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complete message error
The APK file was not generated, check the signing password and file.
Unable to open 'C:\Users\A.Aliyev\Documents\OpenSpace3D\un6 gen plan\export\android_armeabi-v7a\un6 gen plan\bin\un6 gen plan\un6genplan.signed.apk' as zip file.
Check your files resources, textures, materials, mesh filenames. Your directories and file names should avoid names with space and non English characters
yes I did the same, still doesn't work.
sorry for disturb.
Yes I am sure, I downloaded it from http://www.openspace3d.com/lang/en/support/download/
Yes I have log area, but in log area shows nothing.
You should have the exact error message in the log area.
Did you tried with another demo ? To know if this is an issue on your project or other thing
All the same messages
when i create new empty scene, or downloaded OS3D.
But log area shows nothing
May be you can connect by team viewer? is it possible?
Last edited by Aslan (16-May-2017 15:24:19)
hmm very strange.
can you try to install the java jre https://www.java.com/en/download/
just in case ?
did you also tried to install the android pack alone ? http://www.openspace3d.com/downloads/AndroidPack
In case your antivirus or other security software still prevent the automatically downloaded setups to install correctly
all is done, no result. I am going to be crazy)))
Really weird it seems something wrong on your system prevent the android tools to make the app.
Do you have non regular english characters in your windows user name ?
Can you try with the portable version of OS3D ?
Dear Sir.
I solved my trouble with exporting to apk.
But I have new one. when i launching exported AR application on android device it shows me totally different colors.
Do you have any thoughts about it?
Thanks in advance.
how did you correct your issue ? your experience could be useful for other users.
On which plugIT the colors seems different ? AR capture, Picture, buttons ?
Sorry for late answer. I how I solved my trouble with export to apk.
1) installed JDK
2) I created apk due command line CMD . I watched video -it is greate, it on thai language, but by video I understand how he did.
Best regards.
hello arkeon!
i fixed my problem about unable to open apk as zip archive ....it was a proxy problem
but after exporting my apk file and installing in my device.... when i start the app its just black screen!!
help me
https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ofbgdqev14t2 … t.apk?dl=0
Can you elaborate on the proxy problem? I'm having the same issues.
J'ai tenté tous ce que cette page propose, mais j'ai le même problème.
Y a t-il une solution trouvé depuis 2009?
please use english on this forum part.
Also give some details like your windows version and language, do you use the portable or installed version of OS3D. what are your error message ?
I just remember the solution is on the FAQ http://www.openspace3d.com/lang/fr/support/faq/#q13