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#1 28-Nov-2019 14:46:18

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,121

OpenSpace3D 1.82 Released!

OpenSpace3D 1.82 adds several huge features and improvements like the UI theme editor.

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1.82 – 11/28/2019
– Add a plugIT search engine (right click > Search a plugIT)
– Update all UI plugITs to use the current theme
– Update all plugITs with new input system
– Update on “AR capture” plugiT to correctly manage the device screen ratio with camera
– Update “Neurosky” plugIT with Enable / Disable action
– Update “Physic ray” plugIT with a distance event
– Correction on “Input mixer” plugIT to allow empty value
– Correction on “Dialog list” plugIT size calculation and update
– Correction on some plugITs lang files and documentation location

– Update the OS3D splash and loading screen
– Complete themes API in V3DUI
– Manage themes in instances
– Add complete theme editor for UI plugITs
– Add theme selector and UI scale parameter in project settings
– Add two new themes in assets
– Add new input system for plugITs that manage multi-touch / VR inputs / mouse
– Add a template for credential using rest API
– Add local documentation, to access the OpenSpace3D documentation even while offline
– Update material editor to allow to change light direction in the preview with a right click
– Update Android export to retain the last export type used
– Improve V3DUI precision, allowing more precision to place UI elements
– Improve pixel density management for mobiles, to better scale UI relatively to screen size
– Disable material toolbar buttons on play
– Correction on object cloning using axis when coordinates window is open
– Correction to limit floating point numbers precision errors in some cases

Core / Scol:
– Prevent CPU burn when not needed, this limits the vm speed a bit
– Prevent exception on Android deployer tool, when the file is in use
– Prevent _tickcount overflow on VM
– Correct some issues in SO3engine on widget destroy
– Correct lib path for both Android before and after 9.0 using bundles
– Correct Camera orientation on Android
– Correct an issue in action / events list update in groups


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