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Dear Sir,
I am having some questions and quarries, as follows:
1. I need to record (extract in pnp or jpeg ) the trail of participants.
How to do trail marking in bird eye view and save the navigation document?
2. I need to record the data of when a participant see the target in the screen and when they respond (may be a mouse click) to that target.
How to have a trigger when participant notice the target in the environment and when participant reach the target.
the screenshot plugit can take the current view and save it to an image file.
Object click can get a click triggered on an object then you can make a link to save some datas
thank you sir , i will try
Dear Sir,
I got the screenshot of a first single scene, kindly help me to track the path integration ( trail marking or the path traveled by a participant) on birds-eye view and save the navigation document?
something like this:
I am a newbie in VR and Ar studies, kindly support to learn.
Dear sir,
I need to get the details of path travelled by a participant on VR environment in image format. I would be grateful if I can extract a screen shot of mini map (birds eye view) with trial mapping (or path travelled).
kindly help me to extract that data.
yes, sir, I want to get the user's position and path in a picture.
To get user position you can for example use a timer linked to FPS controller.Get position . Then make a link from FPS controller.Position to an sqlite database.
To display the path I think there is a plugit missing to draw the 3D path from the vector list.
Dear sir,
unfortunately I didn't get any out put .
linked a timer to FPS like Controller inst (Get Position) then link FPS like Controller inst to SQLite inst (Exec).
Kindly help me to extract the position of user.
sir, i connect position and walk of FPS LIKE CONTROLLER to draw inst , that is not working. kindly help
there is no plugits to make this for now I think.
In next release the draw plugit will be able to work with virtual pointer that will make some more drawing features.
What you need is a more specific plugit to draw a path from 3D coords.
I made some test to keep the user postions in a variable and then split the positions into several events again.
That could allow to draw a path to a 3D line plugit.
You have two possibilities, make the drawing plugit yourself or wait for us to make one ^^
ok sir , I will wait and same time I will try to make one.
how to save the data generated from object click ?
Last edited by sambath (29-Oct-2020 05:48:03)