47243 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47248 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47252 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47256 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47260 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47264 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47284 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47288 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47292 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47297 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47301 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47305 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47309 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47313 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47333 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47337 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47341 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47346 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47350 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47354 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47358 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47362 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47382 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47386 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47390 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47395 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47399 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47403 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47407 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47411 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47431 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47435 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47439 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47444 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47448 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47452 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47456 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47460 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47480 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47484 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47488 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47493 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47497 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47501 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47505 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47509 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47529 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47533 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47537 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47542 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47546 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47550 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47554 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47558 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47578 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47582 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47586 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47591 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47595 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47599 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47603 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47607 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47627 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47631 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47635 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47640 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47644 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47648 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47652 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47656 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47676 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47680 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47684 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47689 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47693 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47697 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47701 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47705 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47725 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47729 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47733 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47738 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47742 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47746 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47750 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47754 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47774 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47778 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47782 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47787 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47791 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47795 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47799 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47803 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47823 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47827 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47831 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47836 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47840 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47844 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47848 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47852 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47872 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47876 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47880 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47885 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47889 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47893 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47897 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47901 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47921 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47925 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47929 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47934 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47938 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47942 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47946 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47950 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 47970 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47974 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47978 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 47983 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47987 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47991 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47995 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 47999 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48019 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48023 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48027 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48032 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48036 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48040 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48044 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48048 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48068 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48072 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48076 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48081 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48085 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48089 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48093 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48097 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48117 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48121 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48125 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48130 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48134 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48138 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48142 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48146 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48166 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48170 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48174 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48179 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48183 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48187 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48191 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48195 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789729024 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48215 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48219 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48223 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48228 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48232 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48236 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48240 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48244 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48264 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48268 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48272 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48277 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48281 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48285 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48289 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48293 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48313 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48317 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48321 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48326 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48330 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48334 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48338 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48342 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48362 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48366 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48370 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48375 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48379 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48383 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48387 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48391 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48411 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48415 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48419 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48424 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48428 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48432 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48436 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48440 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48460 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48464 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48468 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48473 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48477 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48481 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48485 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48489 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48509 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48513 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48517 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48522 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48526 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48530 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48534 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48538 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48558 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48562 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48566 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48571 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48575 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48579 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48583 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48587 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48607 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48611 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48615 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48620 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48624 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48628 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48632 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48636 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48656 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48660 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48664 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48669 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48673 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48677 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48681 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48685 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48705 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48709 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48713 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48718 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48722 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48726 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48730 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48734 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48754 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48758 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48762 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48767 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48771 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48775 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48779 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48783 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48803 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48807 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48811 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48816 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48820 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48824 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48828 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48832 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48852 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48856 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48860 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48865 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48869 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48873 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48877 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48881 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48901 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48905 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48909 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48914 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48918 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48922 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48926 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48930 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48950 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48954 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48958 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 48963 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48967 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48971 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48975 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 48979 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 48999 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49003 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49007 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49012 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49016 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49020 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49024 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49028 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49048 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49052 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49056 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49061 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49065 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49069 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49073 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49077 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49097 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49101 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49105 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49110 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49114 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49118 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49122 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49126 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49146 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49150 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49154 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49159 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49163 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49167 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49171 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49175 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49195 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49199 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49203 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49208 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49212 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49216 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49220 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49224 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49244 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49248 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49252 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49257 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49261 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49265 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49269 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49273 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49293 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49297 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49301 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49306 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49310 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49314 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49318 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49322 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49342 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49346 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49350 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49355 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49359 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49363 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49367 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49371 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49391 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49395 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49399 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49404 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49408 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49412 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49416 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49420 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49440 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49444 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49448 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49453 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49457 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49461 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49465 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49469 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49489 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49493 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49497 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49502 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49506 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49510 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49514 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49518 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49538 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49542 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49546 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49551 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49555 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49559 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49563 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49567 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49587 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49591 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49595 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49600 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49604 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49608 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49612 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49616 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49636 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49640 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49644 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49649 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49653 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49657 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49661 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49665 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49685 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49689 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49693 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49698 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49702 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49706 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49710 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49714 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49734 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49738 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49742 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49747 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49751 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49755 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49759 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49763 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49783 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49787 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49791 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49796 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49800 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49804 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49808 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49812 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49832 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49836 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49840 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49845 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49849 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49853 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49857 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49861 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49881 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49885 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49889 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49894 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49898 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49902 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49906 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49910 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49930 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49934 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49938 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49943 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49947 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49951 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49955 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49959 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 49979 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49983 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49987 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 49992 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 49996 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50000 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50004 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50008 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50028 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50032 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50036 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50041 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50045 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50049 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50053 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50057 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50077 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50081 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50085 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50090 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50094 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50098 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50102 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50106 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50126 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50130 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50134 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50139 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50143 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50147 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50151 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50155 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50175 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50179 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50183 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50188 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50192 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50196 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50200 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50204 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50224 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50228 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50232 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50237 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50241 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50245 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50249 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50253 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50273 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50277 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50281 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50286 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50290 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50294 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50298 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50302 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50322 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50326 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50330 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50335 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50339 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50343 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50347 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50351 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50371 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50375 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50379 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50384 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50388 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50392 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50396 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50400 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50420 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50424 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50428 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50433 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50437 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50441 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50445 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50449 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50469 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50473 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50477 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50482 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50486 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50490 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50494 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50498 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50518 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50522 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50526 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50531 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50535 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50539 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50543 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50547 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50567 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50571 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50575 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50580 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50584 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50588 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50592 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50596 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50616 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50620 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50624 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50629 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50633 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50637 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50641 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50645 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50665 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50669 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50673 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50678 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50682 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50686 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50690 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50694 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50714 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50718 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50722 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50727 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50731 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50735 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50739 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50743 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50763 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50767 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50771 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50776 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50780 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50784 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50788 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50792 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50812 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50816 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50820 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50825 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50829 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50833 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50837 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50841 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50861 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50865 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50869 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50874 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50878 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50882 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50886 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50890 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50910 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50914 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50918 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50923 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50927 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50931 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50935 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50939 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 50959 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50963 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50967 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 50972 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50976 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50980 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50984 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 50988 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51008 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51012 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51016 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51021 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51025 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51029 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51033 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51037 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51057 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51061 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51065 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51070 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51074 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51078 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51082 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51086 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51106 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51110 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51114 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51119 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51123 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51127 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51131 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51135 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51155 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51159 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51163 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51168 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51172 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51176 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51180 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51184 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51204 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51208 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51212 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51217 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51221 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51225 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51229 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51233 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51253 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51257 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51261 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51266 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51270 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51274 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51278 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51282 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51302 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51306 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51310 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51315 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51319 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51323 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51327 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51331 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51351 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51355 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51359 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51364 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51368 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51372 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51376 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51380 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51400 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51404 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51408 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51413 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51417 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51421 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51425 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51429 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51449 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51453 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51457 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51462 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51466 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51470 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51474 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51478 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51498 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51502 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51506 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51511 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51515 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51519 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51523 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51527 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51547 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51551 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51555 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51560 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51564 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51568 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51572 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51576 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51596 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51600 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51604 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51609 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51613 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51617 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51621 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51625 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51645 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51649 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51653 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51658 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51662 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51666 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51670 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51674 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51694 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51698 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51702 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51707 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51711 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51715 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51719 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51723 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51743 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51747 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51751 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51756 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51760 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51764 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51768 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51772 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51792 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51796 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51800 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51805 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51809 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51813 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51817 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51821 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51841 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51845 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51849 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51854 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51858 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51862 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51866 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51870 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51890 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51894 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51898 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51903 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51907 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51911 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51915 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51919 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51939 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51943 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51947 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 51952 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51956 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51960 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51964 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51968 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 51988 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51992 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 51996 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52001 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52005 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52009 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52013 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52017 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52037 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52041 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52045 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52050 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52054 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52058 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52062 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52066 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52086 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52090 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52094 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52099 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52103 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52107 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52111 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52115 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52135 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52139 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52143 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52148 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52152 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52156 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52160 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52164 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52184 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52188 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52192 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52197 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52201 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52205 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52209 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52213 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52233 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52237 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52241 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52246 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52250 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52254 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52258 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52262 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52282 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52286 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52290 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52295 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52299 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52303 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52307 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52311 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52331 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52335 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52339 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52344 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52348 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52352 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52356 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52360 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52380 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52384 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52388 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52393 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52397 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52401 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52405 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52409 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52429 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52433 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52437 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52442 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52446 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52450 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52454 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52458 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52478 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52482 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52486 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52491 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52495 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52499 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52503 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52507 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52527 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52531 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52535 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52540 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52544 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52548 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52552 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52556 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52576 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52580 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52584 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52589 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52593 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52597 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52601 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52605 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52625 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52629 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52633 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52638 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52642 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52646 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52650 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52654 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52674 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52678 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52682 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52687 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52691 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52695 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52699 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52703 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52723 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52727 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52731 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52736 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52740 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52744 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52748 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52752 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52772 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52776 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52780 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52785 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52789 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52793 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52797 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52801 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52821 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52825 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52829 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52834 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52838 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52842 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52846 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52850 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52870 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52874 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52878 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52883 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52887 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52891 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52895 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52899 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52919 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52923 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52927 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52932 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52936 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52940 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52944 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52948 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 52968 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52972 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52976 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 52981 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52985 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52989 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52993 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 52997 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53017 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53021 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53025 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53030 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53034 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53038 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53042 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53046 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53066 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53070 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53074 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53079 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53083 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53087 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53091 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53095 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53115 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53119 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53123 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53128 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53132 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53136 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53140 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53144 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53164 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53168 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53172 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53177 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53181 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53185 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53189 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53193 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53213 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53217 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53221 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53226 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53230 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53234 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53238 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53242 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53262 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53266 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53270 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53275 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53279 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53283 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53287 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53291 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53311 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53315 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53319 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53324 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53328 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53332 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53336 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53340 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53360 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53364 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53368 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53373 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53377 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53381 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53385 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53389 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53409 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53413 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53417 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53422 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53426 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53430 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53434 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53438 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53458 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53462 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53466 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53471 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53475 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53479 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53483 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53487 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53507 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53511 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53515 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53520 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53524 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53528 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53532 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53536 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53556 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53560 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53564 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53569 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53573 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53577 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53581 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53585 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53605 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53609 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53613 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53618 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53622 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53626 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53630 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53634 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53654 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53658 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53662 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53667 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53671 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53675 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53679 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53683 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53703 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53707 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53711 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53716 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53720 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53724 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53728 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53732 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53752 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53756 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53760 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53765 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53769 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53773 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53777 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53781 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53801 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53805 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53809 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53814 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53818 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53822 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53826 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53830 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53850 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53854 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53858 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53863 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53867 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53871 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53875 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53879 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53899 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53903 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53907 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53912 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53916 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53920 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53924 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53928 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53948 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53952 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53956 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 53961 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53965 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53969 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53973 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 53977 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 53997 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54001 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54005 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54010 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54014 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54018 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54022 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54026 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54046 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54050 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54054 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54059 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54063 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54067 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54071 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54075 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54095 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54099 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54103 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54108 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54112 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54116 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54120 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54124 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54144 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54148 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54152 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54157 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54161 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54165 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54169 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54173 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54193 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54197 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54201 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54206 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54210 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54214 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54218 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54222 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54242 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54246 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54250 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54255 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54259 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54263 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54267 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54271 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54291 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54295 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54299 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54304 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54308 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54312 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54316 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54320 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54340 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54344 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54348 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54353 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54357 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54361 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54365 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54369 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54389 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54393 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54397 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54402 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54406 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54410 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54414 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54418 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54438 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54442 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54446 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54451 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54455 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54459 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54463 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54467 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54487 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54491 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54495 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54500 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54504 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54508 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54512 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54516 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54536 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54540 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54544 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54549 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54553 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54557 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54561 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54565 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54585 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54589 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54593 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54598 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54602 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54606 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54610 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54614 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54634 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54638 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54642 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54647 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54651 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54655 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54659 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54663 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54683 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54687 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54691 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54696 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54700 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54704 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54708 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54712 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54732 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54736 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54740 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54745 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54749 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54753 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54757 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54761 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54781 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54785 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54789 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54794 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54798 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54802 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54806 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54810 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54830 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54834 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54838 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54843 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54847 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54851 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54855 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54859 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54879 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54883 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54887 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54892 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54896 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54900 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54904 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54908 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54928 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54932 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54936 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54941 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54945 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54949 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54953 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54957 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 54977 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54981 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54985 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 54990 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54994 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 54998 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55002 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55006 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55026 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55030 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55034 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55039 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55043 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55047 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55051 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55055 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55075 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55079 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55083 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55088 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55092 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55096 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55100 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55104 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55124 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55128 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55132 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55137 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55141 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55145 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55149 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55153 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55173 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55177 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55181 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55186 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55190 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55194 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55198 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55202 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55222 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55226 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55230 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55235 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55239 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55243 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55247 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55251 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55271 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55275 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55279 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55284 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55288 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55292 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55296 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55300 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55320 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55324 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55328 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55333 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55337 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55341 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55345 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55349 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55369 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55373 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55377 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55382 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55386 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55390 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55394 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55398 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55418 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55422 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55426 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55431 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55435 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55439 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55443 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55447 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55467 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55471 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55475 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55480 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55484 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55488 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55492 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55496 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55516 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55520 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55524 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55529 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55533 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55537 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55541 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55545 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55565 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55569 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55573 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55578 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55582 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55586 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55590 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55594 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55614 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55618 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55622 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55627 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55631 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55635 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55639 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55643 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55663 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55667 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55671 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55676 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55680 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55684 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55688 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55692 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55712 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55716 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55720 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55725 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55729 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55733 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55737 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55741 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55761 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55765 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55769 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55774 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55778 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55782 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55786 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55790 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55810 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55814 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55818 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55823 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55827 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55831 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55835 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55839 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55859 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55863 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55867 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55872 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55876 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55880 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55884 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55888 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55908 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55912 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55916 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55921 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55925 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55929 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55933 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55937 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 55957 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55961 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55965 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 55970 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55974 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55978 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55982 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 55986 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56006 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56010 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56014 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56019 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56023 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56027 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56031 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56035 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56055 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56059 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56063 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56068 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56072 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56076 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56080 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56084 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56104 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56108 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56112 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56117 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56121 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56125 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56129 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56133 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56153 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56157 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56161 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56166 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56170 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56174 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56178 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56182 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56202 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56206 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56210 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56215 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56219 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56223 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56227 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56231 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56251 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56255 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56259 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56264 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56268 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56272 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56276 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56280 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56300 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56304 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56308 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56313 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56317 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56321 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56325 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56329 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56349 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56353 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56357 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56362 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56366 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56370 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56374 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56378 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56398 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56402 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56406 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56411 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56415 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56419 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56423 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56427 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56447 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56451 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56455 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56460 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56464 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56468 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56472 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56476 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56496 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56500 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56504 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56509 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56513 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56517 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56521 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56525 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56545 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56549 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56553 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56558 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56562 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56566 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56570 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56574 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56594 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56598 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56602 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56607 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56611 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56615 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56619 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56623 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56643 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56647 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56651 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56656 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56660 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56664 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56668 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56672 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56692 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56696 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56700 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56705 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56709 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56713 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56717 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56721 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56741 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56745 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56749 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56754 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56758 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56762 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56766 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56770 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56790 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56794 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56798 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56803 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56807 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56811 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56815 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56819 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56839 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56843 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56847 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56852 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56856 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56860 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56864 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56868 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56888 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56892 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56896 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56901 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56905 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56909 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56913 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56917 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56937 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56941 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56945 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56950 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56954 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56958 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56962 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56966 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 56986 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56990 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 56994 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 56999 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57003 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57007 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57011 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57015 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57035 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57039 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57043 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57048 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57052 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57056 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57060 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57064 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57084 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57088 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57092 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57097 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57101 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57105 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57109 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57113 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57133 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57137 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57141 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57146 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57150 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57154 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57158 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57162 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57182 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57186 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57190 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57195 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57199 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57203 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57207 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57211 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57231 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57235 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57239 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57244 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57248 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57252 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57256 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57260 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57280 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57284 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57288 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57293 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57297 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57301 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57305 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57309 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57329 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57333 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57337 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57342 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57346 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57350 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57354 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57358 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57378 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57382 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57386 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57391 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57395 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57399 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57403 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57407 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57427 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57431 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57435 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57440 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57444 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57448 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57452 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57456 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57476 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57480 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57484 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57489 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57493 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57497 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57501 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57505 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57525 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57529 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57533 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57538 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57542 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57546 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57550 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57554 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57574 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57578 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57582 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57587 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57591 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57595 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57599 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57603 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57623 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57627 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57631 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57636 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57640 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57644 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57648 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57652 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57672 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57676 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57680 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57685 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57689 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57693 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57697 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57701 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57721 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57725 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57729 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57734 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57738 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57742 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57746 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57750 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57770 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57774 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57778 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57783 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57787 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57791 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57795 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57799 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57819 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57823 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57827 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57832 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57836 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57840 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57844 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57848 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57868 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57872 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57876 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57881 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57885 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57889 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57893 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57897 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57917 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57921 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57925 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57930 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57934 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57938 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57942 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57946 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 57966 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57970 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57974 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 57979 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57983 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57987 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57991 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 57995 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58015 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58019 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58023 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58028 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58032 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58036 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58040 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58044 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58064 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58068 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58072 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58077 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58081 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58085 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58089 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58093 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58113 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58117 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58121 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58126 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58130 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58134 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58138 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58142 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58162 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58166 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58170 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58175 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58179 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58183 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58187 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58191 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58211 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58215 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58219 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58224 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58228 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58232 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58236 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58240 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58260 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58264 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58268 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58273 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58277 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58281 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58285 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58289 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58309 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58313 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58317 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58322 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58326 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58330 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58334 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58338 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58358 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58362 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58366 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58371 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58375 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58379 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58383 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58387 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58407 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58411 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58415 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58420 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58424 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58428 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58432 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58436 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58456 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58460 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58464 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58469 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58473 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58477 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58481 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58485 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58505 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58509 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58513 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58518 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58522 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58526 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58530 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58534 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58554 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58558 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58562 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58567 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58571 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58575 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58579 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58583 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58603 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58607 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58611 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58616 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58620 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58624 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58628 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58632 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58652 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58656 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58660 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58665 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58669 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58673 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58677 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58681 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58701 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58705 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58709 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58714 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58718 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58722 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58726 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58730 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58750 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58754 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58758 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58763 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58767 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58771 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58775 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58779 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58799 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58803 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58807 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58812 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58816 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58820 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58824 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58828 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58848 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58852 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58856 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58861 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58865 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58869 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58873 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58877 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58897 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58901 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58905 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58910 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58914 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58918 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58922 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58926 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58946 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58950 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58954 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 58959 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58963 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58967 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58971 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58975 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 58995 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 58999 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59003 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59008 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59012 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59016 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59020 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59024 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59044 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59048 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59052 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59057 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59061 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59065 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59069 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59073 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59093 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59097 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59101 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59106 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59110 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59114 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59118 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59122 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59142 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59146 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59150 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59155 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59159 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59163 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59167 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59171 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59191 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59195 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59199 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59204 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59208 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59212 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59216 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59220 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59240 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59244 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59248 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59253 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59257 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59261 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59265 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59269 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59289 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59293 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59297 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59302 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59306 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59310 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59314 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59318 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59338 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59342 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59346 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59351 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59355 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59359 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59363 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59367 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59387 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59391 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59395 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59400 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59404 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59408 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59412 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59416 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59436 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59440 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59444 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59449 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59453 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59457 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59461 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59465 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59485 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59489 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59493 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59498 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59502 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59506 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59510 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59514 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59534 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59538 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59542 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59547 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59551 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59555 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59559 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59563 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59583 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59587 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59591 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59596 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59600 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59604 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59608 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59612 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59632 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59636 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59640 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59645 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59649 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59653 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59657 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59661 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59681 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59685 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59689 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59694 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59698 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59702 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59706 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59710 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59730 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59734 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59738 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59743 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59747 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59751 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59755 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59759 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59779 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59783 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59787 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59792 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59796 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59800 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59804 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59808 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59828 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59832 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59836 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59841 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59845 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59849 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59853 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59857 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59877 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59881 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59885 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59890 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59894 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59898 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59902 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59906 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59926 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59930 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59934 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59939 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59943 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59947 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59951 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59955 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 59975 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59979 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59983 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 59988 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59992 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 59996 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60000 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60004 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60024 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60028 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60032 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60037 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60041 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60045 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60049 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60053 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789728640 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60073 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60077 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60081 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60086 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60090 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60094 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60098 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60102 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60122 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60126 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60130 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60135 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60139 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60143 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60147 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60151 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789728256 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60171 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60175 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60179 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60184 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60188 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60192 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60196 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60200 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60220 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60224 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60228 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60233 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60237 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60241 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60245 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60249 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789730176 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60269 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60273 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60277 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60282 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60286 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60290 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60294 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60298 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60318 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60322 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60326 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60331 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60335 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60339 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60343 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60347 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60367 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60371 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60375 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60380 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60384 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60388 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60392 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60396 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60416 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60420 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60424 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60429 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60433 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60437 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60441 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60445 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60465 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60469 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60473 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60478 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60482 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60486 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60490 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60494 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60514 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60518 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60522 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60527 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60531 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60535 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60539 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60543 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60563 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60567 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60571 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60576 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60580 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60584 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60588 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60592 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60612 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60616 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60620 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60625 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60629 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60633 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60637 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60641 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60661 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60665 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60669 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60674 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60678 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60682 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60686 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60690 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60710 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60714 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60718 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60723 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60727 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60731 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60735 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60739 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60759 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60763 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60767 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60772 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60776 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60780 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60784 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60788 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60808 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60812 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60816 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60821 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60825 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60829 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60833 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60837 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60857 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60861 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60865 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60870 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60874 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60878 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60882 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60886 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60906 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60910 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60914 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60919 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60923 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60927 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60931 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60935 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 60955 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60959 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60963 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 60968 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60972 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60976 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60980 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 60984 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61004 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61008 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61012 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61017 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61021 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61025 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61029 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61033 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61053 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61057 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61061 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61066 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61070 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61074 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61078 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61082 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61102 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61106 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61110 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61115 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61119 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61123 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61127 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61131 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61151 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61155 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61159 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61164 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61168 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61172 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61176 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61180 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61200 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61204 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61208 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61213 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61217 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61221 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61225 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61229 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61249 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61253 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61257 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61262 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61266 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61270 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61274 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61278 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61298 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61302 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61306 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61311 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61315 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61319 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61323 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61327 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61347 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61351 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61355 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61360 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61364 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61368 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61372 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61376 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61396 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61400 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61404 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61409 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61413 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61417 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61421 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61425 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789734016 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61445 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61449 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61453 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61458 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61462 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61466 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61470 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61474 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61494 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61498 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61502 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61507 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61511 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61515 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61519 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61523 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61543 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61547 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61551 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61556 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61560 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61564 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61568 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61572 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61592 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61596 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61600 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61605 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61609 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61613 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61617 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61621 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61641 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61645 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61649 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61654 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61658 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61662 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61666 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61670 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61690 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61694 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61698 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61703 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61707 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61711 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61715 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61719 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61739 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61743 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61747 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61752 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61756 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61760 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61764 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61768 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61788 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61792 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61796 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61801 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61805 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61809 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61813 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61817 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61837 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61841 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61845 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61850 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61854 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61858 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61862 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61866 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61886 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61890 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61894 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61899 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61903 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61907 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61911 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61915 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61935 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61939 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61943 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61948 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61952 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61956 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61960 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61964 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 61984 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61988 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 61992 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 61997 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62001 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62005 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62009 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62013 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62033 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62037 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62041 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62046 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62050 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62054 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62058 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62062 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62082 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62086 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62090 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62095 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62099 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62103 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62107 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62111 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62131 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62135 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62139 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62144 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62148 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62152 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62156 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62160 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62180 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62184 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62188 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62193 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62197 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62201 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62205 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62209 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62229 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62233 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62237 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62242 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62246 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62250 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62254 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62258 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62278 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62282 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62286 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62291 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62295 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62299 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62303 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62307 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789734016 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62327 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62331 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62335 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62340 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62344 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62348 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62352 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62356 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62376 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62380 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62384 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62389 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62393 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62397 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62401 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62405 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789727872 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62425 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62429 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62433 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62438 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62442 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62446 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62450 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62454 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62474 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62478 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62482 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62487 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62491 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62495 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62499 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62503 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789733248 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62523 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62527 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62531 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62536 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62540 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62544 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62548 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62552 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62572 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62576 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62580 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62585 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62589 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62593 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62597 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62601 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62621 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62625 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62629 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62634 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62638 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62642 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62646 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62650 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62670 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62674 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62678 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62683 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62687 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62691 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62695 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62699 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62719 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62723 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62727 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62732 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62736 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62740 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62744 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62748 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62768 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62772 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62776 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62781 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62785 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62789 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62793 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62797 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62817 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62821 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62825 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62830 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62834 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62838 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62842 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62846 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62866 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62870 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62874 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62879 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62883 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62887 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62891 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62895 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62915 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62919 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62923 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62928 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62932 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62936 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62940 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62944 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 62964 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62968 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62972 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 62977 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62981 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62985 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62989 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 62993 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63013 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63017 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63021 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63026 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63030 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63034 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63038 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63042 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63062 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63066 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63070 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63075 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63079 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63083 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63087 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63091 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63111 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63115 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63119 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63124 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63128 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63132 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63136 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63140 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63160 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63164 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63168 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63173 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63177 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63181 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63185 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63189 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63209 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63213 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63217 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63222 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63226 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63230 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63234 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63238 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63258 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63262 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63266 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63271 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63275 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63279 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63283 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63287 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63307 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63311 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63315 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63320 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63324 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63328 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63332 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63336 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63356 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63360 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63364 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63369 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63373 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63377 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63381 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63385 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63405 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63409 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63413 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63418 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63422 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63426 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63430 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63434 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63454 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63458 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63462 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63467 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63471 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63475 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63479 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63483 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789728448 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63503 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63507 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63511 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63516 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63520 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63524 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63528 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63532 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63552 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63556 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63560 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63565 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63569 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63573 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63577 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63581 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63601 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63605 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63609 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63614 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63618 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63622 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63626 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63630 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63650 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63654 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63658 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63663 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63667 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63671 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63675 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63679 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63699 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63703 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63707 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63712 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63716 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63720 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63724 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63728 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63748 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63752 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63756 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63761 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63765 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63769 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63773 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63777 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63797 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63801 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63805 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63810 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63814 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63818 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63822 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63826 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63846 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63850 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63854 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63859 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63863 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63867 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63871 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63875 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63895 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63899 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63903 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63908 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63912 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63916 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63920 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63924 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63944 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63948 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63952 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 63957 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63961 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63965 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63969 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63973 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 63993 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 63997 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64001 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64006 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64010 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64014 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64018 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64022 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64042 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64046 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64050 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64055 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64059 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64063 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64067 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64071 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64091 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64095 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64099 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64104 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64108 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64112 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64116 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64120 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64140 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64144 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64148 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64153 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64157 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64161 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64165 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64169 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64189 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64193 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64197 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64202 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64206 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64210 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64214 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64218 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64238 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64242 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64246 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64251 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64255 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64259 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64263 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64267 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64287 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64291 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64295 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64300 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64304 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64308 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64312 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64316 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64336 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64340 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64344 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64349 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64353 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64357 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64361 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64365 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64385 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64389 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64393 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64398 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64402 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64406 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64410 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64414 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64434 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64438 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64442 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64447 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64451 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64455 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64459 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64463 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64483 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64487 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64491 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64496 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64500 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64504 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64508 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64512 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64532 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64536 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64540 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64545 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64549 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64553 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64557 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64561 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64581 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64585 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64589 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64594 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64598 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64602 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64606 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64610 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64630 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64634 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64638 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64643 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64647 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64651 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64655 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64659 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64679 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64683 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64687 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64692 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64696 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64700 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64704 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64708 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64728 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64732 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64736 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64741 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64745 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64749 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64753 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64757 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64777 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64781 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64785 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64790 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64794 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64798 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64802 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64806 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64826 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64830 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64834 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64839 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64843 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64847 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64851 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64855 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64875 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64879 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64883 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64888 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64892 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64896 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64900 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64904 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64924 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64928 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64932 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64937 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64941 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64945 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64949 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64953 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 64973 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64977 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64981 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 64986 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64990 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64994 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 64998 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65002 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65022 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65026 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65030 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65035 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65039 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65043 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65047 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65051 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65071 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65075 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65079 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65084 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65088 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65092 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65096 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65100 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65120 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65124 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65128 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65133 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65137 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65141 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65145 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65149 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65169 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65173 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65177 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65182 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65186 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65190 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65194 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65198 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65218 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65222 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65226 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65231 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65235 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65239 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65243 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65247 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65267 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65271 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65275 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65280 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65284 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65288 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65292 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65296 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65316 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65320 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65324 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65329 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65333 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65337 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65341 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65345 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65365 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65369 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65373 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65378 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65382 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65386 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65390 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65394 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65414 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65418 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65422 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65427 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65431 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65435 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65439 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65443 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65463 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65467 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65471 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65476 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65480 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65484 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65488 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65492 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65512 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65516 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65520 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65525 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65529 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65533 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65537 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65541 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65561 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65565 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65569 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65574 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65578 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65582 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65586 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65590 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65610 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65614 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65618 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65623 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65627 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65631 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65635 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65639 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65659 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65663 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65667 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65672 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65676 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65680 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65684 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65688 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65708 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65712 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65716 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65721 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65725 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65729 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65733 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65737 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65757 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65761 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65765 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65770 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65774 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65778 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65782 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65786 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65806 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65810 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65814 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65819 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65823 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65827 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65831 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65835 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65855 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65859 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65863 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65868 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65872 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65876 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65880 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65884 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65904 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65908 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65912 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65917 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65921 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65925 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65929 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65933 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 65953 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65957 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65961 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 65966 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65970 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65974 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65978 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 65982 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66002 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66006 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66010 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66015 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66019 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66023 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66027 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66031 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66051 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66055 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66059 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66064 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66068 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66072 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66076 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66080 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66100 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66104 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66108 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66113 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66117 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66121 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66125 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66129 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66149 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66153 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66157 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66162 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66166 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66170 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66174 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66178 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66198 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66202 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66206 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66211 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66215 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66219 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66223 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66227 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66247 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66251 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66255 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66260 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66264 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66268 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66272 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66276 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66296 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66300 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66304 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66309 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66313 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66317 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66321 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66325 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66345 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66349 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66353 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66358 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66362 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66366 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66370 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66374 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66394 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66398 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66402 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66407 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66411 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66415 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66419 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66423 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66443 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66447 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66451 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66456 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66460 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66464 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66468 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66472 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66492 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66496 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66500 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66505 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66509 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66513 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66517 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66521 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66541 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66545 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66549 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66554 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66558 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66562 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66566 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66570 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66590 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66594 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66598 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66603 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66607 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66611 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66615 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66619 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66639 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66643 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66647 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66652 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66656 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66660 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66664 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66668 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66688 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66692 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66696 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66701 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66705 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66709 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66713 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66717 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66737 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66741 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66745 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66750 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66754 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66758 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66762 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66766 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66786 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66790 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66794 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66799 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66803 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66807 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66811 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66815 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66835 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66839 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66843 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66848 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66852 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66856 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66860 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66864 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66884 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66888 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66892 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66897 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66901 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66905 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66909 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66913 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66933 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66937 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66941 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66946 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66950 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66954 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66958 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66962 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 66982 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66986 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66990 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 66995 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 66999 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67003 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67007 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67011 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67031 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67035 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67039 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67044 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67048 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67052 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67056 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67060 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67080 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67084 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67088 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67093 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67097 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67101 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67105 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67109 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67129 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67133 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67137 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67142 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67146 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67150 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67154 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67158 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67178 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67182 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67186 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67191 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67195 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67199 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67203 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67207 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67227 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67231 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67235 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67240 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67244 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67248 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67252 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67256 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67276 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67280 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67284 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67289 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67293 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67297 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67301 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67305 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789734784 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67325 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67329 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67333 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67338 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67342 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67346 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67350 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67354 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67374 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67378 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67382 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67387 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67391 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67395 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67399 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67403 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789731136 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67423 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67427 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67431 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67436 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67440 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67444 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67448 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67452 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67472 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67476 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67480 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67485 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67489 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67493 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67497 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67501 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67521 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67525 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67529 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67534 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67538 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67542 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67546 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67550 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67570 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67574 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67578 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67583 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67587 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67591 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67595 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67599 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67619 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67623 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67627 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67632 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67636 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67640 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67644 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67648 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67668 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67672 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67676 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67681 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67685 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67689 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67693 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67697 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67717 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67721 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67725 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67730 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67734 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67738 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67742 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67746 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67766 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67770 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67774 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67779 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67783 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67787 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67791 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67795 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67815 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67819 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67823 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67828 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67832 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67836 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67840 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67844 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67864 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67868 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67872 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67877 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67881 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67885 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67889 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67893 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67913 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67917 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67921 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67926 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67930 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67934 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67938 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67942 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 67962 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67966 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67970 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 67975 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67979 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67983 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67987 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 67991 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68011 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68015 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68019 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68024 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68028 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68032 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68036 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68040 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68060 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68064 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68068 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68073 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68077 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68081 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68085 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68089 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68109 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68113 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68117 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68122 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68126 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68130 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68134 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68138 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68158 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68162 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68166 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68171 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68175 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68179 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68183 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68187 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68207 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68211 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68215 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68220 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68224 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68228 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68232 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68236 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68256 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68260 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68264 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68269 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68273 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68277 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68281 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68285 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68305 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68309 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68313 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68318 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68322 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68326 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68330 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68334 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68354 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68358 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68362 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68367 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68371 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68375 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68379 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68383 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68403 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68407 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68411 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68416 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68420 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68424 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68428 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68432 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68452 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68456 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68460 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68465 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68469 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68473 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68477 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68481 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68501 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68505 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68509 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68514 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68518 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68522 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68526 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68530 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68550 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68554 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68558 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68563 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68567 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68571 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68575 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68579 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68599 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68603 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68607 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68612 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68616 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68620 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68624 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68628 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68648 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68652 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68656 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68661 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68665 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68669 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68673 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68677 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68697 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68701 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68705 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68710 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68714 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68718 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68722 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68726 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68746 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68750 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68754 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68759 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68763 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68767 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68771 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68775 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789727680 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68795 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68799 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68803 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68808 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68812 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68816 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68820 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68824 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68844 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68848 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68852 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68857 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68861 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68865 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68869 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68873 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68893 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68897 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68901 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68906 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68910 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68914 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68918 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68922 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68942 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68946 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68950 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 68955 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68959 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68963 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68967 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68971 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 68991 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68995 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 68999 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69004 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69008 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69012 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69016 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69020 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69040 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69044 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69048 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69053 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69057 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69061 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69065 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69069 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69089 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69093 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69097 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69102 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69106 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69110 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69114 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69118 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69138 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69142 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69146 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69151 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69155 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69159 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69163 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69167 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69187 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69191 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69195 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69200 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69204 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69208 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69212 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69216 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69236 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69240 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69244 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69249 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69253 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69257 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69261 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69265 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69285 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69289 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69293 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69298 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69302 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69306 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69310 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69314 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69334 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69338 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69342 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69347 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69351 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69355 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69359 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69363 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69383 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69387 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69391 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69396 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69400 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69404 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69408 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69412 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69432 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69436 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69440 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69445 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69449 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69453 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69457 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69461 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69481 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69485 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69489 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69494 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69498 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69502 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69506 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69510 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69530 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69534 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69538 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69543 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69547 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69551 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69555 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69559 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69579 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69583 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69587 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69592 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69596 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69600 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69604 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69608 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69628 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69632 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69636 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69641 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69645 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69649 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69653 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69657 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69677 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69681 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69685 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69690 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69694 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69698 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69702 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69706 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69726 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69730 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69734 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69739 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69743 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69747 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69751 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69755 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69775 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69779 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69783 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69788 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69792 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69796 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69800 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69804 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69824 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69828 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69832 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69837 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69841 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69845 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69849 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69853 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789732864 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69873 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69877 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69881 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69886 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69890 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69894 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69898 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69902 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69922 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69926 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69930 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69935 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69939 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69943 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69947 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69951 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789729600 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 69971 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69975 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69979 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 69984 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69988 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69992 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 69996 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70000 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70020 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70024 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70028 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70033 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70037 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70041 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70045 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70049 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789729024 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70069 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70073 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70077 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70082 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70086 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70090 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70094 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70098 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70118 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70122 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70126 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70131 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70135 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70139 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70143 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70147 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789729408 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70167 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70171 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70175 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70180 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70184 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70188 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70192 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70196 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70216 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70220 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70224 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70229 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70233 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70237 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70241 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70245 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789730368 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70265 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70269 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70273 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70278 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70282 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70286 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70290 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70294 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70314 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70318 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70322 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70327 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70331 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70335 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70339 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70343 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70363 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70367 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70371 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70376 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70380 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70384 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70388 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70392 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70412 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70416 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70420 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70425 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70429 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70433 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70437 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70441 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789735168 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70461 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70465 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70469 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70474 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70478 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70482 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70486 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70490 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70510 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70514 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70518 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70523 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70527 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70531 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70535 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70539 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789734016 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70559 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70563 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70567 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70572 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70576 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70580 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70584 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70588 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70608 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70612 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70616 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70621 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70625 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70629 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70633 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70637 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789733632 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70657 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70661 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70665 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70670 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70674 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70678 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70682 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70686 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70706 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70710 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70714 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70719 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70723 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70727 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70731 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70735 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789729408 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70755 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70759 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70763 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70768 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70772 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70776 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70780 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70784 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70804 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70808 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70812 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70817 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70821 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70825 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70829 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70833 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789729792 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70853 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70857 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70861 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70866 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70870 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70874 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70878 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70882 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70902 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70906 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70910 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70915 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70919 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70923 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70927 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70931 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789732864 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 70951 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70955 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70959 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 70964 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70968 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70972 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70976 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 70980 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71000 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71004 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71008 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71013 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71017 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71021 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71025 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71029 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71049 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71053 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71057 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71062 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71066 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71070 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71074 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71078 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71098 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71102 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71106 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71111 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71115 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71119 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71123 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71127 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789734016 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71147 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71151 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71155 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71160 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71164 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71168 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71172 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71176 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71196 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71200 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71204 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71209 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71213 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71217 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71221 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71225 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789728064 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71245 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71249 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71253 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71258 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71262 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71266 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71270 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71274 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71294 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71298 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71302 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71307 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71311 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71315 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71319 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71323 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789735360 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71343 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71347 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71351 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71356 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71360 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71364 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71368 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71372 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71392 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71396 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71400 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71405 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71409 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71413 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71417 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71421 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71441 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71445 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71449 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71454 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71458 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71462 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71466 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71470 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71490 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71494 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71498 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71503 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71507 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71511 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71515 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71519 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71539 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71543 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71547 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71552 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71556 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71560 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71564 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71568 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71588 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71592 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71596 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71601 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71605 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71609 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71613 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71617 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789733440 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71637 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71641 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71645 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71650 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71654 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71658 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71662 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71666 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71686 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71690 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71694 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71699 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71703 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71707 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71711 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71715 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789733440 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71735 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71739 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71743 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71748 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71752 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71756 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71760 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71764 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71784 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71788 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71792 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71797 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71801 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71805 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71809 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71813 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71833 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71837 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71841 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71846 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71850 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71854 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71858 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71862 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71882 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71886 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71890 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71895 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71899 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71903 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71907 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71911 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789733248 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71931 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71935 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71939 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71944 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71948 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71952 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71956 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71960 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 71980 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71984 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71988 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 71993 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 71997 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72001 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72005 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72009 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789733248 Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 72029 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72033 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72037 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 72042 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72046 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72050 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72054 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72058 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 72078 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72082 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72086 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 72091 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72095 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72099 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72103 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72107 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 72127 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72131 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72135 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 72140 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72144 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72148 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72152 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72156 bytes) Loading complete Connection from C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager/Partition_LockedApp/ - locked/stdsrvlog2.pkg - C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg Loading C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\locked\stdsrvlog2.pkg ... typechecking var p : Conn fun _connected : fun [] I fun _closed : fun [] I fun __getpack : fun [] I fun __version : fun [I] I fun __nextpack : fun [] I fun __next : fun [] I fun __skip : fun [] I fun __downl : fun [] I Generating bytecodes for '_connected'... 20 bytes generated (for a total of 72176 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '_closed'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72180 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__getpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72184 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__version'... 5 bytes generated (for a total of 72189 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__nextpack'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72193 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__next'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72197 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__skip'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72201 bytes) Generating bytecodes for '__downl'... 4 bytes generated (for a total of 72205 bytes) Loading complete Error #1 on socket #-1789729408
I tried with hexagone size 2 and 500 x 500 and it worked.
good! at least it's not bad coding.
my desktop sometimes succeeds and sometimes crashes (vm shuts down code called by the .scol file, although supervisor keeps running) when drawing this amount of hexes.
some questions/comments:
1. my gpu is is an RX 550/550 2GB....this may be a hardware thing...what type of pc configuration would you recommend for surmounting this type of problem...
2. is your gpu older than mine?
3. the crash is happening right after (line 763 in the pkg file) at that point the .pkg isn't drawing the polygons in the bitmap, it's initializing this struct:
struct Mypolygontable = [
Mypolygontable_rows: I,
Mypolygontable_columns: I,
polygontable: tab tab Mypolygon,
originpoint: [I I], //this will set the origin of the table at x 0 y height of the parent bitmap. "up" in y will be negative as y increases as you go to the bottom of the screen
totalsize: [F F],
funcalctotalsize: fun [Mypolygontable] [F F], //function to return total size of polygontable
parentbitmap: ObjBitmap
] mkMypolygontable;;
here are the structs integrated into the one above, they don't include any graphic functions except declaring one bitmap
struct Point =[
x: F,
y: F,
fungetvalues: fun [Point] [F F] ///function to return x and y properties of Point
] mkPoint;;
struct Mypolygon =[
structtextobject: ObjText,
numsides: I,
center: [F F], //center of polygon
sidelength: F,
height: F,
points: tab Point, //table of point objects in polygon
funmakepoints: fun [Mypolygon] tab Point,
funmakedrawpointtable: fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I],
strucdrawpointstable: tab [I I], //function to create table of points to put in points table
hextype : S,//for hexes, if "flat" then flat top, if "pointy" then pointy top
structpolygonhexheight: F //hexheight is vertical radius if flat and norizontal radius if pointy
] mkMypolygon;;//this is each individual shape that will fit into the shapetable
4. is there any code I can write to handle what must be the code doing more than my hardware can handle?
5. [this is not that big a deal, i am planning to create a lattice of hexagon meshes in os3d as per your suggestion, so having a problem drawing a bunch of them into a bitmap isn't critical. what is left for me to figure out is assigning unique id strings to each hex, and drawing n levels of smaller hexes within larger ones, where the smaller hexes are the children of the larger ones.]
Last edited by hebdemnobad (28-Oct-2024 17:08:58)
gpu is not used here, only cpu. maybe this is related to available memory
1. i see...is there anyway i can deal with that via scol coding, or should I just get more ram
2. how much ram is on your machine?
what version of scol do you use ? and which x32 or x64
voyager 8.6.0 [30/11/2023]
vm 7.0.0 [64 bits] [09/07/2018]
fwiw my desktop has 8 gigs ram
system info on desktop
OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer To Be Filled By O.E.M.
System Model To Be Filled By O.E.M.
System Type x64-based PC
System SKU To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor, 3200 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. P3.30, 10/31/2017
SMBIOS Version 3.0
Embedded Controller Version 255.255
BIOS Mode Legacy
BaseBoard Manufacturer ASRock
BaseBoard Product AB350 Pro4
BaseBoard Version
Platform Role Desktop
Secure Boot State Unsupported
PCR7 Configuration Binding Not Possible
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "10.0.19041.3636"
User Name ARIS-COMPUTER\seapi
Time Zone Eastern Daylight Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 7.93 GB
Available Physical Memory 477 MB
Total Virtual Memory 31.9 GB
Available Virtual Memory 1.30 GB
Page File Space 24.0 GB
Page File F:\pagefile.sys
Kernel DMA Protection Off
Virtualization-based security Not enabled
Device Encryption Support Reasons for failed automatic device encryption: TPM is not usable, PCR7 binding is not supported, Hardware Security Test Interface failed and device is not Modern Standby, Un-allowed DMA capable bus/device(s) detected, TPM is not usable
Hyper-V - VM Monitor Mode Extensions Yes
Hyper-V - Second Level Address Translation Extensions Yes
Hyper-V - Virtualization Enabled in Firmware No
Hyper-V - Data Execution Protection Yes
ok weird ^^ I don't know what can make this happen
no big deal...i'll move ahead to work on data structures for multiple level of detail hexmaps, and then migrate everything to an os 3d plugit
also lmk how much ram you have maybe that is the cause
hi arkeon what does "Error #1 on socket #" indicate, if anything useful?
The main scol machine lost connection to the other client machine.
ah i see, that doesn't provide much information. in any case as i said, once i figure out how to handle a few more situations using bitmaps i will move this little project to os3d.
question....lets say i have three planes in os3d, with each plane slightly higher than the other, and i am looking down on them...can i get the information on middle and bottom plane if i click on the top one and the middle and bottom planes are viewable by the camera, like in the diagram below
camera looking down at planes
/ \
---------- top plane
---------- middle plane
---------- bottom plane
Hello, you will be able to get ray informations only on the one rendered last on the camera, so the nearest plane.
Ok thx I'll keep thst in mind
hi arkeon what does "Error #1 on socket #" indicate, if anything useful?
that's weird or maybe not weird over the last windows update or the one prior to that the cpu's on both my machines are able to draw hexagons without that runtime crash.
I've worked a bit more on the ui so you can see how many hexagons can fit into the bitmap, and displaying more information for feedback in writing more functions (to build multiple hexagon grids at different sizes, I am thinking of 8 levels, using the Imperial system as that is was D&D uses, without some of the stupid imperial measurements, on the level of
one foot
10 feet
100 feet
500 feet
5000 feet which will be 1 mile
5 miles
10 miles
100 miles
the code below doesn't do any of that yet, but displays some more information than before so you don't have to look at the log file
proto mygetcoordinates = fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I];;
proto makestartvectable = fun [I I S [I I I]] I;;
proto hex_to_pixel = fun [Hex] [I I];;
proto initializevectortable = fun [tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate I] Vectortable;;
proto fillvectortable = fun [[I I I] I Vectortable S I] Vectortable;;
proto mypolygonmain = fun[Hexgrid] I;;
proto test_point_table = fun [Mypolygon] Mypolygon;;
proto makehexgrid = fun [Bitmapinterface I I I S [I I I]] Hexgrid;;
proto makesubhexgrid= fun [Bitmapinterface I I I I S [I I I]] Hexgrid;;
proto createinterface = fun [] I;;
proto see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap = fun[Hex Hexgrid [F F][I I] F ] Mypolygon;;
proto hex_make_row_of_polygons = fun [Bitmapinterface Hexgrid Mypolygontable I [F F]] tab Mypolygon ;;
proto drawpolygoncolumn = fun[Bitmapinterface tab Mypolygon ObjBitmap I] ObjBitmap;;
proto drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit = fun[Bitmapinterface Mypolygontable] I;;
proto initpolygon = fun [Hex Hexgrid I [F F] F S F] Mypolygon;;
proto trianglemakepoints =fun [Mypolygon] tab Point ;;
proto get_cursor_position_text = fun [Bitmapinterface] S;;
//vertex object with qrs coordinates
struct QRSCoordinate=[
posq: I,
posr: I,
poss: I,
getcoordinates: fun [QRSCoordinate] [I I I]
struct Hex= [
hexcenter: QRSCoordinate,
hexheight: I,
structradiustopoint: F,
fungethexcenter: fun [Hex] [I I I],
funprinthex: fun [Hex] S,
funhextopixel: fun [Hex] [F F],
hex_xy: [F F],
hexindex: [I I] //this is the index of this specific hex in its Hexgrid.hextable
struct Vectortable=[
vectortable: tab QRSCoordinate,
rows: I,
start: S,
startvec: QRSCoordinate
] mkVectortable;;
struct Hexgrid =[
structHexgrid_interface: Bitmapinterface,
hextable: tab tab Hex,// each element of the hexgrid table has a table of hexes (which is a column in the hex grid)
hexgridrows: I,
columns: I,
hexsize: I,
structHexgrid_fun_total_width_height: fun [Hexgrid] [I I],
structhexgrid_vectortable: Vectortable,
structchildhexgrid: [Hexgrid Hex],//if this grid has a child, then it will have a child hexgrid, and a specific hex within this Grid in which the smaller hexgrid is located
structparenthex: Hex,//Hex in larger Hexgrid which determines offset in this smaller hexgrid if this smallerhextrid has a father
structchildhexgrid_offset: [F F] //if this hexgrid is the child of another one, this is the x y offset to add to each polygon created in this child hexgrid
struct Point =[
x: F,
y: F,
fungetvalues: fun [Point] [F F] ///function to return x and y properties of Point
] mkPoint;;
struct Mypolygon =[
sourceHex: Hex, //hex object from which mypolygon is constructed
structtextobject: ObjText,
numsides: I,
center: [F F], //center of polygon
sidelength: F,
height: F,
points: tab Point, //table of point objects in polygon
funmakepoints: fun [Mypolygon] tab Point,
funmakedrawpointtable: fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I],
strucdrawpointstable: tab [I I], //function to create table of points to put in points table
hextype : S,//for hexes, if "flat" then flat top, if "pointy" then pointy top
structpolygonhexheight: F, //hexheight is vertical radius if flat and norizontal radius if pointy
funget_parent_hext_coordinates: fun[Mypolygon] [I I I],//function to get QRS coordaintes from xy coordinates, use pixeltohex function from redblob
structMyPolygoninfo: S //property that displays xy and qrs source coordinates for the polygon
] mkMypolygon;;//this is each individual shape that will fit into the shapetable
struct Mypolygontable = [
Mypolygontable_rows: I,
Mypolygontable_columns: I,
polygontable: tab tab Mypolygon,
originpoint: [I I], //this will set the origin of the table at x 0 y height of the parent bitmap. "up" in y will be negative as y increases as you go to the bottom of the screen
totalsize: [F F],
funcalctotalsize: fun [Mypolygontable] [F F],
parentbitmap: ObjBitmap ,
] mkMypolygontable;;
struct Bitmapinterface =[
Bitmapinterface_mainwindow: ObjWin,
Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow: ObjWin,
Bitmapinterface_controlwindow: ObjWin,
Bitmapinterface_bitmap: ObjBitmap,
Bitmapinterface_current_hexgrid: Hexgrid,
Bitmapinterface_hexgrid_list: [Hexgrid r1],
Bitmapinterface_current_polygontable: Mypolygontable,
Bitmapinterface_currentrows: I,
Bitmapinterface_currentcolumns: I,
Bitmapinterface_currenthex_size: I,
Bitmapinterface_polygontables: [Mypolygontable r1],
Bitmapinterface_strcutextfield_rows: ObjText,
Bitmapinterface_strcutextfield_columns: ObjText,
Bitmapinterface_strcut_mousecoords: ObjText
] mkBitmapinterface;;
fun end (window, interface)=
_DSbitmap interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap;
_DSwindow interface.Bitmapinterface_mainwindow;
_DSwindow interface.Bitmapinterface_controlwindow;
_DSwindow interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow;
set interface = nil;
fun paint (win, interfacestruct)=
_BLTbitmap win interfacestruct.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0 0;
_PAINTwindow win;
//function below: fun [Vectortable] returns I ; utility to make sure vector table is correct, this is a table of QRSCoordinate objects that forms row 0 of every column in a rectangular array of hexes
fun print_full_startvector_table_contents (startvectortable)=
//_fooS "the Vectortable object is complete, reading out full contents of Vectortable.vectortable which is in the format of tab QRSCoordinate";
let sizetab startvectortable ->table_total in
let 0-> counter in
while (counter< table_total) do
let startvectortable.counter-> qrsobject in
let mygetcoordinates qrsobject -> [q r s] in
set counter = counter+1;
//function below: fun [QRSCoordinate] returns [I I I]
fun mygetcoordinates(qrs)=
let qrs.posq-> q in
let qrs.posr-> r in
let qrs.poss-> s in
[q r s];;
//function below: fun [Hex] returns [I I I], function to get I I I qrs coordinates from a hex
fun getmyhexcoordinates (hex) =
let hex.hexcenter -> qrs_center in
mygetcoordinates qrs_center;; //this function takes hex and returns [q r s] for qrs object in its center
//utility function below: fun [Hex] returns S, utility to verify hex is at right place
fun myprinthex (hex)=
let exec hex.fungethexcenter with [hex] -> [q r s] in
let hex.hex_xy -> [x y] in
let strcatn "in fun myprinthex, this hex q center is at: ":: (itoa q)::" it's r center is at: ":: (itoa r):: " and its s center is at: "::(itoa s)::"\n"::" the converted hex x coordinate is: ":: (ftoa x)::"\n"::" and the converted hex y coordinate is:" :: (ftoa y)::"\n":: " and the hex's radius to a point is: ":: (ftoa hex.structradiustopoint):: "\n":: "and the hexes hextable index is: "::(itoa (tupleGet hex.hexindex 0 nil ))::(itoa (tupleGet hex.hexindex 1 nil ))::nil -> string in
fun myprintpolygon (thismyprintpolygon)=
let thismyprintpolygon.hexparentcoordinates -> [q r s] in
let thismyprintpolygon.center -> [xfloat yfloat] in
let strcatn "hex q: ":: (itoa q)::" hex r: ":: (itoa r)::" hex s: "::(itoa s)::"\n":: "polygon x: ":: (itoa (ftori xfloat)):: " polygon y: ":: (itoa (ftori yfloat))::nil -> string in
//utility function below takes tab Hex and calls printhex for every hex in the column
fun printcolumn (column_number, total_columns, columnobject)=
let sizetab columnobject -> size in
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter< size) do
let columnobject.counter -> hex in
_fooS strcatn "this hex is in column number: ":: (itoa column_number):: " and this is hex in row number: " :: (itoa counter):: " and and the information for this hex is: " :: (myprinthex hex)::nil;
set counter = counter +1;
// fun [Hex] [F F] converts a Hex object's qrs coordinates to float x y coordinates
fun myhextopixel(hex)=
let getmyhexcoordinates hex -> [q r s] in
let hex.structradiustopoint -> float_final_size in
let float_final_size *. (3.0 /. 2.0) *. (itof q) -> xfloat in
let (float_final_size *. (sqrt 3.0) *. (itof q) /. (2.0)) +. ( float_final_size *. (sqrt 3.0) *. (itof r)) -> yfloat in
let yfloat *. (-.1.0)-> yfloat in //change depending on whether y is 0 at top or bottom of eventual bitmap
[xfloat yfloat];;
fun roundhex (hexgrid, qr)= //todo: return interger q r s coordinates from hexgrid q (as float) and r (as float) then somehow trigger highlighting of corresopnding polygon by searching through polygon grid for same qrs coordinates as hex we get here
fun mypixeltohex(hexgrid, xypoint)= //this will be called by moving mouse over bitmap window!
let xypoint -> [x y] in
let itof x -> floatx in
let itof y -> floaty in
let hexgrid.hexsize -> ihextoflat in
let _fooS strcat "hex height to flat edge is: " (itoa ihextoflat) -> string in
let ((itof ihextoflat) *. 2.0 *. sqrt (3.0)) /. 3.0 -> radiustopoint in
let (((2.0)/. 3.0) *. floatx) /. radiustopoint -> q in
let _fooS strcat "radus to point is: " (ftoa radiustopoint) -> string in
let _fooS strcat "floatx is: " (ftoa floatx) -> string in
let _fooS strcat "floatx is: " (ftoa floaty) -> string in
// (-1./3 * point.x + sqrt(3)/3 * point.y) / size
let ((floatx *. (1.0 /. 3.0) *. -.(1.0)) +. ((floaty *. (sqrt 3.0) /. 3.0))) /. radiustopoint -> s in
//todo deriv radiustopoint then calculate x and y, then calculate fractional hex from there, send to
//let 0.0 -> q in
//let 0.0 -> r in
let _fooS strcat "s before conversion is: " (ftoa s) -> string in
let ftori s -> ints in
let _fooS strcat "s after ftoi conversion is: " (itoa ints) -> string in
let ftori q -> q in
let -q -ints -> r in
let _fooS strcatn "Mypixeltohex: in mypixeltohex, the q is: " ::(itoa q):: " and r is: ":: (itoa r):: " and s is: ":: (itoa ints)::nil -> string in
roundhex hexgrid [q r s] ;
// fun [I I I] returns QRSCoordinate
fun makeQRS(q, r, s)=
let mkQRSCoordinate [q r s nil]-> qrs in
set qrs.getcoordinates=@mygetcoordinates;
// fun [QRSCoordinate I] returns Hex note: size is radius to the flat side of a hex, not to a point, we convert size to a radius to a point since we need radius to a point for all important calculations
fun makeHex(qrs, size, columnnumber, rownumber)=
let (((itof size) *. 2.0) *. sqrt (3.0)) /. 3.0 -> radiustopoint in
let mkHex [qrs size radiustopoint @getmyhexcoordinates @myprinthex @myhextopixel nil nil] -> hex in
//create xy coordinates of x and load into hexobject
let exec hex.funhextopixel with [hex] -> [x y] in
set hex.hex_xy = [x y];
set hex.hexindex = [columnnumber rownumber];
_fooS myprinthex hex;
// fun [[I I I] S I] returns [I I I]
fun addvec_with_direction (inputvector, direction)= //this function takes a vector and direction and returns a new vector object,the result depending on the the direction this package has already loaded the os3d tools.pkg so it can use functions from it
if ((strcmp direction "northeast") ==0) then
let [1 (-1) 0] -> directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
else if ((strcmp direction "southeast") ==0) then
let [1 0 (-1)] -> directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
else if ((strcmp direction "north") ==0) then
let [0 (-1) 1] -> directional_vector in
let addVector inputvector directional_vector -> outputvector in
let outputvector -> [q r s] in
let q+r+s -> result in
if (result == 0) then //console_print lastcsl"no error" else //console_print lastcsl"error!!";
// fun =[Bitmapinterface Hexgrid Hex r1 I I QRSCoordinate I I ] returns tab Hex. this function creates a rectangular grid of hexes with several settable parameters, but the grid will always be a rectangle
fun make_column ( interface, hexgrid, hexlist, currentcolumn_number, currentrow_number, inputqrs, total_rows, hexsize)= //fun [ Hexgrid hex r1 I I QRSCoordinate, I I ] returns tab Hex
if (currentrow_number<total_rows) then //we are not finished with the colum, take inputvec, make a hex, add it to hexlist. when we are done with the hexlist and the column we will turn it from Hex r1 to tab Hex
let exec inputqrs.getcoordinates with [inputqrs] -> inputvec in
let inputvec -> [inputq inputr inputs] in
let makeHex inputqrs hexsize currentcolumn_number currentrow_number -> hex in
let lcat hexlist hex::nil -> hexlist in
let exec inputqrs.getcoordinates with [inputqrs] -> inputvec in
let addvec_with_direction inputvec "north" -> newvec in
let newvec -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
//_fooS myprinthex hex;
set currentrow_number=currentrow_number+1;
//we are not done with column so recursively call function and in that we this branch of if then else doesn't return anything
make_column interface hexgrid hexlist currentcolumn_number currentrow_number newqrs total_rows hexsize;
else //we are done with the column, turn the list into a table, and put it in the currentcolumn_number of the Global_hextable
let sizelist hexlist -> size in
let listtotab hexlist -> thisfunctionhextable in
let sizetab thisfunctionhextable -> tablesize in
let sizetab hexgrid.hextable.currentcolumn_number -> sizable2 in
//let printcolumn thisfunctionhextable -> nothing in
// fun [[I I I] I Vectortable S I] returns Vectortable,m given a start qrs coordinate, [I I] generate a table of QRSCoordinate objects of arbitrary size and lenght, with either evens higher or odds higher
fun fillvectortable (vector, hexsize, qrstable , startstate, rownumber)= //fun [I I I] I Vectortable S I RETURN: Vectortable
if (rownumber ==0) then
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then
( //since evens are up we go southeast to element 1, which is odd
//go southeast, and feed in vector of this item to form next item
//we want to make vector for first odd number to feed into function
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" -> newvector in
set rownumber = rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
else //state is "odds up", we go northeast to element 1, which is odd
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" -> newvector in
set rownumber = rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
//go northeast and feed in vector of this item to form next item
//we want to make vector for first odd number to feed into function
else if (rownumber == (sizetab qrstable.vectortable)) then
//return finalized and filled up qrstable which is a Vectortable object
//print_full_startvector_table_contents qrstable.vectortable; //call function to read out values of the created Vectortable.vectortable, which is tab QRSCoordinate
else if (rownumber < (sizetab qrstable.vectortable)) then
if ((mod rownumber 2)!= 0) then//odd number fork
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then //if evens up then odd numbers make a new vector to the northeast
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
///even number fork
//console_print lastcsl"we have an even number";
if ((strcmp startstate "evens up") ==0) then
//console_print lastcsl"go southeast because evens are up and odds are down";//if evens up then even numbers make a new vector to the southheast
let addvec_with_direction vector "southeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
let addvec_with_direction vector "northeast" -> newvector in
let vector -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> newqrs in
set qrstable.vectortable.rownumber = newqrs;
set rownumber= rownumber+1;
fillvectortable newvector hexsize qrstable startstate rownumber;
// fun initializevectortable = fun [tab QRSCoordinate I S QRSCoordinate I] Vectortable;;
fun initializevectortable (initialvectable, columns, startstate2, startqrs, hexsize)=
let mkVectortable [initialvectable columns startstate2 startqrs] -> vectable in
let mygetcoordinates startqrs -> startcoordiantes in
let 0 -> rownumber in
set vectable.vectortable.0 = startqrs; //set the initial qrs element of the Vectortable.vectortable table, which is made of qrs objects
let fillvectortable startcoordiantes hexsize vectable startstate2 rownumber -> vectable2 in
let _fooS strcatn "Vectortable has : " :: (itoa columns):: " elements":: nil -> string in
//fun Bitmapinterface I I I returns I which is total columns
//todo, remove code preventing polygon drawing, control columns and rows at hexgrid stage
fun get_maximum_columns (interface,total_columns, total_rows, hexsize)=
let (((itof hexsize)*. 2.0) *. sqrt (3.0)) /. 3.0 -> hex_radius in
let _fooS strcat "in fun get_maximum_columns_and_rows/ hexize is: " (ftoa hex_radius) -> sgring in
let _GETbitmapSize interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap -> [width height] in
let itof width -> fwidth in
//tryout: add a bit total width so hex centers get closer to right edge of bit map, add a column to total columns so we can draw hexes at right edge of bitmap
if ( (itof total_columns) <. ((fwidth/. (1.5 *. hex_radius) ) +. 0.0 ) ) then
let _fooS strcat "in get_maximum_columns_and_rows , width of bitmap is: " (itoa width) -> string in
let (fwidth/. ( 1.5 *.hex_radius)) +. 1.0 -> finalcolumns in
let _fooS strcat " in fork1: in get_maximum_columns , max columns are: " (itoa (ftori finalcolumns)) -> string in
let ftori finalcolumns -> finalcolumns in
_SETtext interface.Bitmapinterface_strcutextfield_columns (itoa finalcolumns);
) else
let _fooS strcat "in get_maximum_columns, width of bitmap is: " (itoa width) -> string in
let (fwidth/. ( 1.5 *.hex_radius)) +. 1.0 -> finalcolumns in
let _fooS strcat " in fork2: in get_maximum_columns, max columns are: " (itoa (ftori finalcolumns)) -> string in
let ftori finalcolumns -> finalcolumns in
_SETtext interface.Bitmapinterface_strcutextfield_columns (itoa finalcolumns);
//this function clamps the maximum amount of rows in hexgrid
fun get_maximum_rows (interface,total_columns, total_rows, hexsize)=
let (((itof hexsize)*. 2.0) *. sqrt (3.0)) /. 3.0 -> hex_radius in
let _GETbitmapSize interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap -> [width height] in
let itof height -> fbitmapheight in
if ((itof total_rows) <. ( (fbitmapheight/. ( (itof hexsize) *. 2.0)) +. 2.0 ) ) then
let _fooS strcat "in fork 1 of get_maximum_rows, max rows are are" (itoa ((ftoi(fbitmapheight/.(1.0 *.(itof hexsize) ) )) + 1 ) ) -> string in
let ((fbitmapheight/. ( (itof hexsize) *. 2.0) ) +. 1.0) -> clamped_rows in
_SETtext interface.Bitmapinterface_strcutextfield_rows (itoa (ftori clamped_rows));
) else
let _fooS strcat "in fork 2 of get_maximum_rows, max rows are are" (itoa ((ftoi(fbitmapheight/.(1.0 *.(itof hexsize) ) )) + 1 ) ) -> string in
let ((fbitmapheight/. ( (itof hexsize) *. 2.0) ) +. 1.0) -> clamped_rows in
let ftori clamped_rows -> clamped_rows in
_SETtext interface.Bitmapinterface_strcutextfield_rows (itoa clamped_rows );
let _fooS strcat "in fork 2 of get_maximum rows, the maximum rows are: " (itoa clamped_rows) -> string in
// fun [Bitmapinterface I I I I S [I I I]] Hexgrid
fun makesubhexgrid (interface, total_columns, total_rows, hexsize, subhexsize, startstate, startingvec)=
let get_maximum_columns interface total_columns total_rows hexsize -> clamped_total_columns in
let get_maximum_rows interface total_columns total_rows hexsize -> clamped_total_rows in
let mktab clamped_total_columns nil -> initialvectable in
let startingvec -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> starqrs in
let (((itof hexsize) *. 2.0) *. sqrt (3.0)) /. 3.0 -> radiustopoint in
//this is a chld hexgrid so we have to make the hex that will be the parent of this one, later we will pass a hex from the father grid
let mkHex [starqrs hexsize radiustopoint @getmyhexcoordinates @myprinthex @myhextopixel nil nil] -> parenthex in
let myhextopixel parenthex -> [fparentx fparenty] in
let initializevectortable initialvectable clamped_total_columns startstate starqrs subhexsize -> vectable2 in
//todo function to clamp rows
let vectable2.rows -> rows in
let mktab clamped_total_columns nil-> hexgridtable in
let mkHexgrid [interface hexgridtable clamped_total_rows clamped_total_columns subhexsize nil vectable2 nil parenthex [fparentx fparenty]] -> hexgrid_object in
//set Global_hextable= hexgrid_object ;
let 0-> column_counter in
let 0-> column_number in
while (column_counter < clamped_total_columns) do //redo with strucs not global variables
let vectable2.vectortable.column_counter -> initialqrs in
//make_column arguments: Hexgrid, hexlist (set at nil until function begins to resurviely, currentcolumn_number, currentrow_number, inputvec, total_row, hex size
let make_column interface hexgrid_object nil column_counter 0 initialqrs total_rows hexsize -> this_column in //make_column returns tab Hex
// load completed column (which is a table of hexes) into first element of Hexgrid.hextable
set hexgrid_object.hextable.column_counter = this_column;
set column_counter= column_counter +1;
//return a completed Hexgrid object
// fun [I I I S [I I I] returns Hexgrid
fun makehexgrid (interface, total_columns, total_rows, hexsize, startstate, startingvec)=
let _fooS strcat "in fun makehexgrid, total columns passed to this function are: " (itoa total_columns) -> string in
let get_maximum_columns interface total_columns total_rows hexsize -> clamped_total_columns in
let get_maximum_rows interface total_columns total_rows hexsize -> clamped_total_rows in
let _fooS strcat "in fun makehexgrid, clamped total rows are : " (itoa clamped_total_rows) -> string in
let _fooS strcat "in fun makehexgrid, clamped_total_columns are: " (itoa clamped_total_columns) -> string in
let mktab clamped_total_columns nil -> initialvectable in
let startingvec -> [q r s] in
let makeQRS q r s -> starqrs in
let initializevectortable initialvectable clamped_total_columns startstate starqrs hexsize -> vectable2 in
//todo function to clam rows
let vectable2.rows -> rows in
let mktab clamped_total_columns nil-> hexgridtable in
let mkHexgrid [interface hexgridtable clamped_total_rows clamped_total_columns hexsize nil vectable2 nil nil nil] -> hexgrid_object in
//set Global_hextable= hexgrid_object ;
let 0-> column_counter in
let 0-> column_number in
while (column_counter < clamped_total_columns) do //redo with strucs not global variables
let vectable2.vectortable.column_counter -> initialqrs in
//make_column arguments: Hexgrid, hexlist (set at nil until function begins to resurviely, currentcolumn_number, currentrow_number, inputvec, total_row, hex size
let make_column interface hexgrid_object nil column_counter 0 initialqrs clamped_total_rows hexsize -> this_column in //make_column returns tab Hex
// load completed column (which is a table of hexes) into first element of Hexgrid.hextable
set hexgrid_object.hextable.column_counter = this_column;
set column_counter= column_counter +1;
_fooS strcat "in fun makehexgrid, final amount of colums is:" (itoa column_counter);
//return a completed Hexgrid object
//fun [Point] [I I]
fun myfungetvalues(point)=
let point.x -> x in
let point.y -> y in
[x y];;
//fun [I I] Point
fun initpoint (x, y)=
let mkPoint [x y @myfungetvalues] -> point in
fun makeflattophexpoints (polygon)=
let (polygon.structpolygonhexheight *. 2.0) /. (sqrt 3.0)-> float_final_size in
let 0 -> counter in
let polygon.center -> [functionx functiony] in
while (counter < (sizetab polygon.points)) do
if (counter == 0) then
let 0.0 -> radians in
let functionx +. (float_final_size *. (cos radians)) -> xpoint in
let functiony +. (float_final_size *. (sin radians)) -> ypoint in
let initpoint xpoint ypoint -> point in
set polygon.points.counter = point;
set counter = counter+1;
let 60.0 *. (itof counter) -> angle_degrees in
let (PIf /. 180.0) *. angle_degrees -> radians in
let functionx +. (float_final_size *. (cos radians)) -> xpoint in
let functiony +. (float_final_size *. (sin radians)) -> ypoint in
let initpoint xpoint ypoint -> point in
set polygon.points.counter = point;
set counter = counter+1;
//_fooS strcat "there are the following amount of points in this polygon: " (itoa (sizetab polygon.points) );
//fun [Mypolygon] tab Point
fun hexmakepoints (polygon)=
if ((strcmp polygon.hextype "flattop")==0) then
let makeflattophexpoints polygon -> hexmakepoints_points in
set polygon.points = hexmakepoints_points;
else if ((strcmp polygon.hextype "pointytop")==0) then
_fooS "you are making a pointytop hexagon!!!";
_fooS "bad input data, not flattop or pointytop!";
//fun [Mypolygon] tab Point
fun trianglemakepoints (polygon) = //this is only good for a triangle
_fooS "you are making a triangle!!!";
let polygon.points -> pointtable in
let polygon.center -> [centerx centery] in
let polygon.height -> height in
let height *. (-. 1.0) -> height in // convert positive height to negative height as negative values point "up" on the screen
let polygon.sidelength -> sidelength in
//make first point at the top of the triangle, x will be the same as triangle.center's x coordinate, calculate y coordinate
let centery +. ((2.0 *. height)/. 3.0) -> y1 in //this is y coordinate of apex of equilateral triangle
let (initpoint centerx y1) -> point1 in //we use centerx for x coordinate at top of triangle
set polygon.points.0 = point1; //load first point of triangle into triangle.points table
//make second point
//we need sidelength for second point so get it
let centerx -. (sidelength /. 2.0) -> secondx in
let centery -. (height /. 3.0) -> secondy in
let (initpoint secondx secondy) -> point2 in
set polygon.points.1 = point2;//load second point of triangle into triangle.points table
//make make third point
//we need sidelength for third point so get it
let centerx +. (sidelength /. 2.0) -> thirdx in
let centery -. (height /. 3.0) -> thirdy in
let (initpoint thirdx thirdy) -> point3 in
set polygon.points.2 = point3; //load third point of triangle into triangle.points table
);;//return completed table of the three points in the triangle
//fun [Mypolygon] Mypolygon
fun test_point_table (polygon)=
let polygon.points -> pointtable in
let sizetab pointtable -> size in
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter < size) do
let polygon.points.counter -> point in
let exec point.fungetvalues with [point]-> [x y] in
set counter = counter + 1;
fun test_polygon_drawpoints (polygon)=
_fooS "in test_point_table function!";
let sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable -> size in
let 0 -> counter in
while (counter < size) do
let polygon.strucdrawpointstable.counter -> [x y] in
_fooS strcatn "drawpoint x is: ":: (itoa x):: " and drawpoint y is: ":: (itoa y)::nil;
set counter = counter +1;
//fun [Mypolygon] tab [I I]
fun create_drawpoint_table (polygon)=
let 0 -> counter in
let mktab (sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable) nil -> ltable in
while (counter < (sizetab polygon.strucdrawpointstable)) do
let polygon.points.counter -> point in
let exec point.fungetvalues with [point]-> [x y] in
set ltable.counter = [ (ftoi x) (ftoi y)];
//_fooS strcatn "in fun create_drawpoint_table, x is: ":: (ftoa x)::" and y is: "::(ftoa y):: nil;
set counter = counter +1;
//return table of [I I]
//fun proto [Hexgrid I [F F] F S I] Mypolygon
//this function creates polygons, dispatching the created Mypolygon to functions to make point table for triangles or hexagons
fun initpolygon (hex, hexgrid, numsides, center, sidelength, hextype, hexheight ) =
let center -> [centerx centery] in
let mktab numsides nil -> pointstable in
let mktab numsides nil -> drawpointstable in
//wip make empty textobject for now
let nil -> textobject in
//initialize empty points table to put in polygon.points property WARNING: YOU MUST CREAT EMPTY TABLE BEFORE YOU CAN START FILLING TABLE UP WITH ELEMENTS WITH VALUES!!!!
let mkMypolygon [hex textobject numsides center sidelength nil pointstable nil @create_drawpoint_table drawpointstable hextype hexheight nil nil nil] -> polygon in
if (numsides == 3) then // MAKE A TRIANGLE
//if triangle center is off bitmap dont' draw it!
let ((sqrt 3.0)/. 2.0) *. sidelength -> fheight in //CALCULATE HEIGHT OF TRIANGLE FROM SIDE LENGTH only works for TRIANGLES
set polygon.height = fheight;
set polygon.funmakepoints = @trianglemakepoints;
trianglemakepoints polygon;
else if (numsides == 6) then //MAKE A HEXAGON
set polygon.funmakepoints = @hexmakepoints;
set polygon.hexparentcoordinates = mygetcoordinates hex.hexcenter;
hexmakepoints polygon;
create_drawpoint_table polygon;
//todo: write some code to test that drawpoint table has been created
_fooS myprintpolygon polygon;
let create_drawpoint_table polygon -> ltable in
set polygon.strucdrawpointstable = ltable;
//let polygon.strucdrawpointstable.2 -> [xx yy] in
//_fooS strcatn "x from polygon.strucdrawpointstable.2 is: "::(itoa xx)::" and y from polygon.strucdrawpointstable.2 is: ":: (itoa yy):: nil;
//proto fun [Hex Hexgrid [F F] [I I] F returns Mypolygon
fun see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap(hex, hexgrid, floatxy, thisbitmapxy, lthishexheight )=
let floatxy -> [floatx floaty] in
let thisbitmapxy -> [bitmapx bitmapy] in
let bitmapx + (ftoi hex.structradiustopoint) -> maxbitmapx in
if (( (ftoi floatx) > maxbitmapx) || ((ftoi floaty)> bitmapy)) then
_fooS strcatn "we will not make a polygon here because one or both x and y are off the bitmap. the x is: ":: (ftoa floatx)::" and the y is: ":: (ftoa floaty)::nil;
) else
let initpolygon hex hexgrid 6 floatxy nil "flattop" lthishexheight -> tpolygon in
//return tab polygons; this only makes hexagons and polygons don't need height property and only makes polygons with six sides
//his functino takes the Hexgrid, extracts each element from Hexgrid.hextable, which is tab Hex, and creates a tab Mypolygon from tab Hex to return as a colum of tab Mypolygon to initpolygontable function
//proto fun Bitmapinterface Hexgrid Mypolygontable I returns tab Mypolygon
//todo: offset the xy of each polygon when drawing a childgrid!
fun hex_make_row_of_polygons (interface, hexgrid, polygontable, columnnumber, offsetamount)=
//get column of hexes
let hexgrid.hextable.columnnumber -> lthishexcolumn in
let (itof hexgrid.hexsize) -> lthishexsize in
let polygontable.Mypolygontable_rows -> ltotal_rows in
let mktab ltotal_rows nil -> polygon_column in
let polygontable.parentbitmap -> lthisbitmap in
let _GETbitmapSize lthisbitmap -> [thisbitmapx thisbitmapy] in
let 0 -> row_counter in
while (row_counter < ltotal_rows) do
// get xy of current hex, then set frtoa x to bitmap - x, and y to bitmap y
let lthishexcolumn.row_counter -> this_hex in
//get center of hex
let this_hex.hex_xy -> [floatx floaty] in
//set y to be height of bitmap - y, since 0 is top left and height of bitmap is bottom left. a larger - y value will represent a greater distance between height of bitmap to y setting on bitmap.
let (itof thisbitmapy) -. floaty -> final_float_y in //this is final y coordinate of the polygon we are about to create
//create polygon, and draw it's table of points into bitmap!
let (itof hexgrid.hexsize) -> lthishexheight in
let see_if_polygon_is_off_bitmap this_hex hexgrid [floatx final_float_y] [thisbitmapx thisbitmapy] lthishexheight -> polygon_or_no_polygon_result in
set polygon_column.row_counter = polygon_or_no_polygon_result;
set row_counter = row_counter +1;
//return completed column, with all rows filled, into
//proto fun [Bitmapinterface Hexgrid] Mypolygontable
fun initpolygontable (interface, hexgrid )= //this function will load [x y] tuples from hexes in hexgrid into polygons in polygongrid. when all the polygons are created in the polygongrid and their shapes darwn into bitmap, function will blit blitmap
_fooS "fillbitmapbelow this!";
//_FILLbitmap appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0x000000;
let hexgrid.hexgridrows -> ptable_rows in
let hexgrid.columns -> ptable_columns in
let hexgrid.structchildhexgrid_offset -> offset in
let _fooS strcatn "there are: "::(itoa ptable_columns)::" in the hex grid, and the polygon table will have the same amount!"::nil -> string in
//get hexgrid origin, which is center of first hex in first row and column of hexgrid
let hexgrid.hextable.0.0.hex_xy ->[floatx floaty] in
let (ftoi floatx) -> ioriginx in
let (ftoi floaty) -> ioriginy in
let _GETbitmapSize interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap -> [bitmapx bitmapy] in
let _fooS strcat "bitmap y size is!: " (itoa bitmapy) -> string in
let (bitmapy - ioriginy) -> ioriginy in
let _fooS strcat "polygon table origin y is: " (itoa ioriginy) -> string in
let mktab ptable_rows nil -> ltableofpolygons in
let _fooS strcat "in fun initpolygon table, there are the following amount of columns of polygons: " (itoa ptable_columns) -> string in
let mkMypolygontable [ptable_rows ptable_columns ltableofpolygons [ioriginx ioriginy] nil nil interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap offset] -> lpolygontable in
let 0 -> polygontablecounter_for_column_number in
while (polygontablecounter_for_column_number < ptable_columns) do
//todo: feed Mypolygontable.parentoffset into function below to offset the [floatx floaty] of each polygon so they are offset from origin of bitmap
let hex_make_row_of_polygons interface hexgrid lpolygontable polygontablecounter_for_column_number offset -> this_pcolumn in
//inser this column, which is a table of polygons, into the ltableofpolygons
set lpolygontable.polygontable.polygontablecounter_for_column_number = this_pcolumn;
set polygontablecounter_for_column_number = polygontablecounter_for_column_number +1;
//proto drawpolygoncolumn = fun[Bitmapinterface tab Mypolygon ObjBitmap] ObjBitmap;;
//this function takes Mypolygon objects from Mypolygontable, extracts drawpoints from each Mypolygon, and draws the polygon into a bitmap
fun drawpolygoncolumn (interface, column, bitmap, columnnumber)=
let sizetab column -> rows in
let 0 -> thisrowcounter in
let _fooS strcat "in fun drawpolygoncolumn, we are now drawing column number: " (itoa columnnumber) -> string in
while (thisrowcounter < rows) do
if (column.thisrowcounter == nil) then
//_fooS strcat "no polygon at rowcounter: " (itoa thisrowcounter);
else let column.thisrowcounter -> thispolygon in
let thispolygon.strucdrawpointstable -> thispolygondrawpointtable in
//todo 11.17.2024: get info from polygon and draw onto bitmap
let _DRAWpoly24 interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 6 thispolygondrawpointtable 5 DRAW_SOLID 0xFFFFFF DRAW_INVISIBLE 0x000000-> thisbitmap2 in
set interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap = thisbitmap2;
set thisrowcounter = thisrowcounter +1;
//proto drawpolygoncolumn = fun[Bitmapinterface Mypolygontable] I;;
//this function takes each element of Mypolygontable.polygontable, which is tab tab Mypolygon, and sends the resulting tab Mypolygon to drawpolygoncolumn (Bitmapinterface, tab Mypolygon, ObjBitmap) to draw individual Mypolygons into
fun drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit (bitmapinterface, thispolygontable)=
let thispolygontable.Mypolygontable_columns -> columns in
let _fooS strcat "in fun drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit, there are the following number of polygon columns: " (itoa columns) -> sring in
let thispolygontable.Mypolygontable_rows -> rows in
let 0 -> thiscolumncounter in
let bitmapinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap -> thisbitmap in
while (thiscolumncounter < columns ) do
let drawpolygoncolumn bitmapinterface thispolygontable.polygontable.thiscolumncounter thisbitmap thiscolumncounter-> bitmap in
set bitmapinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap = bitmap;
set thiscolumncounter = thiscolumncounter +1;
//_fooS "all columns have been blitted!";
_BLTbitmap bitmapinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow bitmapinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0 0;
_PAINTwindow bitmapinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow;
//proto fun [ObjButton Bitmapinterface] I
fun cleargridbuttoncallback (button, interface)=
//destroy current hexgrid, current polygon table, and their lists
set interface.Bitmapinterface_current_hexgrid=nil;
set interface.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid_list = nil;
set interface.Bitmapinterface_current_polygontable = nil;
set interface.Bitmapinterface_polygontables = nil;
_fooS "cleargrid button is clicked!";
_FILLbitmap interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0x000000;
_PAINTwindow interface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow;
//_BLTbitmap appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow appinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmap 0 0;
//proto fun [ObjText [Bitmapinterface S S S] I
fun makegrid_gridbuttoncallback (button, parameter)=
let parameter -> [bitmap_structure rows_text columns_text hexheighttext] in
//clear out the Bitmapinterface_current_hexgrid to nil
set bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_current_hexgrid =nil;
set bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_current_polygontable = nil;
set bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_current_hexgrid.structhexgrid_vectortable = nil;
let _GETtext rows_text -> rows in
let _GETtext columns_text -> columns in
let _fooS strcat "in fun makegrid_gridbuttoncallback, columns are: " columns -> string in
let _GETtext hexheighttext -> height in
let makehexgrid bitmap_structure (atoi columns) (atoi rows) (atoi height) "odds up" [0 0 0] -> makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj in
let initpolygontable bitmap_structure makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj -> thispolygontable in
let mypixeltohex makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj [(-519) (600)] -> nothing in
//put makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj in the .Bitmapinterface_current_hexgrid proprerty
set bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_current_hexgrid = makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj;
//add the makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj to the head of the Bitmapinterface_hexgrid_list
set bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid_list = makegrid_gridbuttoncallback_gridobj::bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid_list;
_fooS strcat "size of bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid_list is now:" (itoa sizelist bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid_list);
//put thispolygontable into Bitmapinterface_current_polygontable property
set bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_current_polygontable = thispolygontable;
//add thethispolygontable to the head of the Bitmapinterface_polygontables list
set bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_polygontables = thispolygontable::bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_polygontables;
_fooS strcat "size of bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_polygontables list is now:" (itoa sizelist bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_polygontables);
drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit bitmap_structure thispolygontable;
fun get_cursor_position_text (bitmapinterface)=
let _GETcursorPos bitmapinterface.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow-> [ x y] in
let itoa x -> textx in
let itoa y -> texty in
let strcatn textx::" ":: texty::nil -> string in
fun bitmapwindow_mousemmove_callback (window, bitmapstruct, x, y, mousestate)=
let bitmapstruct.Bitmapinterface_strcut_mousecoords -> mouseinfofield in
let x -> xcoord in
let y -> ycoord in
let _GETbitmapSize bitmapstruct.Bitmapinterface_bitmap -> [bmapx bmapy] in
let (bmapy - ycoord) -> finalycoord in
let itoa x -> x in
let itoa finalycoord -> y in
let strcatn x::" "::y::nil -> string in
_SETtext mouseinfofield string;;
fun makesubgrid_button_callback(button, parameter)=
_fooS "make subgrid!";
// fun [Bitmapinterface I I I I S [I I I]] Hexgrid
//fun makesubhexgrid (interface, total_columns, total_rows, hexsize, subhexsize, startstate, startingvec)=
let parameter -> interface in
//get variables to creae subgrid from interface except subhexsize since i havn'et used ui to do that yer
//proto fun[] I
fun createinterface ()=
let _CRwindow _channel nil 50 50 640 512 WN_NORMAL "hexgrid generator"-> mainwindow in
//let _PAINTrectangle mainwindow 0 0 640 512 DRAW_INVISIBLE 0 0xF91212 DRAW_SOLID 0xF91212 -> mainwindow in
let _CRwindow _channel mainwindow 128 0 512 512 WN_CHILDINSIDE "" -> bitmapwindow in
let _PAINTrectangle bitmapwindow 0 0 512 512 DRAW_INVISIBLE 0 0xF91212 DRAW_SOLID 0xFFFFFF -> bitmapwindow in
let _CRwindow _channel mainwindow 0 0 128 512 WN_CHILDINSIDE "" -> buttonwindow in
//let _PAINTrectangle buttonwindow 0 0 512 512 DRAW_INVISIBLE 0 0xF91212 DRAW_SOLID 0xF91212 -> buttonwindow in
let _CRfont _channel 10 0 FF_PIXEL "Arial" -> buttonwindow_font in
let _CRbutton _channel buttonwindow 0 10 128 50 PB_DEFAULT "Clear All Grids" -> cleargrid_button in
let _AFFfontButton cleargrid_button buttonwindow_font -> cleargrid_button in
let _CRbutton _channel buttonwindow 0 70 128 50 PB_DEFAULT "Make Grid" -> makegrid_button in
let _AFFfontButton makegrid_button buttonwindow_font -> makegrid_button in
let _CRtext _channel buttonwindow 0 140 70 20 ET_DOWN "Rows" -> gridrows_label in
let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 80 140 30 20 ET_DOWN | ET_NUMBER "" -> rows_text in
let _CRtext _channel buttonwindow 0 170 70 20 ET_DOWN | ET_NOEDIT "Columns" -> Columns_label in
let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 80 170 30 20 ET_DOWN | ET_NUMBER "" -> columns_text in
let _CRtext _channel buttonwindow 0 200 70 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "Hex Size" -> hex_sizelabel in
let _CReditLine _channel buttonwindow 80 200 30 20 ET_DOWN | ET_NUMBER "" -> hexheighttext in
let _CRtext _channel buttonwindow 0 230 70 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "Max rows" -> maxrows_label in
let _CRtext _channel buttonwindow 80 230 40 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "" -> maxrows_amount in
let _CRtext _channel buttonwindow 0 260 100 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "Max Columns" -> maxcolumns_label in
let _CRtext _channel buttonwindow 110 260 30 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "" -> maxcolumns_amount in
let _CRtext _channel buttonwindow 0 290 50 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "Cursor position" -> cursorposition_label in
let _CRtext _channel buttonwindow 55 290 60 20 ET_DOWN|ET_NOEDIT "" -> cursorposition in
let _CRbutton _channel buttonwindow 0 462 128 50 PB_DEFAULT "Make sub-grid" -> makesubgrid_button in
let _CRbitmap _channel 512 512 -> lbitmap in
let mkBitmapinterface [mainwindow bitmapwindow buttonwindow lbitmap nil nil nil nil nil nil nil maxrows_amount maxcolumns_amount cursorposition] -> lthis_bitmap_structure in
_SETtext rows_text "1";
_SETtext columns_text "4";
_SETtext hexheighttext "100";
let makehexgrid lthis_bitmap_structure 4 1 100 "odds up" [0 0 0] -> gridobj in
set lthis_bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_current_hexgrid = gridobj;
set lthis_bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_strcut_mousecoords = cursorposition;
//put the created hexgrid (the first one made at startup of the app) at head of hexgrid list, which is in the struct propoerty Hexgrid.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid_list
set lthis_bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_hexgrid_list = gridobj::nil;
let initpolygontable lthis_bitmap_structure lthis_bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_current_hexgrid -> thispolygontable in
set lthis_bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_current_polygontable = thispolygontable;
//put the create polygontable at the head of the Bitmapinterface_polygontables list
set lthis_bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_polygontables = lthis_bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_current_polygontable::nil;
drawpolygonsinto_bitmap_and_blit lthis_bitmap_structure lthis_bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_current_polygontable;
_CBwinDestroy lthis_bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_mainwindow @end lthis_bitmap_structure;
_CBwinPaint lthis_bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_mainwindow @paint lthis_bitmap_structure;
_CBwinPaint lthis_bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow @paint lthis_bitmap_structure;
_CBcursorMove lthis_bitmap_structure.Bitmapinterface_bitmapwindow @bitmapwindow_mousemmove_callback lthis_bitmap_structure;
//put in some initial values into text fields with _SETtext for rows_text, columns_text, and hexheighttext
_CBbutton cleargrid_button @cleargridbuttoncallback lthis_bitmap_structure;
let [lthis_bitmap_structure rows_text columns_text hexheighttext] -> makegridparameter in
_CBbutton makegrid_button @makegrid_gridbuttoncallback makegridparameter;
let lthis_bitmap_structure -> makegridparameter in
_CBbutton makesubgrid_button @makesubgrid_button_callback makegridparameter;
let _GETscreenPos -> [x y] in
_fooS strcatn "initial x mouse is: ":: (itoa x)::" and initial y is: ":: (itoa y):: nil;
let _GETwindowPositionSize mainwindow -> [x y windowwidth windowheight] in
_fooS strcatn "mainwindow x is: ":: (itoa x)::" and mainwindow y is: "::(itoa y)::nil;
let _GETwindowPositionSize bitmapwindow -> [x y windowwidth windowheight] in
_fooS strcatn "bitmapwindow x is: ":: (itoa x)::" and bitmapwindow y is: "::(itoa y)::nil;
let get_cursor_position_text lthis_bitmap_structure -> string in
_SETtext cursorposition string;
Last edited by hebdemnobad (23-Nov-2024 19:37:05)
Pages: 1