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#1 29-Jun-2013 15:01:30

From: northamerica
Registered: 20-Apr-2011
Posts: 1,541

cost to put os3d on iphone/android

I just got a smart phone and realized this is the future of computing for most people in the world.  How much time would it take for you guys to get a scaled down version of the os3d player to work on android and iphone (I am thinking just a model viewer to start, that would download content from the internet and move it around in 3d) As a sculptor/installation/theater designer and performer(coming off of just finishing an art parade in New York City) , I could publicize my work to a much greater extent.  Perhaps a kickstarter campaign? I just raised $2400 for a public art project. But people raise thousands and tens of thousands of dollars on kickstarter for games. I think an open source project like os3d for mobile devices could generate alot of support, i.e. money to pay you guys for your hard work.

Just an would have to form a corporation in U.K. or the U.S., but that's not too difficult.  P.S, has the Maker Faire contacted any of you guys?



#2 29-Jun-2013 15:24:06

Admin. / Scol language & Scol apps developer
From: France
Registered: 22-Feb-2009
Posts: 2,024

Re: cost to put os3d on iphone/android


Thanks for your suggestion !
In fact, put OS3d player itself on iOS / Androïd is easy, the code is the same than its current.
Scol (the language) must be put on these system (+ GNU/linux), this is less easy ... but why not think about it ?


#3 29-Jun-2013 15:30:45

From: northamerica
Registered: 20-Apr-2011
Posts: 1,541

Re: cost to put os3d on iphone/android

I don't have the skill/time (house, kids, attorney career that doesn't pay much, art career that doesn't pay much) to do this project (at least for free).

But you guys have in my opinion the BEST online open source 3d player out there. You would be good candidates for some sort of crowd sourced drive.  I would just waste people's money and get in trouble. (After having a successful fund drive I know a bit about kickstarter, but nothing about programming aside from javascript/vbscript/scol)

But just putting the viewer that allows internet based downloads onto smartphones would get alot (I mean alot) of attention outside the gamer world, especially for people involved in the arts/architecture/fashion/ecommerce/urban planning/education/museums/everything besides games.

If you want more information on kickstarter let me know, this is the silly artist project that I raised $2400 through: … nd-mermaid. There are alot of mobile computing/computing/game projects on this site.


#4 3-Jul-2013 15:11:52

From: northamerica
Registered: 20-Apr-2011
Posts: 1,541

Re: cost to put os3d on iphone/android

Ok, let's say that I do want to put in the work to do this. Would it be unethical to charge people ($3-5) for downloading the player app if I post the source so anyone who wants to can build it from scratch?


#5 3-Jul-2013 15:37:52

From: northamerica
Registered: 20-Apr-2011
Posts: 1,541

Re: cost to put os3d on iphone/android

Regardless of being paid/unpaid, where would I start if I'd like to make an os3d model viewer for these os's. At the start a simple ogre model viewer that is compatible with relevant opengl shaders would be my target. Something you guys could build upon with scol features down the road.  The future is with these mobile the U.S at least, mobile sales outsripped laptops for the first time.  (Sent from my laptop)


#6 3-Jul-2013 19:38:45

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,161

Re: cost to put os3d on iphone/android

hi !

the first step for us should be to aim a scol version for linux and Mac with the SO3Engine.

after that it should be easier.
but we need people with android NDK skills and ISO skills.
actually there is also the new firefox os to take in account


#7 3-Jul-2013 19:55:36

From: northamerica
Registered: 20-Apr-2011
Posts: 1,541

Re: cost to put os3d on iphone/android

Sounds like a steep learning curve! My vote would hold off on os3d features and port the existing software to these other operating systems, I think that would build your user base more and os3d does almost anything you would want in a game engine. (Although one always would want more features, such as avatar support and ai, but you guys are doing this for free so I have nothing to complain about.)


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