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#1 12-Sep-2017 19:33:10

Registered: 25-May-2017
Posts: 65

Muliple targets one seen

Ok I need to set up my classroom with four targets.  Easch target is going to have an AR video playing.

Is the best way to do this to create one target as per your green screen tutorial in th book and then duplicate this three times and just separate them out on the grid or would there be a better way.

I assume that I need only one AR capture inst but a separate AR marker and video/hide plugin for each target.

Thank you


#2 12-Sep-2017 20:09:59

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,172

Re: Muliple targets one seen


yes if the markers are different you can directly make several objets / videos instance.
But if you can't see all the markers at once you can optimize using the same object for all markers and just change the video path dynamically on the video plugit


#3 12-Sep-2017 20:42:36

Registered: 25-May-2017
Posts: 65

Re: Muliple targets one seen

Ok - i'm getting my self a little confused so can you check my thinking

Target 1
Create AR Capture
Arm Marker
Video and Hide inst
Create Target Inst

Target 2
Duplicate target 1
Don't move anything just leave it in place
add a new marker for the second instance
add new pluggit for video hinde and target and change the path and dummy

Sound about right?


#4 12-Sep-2017 23:08:35

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,172

Re: Muliple targets one seen

I don't think that you understood.
open the samples like arcards even if it's more complicated that you need you should understood better.

what you need :
- a plane object with a material texture
- one ar capture plugit
- 4 ar marker plugits set with the same tracked object (the plane)
- 1 video plugit set on the plane material

when a marker is found you set the video file path using links parameters and play it


#5 13-Sep-2017 18:29:20

Registered: 25-May-2017
Posts: 65

Re: Muliple targets one seen

I'm sort of there with it i had looked at ARcards which is way more than I need.

I basically have a room with a target on each wall (4 targets) when a target is show a AR video plays - I can get one working fine and understand the green screen and materials stuff but I can't seem to find how to set the video link dynamically and change it which is why I thought I must need multiple.

If you can point me in the direction of changing the video file dynamically that would be perfect.

Thank Arkeon as always the best


#6 14-Sep-2017 13:11:51

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,172

Re: Muliple targets one seen


to change the video file on a video plugIt instance dynamically you just have to add a link
-> video.Change Video
in the parameter you set the url or the local file path relative to the openspace3d folder


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