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Pages: 1
- shadow only works with a directional light
- HDR not working
- SSAO is not working
-the distortion of the object in the water
- physics is lost on duplicated objects
- shadow only works with a directional light
yes this is a limitation of the shadows methods implemented
- HDR not working / SSAO is not working
in Which rendering mode are you ? DirectX or OpenGL ? are your graphics driver up to date ?
- the distortion of the object in the water
yes I know ^^ there is an offset on the reflection plan that is needed for large scale worlds and the plan apply on the view and do not take the waves elevation into account
- physics is lost on duplicated objects
weird ^^ does the body wakeup if it has been touch by another or if you uncheck the freezed option ?
in the video, the essence of the problem.Photo screenshot of video card.
Pages: 1