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#1 17-Dec-2020 10:31:40

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

OpenSpace3D 1.84 Released!

OpenSpace3D 1.84 is done!

Lots of ergonomic improvement and new features, an experimental Slam, and it also includes Android camera refactoring using CameraX and AndroidX. This removes support for older Android 4.4 devices.

1.84 - 18/12/2020
 - Add "Virtual pointer" plugIT to allow to define a 3D virtual "mouse"
 - Add "File transfer" plugIT to send a file over a network
 - Add "List" plugIT to store and manage variables in a dynamically-sized list
 - Add "Get material" plugIT allowing to retrieve a material at runtime
 - Add "String separate" plugIT to split a text string in two after a separator or a certain number of characters
 - Add "String replace" plugIT to replace a character or a word in a text string
 - Add experimental version of "AR slam" plugIT allowing to do augmented reality without markers, based on surface detection
 - Update "Draw" PlugIT to allow to draw on an object, save and reload a drawing and undo / redo a brush stroke
 - Update "SQLite" and "ODBC" plugITs with an action to change the database
 - Update "Picture" plugIT with an option to preserve the aspect ratio of the picture
 - Update "Exec" plugIT to ease the search of files to use as arguments
 - Update "Object click" plugIT with:
   - an option to affect the children of the selected node
   - an option to select the type of parameter returned by an event (name of the object, mouse 2D position or mouse 3D position)
   - the "Set object" action to change the selected object
   - the "Set material" action to change the selected material
 - Update "Get object" plugIT with "Set object name" event allowing to change the object and retrieves the full object name from an unprefixed name
 - Update plugIT "Object track" with:
   - a more ergonomic key interface
   - possibility to switch keys on the timeline
   - new axis widget management, hiding the axis widget of the 3D editor and other open "Object track" plugITs to avoid errors
 - Update "Internal event" with an option to send one event at a time

 - Add support for 3D models in GLB format on import
 - Add keyboard shortcuts for bottom, right and back view in the editor. Holding Ctrl while clicking a view button now changes to the opposite view.
 - Add a button at the top left of plugITs windows to enable / disable the permanent display of "helpers" of plugITs such as "AR marker" and "Distance" plugITs
 - Add a checkbox for exporting a PKOS file in combination with other platforms
 - Add selection of plugITs links, allowing to copy / paste plugITs only with the selected links, now including inbound links
 - Add a template for network chat and a template for AR with orientation sensor
 - Update scene tree to allow to hide / show nodes with middle mouse click , Ctrl + click or via menu.
 - Update export window to remember the last export selected
 - Correction allowing to use the F10 key, previously unusable
 - Correction of PKOS export / import on certain files.

Core / Scol:
 - Update Android tools
 - Update Android binaries to target API 29
 - Correction of a possible crash on camera resize


#2 17-Dec-2020 15:27:00

From: Malaysia
Registered: 25-Feb-2016
Posts: 342

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.84 Released!

Download now! big_smile


#3 19-Dec-2020 04:09:33

From: irkutsk
Registered: 19-Jul-2014
Posts: 540

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.84 Released!

a particle editor is  expected sometime?


#4 19-Dec-2020 08:19:52

From: irkutsk
Registered: 19-Jul-2014
Posts: 540

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.84 Released!

There is a problem. On my pc(RTX3070), when I try to add a plugIT ARSlam - - turns off the screen and then the program crashes.


#5 19-Dec-2020 13:28:25

Registered: 8-Dec-2011
Posts: 227

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.84 Released!

Congratulations on implementing the ARSlam feature, it will be very useful in educational projects.


#6 21-Dec-2020 12:14:21

Registered: 5-Apr-2017
Posts: 36

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.84 Released!

Great! that`a good news !download now!THANK YOU!


#7 4-Jan-2021 10:03:48

Registered: 3-Nov-2020
Posts: 59

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.84 Released!

THANK YOU. it is perfect!!!

i'll share my works soon i hope you like.


#8 5-Jan-2021 18:07:16

Registered: 19-Feb-2019
Posts: 14

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.84 Released!

vinurd wrote:

There is a problem. On my pc(RTX3070), when I try to add a plugIT ARSlam - - turns off the screen and then the program crashes.

I have the same issue with vinurd , I used RTX 2060, but running fine on my old laptop with geforce 840M. also when I try to import .glb file texture image need to touch up (reloaded manually). as I know glb file is embeded 3d model with texture image.  I installed apk from file always failed. but run ok from debug device (install on conected device) after trying 3 times. the AR Slam so cool i added 3d model on example template file.



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