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Please make a video tutorial on how to use gps location.
Hello Hazzeeleen
As a simple example you can display the GPS Latitude + Longitude coordinates on a button To be tested while moving.
Beforehand, the Smartphone or Tablet must be in Developer mode, OTHERWISE KO.
This is to achieve the integration of the file APK Android into the hardware.
In OS3D create a new scene and add :
Two Plug IT Buttons + 1 Plug IT GPS + 1 Plug IT Close
Link 1 button to the plug it close => To Exit / Close the application :
Right button on the Plug IT Button Then choose Left Click and link to the Close Plugit by right mouse (launch to test the operation of the Quit Button if you want).
Then you must create two links between the GPS Plug IT and the second Button which will display the GPS coordinates on device
Right mouse button on the GPS Plug IT choose Location then connect it to the second button by right mouse button and choose SHOW
Right mouse button on the GPS Plug IT choose Location then connect it to the second button by right mouse button and choose SET LABEL
For my part I center the button + I enlarge it + I increase the size of the font for better visibility
Finally, you must generate the Android APK file (after saving the scene): do CRTL+E in the scene editor or
click on the Export to OS3D player icon
Choose export AS an Android application - Fill in the fields with the KeyStore file that fits
And for my part I just COPY/PAST the APK from the BIN folder on my hardware to do the test.
I can send you a screenshot of this I just need an email address.
Directions for use: buy the ebook because it gives a lot of information and examples, particularly for carrying out an Android export
and starting to understand basic Plug IT