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#1 15-Mar-2020 13:24:02

From: casablanca
Registered: 11-May-2019
Posts: 13

download and unpak .pkos file

hi all

goal : i want download and unpak a pkos file, after that use instantiate plugit to load .xos file

fun cbRun (inst, from, action, param, rep, p)=       
    let p -> [url path] in
        downloadFile url mkfun3 @loadpakfile  [path];
            _fooS "load ok ";

            let mkUnpakOS3DProject // i need some thing here from path//  "" 1  -> nfile in
                    _fooS "unpak ok";

download is ok

but i cant unzip/unpak the .pkos file

mkUnpakOS3DProject  need [p s i]

how can i get p from a path file

i tried also
let getFilesFromDir "tutorials/yakfr.pkos" "pkos nill -> file ->in   (sure its not correct)



#2 16-Mar-2020 09:17:04

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: download and unpak .pkos file


you can find the doc here: … ystem.html

to get a P from S use _checkpack, it will get the path (P) available in the first found Scol partition.

let _checkpack "tutorials/yakfr.pkos" -> pfile in
let mkUnpakOS3DProject pfile nil 0 -> nfile in
  set instantiatestr.INSTANTIATE_sPath = nfile;

You can also use the scene loader plugit that already allow to download 3D files and PKOS and load them directly.


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