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Hi Everyone,
I'm new to OpenSpace3d and have been playing around with it for about a week now trying to get the hang of it. I'm currently using version 1.82 on windows.
My question is, is there a simple way or work-around to make the FPS controller plugIt collidable with scene objects? I tried using the Physics_Contact plugIt but the FPS controller has no connections to attach a physics material to make that option work. I've also tried parenting the FPS controller plugIt to a scene dummy with a physics material but the problem is that, there seems to be no easy way to parent a plugIt to a scene dummy. Any ideas for a solution?
Hello and welcome!
to make a simple scene with collidable objets you just need to enable physics on the scene and define the physics per object.
Right click on the "scene" node in the tree and select "physics settings". Check enable and also you have a button to set all current scene objets as static coliision.
Add the FPS plugit and that's it
Thanks for the quick response, Arkeon. I initially thought that for this program, a 3d object needed a physics material before it could function as a collision object. Instead of using the method you described above, I was busy the whole time looking for a way to attach a physics material to the 3d camera of the FPS controller plugIt by using a dummy node. Silly me, the scene is working fine now. Thanks again for the assistance.
Pages: 1