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#1 2-Feb-2024 12:51:20

From: irkutsk
Registered: 19-Jul-2014
Posts: 540

we have found a strange error

The student exports a simple mesh from blender to fbx, tries to add it to OpenSpace3D after clicking next from the settings window, writes the file format or version is not supported. He changed the blender version to the old one in front of me/

I'm exporting well. It exports well at work. And here's something strange.

Last edited by vinurd (2-Feb-2024 13:51:52)


#2 2-Feb-2024 15:09:11

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: we have found a strange error

FBX format is not open and have several versions.
Maybe also something wrong in the scene of your student that use an unsupported feature.

Try to export in Collada or GLTF format that are better supported by assimp.
OS3D use the project to convert all formats into Ogre3D.


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