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This is due to the way you edit your object:
You have sized the object while you where not in "edit mode" (edit mode is when you can move the vertex, "tab" key to switch between edit mode and object mode).
It's wrong to size an object, allways size the vertices instead; it's a good habit to allways scale/rot/move in edit mode (selecting all vertices with "A" key) instead doing those action in object mode.
To verify that your object is scaled, show the "transform property" dialog ("N" key), you will see that the "scaleX/scaleY/scaleZ" properties are not to the "1" value.
It must allways be "1" before exporting.
So, there is a way to reset the scale: in object mode, select your mesh, and go to the object menu, then clear/apply, and then "Apply scale/rotation to object data" (ctrl A 1). For 3DSMax users, it's the same thing that "Reset XForm".
You will notice that the scale parameters are now to "1".
Let me know if it solves the issue.
Last edited by Nodrev (27-May-2011 10:03:40)
What are the "size" params of your object in the transform propety dialog (DimX/DimY/DimZ)?
I just upload a video on OpenSpace3D's youtube channel, explaining how to export a single mesh from blender, it's simpler and more suitable than writing how to do step by step :
Last edited by Nodrev (27-May-2011 12:51:49)
Me , this morning, just before diner <edit>I mean lunch</edit>
Last edited by Nodrev (27-May-2011 13:35:04)
So, did you succeed to export your mesh, or did you still have size issues?
You'll need a shader for that, I started to make one, but something is wrong in it, and got to go now.
I'll let you know i I succeed to do the effect...
Here what i have so far:
struct typInput
float4 Position : POSITION;
float3 Normal : NORMAL;
float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0;
struct typOutput
float4 Position : POSITION;
float4 light : COLOR1;
float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0;
typOutput main(typInput inData,
uniform float3 lightPosition,
uniform float furHeight,
uniform float furAmbient,
uniform float3x3 normalMatrix,
uniform float2x2 textureMatrix0,
uniform float4x4 modelViewMatrix,
uniform float4x4 modelViewProjMatrix,
uniform float multiPassNumber)
typOutput outData;
// Compute the size of fur for this pass iteration
furHeight = furHeight * (1.0 / multiPassNumber);
float3 normal = inData.Normal;
float3 vertex = inData.Position.xyz + normal * furHeight;
normal = normalize(mul(normalMatrix, normal));
float3 position = float3(mul(modelViewMatrix,float4(vertex, 1.0)));
float3 lightToVertex = normalize(lightPosition - position);
float diffuse = dot(lightToVertex, normal);
outData.light = furAmbient + diffuse;
outData.uv0 = mul(textureMatrix0, inData.uv0);
outData.Position = mul(modelViewProjMatrix, float4(vertex, 1.0));
return outData;
struct typOut
float4 fragColor : COLOR;
struct typIn
float4 Position: POSITION;
float4 light : COLOR1;
float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0;
typOut main(typIn inData,
uniform sampler2D noiseTexture,
uniform sampler2D colorTexture,
uniform float spacing,
uniform float transparency)
typOut outData;
float furValue = tex2D(noiseTexture, inData.uv0 * float2(spacing, spacing) ).x;
outData.fragColor = float4(float3(inData.light) * tex2D(colorTexture, inData.uv0).rgb, transparency * furValue);
return outData;
// CG simple Fur
vertex_program OpenSpace3D/fur_vs cg
source fur/FurV.cg
profiles vs_1_1 arbvp1
entry_point main
param_named_auto lightPosition light_position_object_space 0
param_named furHeight float 0.15
param_named furAmbient float 0.02
param_named normalMatrix inverse_transpose_view_matrix
param_named textureMatrix0 texture_matrix 1
param_named modelViewMatrix view_matrix
param_named modelViewProjMatrix viewproj_matrix //projection_matrix
//param_named_auto passNumber pass_number
param_named_auto multiPassNumber pass_iteration_number
fragment_program OpenSpace3D/fur_ps cg
source fur/FurF.cg
profiles ps_2_x arbfp1
entry_point main
param_named spacing float 0.0
param_named transparency float 0.3
And finally, fur.material:
material OpenSpace3D/Growing_Fur
pass base_coat
ambient 0.7 0.7 0.7
diffuse 0.5 0.8 0.5
specular 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5
vertex_program_ref OpenSpace3D/fur_vs
fragment_program_ref OpenSpace3D/fur_ps
texture Fur/fur.tga
tex_coord_set 0
filtering trilinear
pass grow_fur
ambient 0.7 0.7 0.7
diffuse 0.8 1.0 0.8
specular 1.0 1.0 1.0 64
depth_write off
scene_blend src_alpha one
iteration 10
vertex_program_ref OpenSpace3D/fur_vs
fragment_program_ref OpenSpace3D/fur_ps
texture Fur/fur.tga
tex_coord_set 0
filtering trilinear
texture Fur/skin.jpg
tex_coord_set 0
filtering trilinear
Shader code is adapted from the one I had found here (inspired from this article), the original zip contains the two textures.
If someone got time to fix it...
And as a side note, don't forget to create a new topic when talking about something else that your initial question
I did not have the time to check that today...
I'm sure i'm near a good solution...
Exporting an object with fur will not work, or you'll have to "draw" the "hairs" one by one, which will cause a huge number of polys even for a small object, that's certainly not what you want to do.
I'll keep you in touch.
Don't worry about the complexity, in the end, you'll just have to add a "Change material" plugIt on the object you want some fur on
Last edited by Nodrev (29-May-2011 23:40:48)
Arkeon worked on it, and he succeed to make it work:
Here the code you'll need in your resource path:
material OpenSpace3D/Growing_Fur
pass base_coat
ambient 0.698039 0.698039 0.698039 1
diffuse 0.698039 0.698039 0.698039 1
specular 0.898039 0.898039 0.898039 1 20
vertex_program_ref ambient_vs
fragment_program_ref ambient_ps
texture Fur/skin.jpg
filtering linear linear linear
texture white.jpg
filtering linear linear linear
pass grow_fur
iteration 32 per_light
ambient 0.65098 0.65098 0.65098 1
diffuse 0.698039 0.698039 0.698039 1
specular 0.898039 0.898039 0.898039 1 20
scene_blend alpha_blend
depth_write off
vertex_program_ref OpenSpace3D/fur_vs
param_named UVScale float4 0.8 0.8 0 0
param_named furHeight float4 0.12 0 0 0
param_named gravity float4 0 0.06 0 0
param_named totalPass float4 32 0 0 0
fragment_program_ref OpenSpace3D/fur_ps
texture Fur/Fur.tga
filtering linear linear linear
texture Fur/skin.jpg
filtering linear linear linear
struct typInput {
float4 Position : POSITION;
float3 Normal : NORMAL;
float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0;
float4 c : COLOR0;
struct typOutput {
float4 Position : POSITION;
float4 light : COLOR1;
float2 T0 : TEXCOORD0;
float2 T1 : TEXCOORD1;
float2 T2 : TEXCOORD2;
typOutput main(typInput inData,
uniform float3 gravity,
uniform float furHeight,
uniform float totalPass,
uniform float2 UVScale,
uniform float4x4 wvpMat,
uniform float4x4 iwpMat,
uniform float4x4 wpMat,
uniform float4 eyePosition,
uniform float3 ambientColor,
uniform float4 lightPosition,
uniform float4 lightAttenuation,
uniform float3 lightDiffuseColor,
uniform float3 Ke,
uniform float3 Ka,
uniform float3 Kd,
uniform float3 Ks,
uniform float shininess,
uniform float multiPassIter){
typOutput outData;
float4 normal = mul(wpMat, float4(inData.Normal, 1.0));
// light
float4 tmpcolor = inData.c;
furHeight = furHeight * ((1.0 / (totalPass + 1)) * (multiPassIter + 1));
float3 vGravity = mul(wpMat, float4(gravity, 0.0)).xyz;
//float pp = 3.14 * 0.5 * Layer; // depth paramete
//float A = dot(normal, vGravity); //A is the angle between surface normal and gravity vector
float k = pow(((1.0 / (totalPass + 1)) * (multiPassIter + 1)), 3); // We use the pow function, so that only the tips of the hairs bend
// As layer goes from 0 to 1, so by using pow(..) function is still
// goes form 0 to 1, but it increases faster! exponentially
float3 P = inData.Position.xyz + (inData.Normal * furHeight);
P = P + vGravity*k;
float4 znormal = 1 - dot(normal, float4(0,0,1,0));
outData.T0 = inData.uv0 * UVScale;
outData.T1 = inData.uv0 * UVScale + znormal.xy * 0.0007;
outData.T2 = inData.uv0;
lightPosition = mul(iwpMat, lightPosition);
eyePosition = mul(iwpMat, eyePosition);
float3 N = normalize(inData.Normal);
float3 emissive = Ke;
float3 ambient = Ka * ambientColor;
float3 L = normalize(lightPosition).xyz;
float diffuseLight = max(dot(L, N), 0);
float3 diffuse = Kd * lightDiffuseColor * diffuseLight;
float3 V = normalize(eyePosition).xyz;
float3 H = normalize(L + V);
float specularLight = pow(max(dot(H, N), 0), shininess);
if (diffuseLight <= 0) specularLight = 0;
float3 specular = Ks * lightDiffuseColor * specularLight;
tmpcolor.xyz = emissive + ambient + specular + diffuse;
outData.Position = mul(wvpMat, float4(P, 1.0));
outData.light = tmpcolor;
return outData;
struct typOut {
float4 fragColor : COLOR;
struct typIn {
float4 Position : POSITION;
float4 light : COLOR1;
float2 T0 : TEXCOORD0;
float2 T1 : TEXCOORD1;
float2 T2 : TEXCOORD2;
float2 ambient : TEXCOORD3;
typOut main(typIn inData,
uniform float3 vecLightDir,
uniform sampler2D noiseTexture : register(s0),
uniform sampler2D colorTexture : register(s1),
uniform float spacing,
uniform float transparency) {
typOut outData;
float4 furcolr = tex2D(noiseTexture, inData.T0);
float4 furcolr_offset = tex2D(noiseTexture, inData.T1);
float4 texcolr = tex2D(colorTexture, inData.T2);
float4 color = furcolr_offset - furcolr;
float4 fcolor = color;
fcolor.a = color.a;
// Y is the luma, and contains most of the information of the image
fcolor = (texcolr * inData.light) + (fcolor * inData.light);
fcolor.a = color.a;
//float furValue = tex2D(noiseTexture, inData.uv0 * float2(spacing, spacing) ).x * transparency;
//outData.fragColor = float4(float3(inData.light) * tex2D(colorTexture, inData.uv0).rgb, furValue);
outData.fragColor = fcolor;
return outData;
// CG simple Fur
vertex_program OpenSpace3D/fur_vs cg
source Fur/FurV.cg
profiles vs_1_1 arbvp1
entry_point main
param_named furHeight float 0.15
param_named UVScale float2 1.0 1.0
param_named totalPass float 8
param_named_auto multiPassIter pass_iteration_number
param_named_auto wvpMat worldviewproj_matrix
param_named_auto wpMat world_matrix
param_named_auto iwpMat inverse_world_matrix
param_named_auto eyePosition camera_position
param_named_auto ambientColor ambient_light_colour
param_named_auto lightPosition light_position 0
param_named_auto lightDiffuseColor light_diffuse_colour 0
param_named_auto shininess surface_shininess
param_named_auto Ka surface_ambient_colour
param_named_auto Kd surface_diffuse_colour
param_named_auto Ke surface_emissive_colour
param_named_auto Ks surface_specular_colour
fragment_program OpenSpace3D/fur_ps cg
source Fur/FurF.cg
profiles ps_2_x arbfp1
entry_point main
param_named spacing float 0.0
param_named transparency float 0.3
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