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you can download and try the next OpenSpace3D release!
## What's new ##
- Update Countdown plugIT
- Update Explode plugIT
- Add file list plugIT
- Add Vimeo support on Video plugIT
- Small corrections on several plugITs
- Add Online file browser demo
- Add %IP% variable
- Add bitmaps browser in material editor
- Update helper models
- Update VR templates
- Remove Dex bar template (no more usefull)
- Correction on ressources not loaded
- Add mouse wheel on float controls (over the control buttons)
Core / Scol:
- Update to Android SDK 31
- Add better support for Samsung Dex on Android
- Support Android Windowed mode
- Support files association and file dialog on Android
- Rewrite all SO3Engine shaders using unified shaders.
- Manage SO3Engine models conversion with non standard file names.
- Tests and optims on BitmapToolkit Video decoding.
- Update dependencies SkyX / Hydrax using unified shaders.
- Update dependencies to Ogre 13.3.3
- Update dependencies to Assimp 5.2.0
- Update Apple Binaries
- Update Raspberry Pi Binaries
- Update Linux Binaries
- Update Windows Binaries
- Update Android Binaries
The updates look very good thank you Arkeon. I will try.
Hello Team,
Am using the 1.87 now, so far it working as expected.
Great Job!!
Proud of you all,
You make Life easy.
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