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#1 6-Nov-2022 14:16:20

From: Malaysia
Registered: 25-Feb-2016
Posts: 342

Multiple meshes with one shared skeleton

Hello Arkeon,

I read at ogre forum how multiple meshes can share one skeleton

"Pointing more than one .mesh at a single .skeleton. You do this by picking the same skeleton as has already been exported during mesh export (if you know the skeleton is absolutely identical and the exporter supports this), or by using XMLConverter - edit the .mesh.xml and tweak the skeletonlink element to point at the same skeleton before converting to binary."

I have change the skeletonlink name to SHARE.skeleton before converting to binary, but I doesn't work in OS3D

<skeletonlink name="SHARE.skeleton"/>

How to make it work on OS3D?


#2 7-Nov-2022 08:57:31

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: Multiple meshes with one shared skeleton


you're right this is not supported for now by OS3D.
OS3D check for the skeleton file with the same model name and location.
you can duplicate the skeleton file for each mesh and synchronize the animation using the animation sequences.

I'll check if I find a way to manage this better


#3 7-Nov-2022 12:23:28

From: Malaysia
Registered: 25-Feb-2016
Posts: 342

Re: Multiple meshes with one shared skeleton

Thanks for your reply,

skeleton file size is large, many animations there. if I make it for each 10 model, app size become too large.

Location not a big problem, we can put all mesh files in same folder, but only the mesh need to link with share skeleton <skeletonlink name="SHARE.skeleton"/>


#4 7-Nov-2022 13:46:30

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: Multiple meshes with one shared skeleton

Since skeletons depends on a mesh,  and skeletons instances can be duplicated with the mesh, the main issue is to know when the different mesh belong to the same skeletons instance and when not.


#5 7-Nov-2022 14:54:03

From: Malaysia
Registered: 25-Feb-2016
Posts: 342

Re: Multiple meshes with one shared skeleton

I don't know yikes


#6 7-Nov-2022 15:09:05

From: Malaysia
Registered: 25-Feb-2016
Posts: 342

Re: Multiple meshes with one shared skeleton

mesh and shared skeleton can be imported in different scene or xos file..

so each mesh with shared skeleton have each scene file

then each scene can be instance loading using (instantiate plugit) in main scene

sorry about my bad english


#7 7-Nov-2022 16:01:40

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: Multiple meshes with one shared skeleton

inside the 3D engine, the skeleton instance is linked to a mesh instance.
this is why it's not so simple to manage the 2 cases smile
shared skeleton on several meshes need something on this meshes to tell they share a skeleton instance.
Still no idea how to do it simply for now ^^


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