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#1 29-Dec-2023 19:39:49

Registered: 24-Dec-2023
Posts: 2

Plugin "Edit Sound"

Hello! I wanted to play a *.mp3 file, in the “Edit Sound” Plugit, with the program running depending on the language configuration of the operating system, in this case, Android. The mp3 file is in Portuguese by default, if the language configured on the Android is in Portuguese.
  The file in Plugit Edit Sound would change to English, if the Android system was in English.
I don't know how to program in SCOL, only in Java. Is it possible to do this directly in OpenSpace3D or how would I do this via Java using the OpenSpace3D files for Android Studio?
Any tips?


#2 8-Jan-2024 10:26:05

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: Plugin "Edit Sound"


for now there is no function to retrieve the current system language.
But you can create your app for multi language, and export the app for each language for android store.
Just change the app language in the project settings.

For example to set the sound file depending of the language.
On init -> sound.Change sound
in param : "path/to/mp3/mysound_%Language%.mp3

%Language% will be replaced by english, portuguese....
(do not forget to add the sounds files in the ressources tab in this case)

Other method using several sounds plugit and choose language on trigger.
something trigger -> switchcase.Input
%Language% in link parameter
and then depending on the language the swtichcase trigger the corresponding event.


#3 9-Jan-2024 21:01:03

Registered: 24-Dec-2023
Posts: 2

Re: Plugin "Edit Sound"

Good afternoon, thank you for the response. I don't think it will help much. I wanted to have just one APK in which all the sounds in that APK would appear in English if the phone's settings were set to English, in Portuguese if the phone's settings were in Portuguese, etc., all without user intervention. If this is not possible, there will have to be as many versions of the application as many languages in which it is intended to be made available.


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