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Hi all,
idownloaded the 1.5 version and try to create a simple AR project. all works well but when i install apk file on phone, after the splash screen i have a black screen.
i read this from another post from arkeon
"please try this (one at a time so if it's working we will know why)
- add a camera in scene, move the camera to 1 1 1 on x y z coordinates and apply it with the object / set active camera pluIT
- if you still have nothing, change the camera near clip to 0.1 and far clip to 100
- add the render / advanced raycast plugIT and disable it
maybe your phone don't like rtt...
- in case the green screen shaders make it fail, create a new project, add a mesh cube and add the arcapture plugIT
if you still have a black screen but see the cube this means the overlay shader don't work on your phone, if you see nothing not even the cube, we will have to dig further."
after this test when i start the app on the smartphone i have always the black screen, but i can see the cow (my eample model)
the smartphone is a wiko jerry with android 6.0
with another smartphone, Asus ZenPhone with android 4.4, the example works.
Any idea?
It's really hard to says
It should be easier if I could have the devices in hands to test and debug.
I was hoping the small changes I made could correct this issue
Please check this post and try to send me the log
Pages: 1